Journée de mobilisation contre la réforme des retraites #greve19janvier (màj : à Lyon, des antifas tentent de brûler le drapeau français, les pompiers présents dans le cortège s'en indignent)
— est une revue de presse (@F_Desouche) January 19, 2023
in Social Media
Could you warn the readers that your links point to a hardcore racist website?
Your reading sources are somewhat dubious..
Your caption is misleading.
There is no flag burning, one protester snatches it away from the other.
This is an isolated person getting too excited/frustrated during a gilet jaune protest. Gilets jaunes are not antifas nor fascists.
Unlike the site you post your links from.
What in the hell are you going on about? What “Hardcore racist websites”? Maybe YOU should warn us when your comment is nonsensical babbling.
Yes, let me repeat it. It is a hardcore fascist/xenophobic racist website.
Check for yourself.
I am french so i know the subject very well. Those people in black are antifas and they were burning and destroying the french flag while firemen manifesting(Yellow Jackets manifesting for a better life) booed them.
This is not the first time antifas are showing that they hate France and are doing everything to destroy the country.
And about the twitter account this is a far-right one, but definitely not a fascit, please know what you are talking about
Antifas/Black blocks are terrorists groups that infiltrate peacefull manifestations to put chaos in these, and the governement let them doing it.
The 2 roof guys were together. One of them prevent the other from burning the flag: out of the 2 “so called antifas”, 1 was against burning it.
This is enough to contest your generalization claim that antifas burn flags and want to take the country down.
For having seen with my own eyes groups of policemen changing into civil attire to look like antifas and opponents, i have come to ponder my views on who is who.
As per fdesouche: xenophobia isnt far right, it is facism.
Antifa are to blame as much as fascists.
Behind the wide spectrum of social/political opinions, all i see is a population on the verge of explosion.
Each finding a scapegoat while ignoring the one Enemy.
Sadly, only a terrible event can make us unite against it/him.
But i fear it will be too late.