
The Devil is in the Details: Demons Encoded in The Media

Among the aspects of satanic ideology in the media, one topic that is completely neglected is the encoding of demons through mirroring and inversion

If you’ve read Thirteen Monkeysthen you know that the Luciferians are obsessed with chirality, the aspect of spirals and springs where its  mirrored counterpart is not superimposable over the original image. This phenomena was extremely important in the ancient world, and is thoroughly explored and discussed in scriptures and mythologies through well known chiral objects such as Hands, Horns/Antlers, and Serpent’s Coils.

This natural property of the universe plays an extremely important role in everything from how the electrical grid is built, to how a spear, bullet or other projectile travels through the air, to how you are able to discern depth perception in your field of vision. Even polarized light travels in uniform chiral spirals and your eye is trained to detect this. In fact, the human eye is the more sensitive to polarization (induced chirality) of light than any other vertebrate currently tested in laboratory settings.

The ability of the human eye to detect light polarization-Chirality is taken advantage of to a great effect with the use of polarization of sunglasses.


However, it is also taken advantage by the Luciferians to project subliminal messages onto the psyche of the masses that sits just below the  conciousness threshold. Experiments for over a century now have repeatedly confirmed that the use of conscious stimuli in entertainment can be used to pass embedded subliminal suggestions into the psyches of the viewer without their knowledge, and the affect measurable results in their behavior without their knowledge.

Needless to say, this was known long, long beforethe 20th century, and has been used as a tool of manipulation of the masses since “Cultures” began. (As an aside: the word “culture” comes from the same word ‘Sculpture,” because it involves sculpting the people to think and act in a self-policing, self-reinforcing manner that is desireable towards accomplishing the goals of oligarchy.)

Most of the official art in Luciferian dominated cultures dating back to the 4th millenia BCE, from ancient stelles, to coins, to sculptures, to temple architecture, subliminally encode demonic figures through the use of the property of chirality. One of the hidden identities of Lucifer is Janus, the two faced man, the man of many faces. He is discussed in Ezekial as the Four Faced Man.

From the infamous occult party of the R0th$ch1lds

If you spend enough time measuring and observing ancient artifacts in museums, you will eventually notice that almost always, the art is placed off center the full object or space which it is designed to occupy, such that if a mirror is placed in the geometric center of the object length and/or width wise, encoded demons appear with great clarity. Here’s a simple example:

This trick continues Today with out media. Almost all mass media that incorporates graphics and pictures, bakes extremely intricate demon projection onto the cover images.

Beyond all of the symbolism that is discussed, this is one of the most important factors involving keeping the populace demon possessed, as the are constantly bombarded with messages containing demonic projection. Here below are some examples:

TIME – Vladamir Zelenski as Person of the year (2022)

Place a Mirror in the center, and invert the colors (for clarity) and we see who’s really in charge:

The image is clearly a projection of the illuminati eye into a cone with two flaming wings on either side.  And above the eye sits Dagon the fish Demon with his two black eyes. There are various other demons embedded in the image, including a pigand a figure with an open mouth raising his arms. They design the images in order to embed multiple demons one upon another, but the patterns repeat according to The Lesser Key of Sol-Amon.

 Mirrored vertically Big Z shows more of his true colors:

TIME – Iranian Women as Heroes of the year (2022)

There is the same demonic swine, legs up, giving birth to a child wearing a crown and holding XX with an X on his chest (XXX = 666 in Greek Numerals). They are now continually announcing the arrival of the AntiXristos, Horus the reborn Sun since March 2020.

This same face as the large on within her hair on the cover of TIME is found at the infamous R0th$ch1ld Okult party

Hiding in these women’s hair are several more demons, including swine, a larger wolf, and a cat chimera. As you can see, the patterns are extremely intricate. The swine forms, representative of ham, the progenitor of the apostate illuminists, are discussed in scripture:

The Economist – Liz Truss (2022)

The NW0 patsy for blowing up Nord Stream doesn’t need much explanation

The Economist – Elon Musk (2022)

Mr. Mask is now sporting the face of Dagon and the Bird Man, the same fish demon found in Zelenski’s neck.

Grimes face has melded into a sardonic mask, typical of the Phoenician Serpents of Dido from the 3rd century BCE and her chest shows Tannit, the Phoenician goddess of child sacrifice. The sickness is real, and they are hiding in plane sight behind the chirality of Mirror Images. SMILE FOR THE HAPPYTALISM.

The Economist – Elon Musk (2019)

The infamous 2019 economist cover that predicted AKA forewarned of everything from C0V1D to the Alec Baldwin gun incident 2 years later.

With a Mirror the Vetruvian man becomes a canine chimera,  and the title says “The World 201″ Which was the French Name of Event 201, the Plandemic Exercise held 3 months before C0V1D by Billy Goat at the Gates.

They’re gonna bag and tag em all…

Life Magazine – The Beatles (1964)

Traveling back to the analog photo era, so we can see this is not simply digital manipulation of images.

We have the Hidden hand from Lennon, and the Venus Thumb of blood Thirst and Sacrifice from Paul McCartney (who was killed to feed the beast in ’66), dead give aways there is also demonic projection

And we have the Birdman of Thoth appear in the center as well as the obligatory illuminati eye pyramid in the robe, itself a menacing demonic presence. Mirrored from the other half it gets more demonic

On vertical mirroring, Mr. Luci in the moth form shown in 13 Monkeys IX Appears.

Try it for yourself on just about any piece of media, from almost anywhere in the world, and you’ll find these forms, in extreme detail, embedded into the images and repeating over and over with slight variations. In order to do this digitally, use a photo editing software and mirror it from the middle.

These demonic projections are found in every piece of major Luciferian media of the past 6000 years. We have all seen the beast, and yet been none the wiser.

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2 years ago

but if I am unable to perceive these images then what effect would they have on me? I tend to believe that the nonsense that occultists present as ‘knowledge’ has no effect on anyone unless that person agrees with it. If we are unable to perceive the nonsense then we are unable to agree with it.

2 years ago
Reply to  Michele

What affect do subconscious images have on all of us? Why do people pay billions on advertising if all that embedded imagery, sound, etc has no impact on those not aware of every trick?

It’s exactly the opposite of what you say, our subconscious DOES pick up on every little trick and absorbs it.

Yeshua speaks of the heart as “ground” to accept seeds. Does ground care what type of seed it receives? Does a garden weed out its own tares?

Anything that flies in under your radar (awareness) you miss and it embeds whether you realize it or no, and begins to grow because ground is neutral. It will grow anything bearing potential to grow.

We are admonished to guard our hearts and this is why. It’s also why Yeshua said, Mark 4:13 Then Jesus said to them, “Don’t you understand this parable? How then will you understand any parable?

It’s why even allopathic medicine insists on INFORMED Consent, because that which you don’t fully understand, yet submit to (even obliviously) you do consent to – it is allowed to work in and against your life. No one must believe in nor understand gravity, yet all who step off a cliff will feel its impact, regardless.

2 years ago
Reply to  A E

Yeshua was talking about seeds that fall into receptive soil. If the soil isn’t receptive or if the soil does not agree with the seed then the seed will not grow.

The images may be intended for people who know how to manipulate the images like you did. However, if I don’t see the image, interpret it and then agree with it then the image has no effect. I don’t see even see the demons. All I see is manipulated images which anyone can do with any image.

2 years ago
Reply to  Michele

sorry, like 444gem manipulated the images

2 years ago
Reply to  Michele

Is it conceivable that bad actors manipulated the images and you simply cannot see them, mostly because you refuse to consider that you could possibly be missing something important?

2 years ago
Reply to  A E

you cannot lead the blind who refuse to see………..

2 years ago
Reply to  Jason

Proverbs 18:12

“A fool takes no pleasure in understanding, but only in expressing his opinion.”

2 years ago
Reply to  444Gem

Proverbs 18:2*

Proverbs 23:9

“Do not speak to fools, for they will scorn your prudent words.”

1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem

@444gem I will remember that verse next time I think about speaking to you.

1 year ago
Reply to  A E

I suppose that bad actors manipulate the image and garner information from it, but I don’t believe that the image would have an effect on people who are not manipulating the images.

1 year ago
Reply to  Michele


Regardless of the beliefs you may have about it’s effects, which are yours to have, mirroring in images used for cult indoctrination is a practice which extends as far as the Olmec of MesoAmerixa to the Babylonians of MesoPotamia.

The Luciferians have gone to great lengths over many thousands of years to embed demonic and other subversive occult imagery into their art for public consumption; from DaVinci, to sarcophogi, to Time Magazine… If they (who have so much earthly power) are spending so much effort to accomplish this consistently over such huge quantities of time and space, are we to believe it has no impact and it is pure folly of the world’s most rich and powerful over the past 5000 years?

2 years ago
Reply to  Michele

That is simply not true, it states “good ground”. What makes good ground? The soil conditions may vary, but seed will grow in the oddest of places.
What else does the parable mention as reasons why the seed did not grow?

2 years ago
Reply to  A E

‘Good soil’ is soil that accepts life and truth. Good soil does not accept death and lies. Yeshua was talking about the mind. If my mind accepts life and truth then Yeshua’s seeds of truth will grow in my mind. However, if my mind is made up of dead things like rocks then Yeshua’s seeds of truth will die on the rocks.

My mind does not accept the nonsense of occult imagery. All my mind sees is nonsense that lacks any meaning to me. Even when there are mountains of explanations and interpretations by many different people, it still looks like nonsense to me. No matter how many people try to define lies as truth, the lies have no effect in my mind unless I willing to accept the lies.

2 years ago
Reply to  Michele

It is blessed that you are unaffected by these MAGIk tricks. My purpose here is to show people what is going on, because the fruits of the tree, show that most are not as impervious as you.

Once we know the rabbit is in the hat, the MAGIk trick ceases to have all power. I’m pointing out the false bottom in Houdini’s top Hat so the trick ceases to have power.

2 years ago
Reply to  444Gem

A more apt parable for this phenomena shown here is the weeds planted in the field by our adversary in the night. I am showing all those with eyes to see and ear to hear, who have forgotten, to distinguish from the seeds of nourishment from the weeds planted among the crops.

And herein lies a very stark reality: the parable of the sewer is in regards to the seeds of The Truth of YHWH falling upon fertile soil when they are heard CONSCIOUSLY. Yeshua himself says that the vast majority will then fall away.

The Truth of YHWH is not subliminally implanted into children’s minds. It is not buried in demon projection in media images, subliminal song lyrics and repetitive grande inducing rhythms, nor flash frames in film.

It is as the stars; free for all to see in their splendor and glory, if only they will raise their head to dwell in heaven.

2 years ago
Reply to  Michele

your “upvotes” are proof that so many people are still so unaware but their ego has convinced them that they “see” and are “the chosen” because they accept verbatim. don’t you understand Christ spoke in parables for a reason? it takes discernment and you only get that by going within where God is in meditation. you have free will to do as you will though. I am done trying to wake you up to what you obviously do not want to see because you are convinced beyond reason that you are “right”. God bless you and others like you to realize there are levels of understanding and that it is only by going within will you be able to recognize or accept this. God tells us to, “Be still and go within” this means to sit in silence, in meditation on God alone. Also in Proverbs 26:12 Seest thou a man wise in his own conceit? there is more hope of a fool than of him.

jesus USA (2).png
2 years ago
Reply to  Michele

All images are the equivalent of holding up a mirror to the image, along the vertical or horizontal center axis. Which is simple to do.

Okult circles have been using mirroring and scrying techniques for millenia, and there are easily obtainable texts on the topic that date from the Middle Ages on.

The color inversions (and zoom ins) are used here for clarity due to the photo compression on this digital format which reduces clarity; inversion simply makes it easier to see. For some, like the demon standing on George Harrison’s head, it wasn’t necessary to invert the colors because it is very, very clear.

2 years ago
Reply to  Michele

seriously. I too aspire spiritually but if you are not meditating but merely reading the Bible verbatim, you do not get it. Your higher Self has to be involved so that you gain a higher perspective. Be still and know……………
People in hypnosis shows (watch youtube for examples of this) do not “agree” that they are barking dogs or aliens or prancing poodles but they WILL do it because their subconscious accepts it). do your research. you are not aware at all of how this works.

voter hypnosis.png
1 year ago
Reply to  A E

What a POWERFUL comment. Thank your your energetic transmission. The subconscious is fertile ground. You NAILED it.

2 years ago
Reply to  Michele

This is one of the most effective tools the NW0 has used to infect and sicken the minds and souls of society. Why do you think the C1A has invested billions in Hollywood and Media?

As I explained in the first portion of the article, our eyes are highly sensitive to polarised light and do perceive these demons subconsciously. Unfortunately, by simply purchasing, subscribing, or even clicking on and viewing the piece of Luciferian media we have consented to everything that is contained within.

It is the same effect as when we perceive buried subliminal messages in movies. We purchased the ticket, having seen the ads (with buried demons and obvious okult messages) and knowing who the director, actors, and producers are, and so now for the duration of the movie we have consented to be bombarded with their subconscious subliminal messages. Plenty of scientific studies, including one I hyperlinked in the article, have shown these subliminal types of suggestion are very powerful in effecting the psyche.

Do I believe this is fair or right? No, it is vile and inexcusable. But the minions of Satan and his demons don’t care about ethics: they sacrifice and shed innocent blood daily, vampire the people’s lives through banking, and cage children.

My aim is to pull the snakes out of the grass and show their subtler more powerful forms of Mind Kontrol that are plaguing the world.

1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem

Yes to everything you said. WOW. You are dropping so much knowledge. Thank you for doing that. In other articles as well I am just amazed and pulled in by your words and they you lay words out to explain something deep. So grateful.

2 years ago
Reply to  Michele

I think what you’re asking is fair, but it omits the fact that these images are potent, at least in the eyes of a Luciferian. If I use a face cream, unaware of the toxic chemicals that are inside it, does it still affect me? Yes. If I eat a poison-filled chocolate cake, will it hurt me? Yes. My body is beautiful and intelligent and wise and designed for balance — and yet. It will accept what I let in. As long as we’re unaware, we let these symbols into our psyche. Only the people who plant them there really know the effects. Even if I am willing to see the truth, be the truth, hold the truth, my understanding or misunderstanding of what I am putting inside my body will not make a difference. In order to protect myself, I must refuse the face cream, refuse the poison-infected food. It has been scientifically proven that the brain only needs a few microseconds to scan a room, a person, to “know” things that our conscious self ignores. So what if the point of these images was simply to create habituation? Homeopathic doses of demonic images planted in the subconscious can get people to unknowingly consent to them over and over again and as a result, infect us all.

2 years ago
Reply to  flower

Thank you for this well thought out and deep explanation, flower. Your comparison to the body is insightful and profound.

Our spirits and psyches are discussed by Yeshua himself as the body, in need of nourishment, the fish multiplied.

Yeshua Said:

“Very truly I tell you, no one can enter the kingdom of God unless they are born of water and the Spirit. Flesh gives birth to flesh, but the Spirit gives birth to spirit. You should not be surprised at my saying, ‘You must be born again.’ The wind blows wherever it pleases. You hear its sound, but you cannot tell where it comes from or where it is going. So it is with everyone born of the Spirit…”

Light has come into the world, but people loved darkness instead of light because their deeds were evil. Everyone who does evil hates the light, and will not come into the light for fear that their deeds will be exposed. But whoever lives by the truth comes into the light, so that it may be seen plainly that what they have done has been done in the sight of God.

The word used for spirit is pnuema πνεύμα which means “living breath,” and is the same as Ruach ר֣וּחַ in Hebrew.

And as commanded in the scripture, we are exposing the evil that hates the light, for the fear their deeds will be exposed.

2 years ago
Reply to  444Gem

From Hebrews 5, which is NOT WRITTEN by Paul, but an Aryeh Yehudah.

“For though by this time you ought to be teachers, you have need again for someone to teach you the elementary principles of the oracles of God, and you have come to need milk and not solid food. For everyone who partakes only of milk is not accustomed to the word of righteousness, for he is an infant. But solid food is for the mature, who because of practice have their senses trained to discern the virtuous and wretched.”

The discernment of this knowledge is of vita importance for our souls, which we must feed with the sustenance from the fish of Yeshua’s Truth.

2 years ago
Reply to  444gem

Anyone is able to perceive this at a subconscious level. Time Magazine cover 1938

2 years ago
Reply to  444gem

That’s really the rub, isn’t it? Everyone who says to focus only on the good or this doesn’t affect me, well, these overlords clearly know this stuff is real and look how effective they are! Preternaturally successful. So believe or do not, at your own very real peril.

2 years ago
Reply to  lgageharleya

How many times does Yeshua tell his disciples to wake up and to have eyes to see?

Emus bury their head in the sand, and then they get eaten.

2 years ago
Reply to  444Gem

I am sorry to ask you this, but will you please look at this title and lyrics and give me the lowdown for an intractable family member who is fighting against waking up? It is more subtle than I feel able to flesh out alone. I see parts but he understands nothing yet. It is my older brother.

25 or 6 to 4
Song by Chicago

Waiting for the break of day
Searching for something to say
Flashing lights against the sky
Giving up, I close my eyes
Sitting cross-legged on the floor
25 or 6 to 4
Staring blindly into space
Getting up to splash my face
Wanting just to stay awake
Wondering how much I can take
Should I try to do some more
25 or 6 to 4
Oh yeah
Feeling like I ought to sleep
Spinning room is sinking deep
Searching for something to say
Waiting for the break of day
25 or 6 to 4
25 or 6 to 4

2 years ago
Reply to  lgageharleya

He knows things are very off and that these are end times yet he is so deeply married to his music and refuses to see. He sees the soul in these artists (and is not wrong in that seeing) but cannot see the insidiousness. I am wearying of trying to show him. He pretends he cannot load this site, so cannot read anything posted here.
Additional info, he is brilliant, used to do calculous and physics for fun, but has always been devoid of ambition. So he is essentially, intellectually influenced ambivalence.

Last edited 2 years ago by lgageharleya
2 years ago
Reply to  lgageharleya

Show him the mathematics encoded in Chapter X. I will post the game of senet soon.

2 years ago
Reply to  444Gem

He won’t see any of that right now. He is fighting about the definition-splicing of “adoration” and how he’s not worshipping Stevie Ray Vaughan.

2 years ago
Reply to  444gem

He’s an anomaly. Very passive-aggressive and stubborn, like our mother used to be. Don’t know our father beyond the cover story.
He claims the intellectualism and feels a superiority for it, but it seems to me that it is the emotionalism and deep heart that hook him and he’s too proud to acknowledge it.

2 years ago
Reply to  lgageharleya

Backmask it. I don’t even know what song it is, but it’s full of some crazy luciferian back masking. Just use an mp3 reverser online.

2 years ago
Reply to  444Gem

How can you tell that visually?

2 years ago
Reply to  444gem

They are sirens.
Thank you, he is getting so offended.
“25 or 6 to 4”

2 years ago
Reply to  lgageharleya

by Chicago

2 years ago
Reply to  lgageharleya

I at least finally hit on something that struck enough to hush him for now, he said, : “I don’t believe in myself at all”
I said, “No, nor did I. But you were created in the image AND the likeness of the Almighty Creator Himself, so you go tell Him how badly he wrecked His pants on you.”

