
Yuval Noah Harari: 'People Should Be Occupied With Drugs & Computer Games'

Yuval Noah Harari: ‘People Should Be Occupied With Drugs & Computer Games’ 

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1 year ago

This guy is guided by Satan and demons in every carefully manipulated word he puts out. Jesus Yeshua is going to end this nonsense, but not until the foretold tribulation occurs.This seems to be sitting right in front of us preparing to happen. All praise to God YHWH!

1 year ago
Reply to  papazhan

Maybe he is evil in his intentions, but his is also right in his conclusions.
We are already the society he is describing.
One thing i learned from @444gem is that change must be driven from a collective will for change, and i don’t see that at all.
YHWH will not end anything, it’s up to us, change thing for the good and continue to exist, or stay on the same track and be extinct, just like all past civilizations.
Nature law.

1 year ago
Reply to  papazhan

Then what happens when it is revealed that “God” and “Satan” are really One and the Same? Let me guess, you know that’s not true, right? No. And since there is no way to prove it, you just know because you know? And you’ve never been more certain of anything in your life. The only way to fall for this would be through blind faith. I’ll pass, thank you.

1 year ago
Reply to  David

The way nature is built, life, universe, existence, proves the existence of God and Satan. Maybe in other cultures they have different representations, but at the end you cannot deny the existence of light VS darkness, evil VS good.
Because of the events we are living, a lot of people freak out, but i believe, these are the best times to live, try to find why?

1 year ago
Reply to  origami

Quit giving the schills attention

1 year ago

That fella just radiates evil.

1 year ago

he’s describing a hellscape that’s imploding upon execution, as you can clearly see

1 year ago

Living satan on earth

1 year ago

Oh look, another Jew telling us how to live. Chosen by God to be Satan’s servants…

1 year ago
Reply to  Laz

He is a KAINanite, a Pheonician, IMPostering as an Isis-ra-eli/Aryeh Yehudah.

His name gives him away:

Yuval = Jubal, as in Juba and Tubal Kain, the descendants of Kain the murderer before the flood. His name is written יוּבָל which translates as “From Ba’al” or “Belonging to Ba’al.” The Masons discover in the mid tiers that “Yubalon” is the name of their deity, Mr. Lucifer.

Noah = The One with Knowledge of the Sky, and also “leader”

Harari = הֲרָרִי Mountain Dweller

So His Name means “The Mountain Dweller with celestial knowledge belonging to Ba’al.” This is a highly typical Serpent Seed Kainanite name, which takes something of wisdom, like celestial knowledge, and then attributes it to the adversary by one of his many epithets, such as Hadad (Ba’ala Hadad = The Thunderer is Lord Ba’al), SUNak (Rishi Sunak = Divine Solar Sage), or George Soros (The Earth Energy of the Beast, THe Saros Eclipse Cycle).

Also keep in mind that the temple high atop the mountain is referenced at length in scriptures, including when Yeshua decries “The Mountain divided” and refers directly, for those that read it in the original Ancient Greek without spaces, to the evil spirit that comes out of the temples on the high mountain. The Pa-Ra-Mount (Father Lord of the Light on the Mountain) logo with its stars is an easy example in modern Luciferian symbolism.

Gunang Padeng is an easy example of one of these mountain top temples from which the spirit of Ba’al is manifest onto earth, the beast out of the sea (The superior waters, space-time in the cosmos) which is the Sun, and then the celestial knowledge of the cosmos which is brought down to earth and etched into temples, statues, monuments, and buildings, as the first algorithms which then led to computing, The Beast out of the Earth (also a reference to the moon, which was born out of an impact with Earth.)

1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem

Yeah, I’ve read enough Miles Mathis to recognize them but don’t have near the depth of knowledge on the names like you do. Thanks, that was very informative.

