
Why does GUCCI have Harry Styles, a grown man posing with a child's mattress and a pink teddy bear t-shirt?

Why does GUCCI have Harry Styles, a grown man posing with a child’s mattress and a pink teddy bear t shirt? Not a good look…

NOTE: Kering is the parent company of Balenciaga and GUCCI…No suprise there…

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1 year ago

at this point they appear to be doubling down, every other television commercial I see is about the glamorous fashion industry.

1 year ago

On another note, why do they dress their models to just look stupid? I mean, I definitely am not a fashionista. I shop at Goodwill and wear things like jeans and t-shirt most of the time. But I do know how to match my clothes with colors and prints, etc. I know how to dress myself without looking like I got dressed in the dark. They make these people look stupid and then say that we, the little people, are just not classy or we just don’t know anything because we look at the clothes and point out how stupid they look.

1 year ago
Reply to  KatB.

That’s the point, to make them look stupid and convince the masses to look stupid and feel depressed and live a life devoid of all beauty. One of the tenants of communism aka collectivism is to make art ugly (hence “modern art”) and to ensure that there is never any beauty for the masses, hence the hideous and depressing buildings the Soviet Union built.

1 year ago
Reply to  KatB.

It is not about good taste. It’s all about making a point. I guess we can all figure out what is what they want to transmit. The teddy-bear is all about pedophilia. I recently saw a video of Ricky Martin, who says he supports abused children, wearing a t-shirt with dozens of teddy-bears and rabbits in certain positions. At first I didn’t really see it, but it was all over the video, a big slap in the face. Only later when I found out about these symbols and coroborating it to his past and present actions I made the connection. They are all in the open, laugh about it, brag about it and these celebs are just the top of the iceberg.

1 year ago
Reply to  crisspf2000

Yeah, I heard Ricky Martin’s nephew claimed he raped (or molested) him numerous times! Your comment is spot on!

1 year ago

Note, the floor tiles are Saturn cube pattern.

1 year ago
Reply to  Fleurdamour

The flooring is identical to the ancient depictions of the interior star lodge room throughout the Near East. Depictions can be found in tons of ancient art with the vertical diamond patterns.

The Pink Bear itself is a highly occult symbol of The Dragons. One example:

In The Pyrenees and surrounding regions there is “The Festival of the Bear,” which features a passion play of old. A young “girl,” always played by a boy dressed as a girl, named Rosetta (which means “little pink,” and “little rose,” in Iberian Romance) is taken captive by the bear in a small hut in the town square. After Rosetta is fed a meal of entrails, grain, and wine, the bear is killed and shaved naked and the town rejoices that Little Pink has been saved.

The symbolism regarding inversal of gender, child sexualization, and cosmic world creation abounds.

1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem

Another clearer example regarding the bear and cosmogony of creation (Ursa Major, and it’s child Ursa Minor in which the modern north star Polaris is found) is in Korea, where a female bear is transformed into a woman and becomes the womb from which Dangun, the same as Dagon the fish man civilized in Mesopotamia, is born as the mythical Solar emperor (soli-man) and founder of civilized Korea.

See picture below, the common exoteric depiction including Dangun/Dagon’s Solar halo, fish scales and turquoise coloring.

1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem

The way Dangun is written provides further clues to its connection with Dagon, and the near East concepts whereby Phoenicians declared themselves rulers by Divine Rite:


檀 = “Dan” = Purple-Red which is the color of Tyrrean Purple worn by serpent seed emperors in Rome and made by Phoenicians. The name ´Ιούδας Ioudas Judas the betrayer of Yeshua, means Iodine, which is the chemical that makes the color purple for the royal cloak. Dan דָּן in Aryeh Yehudah means “Judgement.”

君 = “Gun” = Ruler/Monarch/King and is the composite of the two characters for staff/Scepter and Mouth.