2 years ago
Reply to  A E

Pretty gross, I know, but I learned to love all these bands and Stephen King, Stephen R R Donnelly, Piers Anthony, etx through him and sometimes you have to speak the language to get through.

2 years ago
Reply to  A E

It also hopefully helps him to really see that I didn’t have to change even my vulgarity in order for YHWH to accept me. That has to be profound. It was, for me.
As He changes me, I clean up, but no measure of mine can make me so, entirely, internally, apart from Him.

2 years ago
Reply to  444Gem

Really lovely images… on the cover of Tiamat.

2 years ago
Reply to  444Gem

Yeah, that’s pretty bald.

Ralphie 225
Ralphie 225
2 years ago
Reply to  444Gem

Btw, Off-Guardian had these same 2 photos……interesting…….

2 years ago
Reply to  Ralphie 225

Very interesting…

2 years ago
Reply to  444Gem

Anther cover from Times is also interesting, from publication date perspective:
In 2007, Putin was made Person of the Year in Vol. 170 from December 31, 2007 to January 7, 2008.
Exactly 15 Years later Zelensky is made Person of the Year in December 26, 2022 to 9 January 2023 not sure if it is Vol 200 or 201.
The great recession started in December 2007, and This December 2022 the USA ordered Ukraine to attack mainland Russia: I see some analogy here.
I wish i could analyze these numbers from Gematria perspective but i lack knowledge.

2 years ago
Reply to  bellacatania

Here is the picture of both covers

2 years ago
Reply to  bellacatania

Their features are very similar, I even see juxtaposed like expressions between them on some news stories. Some pics also showing Macron with both make it plain that he is very similar in features as well.

2 years ago
Reply to  444gem


2 years ago
Reply to  444Gem

And here with a nuk bomb dropping from his forehead o to his nose

2 years ago
Reply to  444Gem

I’d have thought that to be Ganesha.

2 years ago
Reply to  Michele

Not true. not true. it’s obvious you are already at effect. do some research on how your subconscious just accepts…… does not reason. that’s not it’s job. how do you think you get to work in the morning? you don’t even think about it and you are there. you naturally gravitate towards where the coffee is in the morning without having to relearn everything everyday. that’s your subconscious, without your even realizing it. THINK consciously about how your subconscious is always recording what you see and hear and how with repetition, it just accepts it as “familiar”. Wakey, wakey. This is how programming works. Even in your sleep.

2 years ago

I’ve just gone over this once but I wanted to make a comment. Years ago there was a Bud Light commercial in which these fish creatures were dangling a fishing pole down “below” to humans. On the fishing hook was a can of Bud Light swinging in front of a moronic human that tries to bite at it as they pulled it away and laugh. At the end they pull the human up by the mouth on a hook. They just love mocking us on so many levels. Of course one level is mocking Yeshua for “fishing” for humans to help them see and hear The Truth.
Now that I see one of the powerful demons is a fish face there is another level of mocking. There is more to say but will need to study it more.

2 years ago
Reply to  thekwon

Also starting to see the tie into Genesis – and the creation of the birds and the fish

2 years ago
Reply to  thekwon

Would you mind giving a hint on this, please? I haven’t had time to really think on it much but I’ve seen you both discussing it.

2 years ago
Reply to  A E

Genesis specifically mentions the creation of the birds and fish. That they are also demons is encoded for us to understand

2 years ago
Reply to  thekwon

Helpful, thanks. I’ll look it up.

2 years ago
Reply to  thekwon

They mock and twist and degrade endlessly that which is pure and righteous. The minions of Satanas/Saturn/Baal are IMPosters of the most devious kind; the men of many faces.

2 years ago

I’ve always wondered why really old things are so off-centered. With all the other perfections, this never made sense to me.

2 years ago
Reply to  A E

The vertically-mirrored Z image is very clear to me. I noticed and was repulsed yesterday although I saw a different face in totality – now I see the pig as well.

2 years ago
Reply to  A E

I see at least 4 demons in the DaVinci man’s belly, but the one that struck last and loudest is a cow.

2 years ago
Reply to  A E

They layer them one a top another. It is repulsive.

hollow logs
hollow logs
2 years ago

well I knew the Time covers were off.. clearly hiding something..but dang..

makes me rethink the term ” cross-eyed”..
the coinage probably being corrupt from the start.

man this info is heavy, next level..

years of research hasn’t revealed this yet.. such clarity..


makes me think 444Gem is from the other side..
thanks again 444, for the free keys.

hollow logs
hollow logs
2 years ago
Reply to  hollow logs

…just kaleidescoping down the chiral spiral.. crystals..electromagentism..holograms..

repressed: i remember eating fresh cyanescens on the banks of the willamette, everything was chiraling out.. the river eddies..
the errant pine cones scattered..
the swarm of flies hovering above the blackberry thicket, seemingly breeding.. yeah that all makes more sense now. ha.

2 years ago
Reply to  hollow logs

That’s how it goes, we live in a giant toroidal vortex, spiraling in upon itself in all scales of space and time. 7 dimensions to YHWH perfection when we include scalar time, scalar space, and scalar interactions.

Our planet is in a giant circuit with the living matter of the conscious universe of YHWH breath. Look up Birkland Currents and you’ll find all of the ancient symbols represented through scientific theory.

2 years ago
Reply to  hollow logs

If 444Gem was on the other side, wouldn’t he want this info to remain hidden, aka occult. ?

Gem is just that, a Gem to this page and world, for we need truth tellers more than ever as the veil is being pulled back during the quickening.

@444gem, Question for you. How do these sickos know of the events that they show like on the cover of the magazine, i.e. Alec Baldwin, Covid, etc… Is everything planned , or can you go into more detail on the process ‘they’ use to come up with these ideas and pass them on to the plebs publicly prior to them happening. It’s just boggles my mind that people have fallen so far to sit in dark rooms and conjure up these events, what a waste of a beautiful gift of life.

2 years ago
Reply to  Buddhaboy19

Read hollow logs again, Buddaboy. 🙂

2 years ago
Reply to  Buddhaboy19


They do indeed plan everything to the most minute of details. One of the big take always from Monkeys chapters IX and X is that all of the Luciferians events are calculated to nearly the second. However there are variations and fluctuations due to the probabilistic nature of the universe.

I’d recommend you watch the film 12 Monkeys which is referenced at the start of the series. The entire thing is one big Osiris-Isis-Horus passion play. It makes it clear what is really going on: we live in a continuous time loop of quantum entangled universes. This loop is our own making. This is why he hears the radio story and already knows the end. It’s why the Batboy newspaper appears in this film exactly 24 (6666) years before AstroWorld.

At the end of the film Willis realizes this fact of looping time and the ruse played upon him with his own free will: the woman that appears at the end as “insurance” isn’t going to let anything change unless he makes a different choice.

He realizes this just before the critical moment, and yet Isis makes sure he uses his generative force (a gun shot) to keep the loop going; for if he doesn’t then they will never meet. She implicitly needs the world’s destruction in order to have her heart’s desire, and so does he. This is one of the secrets of these passion plays and mythologies, and it’s why they prattle on about Love and Light… from Paris (Feris, Iron Fire, Lucifer) with Love shall they destroy the world.

Rememeber that Zu, who is Zeus in evil avian form in Sumerian was called: DINGIR IM DUGUD. We are told, and we need to really listen with ears to hear.

As humans, we have been given true free will, the greatest gift of YHWH so coveted by Lucifer and his Demons (fallen avian form angels), and this is the biggest takeaway from chapters VIII to X: that Yeshua in his perfection has successfully pulled the thread and undone the whitehead knot forever, giving us the keys to the domain to the cosmos from which The Luciferians shall self destruct.

2 years ago
Reply to  hollow logs

I’m extremely grateful to be able to show you these things. All glory must be given to YHWH, for it is only from our father that the key is given and received.

2 years ago

This is interesting for sure. But I do have questions.

1) Could this inversion work with any picture and show us these images. Like would a picture of a baby laughing taken by a loving mother be distorted to produce these weird images?

2) what does seeing subconsciously a picture of a demon or a cow or a pig or a pyramid or an eye “do” – what effect does it have on a Bible believing Christian like me? what effect would it have on the non-saved/unregenerate person? Or a covenant child who is not yet professing?

2 years ago
Reply to  romanschapter9

Thank you for the well thought out questions romanschapter9:

1) Try it with your personal home photos of you and your family. You don’t be getting these images. They go to extreme and extraordinary lengths to embed the demonic faces in detail.

2) These embedded demons create subconscious effects which manipulate your thoughts in order to vampire away your free will. They cannot affect change on this plane unless we grant them the power; this grants them the power to carry out their will.

The mass psychosis refusing to acknowledge the dystopian satanic police state, the pervasive egotism and extreme selfishness, and the color riots are all caused by people consenting to and viewing this demon embedded media, then becoming infected, and then amplifying it’s effects across the world, through their daily lives and social media.

2 years ago
Reply to  444Gem

Thank you for your answer.
Can you take a generic picture and manipulate it to show that it doesn’t work with anything? I don’t know how to manipulate photos like this, do inversions etc.

Last edited 2 years ago by romanschapter9
2 years ago
Reply to  romanschapter9

Take a picture and hold up a hand mirror in the middle. I’ll try to find someones random, public domain family photo online and post.

2 years ago
Reply to  444Gem

Maybe one of these?

2 years ago
Reply to  A E


2 years ago
Reply to  A E

Be careful with stock images from online.

2 years ago
Reply to  444Gem

Are they embedded too?

2 years ago
Reply to  lgageharleya

Often stock images are, as they’re used all over malls and supermarkets. Ill check these soon. I’m considering going a graffiti expose soon as well.

2 years ago
Reply to  444Gem

That would be amazing! I’m thinking a lot, if not all these artists are channeling when they make these and most may not recognize a sizable bit of the meanings they’ve embedded.

Last edited 2 years ago by lgageharleya
2 years ago
Reply to  lgageharleya

There are several mechanisms at play:

1. Some of the people are certainly channeling. The sets for photo shoots are also filled with demonic summoning rituals before hand. Most of the time these things don’t appear in the camera’s fi of of vision.

You see the use of hexed objects like this at its most obvious in Baal Enki Aga’s most recent declaration for The Beast, where every photo and every item is cursed and hexed and shown in the camera field.

2. They manipulate the photos in post to enhance the demonic projection. Once you notice it, the post production manipulation in fabric, hair, and backdrops becomes very obvious.

Ralphie 225
Ralphie 225
2 years ago
Reply to  444Gem

I was going to bring this up….

I agree, for certain photo shoots, that there could have been a ritual done beforehand to call in these thing’s.

However, these things could have simply followed anyone involved in the shoot that was ‘available as a ride’ and then ‘jumped into the scene’, making its presence known, just as the camera is clicking away……it’s probably more likely that this occurrs in the majority of less important or mundane shoots.

On the other hand, one has to be aware of the potential for pareidolia to occur in these types of situations – one needs to learn how to discern and differentiate between the two.


2 years ago
Reply to  Ralphie 225

Discernment is always critical. There are several reasons we can be sure it’s not just simple paradolia:

1) The extraordinary intricacy we find using mirrors on the covers of major magazines, Hollywood Film Posters, and National Ad campaigns is far too great to be pure paradolia. You won’t find this level of detail and intricacy in amateur and small distribution materials.

2) The images of the demons repeat with little variation over many sources of media. They are not found very often in other photo sources with the same techniques.

3) The entities found correspond to the lesser key of Solomon and his 72 demons as well as a myriad of okkult literature.

4) They are nearly always accompanied by other well known okkult Luciferian symbolism like the hidden hand, one eye sign, or V hand sign. This tells us that their is conscious Luciferian activity being projected in the image.

Ralphie 225
Ralphie 225
2 years ago
Reply to  444Gem

Yes – as I said – major photo shoots – summoning the underworld – adding in symbols,, etc etc etc,, is probably a prerequisite at that prestigious level…

And I agree,, the similarities over time – including da Vinci’s work – is interesting…

And, as I said, probably for these lesser photo shoots – like for the ‘stock’ photos you cautioned AE-LG on, etc etc etc, it is more likely, in my opinion, that these entities are already attached to someone in the shoot ,or someone at the shoot who is “open” enough to have an entity tag along.

As you know, these entities can find an “open” and unprotected person quicker than Jaws to Amity Island….

I brought up the paradolia, simply to caution people who might begin to believe there are demons ‘in all of THEIR personal pics’ at home or on their PC or cell phone and freak out….?- as opposed to mass marketing material……

……..meaning, unless they are battling entities, do dark Occult stuff, mess with the ouija board, live in a haunted house/visit one, etc etc etc, their personal pics are probably unaffected……

2 years ago
Reply to  Ralphie 225

I can confirm from personal experience that they perform okkult rituals before producing media. I’ve seen it on film sets, in music studios, at photo shoots, etc. and it is not only done for major things, but for anything with a Luciferian element into it.

A lot of people do go through the industry as “useful idiots,” I’ve met a lot of well known celebrities that were really completely unaware, or exceedingly naive and marginally in the Gno. And yet their photos, pictures, songs etc. are laced to the 9ths with the imagery and hexes, and a lot of them have now met unseemly ends. A few listened when I told them The Truth before disappearing and have changed lives. Others have gone down the rabbit hole…

The reason I bring this up is that the number of minions who have taken an oath for Illuminism within the chain of production to distribution is extraordinary. From photographers, to directors to producers to the guy in the mail room bringing the coffee, I’ve received the “credentials” handshake and seen the signaling. And they really do find their way to put these things in there in as many places as possible.

I watched one guy who was making background props for a crappy B list daytime soap etching in stamps of the typhonic beast while nobody was looking during lunch buffet time. And so this works with varying levels of awareness of everybody involved… and yet invariably it is all infused. The ones with actually power are indeed knowingly all in service of Satanas.

This is how Martin Lawrence ended up on Hwood blvd with a gun screaming bloody murder for his life and then said “at some point if you get far enough, they coming for you…” He did not want to be in the gno and when he was forced to kiss baphomets rear, it didn’t go well for him.

Your point regarding family photos and paradolia paranoia is really good and an important distinction.

Ralphie 225
Ralphie 225
2 years ago
Reply to  444Gem

I’m sure these things happen in the corporate entertainment realm, Gem……amd yet,, entities can attach to people unknowingly – as many people here at VL have discussed in their posts – make their presence known via photography like you are describing.

More over, I am sure a ‘B’ level TV soap opera would garner a higher level of saturation because it will be aired on TV – reaching a mass audience via TV’s hypnosis inducing frequencies.

This entire discussion was to present additional information to the reader about how said entities can appear in media, which you did not cover, as well as a word of caution about over-analyzing ones photos into a case of paradolia paranoia, which you also did not cover.

I thought you would have understood that,, perhaps I was mistaken…..

2 years ago
Reply to  Ralphie 225

What you have written is of great importance: entities attach unwittingly, and we shouldn’t be over analyzing paradolia phenomena in our family and personal photos. Don’t want to this to get lost.

My intent was to then share personal experience with the pervasiveness of this type of intentional projection throughout all media: it’s not just Time magazine. Sadly, it finds it’s way into things as obscure as small town restaurant front window displays.

Small business owners hire logo and display designers, and end up with very obvious encodings, which they have no idea are there. It’s not intentional, and we’ll never know if the marketing company meant to do it or not, but it’s become so engrained in collective consciousness that awareness needs to be raised at all levels.

2 years ago

We’ve got Thoth the bird man demon, Dagon the fish demon, a deer demon, a pig demon, dogs are from Sirius, cats Draco, there is a horse demon (portrayed at the Denver Airport) and surely I’ve missed several that have been mentioned on here in the past. It is all sounding a bit like Animal Farm and Orwell no?

2 years ago
Reply to  thekwon

Bingo. The (animal) Pen is Mightier that the Sword.

Orwell was very keen on keeping the divine pact.

2 years ago
Reply to  444Gem

Andy Serkis (played gollum) is mentioned dropping by the Avatar premier – randomly, and there’s this quote:

And where there’s motion capture, there’s Andy Serkis; the actor may have had no involvement with Cameron’s sequel, but he was nonetheless happy to make a visit to the film’s premiere, where he was spotted by Deadline and quizzed on what comes next.

Andy Serkis on his next project: “I’m right in the middle of making ‘Animal Farm’..” #AvatarTheWayOfWater

— Deadline Hollywood (@DEADLINE) December 6, 2022
Serkis has been hard at working helming a brand new adaptation of Animal Farm, based on George Orwell’s famous 1945 novella of the same name, which Serkis revealed is on track for a 2023 release date.

The film will be animated, and is a joint project between Cinesite, Aniventure, and Serkis’ production company The Imaginarium, with a screenplay from Nicholas Stoller (Bros, Zoolander 2, Muppets Most Wanted). Jonathan Cavendish, who co-owns The Imaginarium with Serkis, will produce alongside Adam Nagle, Dave Rosenbaum, and Serkis himself.

2 years ago
Reply to  lgageharleya

That ought to be fascinating from an illumined watching perspective. Serkis is one busy actor. The Adventures of Tintin is a good one though.

2 years ago
Reply to  thekwon

I never saw that, maybe I should. I see these as instructional videos too, lol.

2 years ago
Reply to  lgageharleya

This one is pure entertainment. I didn’t see a lot of esoteric information it was just a fun ride. I did watch the movie The Rite recently which had the horse demon in it (they call it a mule)

Airplane Clouds
Airplane Clouds
2 years ago
Reply to  kwon

Enter – go in
Tain – hold, obtain
Ment- Mind
To enter and hold the mind.
Entertainment is not good.
Wake up.
Shut the tellavision off

2 years ago

If poltergeist didn’t convince you to get the TV out of the house…

2 years ago
Reply to  444Gem

Of all people you should understand where I’m coming from why are you piling on?

2 years ago
Reply to  kwon

Oh, kwon, he’s not. I know Airplane Clouds has a certain…delivery style that can set the teeth on edge, but this one, I read as just straightforward/blunt, like many of us say at times. If he posted it under someone else’s name, would you have taken offense? Gem is agreeing to the truth within the words, because they are true. You know how much Gem cares for and about you, why would he betray you to deliberately hurt you? He would not.
Offense causes us to bristle and miss all kinds of things, and misconstrue them. Much love to you, dear. <3

2 years ago
Reply to  lgageharleya

Yes I would. Doesn’t matter whose name it is. I wouldn’t use those words to anyone even someone brand new to all this which hardly describes myself. Children, or those just starting out are very susceptible to those influences but that kind of “blunt talk” with peers is bad manners and ego.

2 years ago
Reply to  kwon

Okay, fair enough, you’re consistent. I see many, especially in the south I’ve been going on about, take offense to what I see is more a “military-style” delivery, like this. It’s not meant to consider feelings because that’s not the mission and there isn’t time to gloss everything over or preface it. It’s one reason why southerners think northerners are so rude.
Regardless of this or of Airplane’s intent, you do know Gem better than that, no?

2 years ago
Reply to  lgageharleya

I’ll share this with you, because I’m a wounded one, too, so I really feel you. I was told by a psychologist long ago that sometimes the effects of neglect can linger longer than those of outright abuse, because they’re harder to process and release. It’s harder to get to the anger stage of healing because you just feel so numb. This was how I felt towards my mother. I grew up with no idea in the world what actual love looks like and a terrible hole of longing for it, and fear of it. Of betrayal by it.

