We students of Austrian Economics are also research students of history, which is our lab work. Let’s for a minute conduct a “thought experiment” where, 100 years from now in 2123, virtually no one has ever heard of Ludwig von Mises or what we call Austrian Economics. Instead, the world is dominated (as it is today) only by the so-called economics of John Maynard Keynes and his disciples – but in this frightening future there’s no opposition. No Hayek. No Rothbard. No Hoppe. No Ron Paul. No Mises Institute. Would the Wikipedia of that time answer searches for “Austrian Economics” or “Keynesian Denialism”
Today we live in a parallel world to that nightmare in the fields of Biology and Medicine, which were hijacked back in the late 1800s.
This was done by those who saw that great profit and power would be theirs by selling to the public, and to history, the Germ Theory of Biology, and by crushing into near oblivion the early blossoming of the Terrain School’s research and acceptance.
And they succeeded. We never learned another way to think.
As a result, a new field called virology was created, and today is viewed without question as the dominant understanding of health and disease.
However, virology has been built on a false anti-science foundation. And the worst part is, it was THE LEVER used to create the recent multi-year, worldwide, most comprehensive and simultaneous tyranny in recorded history – that’s not even over yet.
Since the end of the 19th Century, those who’ve worked to develop the Terrain School have been shouted down, pushed out, censored, misrepresented, vilified, prosecuted, and even jailed. Am I overstating this? No, unfortunately I’m not.
For many of you, this is all new. So very few people know about the Terrain paradigm or Germ Theory, let alone the pivotal battle for dominance that occurred over 100 years ago.
Today, many, if not most, doctors and nurses haven’t heard of this saga. The term “Germ Theory” is not taught in medical school. Why? Because the Germ Theory Paradigm is taught as fact in medical school as if it’s the only way to think. Today, it’s incompletely called “Biology” and “Medicine.”
Here’s one point of evidence: if you go to Wikipedia and search the topic “Terrain Theory” you’ll be taken to a page titled, “Germ Theory Denialism.”
Beautifully presented. Thank you!
Let’s believe only what we want and only pick facts that support only our beliefs and there aren’t any facts, let’s fantasize, says the fanatic
what are you talking about?
that’s something a pHARMa troll/sycophant would write
Anti-science…Jesus? This site shouldn’t feed crazy ppl out there. Flat earth, Covid-19 is a hoax, Germ Theory isn’t right… What’s next? Sun orbites the Earth?
hm, ill have to take a look at this terrain theory
I greatly appreciate your post and your intention!
However, rather than characterize Terrain paradigm as “trying to dominate” Germ Theory, I would simply suggest that, respectively, one contains nearly complete truth (we’re still learning some finer points) and the other is a wholly — or shall I say “un-holy” — concocted collection of abject lies (except for bacteria, which should never be called “germs”).
To pit them against each other is to succumb to a false winner-and-loser scenario, allowing for continued propaganda to feed the “germ” believers. This is how the Luciferians/Satanists want us to set up the discussion, as a false dichotomy that has nothing to do with capital-T Truth!