The name Dangun, depicting a bearded, Solar haloed, fish-scale-adorned man that founded Korea means

“The One who carries a staff and speaks, wearing purple-red”

The mixing of the original figure of a shepherd carrying a staff that taught wisdom, wearing red (as depicted in the Hyksos rulers and at the tombs of Beni Hazan) with later a Phoenician IMPostering that shepherd becoming a “king,” is clear.

1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem

An accessory it doesn’t make any sens to wear indoors: Sunglasses.
Sun glasses is one of the biggest scams in human history.
They are harmful to health by blocking useful sun light.
But what about the symbolism behind?
In some Movies everybody wears them, is it a way to progressively normalize VR-devices?

1 year ago
Reply to  nicorico

People with light colored eyes need sunglasses in intense light, but I agree, that whole outfit is weird. The shades, coat and pants give him the demeanor of a retiree in Florida.

1 year ago
Reply to  nicorico

There’s a lot to unpack with the covering of the eyes and seeing more clearly,
but one very simple reasons is that sun glasses polarize light, making it chiral, which the serpent seed worship.

Seeing chirality giving insight into the nature of the universe.

1 year ago
Reply to  nicorico

Yep! I heard celebs wear shades indoors to hide the demons that are visible within their eyes. (Especially in interviews). Plus, it’s easy to lie if no one can see the transparency

Pp pp
Pp pp
1 year ago
Reply to  Kay

What are you on about
There’s an endless amount of interviews in which celebs do not wear sunglasses
They far outweigh the interviews in which sunglasses are worn
Saying this stuff makes you look stupid

Last edited 1 year ago by Pp pp
1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem

Another name for the alchemical rubedo phase is iosis, a dark purple red.

1 year ago
Reply to  Fleurdamour

The connections between Gno-sis (knowing six) and io-sis (Input/Output to Violet-six) is clear. That is knowledge of the nature of the universe leading to higher energetic states of ultra-violet light.

The highest visible color of light most people can perceive is violet-blue, but around 1/10 million have a fourth receptor for ultra violet. This visual perception is considered a sign of divinity among luciferians, a divine perception that plays a huge part of ancient mythology.

Further Io, was the daughter of INACHus, that is the same as Enoch, son of Kain, and Anak/Anax and Hanak, the word used to denote serpent seed rulers of divine rite. Inachus himself was son of Argos, like Argos panoptes, and the historical ANAK of Babylon in 3800 BCE, sARGOn of Akkad. Sar-Kain Ak-Gad. Anak is buried in there in the space seperation, as well as the name of their father, Cain.

The connection to the fairytale of the rose, which refers to the womb of the progenitor of the twins, and cosmogony is clearly part of the “Snow white” myth. Snow falls atop the mountains (where they kept their alchemical okkult temples), and white is the same as Laban (the white one) in the scriptures, and Nepalim (the cloudy ones.) here is today still “white lodge,” free masonry, and they often term themselves “White,” like Walt White-man.

Thank you for sharing your knowledge Fleur in the alchemical tradition. Greatly appreciated.

1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem

Let’s not also forget that io-sis is the same as Je Suis and Yo Soy in French and Spanish, which means I AM… what lays in the heart of the deceiver.

hollow logs
hollow logs
1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem

interesting statements about polarized sunglasses/ chirality..

I have always been able to see
‘auras’ around people.. usually color based..
I get terrible migraines several times a year.. I know when one is about to happen because the auras are off the charts.. very annoying.
I wear polarized sunglasses all day every day, I’m usually working outside..
I get less headaches overall with the sunglasses, and cannot function well without them..
( I wear contacts too.. most terrible vision..)
without contacts or glasses everything looks like vibrating colors.. can’t see 2 feet in front of me..I used to think everyone could also see the colors… but I know a lot can, though. anyone I’ve met that also gets bad migraines shares similar perception.

anyway, its a curse/blessing..
seeing ones potential true colors emminating profusely gives much warning/assurance.