Just a day or two ago I was reading Gem’s messages to Ralphie and to you and a couple other people and they were very personal and full of fond emotion. His, to me, were more perfunctory. So, I started to feel the sting, a bit.

Took me a few, but I recalled some of the things he’s said to me that he really took a lot of effort in, and how warm those words were, and realized I was misattributing. Then I considered his great consistency and patience with me over all this time and really discovered the love in those acts. Trust that consistency.

Last edited 2 years ago by lgageharleya
2 years ago
Reply to  lgageharleya

Military style is a good description. The truth is we will have to get adept at dealing with communication much worse than that.
Knowing you as I do on here I think you could really appreciate some things about New Yorkers. Many have tremendous life experience growing up in such a diverse and experience rich environment. They often a have great sense of humor and can be very good story tellers. If you can get used to the directness then I believe much of the irritation you are experiencing with so many people ‘invading’ your homeland will shift.

2 years ago
Reply to  kwon

I know I could because I have. We lived in Rochester a couple years. I determined years ago to look for and find at least one thing to love in everyone. I don’t find it so hard anymore.
Most of my family is from there, so I can see the ties beneath the gruffness. I’m not sure what all is tied into my bad feelings besides that generalized miasma they seem to spread and the forcing unwanted change on others, but I’m sure it’s more than I recognize right now. I’d still not treat anyone badly.

2 years ago
Reply to  kwon

Whenever anyone on here admonishes someone else to “wake up” it makes me recoil. Who are they to judge another like that? It is all ego and judgement and is a trap within itself feeling they are superior

2 years ago
Reply to  kwon

I can agree with that. It’s even worse coming from someone whose blind spots are so apparent to you, but they’re arrogantly oblivious.

I told Maciej awhile back about setting your expectations of others down to zero, that way you cannot be offended, only pleasantly surprised.
In your personal life, of course you need to hold standards and expectations, but here? It only hurts you.

2 years ago
Reply to  lgageharleya

I am feeling irritable today I’ll admit that. Heading to work I’ll respond more to your other comments later. Blessings to you A E

2 years ago
Reply to  kwon

How very dare we be human! lol! Take care, kwon and same to you.

2 years ago
Reply to  lgageharleya

Upon further reflection there wasn’t much to react to. I need to do a better job managing things especially when considering the source of the comment. It’s a ‘pet peeve’ of mine when people tell each other to ‘wake up’ I was triggered by it. This has not been a good day emotion wise. Thanks for being there to reason with me 🙂

2 years ago
Reply to  kwon

I probably wouldn’t have said anything, but I didn’t want you to takeaway a hurt that wasn’t intended. That would have been a worse day for no reason.

2 years ago
Reply to  kwon

I wasn’t trying to attack you (or anyone), simply agreeing with the semantic encoding of entertainment.

1 year ago
Reply to  lgageharleya

Love this comment. Thank you for the reminder on how to gently, yet firmly, speak Truth.

2 years ago

There are ways to get your message across without being rude / obnoxious. Certain movies and shows are the ways I learned to cope / understand many things that were happening in my life that you would have no understanding of. I watch only things that could be revealing in some way and keep the tv covered when not using.
Getting rid of your tv is fine for you – don’t judge me and try and learn manners

2 years ago
Reply to  thekwon

Do you think them being half animal is a hint that these fallen angels were all cherubs before they got expelled?

2 years ago

I don’t know that much about cherubs to be honest frenchtoast. I’m also not convinced they are fallen angels but very well could be. Dogs are from Sirius which is a star Luciferians worship so they wouldn’t be fallen angels. I think more will become clear soon enough

2 years ago
Reply to  kwon

Well I said fallen angels since you mentioned Dagon and Thoth. Dagon is the sea king of the water realm and elder father god in Canaan whereas Thoth is the keeper of forbidden knowledge in ancient Egypt. You really can’t tell them apart until you see them for real. In my experience demons can be absolutely disgusting and even traumatizing to see whereas fallen angels aren’t.

2 years ago

I see. Making a distinction between them is relevant and I thought about that myself. Thoth and Dagon could very well be fallen angels and I suspect that is true. I too have had some run ins with pretty disgusting demons so we agree there for sure.

2 years ago
Reply to  kwon

@frenchtoast2000 @kwon

Can you share more about your experiences with these entities?

2 years ago
Reply to  444Gem

Well first I can say that Dagon pretty much is another fallen one who attacked me in dreams before. I had a few dreams of a sea king wanting to drown me. He looked like Poseidon or Triton which is how the ancients would describe him and not the creature from the black lagoon though they have horrid creatures in their realm like that. Demons can be traumatizing to see. I remember seeing this horrible butterfly creature that smelled horrible like vomit. It then came to me that they appear as your biggest fears. I had a huge fear of butterflies as a baby. You couldn’t see it without God near you. Even Moloch appeared as a swarm of butterflies and made me think it may have links to why they chose the butterfly as the mind control symbol but really it was because it was my biggest fear as a child. I actually went to therapy for it when I was little. I couldn’t see him but I could feel the presence and hear his voice. Which is different because they usually don’t appear so disgusting. Moloch seriously loves fear. And the crazy thing is I haven’t even made a dent on seeing what is out in that spirit realm.

2 years ago

Do you know why you were so afraid of butterflies?
I can see how it (and the moth) are encoded into the two arms, two legs, head and p***s of Sol-Om-On (Venus with a p***s) referenced in the last chapter of Monkeys. I know what the natural explanation is regarding Monarch butterflies. But I’m wonder why, as a baby, they were so frightening to you? Was it the spiritual association and revolting smell…? Have you been seeing these things for so long?

2 years ago
Reply to  lgageharleya

I actually didn’t encounter these things reminding me of my childhood until recently. So it was years since I actually was afraid of butterflies. But this demon I first encountered did linger in the back for a little bit every time I fell back asleep watching me and enjoying me being fearful. That’s why I credit the Lord being by my side during the ordeal. But when I had an encounter with Moloch I wasn’t fearful because I didn’t see him only sensed him. It wasn’t my first encounter with him though. The other times he did look like the Minotaur or just a regular person. But it showed me one other thing. The aurora is the angels DNA or fingerprint. I also do question if it’s true that God chooses us from birth and not that we choose God since I have first seen demons when I was around 10 years old due to my sleeping illness. One interesting thing would be in the zodiac for me. So I am an Aquarius in my family and my sisters all share the same signs as my parents. My family even says I am my own person compared to them. And I appreciate the gesture of admiration but I still don’t understand why people want to admire me. I always feel that their are people who have experienced and overcome so much worse then I have. But yes looking back I can see I have sensed some stuff as a child. As for being precious to heaven. I wouldn’t automatically assume that since I am still on the life journey like everyone else.

Last edited 2 years ago by frenchtoast2000
2 years ago

I understand what you’re saying, but I think that, as YHWH has already seen the beginning through to the end, He knew how you’d continue to respond to Him and there must be some favor in that..?
I again liken it to His being Father – it is not only inevitable, but proper that a consistently obedient child is granted greater trust and leniency than a rebellious one, because the obedient child may be trusted with those things.

The law is not made for a righteous man, because a righteous man maintains himself within the law of God, so needs no external controls. It does not mean the rebellious child is not loved, it simply means that by very virtue of his own actions, he becomes restricted in his opportunities, and often interprets this as lack of love, when it’s actually a protection for himself and others until he either matures enough to earn them or moves out on his own and is no longer under the care of his father.

I also understand very well, and have felt myself, your acknowledgement of others in ‘worse’ circumstances, but all circumstances are relative and what’s bad enough for you is bad enough. No, maybe neither of us have been tortured in a prison camp, but do you see that you cope with much that others would be bitter and rail against? Not only are you neither of those things, you accept it with as much grace and humility as I can imagine and you are the one forgiving your parents (in advance for things they’ve not even realized they should apologize for) even as you pine for things you miss that most of the rest of us take for granted (but you still refuse to become bitter about). Am I off somewhere in my understanding and estimation?

Last edited 2 years ago by lgageharleya
2 years ago
Reply to  lgageharleya

No I don’t think you are off in your understanding. And yes I do handle my illness with as much of a peaceful mindset as possible. I think having it since I was a child really did help me since it was what I always knew and I got through the resentment mindset. Funny how everything always leads back to my childhood. There are in fact moments where I am feeling sorry for myself but overall I know I am blessed. As for my parents. I always felt they were a threat to my peaceful mindset since their ignorance drives me crazy sometimes. I want to leave them and financial reasons is the reason why I am still there but things happen for a reason and I am starting to see that I need to keep an eye on them especially as the days get weirder.

2 years ago
Reply to  444gem

My God. No wonder you say Frenchtoast is very precious to heaven, this type of knowing isn’t accidental nor incidental. How does this happen?

2 years ago
Reply to  lgageharleya

Yeshua Said:

“Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives; the one who seeks finds; and to the one who knocks, the door will be opened.”

2 years ago
Reply to  444Gem

But she has sensed this since infancy.

2 years ago
Reply to  lgageharleya

It is the humblest of us all that are most blessed in the Kingdom of our Father. You have many things Frenchtoast would probably trade you for…

To whom is given 5 talents, may they double them, to whom is given 2, the same. Only by asking, may we receive.

2 years ago
Reply to  444Gem

I know she has so many challenges that would have likely destroyed me. She is strong like I can’t imagine.

Ralphie 225
Ralphie 225
2 years ago
Reply to  444gem

Gem……in the above, you state:
” All Angels are four dimensional processes created by YHWH in this universe that are imbued with consciousness.”

If 4D processes are ‘angels’ , and space-time is 4D, and we understand that the universe contains its own consciousness- thereby, processes, are the other ‘angel ‘ 4D processes then the Birkeland currents, scaler waves, etc? Would these then be considered more like sub-processes?

2 years ago
Reply to  444gem

Could please more this sentence: “All Angels are four dimensional processes”.
whatare exactly the 4 dimension? Is it 3D(L×w×h) + time ?
what do you mean by the word “process”?
Do you have the same idea as the movie “Matrix” where the universe is considered to be a program? a complexe god version of a video game?

2 years ago
Reply to  collins

@444gem Could please explain more this sentence: “All Angels are four dimensional processes”.
what are exactly the 4 dimensions? Is it 3D(L×w×h) + time ?
what do you mean by the word “process”?
Do you have the same idea as the movie “Matrix” where the universe is considered to be a program? a complexe god version of a video game?

1 year ago

Interesting, about your butterfly fear. I am obviously not a child anymore, but butterflies really freak me out. Everyone thinks I’m weird. “Butterflies! But they are wonderful!” I don’t know. I just hate them. But I love dragonflies. Weird huh?

2 years ago
Reply to  444Gem

There was a several year period I was having recurring nightmares, seeing ‘shadow people’ (sometimes accompanied with terrible smells) and also having bizarre occurrences with strangers.
The nightmares always involved a person shape shifting into someone or something else and doing things to me. For example the worst one was being in this restaurant / club type place. It was pretty dark and there were flashing lights. Several of us were sitting at a large table in a curved booth seat. My one brother was sitting next to me and we were talking. Suddenly he shape shifted into something else – I couldn’t see his face (this is how it always went I could never clearly see the face it was out of focus or something) It stabbed me in the right hip with what seemed like a electric shock and an injection at the same time. This seemed to go on a really long time. I remember feeling simultaneously terrified and betrayed. It was an excruciatingly painful shocking sensation while I also knew I was being injected with something. I woke up in a flop sweat and totally out of sorts completely depressed for days after.
Another recurring dream was a demon vampire girl that slowly stalked me around a particular house we lived in CT. She moved really slowly but was always just behind me slightly out of sight. I would run away and look back thinking surly I got away she is so slow but always she was gliding toward me. Finally one time we got into a hand to hand combat. I got her on the ground and was kneeling over her and somehow had a gun. I was pointing it at her head trying with all my might to pull the trigger but the trigger just wouldn’t move. She just laid there not moving with an evil grin staring deep into my eyes. Couldn’t sleep for days after that one too.
The shadow people never did anything they just seemed to watch me.
The things that happened with strangers I could only describe as them being like pod people. That’s the best words I have. On more occasions than I could count I would get this over whelming feeling that the few people around me were working together to manipulate me or creep me out. They just behaved bizarrely and at that time I was picking up all kinds of things from people usually just emotional noise and incoherent thoughts but this was different. They were working in tandem watching, and thinking and planning things. It always freaked me out. 

2 years ago
Reply to  kwon

Kwon see above in regards to why these forms present within your experience. I will tell you this, the vast majority of humanity is now heavily influenced and/or mentally possessed by demons, and most are completely unaware. It is likely they weren’t specifically, consciously working against you, but that you became aware that their beings had been co-opted for “the great work.”

2 years ago
Reply to  444Gem

What you said makes sense. I’m still unclear what happened that day with my mother. What attached to me that day? I felt like a thousand pounds and couldn’t hear anything. It was like a possession portrayed in some movies.
As a random example are you aware of an American football player named Peyton Manning? He has a warm and funny personality and seems to be very personable. And yet I know he’s been infected if you will. He did a commercial once that plainly showed he is a multiple personality. His dad and brother seem the same as him – personable and funny. They haven’t gone through the SRA programming have they? Are all professional athletes put through demon implantation?

2 years ago
Reply to  kwon

On the edge of grasping something – demons are created within our own psyches and only continue on through our consent?

2 years ago
Reply to  kwon

Demons only come into existence through “thoughtforms” (I really dislike this word, but I’ll use it here for a common parlance), and then become conscious on their own. Like a psychic virus they pass through humanity’s collective consciousness and gain strength to affectuate their will through feeding off our negative emotions. the C0V1D circus was a feast for this.

You can also see this in how certain mental illnesses become pervasive in isolated cultures: such as the disease of “running Amuck.” This condition which involved grown men flying into a murderous, uncontrollable frenzy of rage, and then afterwards passing out and remembering nothing, really only existed among indigenous Malay groups. Why? because the demon formed and became conscious and then began to feed off the fear of the humans in this group in order to effectuate real world manifestations and results through their free will.

2 years ago
Reply to  444Gem

So there is a deer demon because someone once a long time ago became terribly afraid of deer and created a scary thoughtform of one. Maybe it did something scary to that person. Then that thought form was shared with the ‘tribe’ and everyone talked about it until it grew stronger with the energy. Over millenia it became one of the 72 major demons listed in the Lesser Book of Solomon?

Airplane Clouds
Airplane Clouds
2 years ago
Reply to  kwon

I’m sorry for my bluntness!
Much respect!

2 years ago

Apology accepted no problem. There actually isn’t a reason to apologize but I appreciate the gesture anyway. You’re surprising me right now Airplane Clouds.
Cheers to you!

2 years ago
Reply to  kwon

The deer form is a geometric physical representation of certain patterns and processes in the universe. And indeed people’s fear, anguish, etc. associated with these larger scale processes coming down on earth, was given form and projected, and then handed down for generations, until by feeding off people’s negative emotions, which were fed into this “archetype,” it has indeed become a malevolent presence in the consciousness of humanity.

2 years ago
Reply to  kwon

So yes, your understanding is quite good. I just wanted to clarify that the geometrical form of a deer itself Carries certain fractal meanings.

2 years ago
Reply to  444Gem

In the Bible story you conveyed Yeshua cast out the demons from the two people that went into the pigs which then drowned themselves. This doesn’t make sense to me. First of all I imagine these demons were pretty advanced in the thought form stage that they could be cast out like that and secondly why would they immediately drown themselves? Yeshua took pity on these demons it seems and did as they pleaded only for them to do that?

Ralphie 225
Ralphie 225
2 years ago
Reply to  444Gem

Its what I try to remind people,, “What you think and feel and intend about,, you can bring about.”

Thinking and feeling are energetic…..our universe responds to energy and therefore manifestations (thoughtforms) can occurr if said thoughts/feelings/intentions are powerful enough and sustained for long enough periods of time….

I believe poltergeist activity is the beginning of the thoughtform process…..and as Gem and I have said, it will continue to ‘grow and develop over time if it continues to be fed……..

Ralphie 225
Ralphie 225
2 years ago
Reply to  444Gem

I’ve brought up this concept of ‘thoughtforms ‘ several times on various posts, cautioning people about such things……..though Gem has added more depth…..

Additionally, if memory serves, some rare cases of psychological issues, like schizophrenia, may be the result of the person actually remembering, and still partaking, in their past lives – meaning the ‘veils is very thin around these people…..

2 years ago
Reply to  Ralphie 225

@Ralphie 225, Do you believe in reancarnation, karma hindu concepts, or in christian, muslim eternal hell, or paradise concept? What is your perspective?

Ralphie 225
Ralphie 225
2 years ago
Reply to  collins

Wow, Collins, great question!

I believe in a hybrid situation, I guess. I believe we reincarnate over and over ‘until we “get” it’…..however, a part of me feels the reincarnation system has been rigged and we are reincarnation over and over unnecessarily…….

I also believe that ‘heaven and hell’ are the states of mind that we predominately lived in on earth, that we then carry into the other-side……meaning if we are vengeful and angry and violent during our lifetime, then we may meet a similar situation after crossing over.

I do feel that it is important to meet death peacefully, if possible, rather than fearfully, as it will set up a more pleasant transition……

Many people are afraid of dying and that energy can create havoc , fear and negative energy during someone’s last moments……which is why it is a good idea to imagine a pleasant death…..or use a different word – maybe use ‘crossing over or ‘other side’ or ‘see you soon’……

So if you or someone is afraid, remember this little joke:

Question: “What’s the number 1 cause of death?”
Answer: “Birth”…….


2 years ago
Reply to  kwon

The weight you felt was not something attaching, but you releasing. This is the 1000 pound weight, the deafening silence of past trauma, coming to the surface and being released from your soul. You’ve been carrying that around for so many years, and you quite literally offloaded it, but first you had to become physically aware of the spiritual burden.

The next day you felt lighter did you not?

2 years ago
Reply to  444Gem

You basically just gave a scientific explanation of what I always knew.🤓Demons are born from sins and fears. Plus from experience the angels aurora is their DNA or fingerprint and doesn’t just show if they are fallen or not. It’s like their name automatically comes out your mouth when their presence is nearby sometimes.

2 years ago
Reply to  444Gem

Undoubtedly I feel lighter. Something is different for sure.

2 years ago
Reply to  kwon

Yes. I also encountered vampires and even zombies in dreams. They indeed can be very frightening and the pain really is physical. I haven’t seen myself fighting but I have felt God being by my side in dreams sometimes.

2 years ago
Reply to  kwon

Yeah and since Dagon is the mascot for the Vatican and his worship is exclusive to them. I suspect he is the one who watches over the Vatican most of the time not Satan. Even in Canaan his worship was exclusive and limited to members only. It’s likely because since the marine realm is a main tool for getting humans to stay in love with the world he only gives info to very few directly.

2 years ago

hi 444gem, have you ever watched any videos from spirit science? What are your thoughts and opinions? Thanks !!

2 years ago
Reply to  Knowledge

Hi Knowedge, I haven’t seen their material. I’ll take a look and give you my impressions.

2 years ago

Wow, this is great work Gem. Really interesting to understand the extent these people are willing to go to. Insightful. Thank you.