1 year ago
Reply to  Laz

Grateful to be able to help! Thank you for the kind words Laz 😊

1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem

From the way he speaks one can tell he feels extremely empowered, these people seriously think they are taking the role of god on earth, they believe god is a passive power, like the sun, it provides energy, creates life, but doesn’t care of the management side of the universe.

1 year ago
Reply to  blueocean

They certainly don’t believe that the sun is passive… for they worship Ba-Ra-Abban, The Embodiment of The Lord of the Light. The illuminator, who is The Sun. This is Soli-Man the solar man, the Sun Kinf.

They’ve used many names for the two headed solar eagle, in the United States, including: Hamaruca (Central America) AMEROdak (Akkadian), Amurru (Amorites), USArus (Osiris – Egypt), ATON (NATO anagram – Egypt) etc etc.

They consistently use ancient iconography and deities to name things in our society accordance with their Luciferian (light worshipping) purpose, right down to silly brand names:

Sam Ash = Samash – Black Sun of Judgement
Pfizer = Phi – φ the letter that symbolises knowledge and science Zer – Hebrew for Stone, literally meaning the alchemical Sorcerers Stone
Mazda – Ahura Mazda the winged solar Deity of Persia
Kia – The Deity of Earth in Sumeria
G00gl3 – Gugal Anna, Solar Bull of Heaven in Babylon and KuKal – Winged Solar serpent in mesoamerica
Balenciaga – Ba’al Enki Aga – Three deity name meaning “Lord of The Order of Fire”
Samsung = Shem Sun G, the Dedicator of the Sun in Hebrew with a Masonic G tagged on.
Capri Sun – Khepri is the Egyptian solar beetle
Pepsi – Apep sea – The Serpent of Chaos in the Primordial Seas
China – Kaina
Nepal – Nephalim

It goes on and on, but one vital piece of knowledge that is hidden in scriptures by mistranslations and twisted teachings, is that the enemies of YHWH are Solar Light Worshippers.

1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem

Thank you for the explanation 444Gem, YHWH Bless you for your efforts.
I learned from you that the elites worship the Sun, but they also worship Saturn. Do we have 2 opposing religions? 2 different gods?
If Saturn is the representation of Satan, what does the Sun represent? is the lord of the light also Satan?
Another topic, we all know 12,25 and the new year are satanic dates, and the calendar we are adopting is a wicked one.
Do we have a YHWH calendar? a true representation of time? what is the correct date? When is the correct New years eve?

Last edited 1 year ago by blueocean
1 year ago
Reply to  blueocean

It is PANim, the man of many faces (the word PANim means “faces,” in Aryeh Yehudah). This is Janus,
For whom January is named.

It is The NavaGranha/Ennead the beast of 7 heads, 10 horns, 10 diadems. The ILL-laminator. These celestial bodies are not evil in themselves, it is Lucifer the enlightener that works through them and the men who worship them in his search to be embodied and become lord of this world.

The calendar is currently adopted to be perfectly Solar in nature. New year comes because when this calendar was first designed January 1 was perihelion, when the earth passes closest to the sun, 91 million miles. But that day, like the equinoxes also processes, although much slower, and now it is on January 4.

The true new year is Roshashana. The Metonic Cycle is Soli-lunar and tracks much better what is actually occurring. It is currently year 6011-12 in the Masonic calendar, which adds 219 years to the public Isis Ra Eli one.

1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem

All these gods are merely the illusions of Lucifer – his play convincing mankind they are real entities.
Where did the Nephilim come from? Are the Elohim and the Ennead opposing entities? One created AY, one created Nephilim? (So to speak, I realize the words have been used in singular overlap as a regional title.) Are these Ennead the supposed embodiments of the gods illusion? Which came first, the celestial purposes or their embodied personalities, meaning, did they adopt personalities to fit and embody each role? Or were they created simultaneously?

Last edited 1 year ago by lgageharleya
u know css?
u know css?
1 year ago

add some f*****g contrast to your comment styling