I aint from no dragons.
Though my given name is fortunately/unfortunately quite respected amongst breathren. never joined though. however very much enjoy working with stone & brick.

also the nephlim were clowns.. or clowns are homage. Akdar. seems that way.

May Christmas on Sunday be joyous for you Gem.
– 33°F windchill coming down from hyperborea.. Warm Wishes.

1 year ago
Reply to  hollow logs

What do yo know about nephilim? it’s physical description.

Does one look like bill clinton? He has hand tremor. And his hand finger nails are elongated.

If that’s what a nephilim looks like, than there might be nephilim blood running in my family, from the line of my father.

I also prone to clownish behaviour when getting high and “running amuck” when getting low. Like the character mad hatter in alice wonderland.

hollow logs
hollow logs
1 year ago
Reply to  arif

not much really.. aside from a few video playlists I’ve seen..
alt-dimensional dmt realm jesters/
hopi indian gods/
red noses from bloodstain/
cannibal gorging/
redhair, fair skinned/
carn-i-val/ nihilisim/
pointy hats/ black eyes/
inversion of emotions
/ bob/
big feet/ curséd race
black/white stripe characters from popular programing = homage bettlejuice/jack skellington/mimes.

well worn territory for some youtubers..
Conspiracy R Us has an excellent series on it.. much of his research shared from a now defunct channel.

not funny, at all!;)

1 year ago
Reply to  hollow logs

okay, thank you.

I thought it might be cool if one day I meet bill clinton and then wave my finger nails in front of him.

My hallucination is strong, even though I’m not taking on anything, haaa

merry christmas from equator strait of malacca, land of pirates 🦜 !

1 year ago
Reply to  arif

Singapore and Malaysia are at the center of the sino american battleground, and WW3.
The agenda execution is also pretty aggressive out there.
Do you feel big changes happening in your country/area?

1 year ago
Reply to  dodido

I live in the southern part of equator, in indonesia.

Yes, the agenda is in full swing:

  1. 5g
  2. cbdc
  3. climate change
  4. dumbing down of society

There are rumours that election will be postponed, mr. widodo presidency will be extended, or he will be succeeded by his wife

Ralphie 225
Ralphie 225
1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem


Hey Gem…..thank you for the reply on the John PokerStars post…..unfortunately I still very busy with my family and now dealing with health issues of my own… any healing help would be appreciated.

I apologize for not getting back to you regarding my questions about ‘people’s views of God’s- I will try to get back to you on them …I appreciate your patience! Takk!

I do have some quick questions, if you would be so kind as to indulge my inquiries…

1. When you write, “Phoenicians declared themselves rulers by Divine Rite:”……what time period are you referring to?

2. A side question, I mentioned in M10 about a TV show, ‘America Unearthed ‘ , that discussed the Phonecians in America in ancient times, along with the Minoans and the Michigan copper mines…..does that add to the Luciferian foothold before the founding fathers?

3. Anther side question, in your ‘Devil Detail” post, you wrote to AE-LG about “shiny”….I replied and added thoughts about Dr Paul LaViolette’s work…..thoughts?

4. Off topic, your thoughts on physicist Nassim Haramein’s work?

5. What about the ‘Book of YHWH’s Battles/ Wars’ that was mentioned in the Book of Numbers?


1 year ago
Reply to  Ralphie 225

I pray god for you Ralphie, a fast recovery. God bless you.

Ralphie 225
Ralphie 225
1 year ago
Reply to  ninalove

Thank you, ninalove! 😘

Ralphie 225
Ralphie 225
1 year ago
Reply to  Ralphie 225

@ 444Gem

Sub-question to #3…..Paul LaViolette…

It occurred to me last night……

Before 2012, many people in the New Age scene discussed an ‘ascension-type’ of event that they thought might occur on 12-21-12.