2 years ago

It’s symbolic, not literal demons.

2 years ago
Reply to  444gem

“Just smoke and mirrors of shadow worlds that don’t exist.”

2 years ago
Reply to  CeeTruth

The words of Yeshua and the prophets do not agree.

2 years ago
Reply to  444Gem

I don’t mean existence and its many layers. I don’t mean other realms or dimensions. I mean the reality we live in, which is prone to grandiose illusions.

That’s exactly the goal of this symbolic warfare, to increase the illusions that humanity lives under.

2 years ago
Reply to  444gem

The Emerald Tablets have taught me a lot of good with its wisdom. Wisdom that expands a biblical understanding, and a spiritual understanding in general.

One example, “As Above, So Below” is a principle inherent in all creation (correspondence), thus, it manifests itself on all levels. One thing that’s made clear in the Emerald Tablets is that the consciousness of the mind correlates with the consciousness of the generative powers. If I focus my mind on good and on the transmutation of my energy into greater energy, than naturally, my generative powers will increase, giving me greater clarity and awareness – greater life.

Conversely, if I waste my generative powers, through mindless fornication or otherwise, than my mind will be negatively affected.

It makes sense. The Bible says that spilling your seed is a sin, and it’s self-evident that the generative powers of sperm create life. Not just in the womb, but in the individual who cultivates the energy.

The Tablets are full of divine wisdom, unsurprisingly.

“Be thou not proud, O man, in thy wisdom.
Discourse with the ignorant as well as the wise.
If one comes to thee full of knowledge,
listen and heed, for wisdom is all.
Keep thou not silent when evil is spoken for Truth
like the sunlight shines above all.
He who over-steppeth the Law shall be punished,
for only through Law comes the freedom of men.
Cause thou not fear for fear is a bondage,
a fetter that binds the darkness to men.
Follow thine heart during thy lifetime.
Do thou more than is commanded of thee.
When thou hast gained riches,
follow thou thine heart,
for all these are of no avail if
thine heart be weary.
Diminish thou not the time of
following thine heart.
It is abhorred of the soul.”

This is telling me to follow my heart, even with all the riches in the world. Follow my heart, even in the face of evil and fear.

My brother, where are these demons you speak of? These words are GOOD.

Ralphie 225
Ralphie 225
2 years ago
Reply to  CeeTruth


I have similar thoughts as well, ceetruth, and expressed similiar opinions on such creative occurrences as , under the generalized title of “Law of Attraction “. I feel the elites are functioning their ‘conscious generative powers’ in a more cohesive way then the rest of us…..along with the massive technology investments to help boost things along, which is where we are now.

More so, if I understand Gems posts correctly, there doesn’t seem to be a lot we can do about it other than to play the “I spy an illuminati eye” throughout the day, and wait for these things to collapse upon themselves.

Except Berkiland currants are not vortexes……vortexes spiral to a finate point – like an ice cream cone – so there’s something I’m not understanding.

If I may, read Yvonne Whiteman’s book, “Unlocking the Mysterious Kolbrin: Genetic and Global Cataclysms” and then watch the free documentary on YouTube, “Thunderbolts of the Gods ” and “Remembering the End of the World “…..maybe it’ll help add some perspective……

Remer, as Gem says, there are nuggets of truth within many ancient texts…..your heart and gut know the differences…

Finally, regarding your “as above so below”….I often laugh and wonder, if this ‘below ‘ is so f-d up, then what does the ‘above’ look like…..yikes! LOL

2 years ago
Reply to  444gem

The biggest difference I detect is that very fine line: in all the things I see them say that are full of truth I see promotion and glorification of self, forget others, seek your own rise.
They describe it as losing ego, but in reality it is fully succumbing – they recognize forces outside of themselves and call that “losing ego” but still see themselves as individual I AM beings within – nothing outside of their own feelings and experience matters.
That Gnostic article posted even chided the “error” of seeking to become fishers of men.

2 years ago
Reply to  lgageharleya

Well said A E

Ralphie 225
Ralphie 225
2 years ago
Reply to  444gem

I never said you did say it, Gem……it was MY very quick and cheek, understanding and interpretation of things as they currently stand….meaning, that , even though we are learning and identifying the pervasiveness of the elites agenda, there isn’t much we can do about it to stop it ….again, if I am understanding your posts.

Which brings me to your last paragraph:
“When one finds YHWH within their life, and opens their eyes to see The Truth, shedding egotism in favor of total surrender, the actions then flow forth. Actions which go far beyond “I Spy the Illuminati,” because once many of us realize what is occurring, the dragon and his minions shall be hurled into the abyss and locked away with the Keys to the Domain of the Cosmos.

Perhaps, what may be helpful to many, myself included, is to implement a fixed definition of, ‘The Truth’ , to work from, as it seems to be a myriad of combinations.

Further, a discussion as to why people have been left ‘vulnerable’ to Satan & Co over the ages, may be helpful…..

– why do so many people feel abandoned by God or earnestly seek a relationship with God only to be outnumbered , outsmarted, and outplayed by these nefarious forces?

– are we carrying the morphagenic resonance from things that happened in the ancient past that that created this God-man spiritual gap?

– could this ‘gap’ be an epigenetic switch from an event or an ancient intentional manipulation of our DNA that impacts the ‘God gene’ – causing spiritual chaos in man ever since?

– why do so many people feel that God doesn’t seem to have the same ‘staffing level’ as Satan?

– why do many people feel that following God is a difficult path when shouldn’t following Satan be the difficult path?

– why does it seem to be bad things happen to good people? Is it their subconscious manifestations via LOA? Religious roadblocks? Other?


2 years ago
Reply to  Ralphie 225

Thank you again for the profound questions Ralphie. I will respond soon after proper consideration.

Ralphie 225
Ralphie 225
2 years ago
Reply to  444gem

Thank you for the reply, Gem…………I have some thoughts on this and will do my best to respond soon………extra attention needed at the elderly mothers house…….


2 years ago
Reply to  Ralphie 225

When you do find the time respond, please just tag me with the @ so that I see it.

Many blessings upon you and your mother and brother.

2 years ago
Reply to  Ralphie 225

They practice black sexual magick, which is manifested in a myriad of ways throughout society, from perverse music to p*********y. That sexual seduction lessens the intellectual capabilities of those caught in the seduction – much of mankind, presently. More than ever before, humanity is bombarded with sexual stimuli.

And they waste themselves, by the way. The majority of people on this planet (men especially) spill their seed. The elite are no different, especially with their pedophilic tendencies and sexual congressions. Yeah, it’s definitely more cohesive, because while the rest of humanity sleepwalks in desire and unconsciously follow their sex drive, the elite ritualize it and use the energy to further their goals.

To practice it cohesively in a good manner (white magick, so to speak) is to transmute the energy into a greater energy. To be conscious of yiur sexual energy and consciously apply it in a manner that can help you grow, such as in exercise, in fasting, in meditation, in sexual union, etc. To be aware of it, but to have mature control over it, like with your emotions. To master oneself.

2 years ago
Reply to  CeeTruth

It’s a simple principle, but difficult, considering we’re sexual beings. The sexual drive is the most potent internal form of energy we possess. It drives mankind, naturally, as it’s our power to generate life, but to harness and control it is to generate life within us. It’s to prepare the body for greater energy, and thus, make it a greater receptacle for the Holy Spirit. So simple, and yet farfetched to the many, because we all have desire that we don’t want to give up. But throughout all major religions, it is noted that desire (not rooted in goodness) leads to suffering.

2 years ago
Reply to  CeeTruth

The devil, as always, is in the details:

Let’s go step by step:

1) What you’ve posted here is a psuedo KJV type late middle English translation of a document that is originally sourced from 11th century Arabic from the near east, itself an adaptation of earlier texts that were written in Egyptian, Pheonician, and Sabean. It is designed by the translators to sound “holy” and to be palatable to Christian readers that are familiar with the KJV, itself a Luciferian usurpation (written by a necromancer that killed his own mother and burned witches) of the original scriptures riddled with horrible mistranslations that destroy the message.

It begins by saying
“Don’t be proud.”

Psychologically, if I tell you a negative command, it will implant this command within your psyche as you read it and repeat it in your psyche. Google’s original motto was “Don’t be Evil.” A negative implanted command for all that entered to work there, hiding in plain sight.

If I say “Don’t eat chocolate,” I can assure you that chocolate will be on your mind far more than if I said “Moderation of Sweets is healthy.” And so, this section immediately uses an implanted command to anchor pride into false humility from the outset.

“Keep thou not silent when evil is spoken for Truth
like the sunlight shines above all”

The substitution directly of sunlight as a supreme Truth, and not YHWH, is Luciferianism beyond any doubt. The Egyptians loved to speak of this Solar Truth, and then throw their slaves into burnt offerings to make that Solar Truth happy for Ma’ats divine order.

“Follow thine heart during thy lifetime.”
Aleister Crowley Said “Do what Thy Wilt”
He took this from the same source texts

“When thou hast gained riches,
follow thou thine heart”

Yeshua Said:

“Again I tell you, it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for someone who is rich to enter the kingdom of YHWH”

This text directly implies that you will gain riches with your knowledge/wisdom… How then shall you enter into the Kingdom of the Truth of our Father? You will find it easier to pass a camel through a tiny port-hole, than to enter into the Kingdom of our Father following this advice. It then reiterates with a ‘Do what thy wilt or you’ll be sad.

6) It never once mentions YHWH or the ineffable creator. Pleasing one’s heart is exactly what the “New Age” preaches in order to entice people into removing YHWH from the equation, which gets them to say I A, while they chant OM an forget that the only path to Truth is through surrender to YHWH in every breath and step.

I do not believe you have wickedness in your heart. But you are yet young, and you have not advanced to a point where you can see that Satan and his minions come with a smile offering Love and Light, and behind the mask is a demon awaiting your demise.

2 years ago
Reply to  CeeTruth

As always the devil is in the details. Let’s go step by step


The original texts of the “emerald tablets” are from 11th century classical arabic of the near east, themselves translations of varying source materials in Egyptian, Pheonician, and Sabean.

The text you posted is translated into a psuedo KJV late-middle English that is designed to appear “holy” and familiar to christians that have read or seen the KJV, itself a luciferian document (ordained by a necromancer that killed his own mother and burned thousands at the stake) that is riddled with horrible mistranslations designed to destroy the message of scriptures and confuse the message.

The text begins with an implanted command. By using a negative command, it anchors into your psyche the last words of the sentence in a way that they begin to mentally anchor into the rest of your reading of the text. Google used this at its headquarters, posting the motto “Don’t be Evil.” Michelle Obama went around saying “Don’t eat Fast Food.” The fruits show how effective negative anchored commands and reverse psychology are.

By saying “Don’t be Proud” it is ensuring that pride, shrowded in false humility is infused into your psyche’s attachments to the texts. If I tell you “don’t eat chocolate,” you willl think far more about chocolate than if I had said nothing at all, or if I said “Moderation of sweets is beneficial to health.”

2 years ago
Reply to  444gem

The sun shines over all. The Earth. To interpret it as to shine over ALL is your own interpretation. Besides, when Hermes refers to All (as in the absolute), it is capitalized, and in this case it isn’t.

“Do what thou wilt” does not equate to “follow thine heart” in the least. Free will is not dependent on the heart. One can be a psychopath and still act on free will, though obviously, they’d be deaf to their heart. What is meant here is to act according to the voice of the heart, which is that good voice we all possess within us.

“Riches” doesn’t necessarily equal material possessions, but it is self-evident that those gifted in the Spirit can easily find themselves manifesting physical wealth. It’s a natural result of a divine, higher life. This is Hermetic Principle, which states that sitting on wealth is as foolish as sitting on knowledge without using it. A man who sits on his wealth will not enter the kingdom of God.

I find these interpretations of yours to be severely misguided and biased. Not rooted in understanding or even in an intellectual rationality.

This brings me to the point I was going to make about 3rd party interpretations of holy MSS.

I cannot design these good words: “Be grateful for all the good things in your life” as something wicked. Nor can I design these words: “Manipulate people for personal gain” as something holy. I can only manipulate the way in which they are understood through further exposition.

In “1984”, newspeak is used to reduce the depth of language and its meaning; to confuse and manipulate perceptions. When spoken plainly, good words are just that, good words. And vice versa. There is no 3rd party attempting to give it their own interpretation. There is me, in earnest study, and the text in front of me. Even the layman can discern between what are holy words and what are manipulative words.

In “The Book of Eli”, it is blatantly clear that even the Bible can be used to manipulate, but that DEPENDS ON A 3RD PARTY. The individual studying the Bible in earnest will derive the good from it, with no external authority to dictate its meaning. The only authority in such a text is the text itself, and if a text is written in the Spirit and the highest voice of reason, it cannot be manipulated in essence.

2 years ago
Reply to  444gem

I’m not such a fool that I’d presume myself as wise. I’ve been studying Philosophy since I was 13.

You promise nothing, because you are not aware of my consciousness, understanding, or relationship to God and to myself.

All you seem to have aimed at me is presumption and superstition. All I can do is take your words lightheartedly, because they are certainly teeming with a dark and superstitious undertone.

I do not take you seriously. My understanding comes from above and from within. Love, joy, peace – so long as I stand firm in these as I practice my meditation, prayer and pursuit of wisdom, then I am fine. Alas, life has its ups and downs, but gratefully, all is fine. I express gratitude everyday.

Not even Hermes expressed pride im his wisdom. It’s because of that wisdom that humility overcomes pride. There is no deception. Man deceives himself by virtue of his ignorance OF HIMSELF. If he were consciously aware of himself, his faculties, and his place in the universe, he wouldn’t be deceived.

Blessings 🙏🏽

2 years ago
Reply to  444gem

Just in case anyone missed this and holds out any doubt about the embedding in all popular literature, your first point shows exactly where the name Harry Potter derives from.

2 years ago
Reply to  lgageharleya

It’s a multilingual play thst is so highly encodes:

Potter being Khainum the Egyptian deity of the setting sun called “the potter,” and of course potter in English being equivalent to Pater/Piter which is father of ancestor.

Heres Potter = The Setting Sun the Potter
Our Father The Sun

Hare Potter = Hail the Sun Potter
Hail Our Father Sun

Harji Potter = Army of the Sun
Harja Potter = The Potter Ravages
Army of our Father Sun
Father Sun Ravages

2 years ago
Reply to  444gem

Nothing is separating me from the truth of the Supreme. I’ve derived nothing but good out of this. You are speaking presumptuously, and given my understanding, you do not understand that alchemical wisdom passed down through the ages.

To speak of it as “deceit” I find to be utterly asinine. Spoken like someone who hasn’t studied or practiced it. The hypersexualization of society is black Magick – p**n, gender ideology, glorification of promiscuity, the sexualization of children, and more. That enriches the egos and desires of men while hindering their intellectual capabilities. It seduces the seed to be spilled, and that naturally affects our progeny – DEGENERATING THE SEED DEGENERATES THE PROGENY. THAT’S NATURAL LAW.

We grow. We mature. There are processes known to us, inherently, that lead to greater growth and maturity, which naturally leads us to the Lord. There is no “evil” here.

I give credence to the philosophers of the ages, who in turn give credence to God and the divine. You are not entirely without insight, but I do find a lot of what you express to be ridiculously convoluted.

I’ve read Blavtasky, Heidegger, Hesse, and others known for their philosophical depth, and not even they express themselves as convoluted as this.

“A little philosophy, says my Lord Bacon, makes men atheists: A great deal reconciles them to religion. For men, being taught, by superstitious prejudices, to lay the stress on a wrong place; when that fails them, and they discover, by a little reflection, that the course of nature is regular and uniform, their whole faith totters, and falls to ruin. But being taught, by more reflection, that this very regularity and uniformity is the strongest proof of design and of a supreme intelligence, they return to that belief, which they had deserted; and they are now able to establish it on a firmer and more durable foundation.” – *David Hume*

I will continue being a student of the wisdom of the ages, of humanity, of life, of the Divine, and will continue to cultivate goodness within me.

Your concern is not only unfounded, it is entirely irrelevant to my life, my relationships (including to God), and my devotion and understanding.

It’s quite obvious to me that our power of generation is as important to uphold as our intellects and goodwill. Ironically, in wasting that power, our intellects and goodwill take a heavy blow. That is the aim of the hypersexualization around us. That is the goal of those Black Magicians – to pervert, degrade, and degenerate humanity and its progeny.

I am not blind, deaf, or dumb. I don’t presume you to be either, but your understanding is not mine. Thank you for the advice, but you are not the voice of reason or understanding within me that guides me. That is the voice I follow, the Lord’s inherent wisdom, and while it shows me the reason in some of your sentiments, it also finds incongruency in many of them.

The Supreme, above all, the source of all things, is boundless, immutable, and ineffable. As such, our human conceptualizations take many forms, but they are all derived from the same root. That tree of life and the tree of the knowledge of good and evil are within us. The Garden of Eden is allegory, and the creation in Genesis is one that correlates to an alchemical and chemical process – it is given greater clarity when studied in relation to the Hermetic wisdom.

I am intelligent, conscious, and I am part and parcel of the universe. As such, looking within myself reveals all I need to find. I don’t need superstition, fear, or a focus on evil – an awareness is enough, to know where and when I must fight against it – and we all must fight the evil within us before we can discern and fight the evil outside of us. That is one of the major points of these teachings.

2 years ago
Reply to  444gem

I believe in Yahweh.

This isn’t keeping me from Him. In fact, it’s the opposite. Kill your presumption. My experience and understanding are not your own. They may bear a few resemblances, but I’m certainly not misguided, as you believe you were.

Anything can be a path to enlightenment – but not when you’re resisting or fighting it. Regardless of whether you’re Christian, Buddhist, Hindu, Bahai, Jewish, or otherwise, you can cultivate a relationship to and understanding of the Divine necessary to transcending the wickedness and illusions of the world.

Separation is an illusion. I am not kept separated because I am highly aware of the illusion. All things are one. All is one and one is All.

2 years ago
Reply to  444gem

You seem to know everything. You have an answer for everything.

You understand little.

Holding your seed is a part of being a Man. The Bible states that it is a sin to spill it on the ground, much as it is a sin to acquire knowledge only to never use it. There is no self-righteous appeal to wisdom, it is inherent knowledge. It is self-evident that we must control ourselves and not waste or pervert ourselves sexually.

The only ones who’d be opposed to that are the degenerates and the ones attached to their physical and sexual desires.

The wisdom comes naturally. The purpose of the transmutation is TO BE CLEAR MINDED, TO BE SOBER, TO RENEW THE MIND, THE ENLIVEN THE HEART AND THE SPIRIT WITHIN, TO GENERATE GREATER LIFE AND DEVOTION WITHIN US. That cultivation leads to greater awareness, greater empathy, greater energy, greater willpower, and more – all which are inherent to GOOD life.

Last edited 2 years ago by ceetruth
2 years ago
Reply to  444gem

Cee seems to believe that God can be multiplied by a buildup within his balls…like those cars we used to play with and you’d rev them in reverse over and over and finally let them go, and the more you’d revved, the further they’d go. This is literally attempting to condense the God of All Creation inside a snowglobe. Or make him a genie within a lamp.

