
Kanye West admits he ‘likes’ Hitler during shocking Alex Jones interview (

Disgraced rapper criticised Jewish people as he insisted ‘We’ve got to stop dissing the Nazis all the time’

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1 year ago

Anyone else think this interview is sus? He has not been dressing like this lately at all in interviews or otherwise? how easy would it be for an actor or clone to pretend to be him with a full face mask and say the craziest s**t for headlines and humiliation? I’m guessing Ye is locked up now and this is a lookalike. Alex Jones is also a disgraced figure who yet still has a platform and it just all seems so fake.

1 year ago

Thing is, he wore this exact mask in the music video for his song “Heaven and Hell.” Celebrities who are trained in MKUltra systems like Ye don’t do anything without meaning, so a facemask like that is worn with specific intentions. Sure, it’s entirely possible that there’s a lookalike under there, but with his bizarre statements made without a facemask, I wouldn’t be surprised if it were actually him. So what’s the meaning of the mask? The eyes are zippered and shut, and a zipper down the middle closes off his whole face. Perhaps he is saying that his true self is hidden, or that we aren’t allowed to see the truth, or that he isn’t or hasn’t been allowed to see the truth?

1 year ago
Reply to  paul

this is partly why i think that this whole news of him ‘exposing’ stuff is a game or part of something else

1 year ago

They both mentioned that in the interview, Alex brought up that it might not really be Ye and Ye mentioned that he is wearing it because they keep using his image basically without his permission, to control him. He mentioned a lot about the deep states’ control, even saying that the people controlling the plane on the way there tried to bring him back home.
I have no doubt that what VC has been saying is true, that often times they (different handlers) do things to change and control him. Ye has even brought up that and showed images of threats, how they drug him, keep him away from his family, etc.
I was wondering if this new “employee” of his, Nick Fuentes is a handler or not as well.

1 year ago

What is with the Star of David/swastika symbol he tweeted? I know he is nuts, but did he go full Raelian?

1 year ago
Reply to  imtrash_2

Seems to be saying that the J*ws are the real N*zis.

1 year ago
Reply to  Hope

Been saying this for years. But I’m not famous. LOL, anyone denying this fact is a total moron. I notice that those who believed this BS pLandemic and took the shot are in severe denial. If this was Kanye, it was genius.

1 year ago
Reply to  imtrash_2

Clearly you are the one who is nuts, you are bat s**t crazy and need medication, kill yourself 😎

1 year ago
Reply to  core

Found Kanye’s account

1 year ago
Reply to  core

Dude can’t ask a question? “Hey, can I get a gluten free bun on my burger?” “You’re a psycho, take your meds, and kill yourself”


1 year ago
Reply to  imtrash_2

Apparently, no-one bothered to actually answer your question imtrash_2.

Don’t know if you’ve already looked it up by now, but yes, Kanye / Ye tweeted a picture of the Raelian logo, with the words “YE24. LOVE EVERYONE #LOVESPEECH”.

Apparently (according to a buzzfeed article) Musk has contacted Ye about it via DM and condemned it. Ye asking ‘according to who’ resulted in Musk responding with the ‘Our Father’-prayer.

1 year ago

It was the the most inspiring, entertaining, and interesting video I’ve ever seen from either Ye, or Alex Jones

1 year ago
Reply to  Hope

Lol I knew praising hitler would be popular around here

1 year ago
Reply to  Hope

You must be mentally ill then

1 year ago

Everyone who knows the truth likes him. He was fighting for the same things we do now. Any person who cares about the Lord, family and healthiness and still hates him fell for war-time propaganda. Germany was not the enemy, Iraq was not the enemy, Libya was not the enemy, Russia and China are not the enemies.

1 year ago
Reply to  aaa

Of course Hitler is very popular among the “vigilant” while Kanye has the mask on you all went full mask off.

1 year ago
Reply to  aaa

But you can’t say “Hitler was right”, he killed millions of innocent people especialy childs

1 year ago
Reply to  lefruit555

Why there are so many movies praising Churchill then?

1 year ago
Reply to  mary

Both Churchill and Hitler could both be bad.

There’s a David Bowie song that touches on this

1 year ago
Reply to  aaa

n**i germany didnt lose anyways, so rejoice you weirdo.

1 year ago
Reply to  aaa

History is never black and white. Hitler did some good things. He did many bad things. Saying Hitler bad/Hitler good is sloganeering for the current cause. It’s ok for history to be complicated.

1 year ago

This is what they do to discredit the real people they disagree with. They send out one of their drones to agree in public with our positions and then add in crazy crap like this so simple minded spectators connect us with Kanye’s insanity. It distracts from the fact that they are targeting children all over the country and all of us as scapegoats for their leftist totalitarian ideology. This is a setup. West is still a pawn in their game and he’s being used against us.

1 year ago
Reply to  Anonymous

You said this brilliantly.

1 year ago
Reply to  CajunGirl

You need psychiatric help you t****y 😂

1 year ago
Reply to  core

“Everyone is mentally ill and should be committed except for me because I’m the only sane person in existence.”

