
New illuminati hotel in Dubai

Luxury experiential lounge Illuminati now open in Dubai | Time Out DubaiTriangles everywhere

One-eye sign

Red bath

lucifer’s wings

New age priestress with snakes

Demonic rituals in a bar

Celtic/New age dances

Witch cranes

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1 year ago

What is a witch crane, please?

1 year ago
Reply to  lefruit555

Okay, thank you

1 year ago

A red sacrificial bathtub, wow. And those skull lamps with lit candles on them are symbolic of Illumination, the awakened kundalini raised to the skull. They are telling you and showing you how demonic it is.

1 year ago
Reply to  Fleurdamour

No, they aren’t symbolic of that at all. The halo behind the heads of holy figures, such as Christ and his Apostles, is what represents illumination. Illumination isn’t bad. To walk in the presence of God is to be illuminated. The wicked are hijacking and perverting the sacred, causing confusion, misunderstanding, illusion, and superstition.

1 year ago
Reply to  CeeTruth

I have seen that very symbol of a skull with a candle in dark tantric art. If you hope to understand kundalini and tantra, you need to quit looking at the watered down New Age-y Western version and research the real thing, the ancient practices from Asia. The ultimate tantric ritual with the aim of awakening the third eye is to take a fresh corpse, recline on it in imitation of Shiva in the charnel grounds and meditate. That is called the shava sadhana.

That opens all sorts of questions to anyone with a conscience and the capacity for critical thought. Whose corpse? How obtained – grave thefted? How did that person die – was it by the hand of the tantric practitioner? What kind of person drags a corpse around and lounges on it? What possible spiritual good could come of an act like that? And how is it remotely respectful to the deceased? The answer is that it’s appalling on every possible level. And ask yourself why Western dark occultists are so drawn to tantra, because they are. The answer is that messing around with body parts to gain supernatural powers is the very definition of witchcraft and black magic.

Chain heavy
Chain heavy
1 year ago

And people say they’re losing the war for our minds and lives.

1 year ago

This looks like the perfect little “joke” to mock people who understand what’s going on, not to expose or even glorify the real illuminati.

1 year ago
Reply to  awalkinthepark

I think they’re just prematurely “shooting off” in celebration. They already lost, they just haven’t had it really SINK IN yet.

Joseph D.
Joseph D.
1 year ago

There’s going to be a lot of a**l sex in that place.

What a sh*thole


1 year ago

The cracks are really starting to show, aren’t they? In the past this would have been hidden, the Hellfire Club underground. Now it comes with a press release.

Isaac medas
Isaac medas
1 year ago