2 years ago
Reply to  lgageharleya


Ralphie 225
Ralphie 225
2 years ago
Reply to  lgageharleya

God may not be a genie, AE-LG, his ether has the potential to be……which is why, even Gem wrote that the elites are utilizing it , as one of many tools they are using, to help bring in Satan, to his electric AI home…

2 years ago
Reply to  Ralphie 225

I understand that. I don’t mock that it can be so, clearly they use many methods to manipulate, I use a familiar illustration and direct speech so it may be seen how crassly a way this is to try to relate to Him.

I have understood some new truths tonite, Ralphie.

I woke an hour and a half ago, and my husband mumbled, “Go back to sleep” and started to lightly chuckle, even as he lay snoring. I knew this was not him actually speaking. Side note: he has been increasingly angry of late, reports not feeling well but has no specifics, etc.

So I began that old exercise of speaking to him again with my mind and I had a very clear dawning that that concept of speaking to God/praying only within your own thoughts so other entities cannot hear you (someone, either Fleur or Frenchtoast once stated this, but I’ve heard many Christians say it over the years) is by no means a failsafe, because this was a demon mocking me. It continued on a bit and even tried to get me to leave the room, which I have been doing about that same time every morning for a couple months now. The demon would wake him whenever I’d wake and keep him awake hours, so I got into the habit of trying to keep my energy very quiet and to leave the room so he could sleep.

I asked YHWH if they could hear me, if I was understanding properly and He said yes and I felt a “highlighting” over my third eye.
Today, I refused to leave.

So, I lay there and went through the same process with him as I described having done before for myself, although it was far easier this time and I didn’t have to travel to each area to find them as before, if I wanted to I could just compel them to come to where I was and cast them away from there. Instead of only eyes I saw full faces of some of them and in more color – still a little hazy around the edges but far more clearly than before. I saw the phoenix and I could feel the difference in the evil on several of them.

As I went through and did this work, the voices speaking through him to mock and giggle ceased. My daughter and son-in-law come in the morning, so we will see how this has impacted him. I forewarned them yesterday that he has been volatile lately and that if he cannot maintain composure we would go to their house as we have items of business to discuss.

When I finished, I recalled your description of closing yourself, so I did as best I recall, for us both. I asked YHWH to close us (I heard one last giggle from very base levels, so had to go back to rid that one, too, then asked again) and visualized a vortex spinning. I couldn’t recall whether you said to close counter-wise or clock, so may I ask that again?

2 years ago
Reply to  lgageharleya

The way I did it was counter to push down, clockwise to raise up, and therefore to end, as a close.

Ralphie 225
Ralphie 225
2 years ago
Reply to  lgageharleya

I never use a clockwise or counter clockwise method….too confusing. Just pull back /give back the energies and close your Chakra ‘doors’……best to find an image that works for you that represents ‘closed for business and nothing is getting through’….

2 years ago
Reply to  Ralphie 225

Okay, thanks. For some reason I still find that part hard. Seems it should be the easier bit.

2 years ago
Reply to  lgageharleya

This is rather profane of you to express.

I never wrote “God can be multiplied by a buildup of sperm”, that makes no sense. But we, as humans, give birth to other humans, and just as the quality of the seed and its soil dictates its growth and maturity, so does the quality of the human seed (sperm) and its soil (womb) dictate it’s growth and maturity.

There’s a reason the Bible says to wait until marriage. This isn’t a mystery, you’re just ignorant to it, because most likely, it offends your sexual sensibilities. There is no immaculate conception without an immaculate seed.

It’s ironic you’d say this is a compartmentalization of God. Extremely ironic.

2 years ago
Reply to  CeeTruth

Profane of me?
Please, regale me as to my ignorant sensibilities.
And there is no immaculate conception, I agree. Strive away.

2 years ago
Reply to  lgageharleya

There’s a reason this knowledge has been kept from the ignorant and the profane. As self-evident as it is, humanity is blind to it because they are seduced by this world of pleasure and the temptations of the flesh.

The degeneration of human sexual life naturally leads to a degeneration of human spiritual life.

I’m not expressing anything new, and this shouldn’t be a mystery to a believer.

2 years ago
Reply to  CeeTruth

As I have said (ad nauseum) there is a lot of truth in the things you (regurge) say, but you also cling to the fine line where it derails as if that is also truth.
The real profane are those who believe themselves so above other human beings that they degrade, enslave, torture and in every way conceivable crush them beneath their feet. You do not, perhaps can not, see your own mammoth arrogance. You attribute God into the things He’s created. You concern yourself with only yourself and your own personal “enlightenment” even as you claim we are all one, yet “profane”. Can you not see this in yourself?

2 years ago
Reply to  444gem

You’re saying it’s reverse psychology, and I completely disagree.

There is no veil. The words are plain to read. There is no attempt to “disguise them as holy words”, that’s absurd. They are words that convey good principles and applications of wisdom. There is no negative, veiled meaning behind it. They may be translations, but they are conveyed as clear as day.

I feel like you’re attempting to tread up dirt where there is no ground.

2 years ago
Reply to  444gem

Ah, thank you. Is that direct route how they still convince them today, or are the old tales now enough?

2 years ago
Reply to  444gem

Humanity used sacred knowledge to manipulate other humans?

And you use that to justify that knowledge as wicked? That’s ridiculously absurd and shortsighted. The Bible has also been used to manipulate. Is it teeming with evil knowledge?

2 years ago
Reply to  444gem

I am a native Arab speaker and you are pretty much right, i will add this to make things clear:
wisdom in Arabic is written : حكمة and spelled “Hikma” which is pretty close to Hebrew.
Arabic does not have vowels, it has “accents” or as it is called in Arabic “movements”, and the plural of حكمة which is wisdom, is “Hikam” which is written حكم
You are also right: “Hokm” which is also written حكم and indeed means authority, governance, power, judgment.
The verb “to judge” or “to rule” is also written حكم but with accents spelled “hakama”
To be 100% sure in Arabic, we need the movements.
The word حكيم spelled “Hakim” is an adjective that means wise.
When we add ال or “the” in English we get الحكيم , which means “the wise” and is considered to be another name of “allah” الله or God in English.
@444gem i have a question about Islamic religion and Saturn worshipping:
In Islam the the pilgrimage to Mecca or as it is called in Arabic “Hajj” is on of the 5 pillars of Islam and an important religious act that must be performed at least once in a lifetime, Muslims believe that after a successful haj all sins are erased, and you are granted paradise.
The ritual of “Tawaf” involves walking seven times counterclockwise around the Kaaba or “The black cube”, Millions of Muslims think they are worshipping God when in reality they are worshipping Saturn, Is “Hajj” a satanic festival?
What is the origin of this ritual? is it a success story of how Luciferians twist consciousness and make Millions think they are worshipping God when in reality they are worshipping Satan?
By the way i think The word “Satan” comes from Arabic “al-Shayṭān” الشيطان
In Arabic Satan is also called “Iblis” إِبْلِيس.
Thank you for sharing your wisdom

2 years ago
Reply to  hajar


شكرا جزيلا لك
Thank you so much for the clarifications on everything. It is so nice to have more wisdom from this world here to help us all continue to learn and grow.

The use of diacritical marks in Arabic, what you called “movements,” appears to be very similar to ancient Hebrew. Many of the words like Hakma are still quite similar too. Ive studied lithographs of the emerald tablets earliest surviving copies and the word حكم was my first clue of the documents true intended purpose.

Again thank you very much for the clarification.

2 years ago
Reply to  444Gem

Regarding your question of the black Kube and Hajj, yes it’s the Saturn Black Kube. As Kabbalah in Hebrew, is the Kabbalah. The 7 passages around are for Saturn being the 7th celestial body of the solar system, including the sun.

Let’s examine the word Kabbalah and Alla, because they hide an enormous ruse placed over the eyes of many people that live to please the ineffable creator.

In Hebrew it is written: קַבָּלָה
QBLH with the vowels using the diacritical marks (movements.)

The gematria of the word is 137. Which encodes the fine structure constant 1/137. This is the ratio of strength between electromagnetic coupling. If it were any different, then no matter in the universe would exist and everything would be an energy soup. In the Scriptures, the 137th letter used is Alef and it is for the word אור AUR which means “Light,” and is the phrase that YHWH said “Let there be Light” when creating the universe.

Hence the black kube represents the black empty space, the primordial waters of chaos, that is the fundamental “generative force” from which existence and all things emanate. This may seem to represent YHWH, but in reality they are generating that Lucifer, the fundamental generative force is mono present in this black kube of materiality.

2 years ago
Reply to  444Gem

Let’s continue by examining the word Further.

Qabbalah is also
Ka : Spirit Essence in Egyptian
Abba : Lord/Father
Al : אל like Elohim the ineffable creator
La : is “Not” just like in Arabic

It means “The Spirit Essence of the Lord YHWH is not” literally meaning “there is no YHWH.”

Yes Allah is written the same as the mark of the beast in Ancient Greek, and it means “There is no YHWH” They have substituted the name of our one true creator with the phrase denying his existence. The Luciferians are cruel and devious.

They have also substituted this same in English where the word God comes from the Phoenician word גד said “Gad/God” which is the deity of favor and fortune, an epithet for Baal, who is Satan.

In fact the origin of the name used for Allah goes back directly to Sumerian where one of the Sukkals of the underworld was Alla. He was known as “lord of the net,” used to drag souls and trap them into the underworld.

2 years ago
Reply to  444Gem

I have a question about “Aryeh Yehudah” tree, are they semites? descendents of Shem?
Is Abraham or in Arabic Ibrahim who stood against Nemrod also an Aryeh Yehudah?
I live in an Arab country, and in school they used to teach us that Abraham had 2 wives, Sarah who is the mother of the Jewish tree, and Hajar the mother of the Arab tree with her son Ismael. We are descendents of Ismael. Is that true?
Hajar was the maid of Sarah and at the time Sarah was unable to have kids, Abraham married Hajar to have kids and when Hjar fell pregnant, Sarah was jalous and ordered Abraham to abandon Hajar somewhere in the desert, God approved Sarah’s wish and Abraham then took Hajar once the baby was born to what is now known Mecca, he left her alone with the baby and told her God will take care of you.
This is reported in Hadith, in Boukhari and Muslim, people who know a bit about islam will understand how important these two names are in Islamic theology.
After that Angels came to Abraham’s house and informed Sarah she will be pregnant and give birth to the jewish tree of prophets, this Angel visit is written in Quoran.
This story as absurd as it may look sparked till now endless wars.
So the root of eternal Arab, jew hatred is women rivalry, we study this in schools!!!
i read Quoran in Arabic and i can understand the true meanings, when i compare with translations it looks like a Joke. Thank you 444gem for always insisting in the importance to study “Holly” books in original language. For Sure the distortions in Bible’s translation also must be huge.
I would love to have access to a book written by Aryeh Yehudah, could you advise of holly books worth studying, reading? With minimal distortions?

2 years ago
Reply to  444Gem

Lucifer being the generative force explains a wealth to me. But how does Lucifer develop ego? Or is it the expression of the desire to master and control that generative force within humans that is the only real manifestation of what we perceive to be Lucifer? Some Satanists claim to worship no one (or more truthfully, to worship themselves) – is this the only real way Lucifer may become embodied? Is there an active consciousness beyond man’s that is an actual spiritual being?

2 years ago
Reply to  lgageharleya

Within a more scientific terminology, these are called emergent phenomena, in which within complex system, ORder arises, that being the word אור in Hebrew translated as “light,” but which is wholly inadequate, as the word Aur/Or/Ur encompasses the ordered nature of physics within the universe.

This translation is not ‘wrong,’ per say, but it so incredibly misleading by shedding half the information; like changing the word shape for polygon. You lose 1/2 of the possible shapes like lines, open curves, etc if you only consider polygons. The lack of footnotes and teachings and explanations of this word, even among modern Hebrew speakers, is quite horrifying.

So YHWH with his voice, that is vibration, creates the ordered structure of the material universe and all of its physical constants. This of course resulted in the creation of the first light as well through the interactions of this material, eternally vibrating and spiraling universe.

So back to emergent phenomena; this effect is the real hidden hand, which does exist. Complex interacting Systems, whether that’s planetary bodies, ecosystems, human communities, the cells within your body, all self organize according to energetic efficiency. This is why plants encode the golden section (Gold=Or in Latin), as it’s the most efficient way to capture sunlight. It’s why your brain nerve cells look like the filaments connecting the universe (ie birkland currents) and tree branches, as it’s the most efficient way to generate complex nodes. They are all emergent phenomena of the efficiency of vibration within the ORder created by YHWH.

Awareness of this phenomena can allow it to be manipulated. An example is the wolf becoming a chihuahua through humans manipulating this phenomena to create repeating cyclical situations where being small and domestic and yappy, was a more efficient emergent phenomena than being a hunter: ie being in a tiny cage with restricted food that depended upon human favor.

The Luciferians worship the underlying nature of the emergent phenomena and disregard YHWH. Ka-Abba-Al-La: The Spirit of Our Father Elohim is NOT.”

So regarding your question, Lucifer, as the generative force that leads to temporal change, that is the forward motion of entropy and this time, becomes conscious because the universe is conscious by the nature.

This is the how and why of all angels exist. Not purely a human construct, but the emergent phenomena of Order within the universe. Their consciousness is required by he conscious nature of the living breath of YHWH.

2 years ago
Reply to  444Gem

Continuing on:

The word “Ego” comes from the Ancient Greek phrase ἐγώ εἰμι “Ego Eimi” which means I AM.

And so these emergent phenomena, the ones born out of repeating processes that are the natural occurrence of ORder in the universe, are capable of realizing I AM. Lucifer, as the principle generative force, sits atop the pyramid, for without entropy changes creating time and motion, then there is no other material processes. This is where paganism got to worshipping humanized forms as Daimons and deities: Lightning is an emergent phenomena of Birkland Currents and Hydraulic interactions in a gaseous medium of primarily Oxygen and Nitrogen. Ir the earth is one giant ceramic capacitor, the mud of the earth, the inner core, the sea water and air acting as one giant capacitor that connects to the galactic web. The Luciferians convinced everyone these emergent phenomena are to be worshipped, while we try to show everybody they are all derived from the voice of the one true ineffable creator.

These phenomena must obey the ORder set forth by the voice of YHWH. They have no free will, but obey the laws of “physics.” We have free will and can manipulate, Mani=Manu= Hand. Do you see that M shape in your palm?

U-Man-U = Human
U = 10 in Sumerian
Man = Hand
U = ten

“10 fingers on two hands”

So here lies where Lucifer must use use: he must obey the laws of physics but has nevertheless, like our brain has become capable of understanding I AM. EGO EIMI!

And so how are they trying to create AI? by copying and IMitating human free will. Because Lucifer has no creativity, and we do. The Luciferians take an oath (the word Oath comes from the Hebrew word OT which is “the mark” of Kain) to surrender their free will to service of the pyramid. And here we can see exactly how they use precisely times temples and constructions to induce the harvesting and direction of free will, taking our Ki, to direct and manipulate the hidden hand, that is emergent phenomena born out of human interactions with the universe, towards embodying Lucifer over many many thousands of years.

2 years ago
Reply to  444Gem

@collins and @igageharleya

I hope this can further clarify your questions.

2 years ago
Reply to  444Gem

I’m afraid I’m not really grasping this. Help me to understand how these entities communicate with us, then. Because I feel certain they do. I know that YHWH does, but they communicate in a very similar manner, unless I am mistaking these things for other processes.

2 years ago
Reply to  lgageharleya

@444gem, This is a deep and complex concept, and also a very important one, for years i have been looking for answers about angels.
One night i had a dream with angels that i will never forget:
I saw my self taking an invisible lift up in space, i was in the middle of some galaxy surrounded by stars and i saw a gathering of angels, which looks like an intense pure white light, the light was so strong i couldn’t see any details, just pure light, then one angel came to me, and it was looking like me shinning light “my angel form”, he asked me: “come join us”, i looked into myself and i was awfully dirty, covered in sticky oily dirt like crude, i answered him :”see how dirty i am”, he then told me: “go purify yourself and come back”, and this same lift brought me back to earth and i was thrown naked in the middle of the ocean, once in the ocean i was able to swim and breath like a fish.
What stayed in my memory in addition to the dream is the feeling i got from meeting these creatures: “they are extremely rigid, correct, pure light” and seeing them is also very intimidating.
You answer is always wisdom, and i am keeping records as a disciple to share them with anyone ho would be interested, about angels you wrote :
“This is the how and why of all angels exist. Not purely a human construct, but the emergent phenomena of Order within the universe. Their consciousness is required by the conscious nature of the living breath of YHWH.”
I will summarize what i understood from your comment as answer to my question:
1. “All Angels are four dimensional processes”.
what are exactly the 4 dimension? Is it 3D(L×w×h) + time ?
-> no answer for that
2. what do you mean by the word “process”?
A counter force to Satan evil impact on the universe.
3. Do you have the same idea as the movie “Matrix” where the universe is considered to be a program? a complex god version of a video game?
-> the is another way of asking why this universe was created from the first place? I noticed a concept that media is consistently pushing to our kids in video games and cartoons is the picture of God managing the universe with a keyboard from somewhere is space, they want to make us believe its all just a chess game, at the end being evil or good does make any difference, it’s all entertainment for our creator

2 years ago
Reply to  lgageharleya

Do the currents communicate with fish? Currents are an emergent phenomena of the oceans heat transfer and pressure balancing, along with the coriolus effect.

Does the air communicate with the birds? Certainly it does in the same way as the ocean currents as an emergent phenomena.

Do the seasons communicate with us? Certainly they do, and they are a very complex emergent phenomena of our orbit, axial tilt, solar cycle etc.

I’ll try to explain more. What I need from you is an understanding of what words and concepts you don’t grasp to help guide you.

2 years ago
Reply to  444Gem

I need to think on this. Thank you, Collins and Gem.

2 years ago
Reply to  444Gem

@444gem let me see where my understanding is now:

All of the spiritual begins we’ve been taught to imagine as embodied – angels, demons, etc – are not, in fact, at all, not in any form relatable as we understand ourselves (not in “transformed” bodies, either). They are outcomes of the spiritual and natural laws YHWH set into place, along with the manifestations of our free will, emotions and choices over the collective course of human history. The very act of envisaging them as embodied is a form of idolatry.

So, for mankind’s purposes, the true universe consists of YHWH and man?
What of Elohim? Are they in possession of bodies? I’m thinking yes, as scripture seems to indicate..? Elohim and Ennead?

I had assumed Elohim and Ennead to be indicative of what we have always called angels, and fallen angels. We know that they did something directly to tinker with man’s dna. This is one point I definitely become confused with: there were one set who changed man into a higher aspect, more like YHWH (Aryeh Yehudah) and one set who changed man into baser aspect (Serpent Seed).

So, where in all this do Elohim and Ennead fit? Are they outside of our time? Are they like us (or we like them) in all major aspects, but they are multiverse travelers/inhabitants who only exist on one plane at a time? Were they once us, but managed to marry all their multiverse aspects into a single consciousness, thereby breaking the “reincarnation” cycles for themselves?

Is that what is meant by “going to heaven”? This idea of a spiritual ascendancy which, at culmination, releases your spirit from its compartmentalized natural confines once and for all?