It was thought that, if one’s ‘vibration’ was high enough……..simply stated,, meaning they were more attuned to the higher frequencies of the ‘Godhead’…..meaning more loving, grateful, happy, etc, …..

…..then, whatever galatic occurrence was to take place on 12-21-2012 their physical, mental and spiritual bodies were prepared to receive and ‘move into ‘ these higher frequencies with ease…….

…….whereas, those who were vibrating at lower frequencies, such as anger, hate, greed, etc etc etc, would not be able to handle these higher vibrations and physical, mental and spiritual issues would then occur.

It was also thought that these new galatic energies, would ‘upshift’ humanity, including its DNA, for those people who were vibrating at a certain frequency and higher, transition into a more ‘Golden Ages on earth……perhaps shifting these people and the earth into a whole different dimension….

It was also thought that those people who were not vibrating high enough to ‘ascend’, would still remain on Earth.

So when you wrote to AE-LG, in the ‘Devil-detail’ post, “And so now we are looking at SHINING galaxies and the universal creation of YHWH”…….

….it made me think of Paul LaViolette……however, last night, I remembered about the whole 2012/’ascension’ topic too……

Some thought this ‘ascension ‘ would eminate from our galatic center, and the G2 cloud surround the brown dwarf star, SgrA – which is believed to be a binary star as well…….

…….hence where Dr Paul LaViolette’s work comes in on the G2 cloud…..meaning could this cloud have implications on this frequency upgrade – given the EU guys believe many galatic clouds to be plasma – offshoots of Berkiland currents?

Unfortunately, when the world continued on in its current chaotic state, many people assumed the ‘ascension-galatic frequency-upgrade’ , either, didn’t happen as expected, or, their calculations were off and said frequency-upgade was still going to happen at some date in the future, or, something/ someone prevented it from happening…….


1 year ago
Reply to  Ralphie 225

Thank you for this question. This has been in the back of my mind for some time, you just wrote it better than the word mash in my mind. There are still spiritual orientated people who believe there will be a shift to the 7th? dimension in the near future. I don’t know what to think about it yet. Be well Ralphie
@444gem is this like Henoch? I found in Hebrew 11.5 but that is written by Paul. Also Bereshid 6.24 mentions Henoch. And a refference to 2 Kings 2.11, but that is about Elia taken to heaven.

1 year ago
Reply to  Vesica_pisces


The words Anak/Anax/Enoch/Inach/Hanak/Wanax/Fanax etc all come from the same root, although the variations carry meaning, albeit too much to go over here in the comments.

An = Sky
Ak = Pierce(r) and White

This essentially means

“The White piercer from the sky.”

Now, we cannot fall into materialist thinking but must apply fractal thinking to describe the tree: we must understand the roots, trunk, branches and leaves if we are to describe the tree, not argue over which is the “correct” one.

Now, this name Anak goes back to the creation of projectile weapons and piercing technology like the AX (An-Ax Divine Cutter). This relates to early Eurasian humanity that developed thrown spears and then bow and arrows which take advantage of spiral aerodynamics in order to be able to send a projectile piercer, for hunting, and then warfare tactics that allowed Eurasian humanity to dominate all other species. The English king bowmen used to hold up their middle finger to taunt their opponent because they had greater projectile range, which made them rulers by military force.

To this day this use of spirally aerodynamic projectiles used for dominance takes the form of guns and missiles, which in principle are not much different from more powerful, self-propelling spears and arrows.

This also relates to the modern term Tyranny, which is composed of:

Tyre: Bow and To Throw. In Spanish Tirar still means “to throw.”

Anne: Sky

Hence the term “The Bow of Heaven.”