1 year ago
Reply to  Anonymous

You are a f*****g nobody shut the f**k up lolol Nobody is trying to discredit your retarded mentally ill a*s, nobody even knows you exist, clearly you are the one is insane, dont know why you call other people that 😂😂

1 year ago
Reply to  core

Is this what you call a response? If this is the best you got, you might as well not post at all, troll.

1 year ago
Reply to  core

“Nobody even knows you exist, clearly you are the one is insane…”

Projection much?

1 year ago
Reply to  Anonymous

Well said. Psyops on s******s. And it’s clearly working. Confusion is satan’s favorite tool. I wonder about AI in comment sections.

1 year ago
Reply to  Anonymous

I think that, too!

1 year ago
Reply to  Anonymous

Keep the divine pact through limited revelations, and then anchor The Truth to the crazier alter of your pawn as a foil to keep the cattle sleeping.

1 year ago
Reply to  Anonymous

They made this point several times in the interview.

That we are continually distracted by celebrities etc, while the most innocent (such as children &babies) are being actively targeted and sacrificed to fuel evil.

He even admitted his own mom was sacrificed for evil.

And that anyone else is used as scapegoats, and invertedly made out to be the persecutor/aggressor/bad-guy.

That we get so worked up over what people say, but in that distraction neglect what people are doing.

That he’s already set up to be the fall-guy and was playing it hard. The “I’m already in trouble, so might as well dig in my heels” mentality.

And it’s true. Look at us all here talking about this interview, look at me typing away about what people are saying instead of turning my focus to what people are actually doing.

1 year ago

This is a honey pot. He has been saying some things that make sense and others have agreed with. Now he’s demeaning himself – isn’t this part of the ritual to degrade yourself – especially if you have wronged them?

The main message to me was “if we can get to his money – we can get to yours – so behave. ” It all genuinely seems like nonsense.

hollow logs
hollow logs
1 year ago

Ye, Milo, Nick & sadly Jones are all on the payroll.. they all kiss the ring. they are just throwing monkey wrenches into their own propaganda machines.. this was just a wilder attempt @ CO..

sadly some of our faves are caught up in this.. most likely from the beginning.

quick list: AJ, NF, MY, SC, JD, TP, LR, DI, DS, RB, JP, JP, JLP, BS, GMc, SB & good ol DJT. i

t sucks but its true. following politics is no longer helpful.. they are all in on it.. we know this.
sucks when CSPAN & PBS were once considered informative & at least interesting.. no longer holds same appeal.
Reset incoming.
they did it before…
they took away cast iron & sold us plastic.
they took the Old World & put us into this rotten cabbage patch.

1 year ago
Reply to  hollow logs

“quick list: AJ, NF, MY, SC, JD, TP, LR, DI, DS, RB, JP, JP, JLP, BS, GMc, SB & good ol DJT”

We don’t all have secret decoder rings. Either say it or don’t. Who exactly are you scared of?

hollow logs
hollow logs
1 year ago
Reply to  Ray

oh i aint scared of shi*.. those are initials of prominent political pundits.. not hard to figure out really.
first name/ last name. some of our faves.

hollow logs
hollow logs
1 year ago
Reply to  hollow logs

here ya go: Jones, Fuentes, Yianopolis, Crowder, Dore, Pool, Rudkowski, Icke, Smith, Brand, Peterson, Posobiec, Lee Peterson, Shapiro, McInnes, Bannon…

I could keep going.. but I’m embarrassed I even know these losers names.. let alone their ideologies.
they’re wolves.. wearing wool.

1 year ago
Reply to  hollow logs

“took away cast iron”

You can still buy cast iron bro.

CSPAN & PBS were always mockingbird. CBS started using the all seeing eye in their logo in 1951.

1 year ago

Ignoring what Kanye said about Hitler, there is a Jewish connection to the occult elite. We can all see it.

1 year ago
Reply to  Emily

just like every culture, nation etc there are good and bad people. but judging an entire group of people for the actions of a few criminals? there, right there, is the evil itself

1 year ago
Reply to  john

Kanye reaps the racism that Kanye sows.

1 year ago
Reply to  john

There right there is what this sight and right wing conspiracies are based on John.

1 year ago
Reply to  Emily

It is Pheonicians, masquerading as Aryeh Yehudah, while fooling the Isis-Ra-Elis into being their shield. The Pheonicians became Venicians, became the City of London.

Phoinos = Red Ones
R0th-Ch1ld$ = Red Child/Shield

1 year ago

Shill spectacle, why people are buying it is beyond me. That Ye guy, what a shady individual, probably not even him in that interview and Alex Jones – anti globalists, libertarian badass who called COPS on his wife.

1 year ago
Reply to  SlavicGirl

His name, read right to left, is Tsu Eynak, Which means The Order of Lucifer.

Zu = Zues, The Light Bearer,
Enoch = The son of Kain The murderer

In Hebrew Tsu is “Political Order” and hence “The Order of Lucifer from the Children of Kain.”

1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem

Interesting. Yeah he’s been pushed pulled plugged etc by the elite. This could be one reason why he’s currently so bitter about being called “Kanye, or Kanye West” He wants to go by “Ye” which also seems a bit suspect to me after the whole sacrilege “Yesus” thing, but that could have been his handlers as well.

1 year ago

The only thing we should stop disgracing is the Swastika.