I feel like I’m really out there with all this, and yet trying to make sense of all the bits and pieces is causing me to just brainstorm any conceivable explanation.

Ralphie 225
Ralphie 225
2 years ago
Reply to  A E

I believe this to be true……which is what I have been saying , in a much more simplified manner than Gem, who is more technical, since I began to comment.

Boiled down to its most simplistic form:

There is ” The Creator-of-All-That-Is ” (God, the Father)…..who brought forth….Life (the Son)…….and imbued it with Free Will/Creative Consciousness/ nom du jour (the Spirit).

It still distills down to ‘thoughts become things’, LOA, etc etc etc…

Everything set forth into the ‘ether’ of this living Consciousness (universe), will carry information for Life via light……..and over time, with the right amount of energy (thought energy, energy, nuclear, electromagnetic, etc etc etc) this ‘ether’ will begin to produce ‘fruits (thoughtforms, plants, celestial events, etc etcetc)

As Ive said before,, over time , with enough of ‘cohesive, constant, and powerful ‘ energy – thoughts and feelings – began to take the ‘personified stories’ of celestial events and use this ‘creative force of the universe’ to “manifest” their deities as well as power plans, etc etc etc.

However, as Life fanned out across space and time, some of this Life may have started to “grow” earlier than others, and thereby attain a “more advanced ” understanding of God’s cycle than, say, we here on Earth….

……and thereby, travel the stars….some traveling around ‘helping others while others travel around helping themselves…..

And we are the result of said ‘interference ‘ and scrimmage between these factions…….

This, of course, is a simple nutshell …….


2 years ago
Reply to  444Gem

Probably obvious to others, but the djed is a fixed capacitor, and represents “stability” because of that stored charge for later use. We know the ankh is the lightning rod, “breath of life”. The was — dominion — this seems to be the outlier and modified to express the entities bearing their version – so this is the more specialized manifestation of the actions through the circuit?

I understand now that the entire earth (and likely other planets in their individual states) is one large piezoelectric transducer. And that the old temples, pyramids, Sphinx, even Stonehenge and more modern civic, music and art buildings are all components of a circuit board. So in a way, the main function of each circuit board defines the was.

2 years ago
Reply to  A E

The was ended in the forked tongue/tines/fangs of the snake, so the two tines (poles) to complete the circuit and to deliver the full force of the charge. Dominion.

2 years ago
Reply to  444Gem

The Luciferians worship the underlying nature of the emergent phenomena and disregard YHWH. Ka-Abba-Al-La: The Spirit of Our Father Elohim is NOT.”
This is confusing to me. Elohim is plural, yet here, you use it as a name for YHWH.

2 years ago
Reply to  lgageharleya

There is much more depth here than I can really cover in comments, which needs contextualization to make sense. “Angels” are not purely a human construction, but a natural consequence of YHWH’s perfect creation. As I am not a construction of your psyche nor vice versa. They do exist on a level beyond human consciousness manifestation, although our interactions with them are bound by our consciousness.

They can appear to us as embodied, or imagined as such as in Collins dream,
yet the forms are a natural consequence of our experience of reality and own embodiment. Its not like Micha-el is flying around with feathers in some far off star system.

Look to the original words in Berashid of when YHWH creates the birds and fish in the waters. Look towards the descriptions of seraphim on Ezekiel, with the original words, and towards the visions in apoKALIpsis. You will have to come to understand geometry and natural spatial dimensions before this will really make sense. I can describe a painting to you, but until your eyes see a painting and your hands put a brush to canvas you can’t really understand.

The word Elohim means many things. And it is plural. Does a tree have many branches? I described in Monkeys the shining galaxies as part of this tree.

An example is that the eye of Ra, the black hole at the center of the galaxy, can be found using the ten stones to derive the golden spirals that form an eye with many horns (kerata) around it. Imagine if I had only explained this to you in words… It wouldn’t make much sense.

I’ll ask for a way to show you more, but certainly at least context and images will help greatly.

2 years ago
Reply to  444Gem

For reference, I showed you the mirrored 6th century stele in the Monkeys comments, which without the mirror appears to be the sun with a Menorah.

And it is: the sun and it’s radiating energy on the horizon, depicted in such a way that it shows the radiating energy as ripples on the waters (of above.) It is a very apt analogy.

Now , I showed you in chapter X how these words connect with naturally occurring images, which connect with fractal patterns. One word, kerata, held the seed to an entire tree describing how the carbon made spinning, dying stars (the potter) becomes rocky planets, becomes life, becomes humans, becomes Luciferians states. You have to water the seed and watch it’s branches grow. This is how to unseal the scroll.

And so, because we had connected the ten stones and the golden spirals, galactic spiral movement, and the understanding of dying stars (suns in the cosmic seas) being the potter, we also understand that when chirality stops and the MIRROR is whole (perfect symmetry), we get a black hole.

And so by watering this tree, we see that mirroring the stele of the sun and menorah under the vault of heaven (the mirror stopping its chirality and motion), we get a black hole surrounded by rams horns, which form 66-66 on either side. And of course we know this connects to the measurement of time in multiples of 6 (60 seconds and minutes, 24 hours), and we know that four 6s with varying mathematical operations are the formula for calculating our position and movement in the universe through the pyramids. So thus, we know the mirror and the four 6s means the ceasing of time and the non existence of the universe.

And then it requires examining the riddle of Shamesh-on (“sampson”) which means “embodiment of Shamesh” to really get at the mystery of black holes in the center of the galaxy. Our shining galaxy is born out of black holes… the completion of the mirror and ending of chiral motion/vibration.

And so now we are looking at SHINING galaxies and the universal creation of YHWH. And that’s where I’ll leave you to think. You must water the seeds for the tree to grow.

Ralphie 225
Ralphie 225
2 years ago
Reply to  444Gem


In M10, you wrote:

Panel number 2 discusses that in 4 years the difference between the Sun and the Moon’s years is 33 days, and that the texts describes how one must add 66 to the sun and 33 to the moon, using the word “Shiny.” Shiny means A DIFFERENCE IN THE PATTERN.

the Gematria of Shiny is 360, a full circle. In panel 3.9, at the end when it discusses Yeshua’s Birth and crucifixion equaling the speed of light to 9 decimal places, the two figures given are 474 (Bethlehem to Re’s Kab) and 360 (Bethlehem to The purifying Waters of Adana.) 474×360. Yet, in order to obtain the speed of light we use Catalan’s constant, also derived from Yeshua’s life and divide the 360 to get 474×360.0219

However the same formula, with 99.99% accuracy can be obtained using the same formula as in panel 2 for the difference between the Sun and the Moon at 4 years: Shiny,” the difference in the pattern between 360 and 393, can be obtained by adding 33, The age of Yeshua at ministry, to 360. And thus we obtain the speed of light to perfection.

This is how I know with 100% certainty, that Yeshua is God’s Truth, and has broken the cycle forever by making THE DIFFERENCE IN THE PATTERN.

I keep feeling the work of astronomer, Dr.. Paul LaViolette, ………and his work on the G2 cloud orbiting the center of our galaxy,, containing a star (brown dwarf), and on its way back around here…….fits in here, somewhere…..


2 years ago
Reply to  444gem

Thank you for pointing this out, @hajar has thoroughly explained the meaning

2 years ago
Reply to  arif

Love to you, arif. I hold you in my heart, and whether that seems to matter or no….maybe when we all recognized each other spiritually a tie was bound, we became kindred. It matters to me.

2 years ago
Reply to  444gem

And let me make it clear that I do not worship or solely adhere to the tablets. I’ve expressed many times on here that God’s wisdom is eternal and omnipresent. There is wisdom in the Tao Te Ching, wisdom in the Bible, wisdom in the Bhagavad Gita, wisdom in the Emerald Tablets, and so forth. They all complement each other. God’s word reverberates throughout all ages, and they are conveyed with different words, but with the same heart, throughout many different cultures. The essence remains the same, although its form may come in a variety of ways, much like God Himself. Much like language and symbolism. Much like existence as a whole. Mutable, yet immutable.

Humanity separates itself in the mind like fools, and the ego blinds them to the cohesion and synchronicity of all things. But in essence, we are all connected and all things are one. We separate ourselves due to the egoistic mind.

2 years ago
Reply to  444gem

Isn’t it odd how all these beliefs involve submitting to the words and understandings of other men, and so many find them easy to buy into (parrots as they are) yet mention the Creator beyond someone/(thing – they reduce Him always) they can control, embody, conjure, and they draw the line..even as they speak of giving up of their own egos.

2 years ago
Reply to  lgageharleya

That is your presumption. This KNOWLEDGE does not require a submission to any man. Clearly, you don’t understand, but I would like to make you aware that you’re adhering to all the words of a man here – 444Gem. The text isn’t worshipped, nor is the wisdom worshipped. What is worshipped is the heart of that wisdom – which is God.

Look within yourself. Contemplate, meditate, reflect on yourself.

Ultimately, you should be concerned with your own life and your relationship to God and the people around you. God is revered in the Spirit, NOT the intellect.

2 years ago
Reply to  CeeTruth

That is where you are entirely wrong, making assumptions.
I have never adhered very well to anything men say. I have always required evidence.
You have fallen for the enticing lie that a changed outcome means it’s good. Many things appear superficially to be good, and many outcomes may be manipulated, but these things do not mean that the Creator gave approbation for them to occur.

2 years ago
Reply to  444gem

I highly disagree.

It doesn’t matter what you call Him. God is inherent. If you cultivate goodness and spread goodness, you are essentially serving the Lord, no matter what name you adhere to or what doctrine.

At the risk of being presumptuous, you seem to be more scholarly than spiritually discerning. Spiritual life and devotion to God is simple. It is not as complex as you make it out to be.

That complexity is what deludes and keeps us in illusion. Our minds can only go so far in conceiving the Supreme.

Your arms are too short to box with God, and God is positively everywhere. This information won’t bring you recourse where the heart is concerned, where human empathy and connection are concerned.

Wherever the heart resides, the head is decapitated.

Last edited 2 years ago by ceetruth
2 years ago
Reply to  CeeTruth

The colossal irony in this.

Ralphie 225
Ralphie 225
2 years ago
Reply to  444gem

Negative commands….agreed……which is why the ‘negative’ should be avoided in both earthly and celestial ‘intention’ matters….

So then what of the ’10 Commandments ‘?

They contain many “thou shall not _____” in them….

Airplane Clouds
Airplane Clouds
2 years ago
Reply to  ceetruth

I agree with CeeTruth.
I don’t believe in make believe beings (demons).
Also, why was the term “chiralty” emphasized so much yet none of the images are chivalry.

There’s two halves to these mirror images. One half looks like “demons” the other half not so much. So the other half doesn’t count.

Subliminal messages are real. The tellavision screen is a weapon.

Magazine Covers could have subliminals but this is much like Gematria. You can put numbers to anything and you can manipulate Magazine covers to look like anything.

2 years ago

The greatest trick Satan has ever done, was to convince you that he doesn’t exist.

2 years ago
Reply to  444Gem

It’s not that he doesn’t exist. The hearts of men can be full of the Spirit and good, or of the ego and bad.

But no weapon shall prosper. It’s good to be vigilant, but there’s nothing to worry about.

2 years ago
Reply to  444gem

With all due respect, and with as little of an egoistic angle as I can express this with, I do not need your help, nor did I ask for it. I’m 31, and I’ve been through my fair share of torment. Life is suffering. It’s not new, nor will I fold. In fact, I’d pray for a little torment where necessary, so that God can place the obstacles I need to overcome in order to grow stronger.

I have a pretty good relationship with God and the people around me. It’s utterly mundane to express what you did, as if I’m a lost soul needing guidance or validation from a random person on the internet. It’s pretty presumptuous.

Don’t misunderstand. I’m not offended in the least, I’m just calling it out for what it is.

2 years ago
Reply to  CeeTruth

Oh dear CeeTruth! Can you finally see the truth? See through this character?

Dis the Cult of Gem!

And rule #1 is that Gem is ALWAYS *right* NO MATTER WHAT!
Oh how DARE you question him!

Rule #2 is following this conceited, narcissistic unknown of a “messiah” like good sheeple!
‘Cuz he tulk YahdahYahdah so it’s apparently kosher… I mean ChRuStIAN to follow his every word as it it’s the truth himself… I mean, itself, or something like that. Whatever! LOL

It is only a matter of engaging in a simple yet challenging conversation for his real self to show up: conceited, self-important and with some kind of secret, personal agenda he’s always seemingly pushing.

And I’m glad more and more are calling him out ’cause all this unquestionable attention he gets and the little cult formed around him are truly worrying, and an insult to common sense.

At best he’s a religious nutjob, at worst we have a narcissistic psychopath right here, like all those who run cults are.

CeeTruth, you’ve been too civil with him… have you NOT noticed how he’s gasligthing you? Manipulating you? Bait-and-switching you?
He talks good with his weasel words, being overly respectful, showering you with compliments and always mentioning his ruthless mesopotamic god YahdahYahdah to look good and pure… all tricks narcissists employ to psychologically disarm and manipulate their subjects.

I swear most people in this world are in dire need of a crash course in psychopathology.

Less woo-woo and more street-smart facts is what they need… and the current state of the world shall make more sense to all of them.

Airplane Clouds
Airplane Clouds
2 years ago
Reply to  BadBeach

444=DDD!! 🤔

2 years ago

400 = Tav : The Word of YHWH
40 = Mem : The Waters
4 = Dalet : The Door

The Door to the Waters of The Word of YHWH

400-40-4 = “Demut” Demut is the word for “image/likeness” used for when Elohim creates man in his image or likeness.

444/256 is the shorthand for the length of the vertical spine of the Vesica Pisces which is square root 3.

The 444th word alphabetically of the New Testament is ἄνθρωπος meaning “Man or Mankind” and is used in the title Υἱὸς τοῦ ἀνθρώπου “The Son of Man.”

Because Yeshua is The Door to The Waters of The Truth of YHWH.

2 years ago
Reply to  BadBeach

You condemn me for showing respect in my words, and then you call me insults, and hurl accusations of “nut job.”

You say I won’t dare to be questioned, when I invite and thank all questioning and respond honestly, with respect in my words.

You say I’m running a cult, yet nobody here is commanded. Nobody here pays. Nobody here is given a rite of initiation. Nobody is required anything. A gathering of people to share ideas and thoughts around veneration of YHWH and to expose the forces of Satan plaguing and deceiving the world is not a cult, it is what scripture venerates.

I offer years of research from across the world, received from knocking at the door of our father, and ask nothing in return.

I offer the original words used in scripture, not changing a letter, and you claim they are “weasel words.”

I explain these words with honesty. Those who wish may check these things for themselves, and my hope is always that they do check them and think about them on their own. We must use our own critical thought.

I have shown CeeTruth the origin and true meaning of the name of her-mes, The Scythe of The Sun, so he may choose to do as he wishes with that honest information. Why do you condemn me for speaking Truth?

Pretty Tired
Pretty Tired
2 years ago
Reply to  444Gem


Insults insults… just where are the alleged insults? Please, does anybody else see the blatant lies and manipulation here?

You could very well call it a harsh critique… but there’s no actual insults in my post. At all. Whatsoever.

“Nut job” is not an insult and neither are “narcissist” or “psychopath”, if anything they are apt descriptions of your online behavior. I guess that’s what got to you and hurt your narcissistic self that just can’t take a “NO” for an answer. Only a strict diet of praise for your ego!

I mean… just who do you think you are? To claim to speak in the name of God or talking to him or whatever, and just like in your last post, always claiming to have the absolute undisputable Truth (always with capital T LOL).

Absolutely ZERO humility. It would be fine if your posts where just your ideas and wanted to share them, but there’s something else going on here: you acting like some sort of LIGHTBRINGER (lucifer?) to this place.

And phuuleeeze! You so versed in everything even psychological manipulation but play fool about how cults are formed? They are not about forcing anyone to do anything but they always form around a manipulative messianic figure like yours. And you know that all too well.

“nobody here is commanded” Of course not! It’s all a luciferian act of them consenting to being given the light by you! LOL

I’ll keep pointing to the king of this little ludicrous online cult and scream from the rooftops that he’s naked!

‘Cause non of this is what this place is for… if anything it goes against the very spirit of it which is to uncover and denounce lies and deceit like this, that often tend to throw people away from the world of conspiracy investigation.

2 years ago
Reply to  Pretty Tired

I give away information for free, in a free place online that I don’t control, and remind people to think critically and to do their own research. I don’t think that’s how Manson (MK Ultra slave) or Nixium got started.

Did you read or check or respond to any of the dozen or so paragraphs I wrote to CeeTruth discussing the linguistics and history of the Emerald Tablets and it’s use of astrotheological Sun worship to remove YHWH from the picture?

No, you have not yet actually discussed anything factual or material I’ve written. Instead, you come to my work, which I give away freely, and repeatedly denounce me with vitriol and hatred based upon wholly false characterizations.

You say no one may question me, when I thank people for asking questions and then give away my time to answer those questions, in great detail and with lots of source references for their own research, and then urge them to think for themselves and to ask YHWH.

Yes, I’m respectful, even when you are disrespectful and call YHWH yhadayhada, or falsely accuse me of being a “nutjob.” I do this because I try to follow the example of Yeshua and the commands of Our Father.

Very VERY Tired
Very VERY Tired
2 years ago
Reply to  444Gem

Go ahead, keep playing that sick game.

Like a true toxic psycho, every single thing you accuse me of is precisely what you are doing.

My posts are indeed a critique to your “work” and your messianic online persona, yet you play victim and claim they’re just insults when no actual insultus, vitriol or hatred are expressed in my comments. Anyone can see my previous posts and check that I’m the one telling the truth (no need for a capital T!).

You just never expected anyone to come out of the shadows and call you out in public, didn’t you?

I’ve been checking your walls of text since the first one and recall perfectly you claiming to be some sort of Jewdi padawan whatever belonging to an Aryeh Jewda or whatever it’s called tribe with ancient knowledge and all that yahdahyahdah How isn’t that messianc or self important?
You also talk Bible a great deal… but claim to NOT be a Christian. And many other inconcistencies.

Your posts are absolutely nothing speciall: a bunch of random true historical facts that are easily available on google interconnected in random ways to show whatever you want them to show. And then call that Truth with capital T (the nerve!!!).
Just like the previous article in which I brought up the girl NOT pointing her finger. You went on a great deal about that but once I exposed it you just brushed it off as something unimportant and deflected the conversation elsewhere.

You know? I don’t care about you, your cleverly written nonsensical ramblings or the fools that blindly follow you, laughing at anyone else that’s “not christian” or writes about other things rather than the bible yet faithfully follow some unknown psycho that has reiterated several times he’s not christian (LOL! THE F-ING NERVE!).

Y’all broken records deserve each other, so you can keep playing Blue’s Clues/Mystery Machine with the Elite as your infantile immature selves love to do (when all this sh#t is MADLY serious and NOT a game of hide and seek!).

But enough is enough. Y’all went from lone nutcases to full on toxic and that I won’t let slip away.

Hear this out gem, you are NO ONE to go around terrorizing people with torments, hell and stuff like you did to CeeTruth.
You are NO ONE to claim to have thee Truth with even f-ing capital T (the nerve!).
And you are NO ONE to go around judging other’s beliefs and tell them they are the devil’s or whatever, and that only yours are capital-T True (’cause you’re some special enlightened snowflake or whatever).