1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem

Continuing on:

This term, Anax, in Greek is ἄναξ, which actually comes from the earlier term ϝάναξ which was said “Wanax,” because the letter that has the form of modern f is actually digamma, which was a slurred S. It took various forms, because of its occult importance, which was designed to hide the f form. the 6 in 666 in Greek gematria was digamma. In fact the logo from vigilant links is Pamphilian Digamma, which comes from the bent arm form shown in Monkeys X. FYI the f places each 90 degrees forms the Solar swatstik, and it was known as the fyrfos (like FIRe FOX) Rune which was often shown as Gibor (G) Ya F became G, and that’s 6 becoming 7, hence the exoteric G on freemasonry compasses. 6 becoming 7 is man becoming as god, And it’s 67 million miles to Venus, the origin of the Phoenix, who is that Ba of Ra (avian spirit body of The Solar King), hence the name Fanax being Phoenix and pheonicians. Fire is red… it all connects to make a tree. In Egypt it was called the Benu bird, BENUs is VENUs. All hiding in plain sight.

1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem

Continuing on:

appears variously in scripture, although if you rely upon the translations it is often veiled. One easy example is in Amos 7:7-7:8 in which Anak is found under the spelling אֲנָ֑ךְ. This is said “Anak.”

Now in the translation it’s “plumb line,” referring to lead, and honestly it’s just purely wrong and another of the thousands of examples of where the Luciferians had a fun time using the translations to destroy the message. All sorts of people will preach on how this meant the walls would come tumbling down and a lead plimbline meaning no more wall… It’s just horrifying.

The term אֲנָ֑ךְ means “tin,” not lead, and it is in reference to tin being mixed with copper to produce BRONZE. The metal that gave rise the Anax warlords of the Bronze Age. An example is that Agamemnon is called αναξ during his battle with Troy. Bronze weaponry led to so much bloodshed.

1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem

Now back to Amos 7:7-7:8. The term אֲנָ֑ךְ is used four times, when YHWH tells Amos that these snakes are going to infiltrate Israel, and of course the preceding words around it tell us about the Anakian/Enochian/ KAINanite ways:

מַ֣ת אֲנָ֑ךְ = Mat Anak = The Murderous Warlords/Rulers of Lucifers Order, Ma’at is the Luciferian order based on blood sacrifice, and means “to murder” in Castilian the term MATar still means to kill. Do YHWH was telling him they would bring Blood Sacrifice.

יָד֖וֹ אֲנָ֑ךְ = Yada Anak = The Rulers of gnosis the term being “hand” as in “the beast marks on the hand.” Yada means gnosis and YHWH was telling Amos he would bring Luciferian hoarding of Knowledge.

1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem

אֹמַ֖ר אֲנָ֑ךְ = Amar Anak = The Kings of HAMARu. To this today Amar still means bitter in modern Hebrew, and hear it refers to the deity variously known as Amurru, Amaruca, Mars, and AMEROdack who is hidden behind another terrible, little used translation called “Marduk.” That’s the Solar deity of judgement, the dragon of many heads that makes war. And so YHWH was telling Amos he would bring bloody war into the society.

1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem

שָׂ֤ם אֲנָ֑ךְ = Sham Anak = SHAMANIC, like shamans, and so this meant he would bring in priests that would perform and introduce superstitious Luciferian rituals to deceive the people away from the ineffable creator and his Truth.

1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem

Variously, you also find another word hiding Anak in plain sight: that is the Rgyptian Ankh, which signaled divine rite. It was, now even admitted by main stream scholars said “Anakh.”

Look to Kains son חֲנוֹךְ the text “The Keys of Enoch,” and one more place, the modern word HANNUKah. Yes the name itself encodes it. In fact herein lies the origin of what was called “the baptism of wisdom,” for all the templars and modern Baphomet worshippers:

The phrase HANNUKah also means “initiation,” and so the phrase

חניכה של חוכמה

“HANNUKah Shal Hakma”

Is “Baptism of Wisdom” in Hebrew. The connection to the Greek term “char-agma” used form the mark of the beast is in direct reference to this, being literally

Char = שור = King and Beast (Bull) and Saros
Akma = חוכמה = Knowledge. The term is used to laud Soli Man’s “wisdom” by shiva in kings.

