
Cosmetic Brand Declares ‘Women Are Over’ Launches Bearded Lipstick Ads (

Cosmetic Brand Declares ‘Women Are Over’ Launches Bearded Lipstick Ads

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1 year ago

Yep! Men wearing lipstick and menstruating. Beautiful! All of them idolizing their degenerated golden-shower-gods like Sam Smith, as I’ve seen lately!
women and children are left defenseless against the evil in our society.
So much potential wasted

1 year ago
Reply to  crisspf2000

@crisspf2000 I watched that horrific video last night! Yuck! I could not finish watching it and had to turn my eyes away from the unspeakable degeneracy many times. Vomit warning to anyone hitting the “play” button on this abomination of “art”!

1 year ago

Unfortunately, you saw it yourself. I got tired scrolling down to find dissapproval, someone saying other than just “ oh, my gosh, I love you! You are gorgeous… don’t stop.” There were a few million worshipers. I guess he could as well have po*ped in the video and still be ok for them. Decadent times!

John Smith
John Smith
1 year ago

I just don’t understand- we’re living in an age of feminism, and a company has the cojones to say “women are over?” I don’t get wokeness. It’s literally all over the place.

All I do know is, us white people suck & need to be exterminated. That much I’ve gathered from this movement, Lord knows that has been hammered into our consciousness.

1 year ago
Reply to  John Smith

Remember Oprah? What about Obama and his Mick, Kevin Hart, Will Smith? Just to name a few… evil is not picky! And also, not the entire humankind is corrupted. There are still many innocent people, good-hearted, true and truth believers in this world.

1 year ago
Reply to  crisspf2000

Whites, black, yellow, …old, young, russian, american… it really doesn’t matter. There is a battle for each one of us

1 year ago
Reply to  John Smith

You have to look at it through the slow coiling of the python over decades.

Elites choose their biggest rebellion problem at a given time, then deconstruct that, so, feminism, which purpose was to destroy family unity, lower birth rates, increase low wage workforce, degrade morality (creating women glad to exploit themselves), exacerbate gender friction and targeted crimes, and on and on (yet always sold as empowerment and the “right thing”) has served its purpose. They’re moving on now and throwing the useful idiots who carried the flag and brought that huge rift home under the bus for the next major goal.

I am not saying the first feminists did not have causes for complaint. This is always the case and necessary for any movement to drum up enough emotional momentum to plow forward for as long as feminism in its semi-original-but-morphing guise, has. Just as I’m not saying that people who live alternative lifestyles did not have cause initially, but as always, they goad the bullied to become the Bullies, backed by the barrels of government guns. They point their fingers at the common people and say, “There! They are the ones who bullied you all along!” knowing they orchestrated that too. And on and on it goes…

1 year ago

don’t do it!

1 year ago

I guess women stopped spending so much on makeup so they are trying to branch out to other markets. Seeing everything they have been doing against both women AND men makes me want to literally throw every bit of makeup (and makeup remover, false eyelashes ETC) in the TRASH and never look back, lest I turn into a pillar of salt!

1 year ago
Reply to  Hope

Do it. Years ago, I looked into the mirror and realized that God made me just like He wanted. The next time I put on makeup, I had the eyes to see that I looked like a clown with it on. Be you the way He made you — you’re gorgeous.

1 year ago

Greige in the new gray and men are the new women.

1 year ago

“Women are Over” is precisely what the wayward wizards want. The fact that So. Many. People. are not only accepting this but playing the f*cking game (“I identify as….”) is beyond ludicrous. They are either programmed fools, Satanic/Luciferian acolytes, or NPCs, none of whom are rightful beneficiaries to the Divine Realm and Life on Mother Earth.

I hereby declare: Real women are not only “not over,” we are period-raging pissed off, and throwing Lilith into her own disgusting cesspit. I, for one, will die on this hill if that is my calling.

1 year ago

“Woman are over” is damn f*****g so symbolic. Their elimination of the definition of woman was actually to eliminate “woman”. And this is a confession.