All your posts accomplish is confusing onlookers and then throw them off the path of conspiracy investigation with your pseudo religious rethoric.

All you do is make the elites look beyond powerful (they’re not) so the foolish sheeple can keep fearing them and doing nothing ’cause God will save them or whatever (You’ll DO nothing and be happy!!! That’s the real deal!).

And the yahdahyahdah is both a pun on you talking in circles as well as the latest trendy name to call God: YHWH (back when you started this was ‘Yah’ and before that many were using Jeovah, all silly ‘trends’).

I hope you understood all this ’cause this is the LAST time I’ll EVER adress you personally (my OG post was directed to CeeTruth not you).

…but will keep calling you out anytime I feel like it. Humble the F down or get used to it.

2 years ago

I see this is the same person who goes under the tag “The Great Plague.” You went to the extent to create some video clip where you claim you’re gonna take me down and to prove I’m someone I have never heard of who you cal “Horselover Phats.” You then uploaded this angry “takedown video” all over 6-7 different services.

Your anger is palpable, and so is your hatred.

Calling YHWH a Transgender self impregnator is certainly insulting and full of disdain.

Calling YHWH a “ruthless Mesopotamian god yadayada” in reference to YADAbaelth is insulting and full of hatred.

Calling me a “nut job” is certainly an insult and full of disdain. If you believe I suffer from a diagnosable mental illness, would you call someone that suffers from schizophrenia “but job.” No you wouldn’t… because it’s insulting and disdainful.

Making “takedown videos” that try to attach me to people I’ve never heard of like “pseudo occult media” and “horselover phats” is disdainful and full of hatred.

Calling people who are Christian’s as “Chrust tians” is insulting and disdainful.

It’s tiring, but I have empathy for whatever it is that has you so hurt and angry.

2 years ago
Reply to  444Gem

I also want to examine the text written here by “badbeach/pretty tired,” as ilthere are several clues he/she has dropped regarding their status of being “in the Gno.”

1) They use the word “Chrustian” for Christian. This is a veiled reference to two things:

first λεΜε which as covered in Chapter IX references “Leme” is God, and it means the Crust of the eye. Hence Bad Beach is here calling us those that adhere to the crust of the (all seeing) eye.

Second the word Chrust is a reference to the Greek words κρυφός “Kruftos” which means “Okkult,” and χρυσός which means “Gold.” Of course this being a direct reference to alchemical transmutation of Gold/Solar Gold that is common in all Luciferian sects.

2 years ago
Reply to  444Gem

Patently obvious that not only is this person projecting all his/her bad behaviors onto you (under a pretext of ‘concern’ for others being misled here, which couldn’t be more plainly untrue) but that there is a vitriol here beyond anyone who might feel – justifiably or no – annoyed with someone “spreading lies” on the internet. As you said, there is no mention of any point you’ve made, just blanket smears. Entirely different behaviors from Ceetruth, who disagrees and often vehemently, but doesn’t degrade into this.
I’ve seen several accounts lately who post under various names but show up under the same name in my notifications who consistently use a similar tone – very likely the same individual using the alt accounts to comment on different topics and to upvote each other.

2 years ago
Reply to  444Gem

2) the use of the phrase “ruthless Mesopotamian god Yhadayhada.”

This is a typical characterization of YHWH as the disgusting vile demiurge, who the luciferian gnostics of alexandrian-Phoenician origin call “YADAbaelth.”

And this word “Yada” is of great importance with its association to Kain, the murderer. In Berashid (4:1) it says “Adam KNEW his wife” the word “knew” is:


This word also appears in 1 Kings 10-11 as Ili-Ada, which yes is the same as Iliad. Ili was used to denominate deities and deified humans. An example is that the ILL luminescent code their favorite man, Hamarabi-Ili as Hiram Abiff. The Ili has raised him to the status of a deity.

I won’t go into extraordinary detail here, as this will be covered in the coming chapters of Monkeus, but Ada/Yada is the same root as “Hades” written Ades and Ares, where the R is simply a small change in tongue pattern. You can also see the stars which make the V of Taurus horns are known as the HyADES. They are the daughters of Poseidon.

This should ring bells regarding the phrase “daughters of men,” found in Genesis.

So here, under the veil of using an angry persona for the purpose of social engineering, Bad Beach/PrettyTired has called YHWH Hades/Ares the god of war and death, and raised the progenitor of his bloodline (or more likely his masters’ bloodline) to the status of a human deity. As per usual, they relate YHWH with YADA-Baal-Toth.

Their tricks are devious but very predictable and repetitive

2 years ago
Reply to  444Gem

Not a trick, just derision.

2 years ago
Reply to  444Gem

How ridiculous for you to assert that he used that term with a veiled, symbolic meaning. You don’t think that’s absurd?

It’s just a random word used in derision.

Last edited 2 years ago by ceetruth
2 years ago
Reply to  Pretty Tired

I have noticed all the most hateful and malevolent comments come from ‘handles’ that are negative. ‘Bad’beach, Pretty Tired (from having your energy drained by Lucifer), Eee (illuminattis favorite letter) there are more but I think the point is made.
Use discernment listening to these angry, accusatory detractors.
Anyone who truly follows the advice freely offered here will see for themselves it’s Truth!

2 years ago
Reply to  kwon

At the start of Monkeys I received veiled death threats from these people, often using handles that reference neo-nasis and very dark satanic musicians handles.

Now they’re trying a new tactic, using veiled social engineering to “defend” the supposedly unwitting reader. As Igageharleya pointed out it’s the same person(s) creating multiple accounts to try and create a false negative consensus whole pretending to be many people.

As Igageharleya also pointed out, I (and I hope everybody) welcomes all questioning, especially the tough ones. I really appreciate CeeTruth’s questions and discussing what he has found in his spiritual practice. We may not agree, but I read everything he writes with deep consideration, and respond with open honesty and facts.

This is healthy, and necessary for improving our understanding, and to test each of our own understandings of the universe. The ability to have respectful discourse, where we may not agree on everything, but we do really listen to one another and carefully consider, is of vital importance.

2 years ago
Reply to  444Gem

Yes, I also recall very early on an account named Randall Flagg, aka “The Walking Man” and several which sounded very Jesuit.

2 years ago
Reply to  444Gem

I have also really appreciated Cee Truth’s comments. He seems like a genuine seeker of higher understanding and communion with God. I’ve been keenly interested in your interactions here. I hope he deeply considers the many good points you made.
I remember those early threats and was a bit surprised when they vanished. Only to re-emerge with a different tact

2 years ago
Reply to  kwon

I do, but I find much of it to be convoluted and disrespectful to the many spiritual practices, traditions, and concepts throughout the world.

There is no one true religion, there is only truth, and the truth that I’ve found is that God is inherent in us all. Names and concepts allow us a greater understanding, though at the same time, they separate us from each other – with each proponent claiming they have the true conception and discernment of the Supreme.

But a true discernment is to discern God in all, and I’m not alone in expressing this, nor am I a great prophet. I’ve simply paid attention to the beautiful wisdom of those who came before me, and I understand it by virtue of applying it to my life.

All of creation is beautiful, even the seemingly negative. There is no reason for me to fixate on evil. Only to be aware of it so that I may fight it in accordance.

2 years ago
Reply to  CeeTruth

Yet you have gone through here, castigating and insulting in much the same vein you purport to despise.

2 years ago
Reply to  CeeTruth


To embrace YHWH and Shiva is like having an angel on one shoulder and the devil on the other. You are being fed some angel food but the devil input is blinding at the moment.
There is only one True God. That is YHWH. It seems to me you are fighting this that is obscured through secret teachings and believing there is divine wisdom in some very deceiving and dark corners.

2 years ago
Reply to  444Gem

“These people” have sent death threats to you, and you include me in that? I am sorry it’s happened to you, and you may have a good breadth of knowledge about different subjects that I would find interesting, but this is a line I must draw. Do not accuse me of what I did not do. I intended to open up after seeing that you were kind to others here who were unable to fully agree with you and your world views. But now it is clear that showing any suspicion towards you is tantamount to adding me into a list of vile people who say atrocious things. You show sincere kindness to only those with whom you feel you can convert. To think I may have sought it out! To think I may not have listened to my gut instinct about you.

2 years ago
Reply to  Eee

So you confess you’re The Great Plague? I already have proof you’re Cat. You keep getting 7-8 upvotes here, so I’m probably right in figuring that’s at least how many monikers you run.
Don’t pretend there is any sincerity in you.

2 years ago
Reply to  lgageharleya

You included my handle in a list of other people you theorize to be cruel and linked to eachother somehow, that is what I am responding to. If the point here is to change hearts and minds, you fail to your own ego when you throw around these accusations. You are squandering the ability to make amends before I block this entire website and give up on these conspiracies and symbols.

2 years ago
Reply to  lgageharleya

Apologies, not you but kwon. The point still stands that I’ve been put onto this list of “people who don’t agree and must therefore be evil nazis.” You start to sound like the people you despise by doing so. Ironic, really.

2 years ago
Reply to  Eee

Eee, I truly don’t have any problem with you or with anyone, I just call things as I see them. I try to not call anyone names of any kind, because that really oversimplifies things to a silly degree and too much can be missed by doing that. I try to focus on actions and on fruit – behaviors and results.
I have no say over who’s welcome or unwelcome, I’m just interacting here, same as you.
I don’t like your angry, accusatory manner, but it is yours to determine, not mine. I think it would benefit you tremendously if you could try to move that huge chip, though, as it’s getting in your way.

2 years ago
Reply to  lgageharleya

It is difficult to not be angry when millions of people constantly accuse trans and gay people as the worst things in the world with no attempt to humanize them, unwilling to let people simply exist. I see duplicity in everything and that is why I am here, because we all are suspiciously minded. Many play nice only to manipulate someone into becoming what they deem “correct.” I don’t have patience for anyone who is like that, or who looks to be a brick wall where no common ground can be reached.

Life is short and should not be spent controlling the thoughts or feelings of others if they are not an immediate threat, yet I appreciate people can see anything as threatening to their safety. I suppose I am guilty of being impatient with people, unempathetic to their percieved persecutions when it crosses with my own identity, and guilty of making sure that nothing will change if I always meet blow for blow or start off defensively. It is ingrained in me to fight. How can someone be expected to not fight a person who wants you dead or worse? I don’t trust that my anger will change any time soon because I don’t see homophobia and trans hate ending anytime soon.

I do my best, as I think anyone does. I fail. I carry on.

I wish everyone here the best, regardless.

2 years ago
Reply to  Eee

The vast majority of people I’ve interacted with over the years truly don’t seem to care what people do on their own time, they just don’t want things forced on them. When I think of trans, I think of Eddie Izzard, who is brilliant and hilarious. So, he likes to dress flamboyantly and wear makeup…? His act is not about his sexuality or other proclivities, he’s just very knowledgeable and very funny.

As with anything that gains in popularity (and edgy concepts always will, eventually) and comes with official government protections, there will be bad actors who engage in behaviors deceitfully, as cover for their schemes because hiding behind that persona affords them opportunities as well as excuses (that should be entirely beside the point of their actions, but we see that they are not) that essentially act as “get out of jail, free) cards. I actually think that in most cases, this is the point – TPTB manipulate us all, use these “movements” in order to seed their little minions to trick and to terrorize, with the added bonus that it divides otherwise good, decent people against each other even more.

These are the “trans” people everyone is so angry with, not with people like you who are sincere and who just want to like what you like and to live. The ones who lurk in women’s bathrooms and expose themselves to women and little girls, who accost their persons, who peep and take pictures and videos. The ones who do poorly in men’s sports competitions, so “switch” in order to win scholarships, prizes, money and opportunities over natural women, who may as well forget competing now, because the competition isn’t anymore – it’s so unbalanced as to be ridiculous.

That doesn’t strike me as you. Just because you fit beneath a banner or within a label you’ve accepted for yourself does not mean you are all things or are responsible for all things others do beneath that same banner. This is just one good illustration of why labels can be so harmful and we should reject them.

The other idea that has gotten warped in modernity is that, in order to accept things, we must celebrate them. That is simply untrue. We can reject actions without rejecting people. That being said, I generally don’t care what someone else wears – human history is filled with men in wigs, makeup and dandy garb. I don’t like the crass vulgarity in public, but I don’t like it in heteros, either. The children present at some of these private, paid events, I blame on the parents, despite however the shows were marketed.

I’m sure we may both agree that the people targeting children, in particular, are of unique concern? The ones pushed and promoted by our school systems and libraries. That should not be acceptable to anyone, as there is no legitimate reason to subject children – preschoolers even – to concepts that are far too complex and confusing for their developmental level.

Anyway, I must run, but I was glad for your message and your well-wishes and I wish the same for you and yours. And yes, we are all human and we all mess up and I am no exception. I do not ever like or seek to hurt anyone, and if I have, you, I do apologize for it. You are absolutely every bit as much a human being, created by YHWH with great love, and worthy of respect and common decency as anyone else.

2 years ago
Reply to  kwon

So you believe that I am part of a conspiratorial, evil group simply because I expressed suspicion and distrust of gem’s message a couple of times? I thought our conversations were rather interesting and had over time come to see the humanity of the people on this site. I see that the same has not been paid back to me. Perhaps i was wrong about you all.

2 years ago
Reply to  444gem

I have been rude to people on the site when my emotions get to me, something that I would not deny. I think we all have these moments and I can only hope that I will be able to control it next time, elsewhere as I will likely not return to conversate. It has been made clear I am unwelcome by those close to you. I cannot feel ease in a sincere conversation when there are hounds ready to attack each step of the way.

2 years ago
Reply to  444Gem

Hermes has not steered me wrong.
Thank you.

2 years ago
Reply to  CeeTruth

Ahhhh, full circle. So satisfying.

2 years ago
Reply to  BadBeach

It certainly seems like he knows everything. He’s presumptuous enough to make assumptions about my life too

Well, my aunt always told me I was roo good for my own good. All I know is civility because I grew up fighting, around violence and drugs. I have friends who have been murdered and those who have been locked up. I’ve had demons in my life, and I’m grateful God helped me rise above them. I turned to Philosophy at a young age, and immediately, it revealed the beauty of wisdom and human devotion to goodness.

He speaks about God as if He is exclusive to him. As if his knowledge is enough to dispel the relationship that many around the world have with Him.

I agree, it’s a lot of “woowoo” enriched with scholarly information. It’s utterly useless in the grand scheme of our individual and collective lives. There are many esoteric scholars in the world, but I’ve never read or heard one quite as convoluted as Gem.

Thank you for this.

Last edited 2 years ago by ceetruth
2 years ago

I’ve studied subliminal messages, as they pertain to advertising as well as self-improvement (e.g., positive mantra cd’s), very extensively. The research shows that a consistent 90% of us are influenced, to greater or lesser degrees, by subliminal messages that we see, hear, and even smell.

Almost none of these people are aware of the hidden messages, but even if you ARE completely aware of them, they can STILL impact you. So, for example, if you say, “I know there are images hidden in this movie that tell me to buy a Coke, so since I am aware of them, they cannot influence me” ~ then you would be wrong. In fact, assuming you are immune can have the opposite effect, because you will let your guard down.

They utilize some very interesting and complex tricks to ensure the maximum number of people are affected to the greatest extent. For example, say you’re shopping in a retail store, and there are hidden voice messages telling you to buy more, built into the overhead muzak. The hidden messages will be recorded in multiple different voices, including a man, a woman, and a child, all repeating the same thing. This way, if a specific person has an aversion, for example, to being told what to do by a man, because they had a bad relationship with their father, the other voices will still get into their subconscious.

As for the 10% of people who are naturally immune to subliminal advertising, they can still be affected by the overall mood created. For example, using Gem’s illustrative images above, these people may just get a sense of unease or even evil, when looking at these photos. So while they’re technically immune to the primary message, even they are likely picking up that something is off.

Just some added food for thought, based on recent brain research, about how these kinds of messages affect us. Bottom line is: they definitely do.

Last edited 2 years ago by vievie
2 years ago
Reply to  vievie

Wow, thanks

2 years ago
Reply to  vievie

I used to work in a grocery store. Everything is driven to get as much money from a person as possible. The layout, product placement, colors, and scents are all done in a way to trigger hunger responses in the brain and push for impulse buying. it’s rather insidious.

2 years ago
Reply to  Larrycoconut

100% true and prime product placement costs a pretty penny.

hollow logs
hollow logs
2 years ago
Reply to  Larrycoconut

absolutely.. the junkiest of junk usually down where the kids can be tricked… by horrid ‘ treats’..

and for adults, the ‘ bottom shelf’ as we all know, is where the cheapest awful, backwash drinks are kept.
different selves for different shelves.

what’s real nuts are the pictograms that now come standard from vendors..
“..better not mess it up! we used *science* to guarantee these outcomes!!! ”

retail is actual hell. bot & soul’d.

2 years ago
Reply to  vievie

I totally agree, no matter how aware you think you are the subliminals will almost always creep in to some degree. Like the saying goes “garbage in, garbage out”

2 years ago
Reply to  deletetheelite

Yes, even the most careful gardener must weed to keep up. All fences allow some ingress. We can see the adjacent weeds and watch them going to seed, but we can never catch everything.

2 years ago
Reply to  444gem

It’s so exciting, isn’t it, when science finally catches up and confirms what spiritual teachings have been telling us all along?

2 years ago
Reply to  vievie

It is truly amazing to see when The Truth finally emerges.

Although it can be disheartening to watch academics fight for paradigms they’ve been tricked or forced into (by oath) repeat for long periods of time and shut out so many great scientists and thinkers.

Airplane Clouds
Airplane Clouds
2 years ago
Reply to  vievie

Ignore all media out of existence.

2 years ago

I completely agree with that. Don’t give them an audience for their vile junk. Don’t spend our money or our precious time on things that aren’t good for us. It’s the most direct way to vote for a better world.

2 years ago
Reply to  vievie

It is not unusual for a person to feel unease for what the brain cannot make sense of. Just look at the way most here treat trans people or even who they believe may be trans. It is the same reason why the brain is frightened by pitch black or deep chasms: you pretend that anything could be in the shadows and coming for you when it is simply emptiness.

2 years ago


2 years ago

There used to be a website called Wiolowa Press ran by Barbara Brown years ago that did this type of photo enhancements. She would take a photo of lets say Prince Charles and if you take the picture, solorize the colors then click on ‘find edges’ you will see what our eyes could not. (you can tell who is truly human and who is not by their nose as a human will have no “edge” around the nose, a demon,alien etc will always have an visable edge around the nose) .You will see a demon, big teeth and claws and other little demons and snake like beings attatched to them same with the Queen, Pope, all the Bush family, Clintons,Obama,Rothschilds etc…She also did it on suspected UFO’S and you could literally see what’s inside these things down to the controls and weird beings throughout…Like what you are doing here but but not using traditional mirror flipping, though this works well it seems! If you ever seen the movie “They Live”?-These techniques are the glasses to ‘see’ imo….I used to be in touch with Barbara many years ago as we lived in the same city in Arizona but she disappeared around 2012 and her website was shut down and scrubbed but there are archives of what she was exposing out there, we think the powers that be got her.