And so we literally have “The Kings of Burning Wisdom” transliterated into Greek, out there for anyone who speaks both Greek and Hebrew. Yes the mark, is the baptism of wisdom of Baphomet, the wisdom of solar fire (gnostic sex rituals included) and it’s extending grip over the whole world as masonry and now the NW0

1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem

The phoenix is the kundalini at the risen stage where it fires the pineal and pituitary glands in the skull – the zu bird or ziz saday, and the eagle in the branches of Yggdrasil. The snake or dragon at the root of the world tree is the kundalini in dormant form, and the tree itself is the vagus nerve complex.

Ralphie 225
Ralphie 225
1 year ago
Reply to  Vesica_pisces

Thank you, VP, for the well wishes!

Hopefully Gem will address this question, as well as the other ones I asked (above)!


1 year ago
Reply to  Ralphie 225

@Ralphie 225 @Vesica_pisces

All of the stuff that was spread around 2012, year 6000 in the Masonic Calendar, was created to distract from The Truth. People certainly had an innate understanding of the importance time period, and as per usual the NW0 invented a myriad of false narratives from “the world will blow up,” to “we’re gonna enter the 7th dimension,” to “aliens are coming,” to direct the cattle’s Ki as they wish.

The “super raised vibrations disappearing souls,” was a new age version of the fanciful rapture ideas created for “Christians.” What dimension are you going to disappear into? And of course, they did not discuss the three scalar dimensions which have existed since the creation of the universe.

As per usual, the propaganda contained a grain of Truth. In 2012 the age of Aquarius by line of sight, as it has been determined until the computing age allowed them to KuKalate and shift the goal posts, was reached for all of the northern hemisphere.

The Luciferian prophecy is that by this year, 2012, Horus the antiXristos would appear to embody Lucifer in the Ba of Ra.

This is what they say is the age whereby as the age of Man, we will see a full enlightenment, or rather, ILL-lumination. It certainly has progressed as such this far, with AI (IA who is Enki lord of the Broad Street, Lord of Light, Lord of the World order) becoming dominant and taken over society completely. There are few left not infected and addicted to his illumination; the Char-Hakma. The blue light of the screen.

1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem

I will answer the rest of your questions in more detail soon. Thank you for asking Ralphie

Ralphie 225
Ralphie 225
1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem


Thank you, Gem…….and looking forward to these other replies as well.


Ralphie 225
Ralphie 225
1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem


Thank you Gem and looking forward to your replies from my other questions…


Ralphie 225
Ralphie 225
1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem


Question on your comment: ” Dan דָּן in Aryeh Yehudah means “Judgement.” ”

According to ‘Strong’Hebrew Online’, this symbol, דָּן , does mean judgement with the origin being Aramaic……yet you say it is an AY word…..

Can one conclude Aramaic is the most direct /connected language to AY?

Further, how do you know which Aramaic words are descended from AY and which are descended from other languages?


1 year ago
Reply to  Ralphie 225

Portuguese and Spanish are a case very similar to Aramaic and “Hebrew,” look to the two brothers that are sons of Shem, Aram and Hebru. I will answer in greater detail soon.

1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem

I wonder if the fairy tale Snow White and Rose Red came from that. It’s about two girls who marry enchanted bear brothers.

1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem

dude you always bring it. 👍

1 year ago
Reply to  pip

Thanks Pip! Just trying to spread the knowledge to help anyone that wants to learn 🙂

1 year ago

And why is he wearing clothes a lot biggerthan his number? To resemble a child wearing adult’s clothes?

1 year ago

Aside from the symbolism, how did he get his hands on my MawMaw’s spring dress pants?

Last edited 1 year ago by cajungirl
1 year ago
Reply to  cajungirl


1 year ago
Reply to  cajungirl


1 year ago

Because Gucci and that posing guy are gay and retarded.