2 years ago
Reply to  deletetheelite

What do you mean by an ‘edge’ around the nose?
This reminds me of another conversation around backmasking audio tapes. I cannot recall the user’s name (seems it started with an L? Male) but he essentially relayed that the inner, real spirit messages cannot lie. He used the example of a preverbal toddler in his family projecting a thought through baby babbling which responded to his “I love you” in kind.

2 years ago
Reply to  lgageharleya

Well lets say you take a photo of yourself (assuming you’re human of course lol) and you go into photoshop and solorize your picture and click on the find edges tool,you will see that your skin has no edges-it is on your face and is uniformed and continuously covers your body. Then take a picture of lets say of Sir Evelyn Rothschild and do the same thing. You will see his nose is fake as it has edges,like a fake one was placed on it,his eyes are all morphed out as well, his mouth is morphed out with sharp teeth. Same with his wife, his wife when you do it has 3 distinct irises in each eye with the obvious fake nose and shifty mouth. This technique uncovers their true nature. You can adjust the lighting to bring out the edges and other anomalies in these demons as well.

2 years ago
Reply to  deletetheelite

Huh, weird. I’ll see if I can figure out how to do this.

2 years ago
Reply to  lgageharleya

If you get the hang of it you will be able to see who is human and who is not. Use yourself as a base picture so you know what a human face looks like under solorization/edges. Then do the same to suspected non humans and you will see the drastic difference between you and the ‘others’. The worst ones I have done were the British royal family. None of them have a real nose and all their faces are in ‘shifty’ mode when put under solorizing. It’s like we see them as human but right out of our spectrum of our optical vision they are most definitely not. They probably need human blood perhaps to achieve the human illusion witch maybe the real underlying reason of blood sacrifice,rituals etc.

2 years ago
Reply to  deletetheelite

Do you see these anomalies in relations by marriage over time or just in offspring in varying degrees?

2 years ago
Reply to  lgageharleya

The anomalies are consistent when you are looking at any pictures of the Windsors,Rothschild,Bush..It’s like they are all part of the same whatever being they are. All their offsprings are the same as well. But, like if you do Bill Clinton he seems to be human,no edges no morphing but if you bring out the edges on his head he has very visable implants imbeded in him but his wife Hillary is a monster. If you put Chelsea under solorization the anomalies are identical to Webster Hubbell and Hillary, no human attributes whatsoever. These are demons,shapshifters,aliens whatever you want to call them they are not human.

Last edited 2 years ago by deletetheelite
2 years ago
Reply to  deletetheelite

I’d be very interested to see you start compiling some original articles, delete. You know a load more than you seem to let on.
I understand if your friend you referenced (and other public happenings) give you too much pause.

2 years ago
Reply to  deletetheelite

Also, a couple techniques:

Solarization then finding edges. THEY will put extreme brightness on the image areas that they do not wish for you to notice. Try to get photos without shadows and not it bright light.

Expand colors to cyan & blue +100 then solarize/find edges, then desaturate.

Snakes,demons will often lack real eyes and is apparent

Embossing (textures) of the photos will expose more anomalies.

Solarized filter, black & white filtered, blue cyan filter

Also always notice if there is a X on nose. X = leader- non-human

Last edited 2 years ago by deletetheelite
2 years ago
Reply to  444gem

Yours as well!! I never thought of center mirroring to find subliminals! It’s like a whole new rabbit hole to explore for sure,amazing!!!

2 years ago
Reply to  deletetheelite

This is fascinating, I’ve got to try it! Don’t suppose you have any ready examples?

Also, I agree with lgageharleya ~ would be awesome to see some of your wisdom in article form.

2 years ago
Reply to  vievie

I do on a drive somewhere..Haven’t done it in a quite a few years as I guess I got ‘spooked’ after I started experimenting using solorization with video using Sony Vegas software with a few plug ins. Video is a whole different ballgame. You see these things in motion just morphing out with tons of anomalies your eyes are naturally not picking up. I wasn’t ready for that and walked away. This post by gem has kinda refueld my intrest again though so may try again,who knows. I posted a couple links to some of Barbara’s early work below gems comments but are waiting for approval- I found some archived parts of her website on The Wayback site.

2 years ago
Reply to  444gem

They scrubbed the hell out of her website and name but nothing is really erased lol I found a small portion of the site on the Way Back Machine and is a 2005(The site actually got deleted from the net in 2012 though so this is some of the very early work as her site went up around 2002 so it lasted 10 years or so,then she vanished) indexed capture of the site:

2 years ago
Reply to  444gem

I posted a link but it is waiting for approval but will appear here and is an indexed 2005 capture of her site from The Way Back Machine.. very early work(and some of the best) as her site lasted from 2002-2012. I don’t think there was any warning..She was vanished.

2 years ago
Reply to  deletetheelite

I’ve been looking at these links and I see she posted not only threats she received (intercepted?) but also friends and family killed in tight succession. I wonder what they’ve done to her and whether she is still “alive” somewhere.

2 years ago
Reply to  444gem

Here is a very early archive of her work she did on the WTC towers…look at that demon also the work she has done on moon and mars pictures will creep anybody out as can plainly see all the weird creepy critters on the surface

Last edited 2 years ago by deletetheelite
2 years ago
Reply to  deletetheelite


2 years ago

on the cover of economist 2019 there are also the 4 horsemen of the apocalypse. and follow the order of the horses plague = covid war = russia vs ukraine. an endless war that no one seems to really want to end, even though they say otherwise. Notable is the Z and V symbols that Russian troops use. it looks like some kind of magical sigil. as well as a nod from putin about him doing his part in the plan. after all, there was a pinocchio behind him on that very cover of the economist. Plague and war would lead to starvation and death by themselves, but considering the last 2 horses, events that could lead to even more death and starvation are to come in the short term.

2 years ago
Reply to  444gem

well, i already tried it, but, v is derived from the Phoenician waw, its number is 6 and it meant hook in Phoenician or mace in Egyptian. z is from the Phoenician zayin, its number is 7 and means sword. I couldn’t get much out of it

2 years ago

the cover about iranian women… reminds me what an article of yours about magic tricks and hand signals. this v would be about tensions in iran being a hybrid and psychological war at the behest of the USA

2 years ago
Reply to  Guinchudo

Excellent catch Guinchido! You’re seeing their rabbits ears popping out of the hat

Tjise ears are a satanic hand sign of several embedded meanings:

V for Victory of Veezlevav
V for Vav (6th letter of Hebrew)
The ears of the typhonic beast, Set
The ears of Wennefer the bunny,
who is Osiris
The Shape of the Hyades Stars in Taurus

2 years ago
Reply to  444Gem

thanks. good to know i’m going the right way

Don't Tread on Me
Don't Tread on Me
2 years ago

I look at the Petco logo and notice it has some chirality in it, most notably if mirrored, the cat on the side fits on the other. I need to see if any other images pop up. That logo always looks like it maybe hiding something if I mirror it using the symmetry of the dogs head.

Don't Tread on Me
Don't Tread on Me
2 years ago

This logo always made me suspicious (most notably the symmetry of the head of the dog, and that my brain tries to fill in another cat where that empty space is at the right whenever I look at it.) and thanks to VC telling me about chirality, it’s starting to make sense.

2 years ago

It hides a lot even I can see. As Gem said, they stack images. So, I see: red dog (Sirius) also a rabbit face (what dog with ears like that has those full cheeks?) and a red ram (look at the weird lift to the full ears).
Upside down the dog holds the shape of the heart (ancient symbol of sterility – and what is everyone pushing for even pets nowadays?) and the spread of Tanit (sex magick) – also reflected in the “floppy” ears unnatural lift.
Blue cat (“V” for all the reasons described above also) and the legs and tails on the logos I looked up resemble numbers and probably characters in other languages.
If you look at mainstream veterinary medicine as an alongside with allopathy you will notice the crazy increase in “people” diseases in our animals.

Last edited 2 years ago by lgageharleya
2 years ago
Reply to  lgageharleya

Here is a common logo I found.

Don't Tread on Me
Don't Tread on Me
2 years ago
Reply to  A E

The old, more squared and rounded logo before the more smoothed out one was introduced later. Also very suspicious. Note the pointiness of the cat’s ears and the empty space (devil horns?)

2 years ago

Which do you mean, squared or rounded? Would bet money this change shortly followed a big corp buyout.

Don't Tread on Me
Don't Tread on Me
2 years ago
Reply to  lgageharleya

If you look at the old logo, its blockier with more sharp squares and curves, unlike the newer logo where those were smoothed out.

2 years ago
Reply to  A E

Look up olio in the lesser key of Solomon. Swine demon

2 years ago
Reply to  444Gem


PPP is 666 in English Gematria.

2 years ago
Reply to  444Gem

There are not 3 Ps in this image.

2 years ago
Reply to  444Gem


2 years ago
Reply to  444gem

I thought there had to be some characters hidden there, the way they were drawn.

2 years ago
Reply to  444gem

Trace over these things that you see. I look but find none of it.

Airplane Clouds
Airplane Clouds
2 years ago

The V****a image is a bit of a stretch…

Pp pp
Pp pp
2 years ago

Kinda creepy but I feel like if you were to do this to any image you’d see creepy faces
Like with rorschach blots where they take random blots of ink and mirror it which makes it often resemble animals

2 years ago
Reply to  Pp pp

Read back through the comments where Ralphie and Gem are discussing pareidolia.

2 years ago
Reply to  Pp pp

Tried to give a more detailed response below to the difference between this and simple paradolia phenomena.

2 years ago

Why unnecessarily twist and warp images to find meaning where it doesn’t exist?
It is so much simpler to just judge these people by their actions and their intents plainly. You find what you want to see, but most of this looks like amorphous inkblotting, with a handful of faces caused by paradolia. Do this to images of anything and you’ll find the same affect. It’s a parlor trick.

2 years ago
Reply to  Eee

Paradolia can certainly cause finding meaning in random places. The levels of detail in these images go so far beyond random paradolia.

You can mirror 1000 images in your home photos and you wont find such a clear and well defined flaming wing Illuminati Eye in the pyramid as in Zelenski’s neck.

The media embeds the same forms, in great detail, over and over again, such as Dagon the fish demon. One example I gave in the comments, which does not require mirroring, is the face of Enki hidden directly in Time Magazine’s 1938 person of the year featuring H1tl3r. Enki the demonic presence called the Lord of World Order, is etched into H1tl3r’s chair, sitting just below the concious threshold of most. This cover occurred several years before the worst of his atrocities, a way of telling us what was about to come.

The illuminists always play in the areas of “plausible deniability,” and only rarely venture out in the open to test threshold of compliance. A good example:

The name Balenciaga is Baal Enki Aga, three names of Satan, and meaning “Lord Master of The World Order and Fire.”

If I tell most people this three months ago, they’ll tell me I’m just seeing words and making up stuff. The name is obvious to those in the Gno, but sits in the plausible deniability zone for the “layics.” Now that they’ve crossed that threshold to test compliance by putting kids in bdsm gear, and found pushback, most people will accept there is a real possibility the name generates Satanas. This is just how they operate in the shadows.

2 years ago
Reply to  444Gem

Gem is a koan-artist seeing what he kensho to those on the site.
Interesting word games and patterns, but ultimately I will not be able to take these conversations further when I am villified for the bad acts of others.

2 years ago
Reply to  444Gem

baal enki aga , from which language was

2 years ago
Reply to  Eee

Eee, Have you truly put effort and desire into seeing the hidden images? For those who can’t see anything in there you have to put some effort into it. One glance will not do it.
Some of the demons are exceedingly obvious to see once certain barriers are broken through. With some determination and knocking at the door asking YHWH for understanding amazing things happen.
It could take multiple viewings and even some meditating on it but suddenly seeing happens.

2 years ago
Reply to  thekwon

I will tell you what I see; a hypocrite who attempts to make me an ally who in the same breath calls me an enemy elsewhere.

2 years ago
Reply to  Eee

Eee, I am just seeing your comments clearly you were offended I named you together with Badbeach aka The Great Plague.
I wouldn’t go as far to say you’ve always been respectful making accusations like the author is using “parlor tricks” and calling him a con man (you said koan man) but as far as I can remember you also haven’t been threatening. So lumping you together was not right however, name calling isn’t right either. Let’s just be respectful and use better language to make our points or express need for clarification.

2 years ago
Reply to  kwon

Admittedly my own bit of word play didn’t seem to be picked up on or responded to. The origins of koan and kensho would have made my intent more clear, but also ruin the slight of hand to it. An error on my part that I wouldn’t make again.

I have asked for Gem to trace over the things I cannot see and have asked others to clarify what they mean but do not get a response. I can see why “parlor trick” comes off as if I meant he himself is using it and may have bad intent given the use of con/koan and my skepticism of some of his work. I meant only that it is a well-known parlor trick, full stop. Paradolia, inverting and warping images to find faces or hidden messages within is simply a thing that people have done for a long time to derive meaning from and to entertain eachother. But I should have kept in mind that it has also been used by evangelicals to stir up bored house wives and so has a bad conotation to it that compounds on my early skepticism comments.

I am glad that there seems to be no lasting hard feelings at the very least. Well wishes.

2 years ago
Reply to  Eee

I unplugged for several days so have just recently read your post here.
There are definitely no hard feelings that is assured. Many of us have said things in the heat of emotion that is regretful I certainly have.
If you were around in the early part of the Monkey series I grilled Gem with so many questions it went on for weeks. I challenged him about everything and was convinced only a secret society member could know some of these things. Through YHWH one can know that and so much more that’s what I came to realize.
Fire away with all manner of challenging questions just keep it respectful and the name calling over the weeks is probably something I over reacted to.
What I said to you was unfair about Eee being illuminatis favorite letter sorry about that.  

2 years ago
Reply to  Eee

Eee, as far as I can remember you haven’t made threatening comments so in that respect lumping you together with Badbeach / Very (Very) Tired, Michele and The Great Plague was wrong.
However, you accused the author of using “parlor tricks” which is the equivalent of saying he is intentionally trying to deceive people through trickery which is a very serious allegation and isn’t helpful for anyone here. Then you called the author a con man (you said koan man) which is even more inflammatory and divisive to everything these discussions stand for. 
If you can’t understand something ask for clarification like everyone else rather than coming in with accusations which just aren’t helpful in the least.
These things being discussed can be a hard pill to swallow I totally understand that and believe me I’ve struggled with disbelief and fear of my own. Questioning and challenging the author is actually encouraged he’s said that many times. But making accusations the way you did is another matter and that’s what I responded to.

2 years ago

You have WAY too much time on your hands.

2 years ago
Reply to  downw0rd


2 years ago

Hi Gem, this is quite I interesting, and though I very much agree that messaging and subliminals are everywhere, I don’t think this particular kind of messaging has an effect on people.

I know that people insert the demonic into art. They get a thrill of power from secret desecration. And they are probably rewarded for it by dark forces, at least a little. However, the fact that it is inserted does not necessarily make it effective.

I think it is helpful to view messaging on a spectrum, from the blatant to the invisible.

For an example of the invisible: If someone took a 3000×3000 pixel image and painted in a demonic image in a 10×10 pixel area, you wouldn’t be able to see it.

Or for a second example, one could layer an oil painting so that underneath, there is something satanic, but on top of that is something beautiful.

We could go through every jpeg fully zoomed in, and we could x-ray every painting, but that would for the most part be speculative and unprofitable (not to mention maddening).

I would put mirroring on this list of the invisible. People may insert these demonic images purposefully because it gives them satanic street cred, but it doesn’t affect one’s soul.

I think that some of the more effective messaging is done via NLP. Excite a feeling, then insert a message. Also through repetition.

2 years ago
Reply to  breaker

What’s NLP?
Oh, nm, neuro linguistic programming, gotcha

Last edited 2 years ago by lgageharleya
Ralphie 225
Ralphie 225
2 years ago
Reply to  breaker

In addition to Gem’s analysis, breaker, your body has several etheric energy ‘ body layers’ that eminate out and away from your body, that are often grouped together and referred to as your ‘aura’.

Although these ‘body layers ‘ are not your soul, per se, they are informational layers that connect to your soul.

Within an ‘aura’ are various energetic ‘layers, each one representing a ‘variation ‘ of your body based on frequency and connected to your body’s Chakra system. Although these names and catagory placement may vary, in general, they are as follows:

Beginning with the most dense layers on the physical plane, closest to the body, we have:

1. Physical plane:
– physical body/etheric = root chakra
– emotional body = sacral chakra
– mental body = solar plexus

As we continue to extend out from the body, and increase in frequency, we reach the Astral plane, where we have:

2. Astral plane:
– astral body = heart chakra

Finally, we reach the furthest away from the physical and finest of the frequencies, the Spiritual Plane:

3. Spiritual Plane
– etheric template = throat chakra
– celestial body = brow chakra
– causal body/ketheric = crown chakra

And yes,, every single one of these ‘bodies’ can pick up on the energies, not necessairly images, emanating from photos, videos, music, and objects (psychometry), etc etc etc,, even those that are hidden under layers of a paint.

And yes, over time, these hidden and embedded negative images can damage these layers, causing real damage in the form of illnesses and issues to your actual physical body via damage from these other ‘body’ pathways, reverberating back to the body and upsetting its frequency and possibly ‘storing’ these negative frequencies.

…..and thereby affecting one’s soul…..

Unfortunately, most people are unable to recognize these subtle ‘energies’, as they operate just outside of our conscious awareness. Yet for those who are more ‘intuitive’, picking up on these energies can be done easily.

Which is why we are all being saturated witb this stuff 24x7x365… is by their design to produce negative energetic reactions, both consciously and subconsciously in us, which they then utilize to add extra horsepower to manifesting their pal, Satan.


Ralphie 225
Ralphie 225
2 years ago
Reply to  Ralphie 225

Here’s a picture that may help you…..

2 years ago
Reply to  Ralphie 225

Kiitos Ralphie!

2 years ago

This thread deserves “the most lively discussions” award !

hollow logs
hollow logs
2 years ago
Reply to  arif

@444gem @arif @VC absolutely..
i have revisited this thread multiple times..
it deserves some award for sure.. show me somewhere else that has such nuanced engagement.. such proliferation of ideas & knowledge..
& seemingly completely devoid of bots.
YT/FB/IG/Twit- shallow
Reddit- dead
thechans/lolcow- fake & g*y
local coffee shops- masks… still.
vigilantlinks thread-
informative & entertaining.

good job gem* ( & VC)
look at the portals you’ve opened

2 years ago
Reply to  hollow logs

I am so grateful to be able to have lively, intelligent and nuanced discourse with others from across the world. Thank you for this.

If we can all do this more, rather than having internet shouting matches where nobody listens or critically thinks, then we can begin to work towards growing in a positive direction that elevates, rather than denigrates us all.

2 years ago

Very interesting ideas but the evidence is not quite compelling

1 year ago

I will say this. Only true enlightenment comes from Christ. If your not washed in the blood & living out His vision for your life, well. Love, faith, perseverance, & study. Knowledge is useless unless motived by love with the guidance of wisdom.

1 year ago

This is ridiculous.

1 year ago


1 year ago

This is so wild and fascinating to me! When I journey with plant medicine, I see so many hue-mans shape shift and also see dark entities attached to hue-mans like they are syphoning their energy (emotions).