14 + fish and the Osiris myth:
Osiris was murdered and cut up into 14 pieces by his brother Set and scattered throughout the land of Egypt. Osiris’s wife Isis set out to find all of the pieces of his body to resurrect him. She found all but the 14th piece, his phallus, which was eaten by fish (now cursed because of this) in the river Nile. Isis made a phallus out of gold and temporary resurrected Osiris so she could conceive a child. Their offspring is the god Horus.
14 + Fish = A subliminal ode to the golden phallus of Osiris which is a highly revered icon used symbolically in Thelemic sacraments performed by those who practice Aleister Crowley’s ritualistic sex magick.
Also 14 and Fish is a WEF Oceanic directive:
What’s with all the hand scars and messed up bend up fingers?
Apart from that, it’s a pedophilic code word: fish(ing) and fourteen = fishing for teens.
wouldn’t he have the fish on the other hand then? and that also makes it so anyone that puts fish and numbers under the age of 18 together a pedophilic code word, damn i guess fishing stores are probably screwed hey
You’re not exactly the brightest bulb are you, Matt?
right, im not a bright bulb because i dont believe someone named john podesta is cryptically signalling some osiris pedophilic symbol, provide some details into the person etc, its on the person posting this stuff to provide all the details if they’re gonna make accusations that go this far
Podestas are definitely into some creepy stuff, especially the one pictured.
“Spirit Cooking” might be the explanation for his scarred up hands. Search up Marina Abramovic, a witch and friend of Podesta.
dePuytrens contracture
Dupuytren contracture – Symptoms and causes – Mayo Clinic
Looks like that would be it. And the scars would be from the surgery on the tendons. Thanks!
I’ve known several people who had that surgery, including my father, and the scars are barely noticeable. Podesta’s are not.
well, my dad had this condition and Podesta’s looks exactly like the way my dad’s hands looked. I think it depends on when the surgeries were done. In recent years treatment has improved, but in the 80’s and 90’s when my dad got the surgery it was pretty brutal.
Look I am not saying he isn’t a creep and a monster but the hand scars look like classic DePuytrens to me
Ok. I could see that. The ones I’ve seen where all done in the last 5-10 years.
Thank you for this article DeletheElite! Certainly Podesta is remarking the 14th piece of Osiris which was eaten by the fish of the sea.
There is another meaning I would add, which is also related to the numerical mythology of Osiris: The Zodiac.
There are 14 “living beasts” called Zoe, in Greek ζόε which are the 14 animals of the zodiac. Two of them are double animals within one sign: Gemini, the twins of Cain and Hevel, and Pisces, the Fish.
This hand symbol relates directly to Luciferian prophecy: that upon the completion of the 13th Monkey, and within the 14th, would come the End of the Aeon. We have just finished the 14th Monkey recently, and now are in the zone of Aquarius as the Spring Equinox.
Now let us examine the WEF encoding, which uses the reference to the Egyptian hieroglyph for water, serpent, and the Hebrew word for Fish. It has the ripples of water above the fish.
In Egyptian, Nun, or the letter N was a pictogram nearly identical to the WEF encoding. This letter, which represented water, eventually became the 13th Hebrew letter of the Alef-Bet, Mem, which is M. While the phonetic saying “Nun” which meant snake in Egyptian, became the letter N, and means Fish in Hebrew.
As convoluted as this appears, it is a reference to them replacing the Fish-Nun, with The Serpent. And hence is an announcement of the AntiXristos, the Snake as the Fish, and Imposter masquerading as The Son of YHWH.
Thanks for the added insight into this! Especially the the info on the WEF symbolism they used.
A mirroring for you. As per usual, all of the iconography is congruent with the message displayed here:
On his shoulders its 17-71 which is AZZA, and carries a double meaning:
1) it is the Phillistine/Pheonician City of Azza, which is modern day Gaza. It appears in the Old Testament at length as one of the 5 famous Pheonician cities to be conquered by the Aryeh Yehudah in Judges. Podesta is declaring his bloodline from the Pheonician city.
2) It refers, with his head, to the Aziza, which is African Mythology are the supernatural beings that gave humanity knowledge of fire, Aka, Prometheus.
It is also a reference to 77, which was the Mark of Lamech, Child of Kain.
In the middle of his jacket of course appears the elongated fish, the serpent fish, which is the fallus of Solar Fire (from the waters, the beast out of the sea.)
On his neck appears the Sylphium heart with two fire wings, a reference to an@l creating Solar Fire and gnosis.
And 1441 on his hands is AD-DA. This is the phrase יָדַע in Genesis 4:1 which is the word used for when “Adam Knew Eva” yada, which means “Gnosis” and עדַ Ad meaning Eternal. So the Phrase is “Eternal Gnosis.”
His neck has the double horizontal shaft Y, a very old and important Luciferian symbol still used today for the Yuan, a reference to YsYs (Isis) among many other things.
There are entitites on his nose and forehead, and his teeth underneath are showing through which is… odd
If you look closely between his nostrils and mouth is 66-66 on each side. The same typical 66-66 formation found when mirroring Luciferian Encoded mirror messages.
Behind his hands sits the three horizontal lines of the Mark of the Beast
The other mirroring shows the three fish, the third being over his throat, with an x over the mouth, the X always representing Osiris, and quite clearly a wink to the fallus in the fish mouth.
Hey Gem…….is there a reason why the same “entities” are not pictured in both mirrorings?
They use these media photos not just for demonic projection but also to code messages. An example is the economist cover of Liz Truss that when mirrored showed the Crimean bridge and Indian Bridge sacrifices surrounding the Venus superior conjunction and free bird operation.
In this, he is using a chiral image to make two different achiral images that send various codings. This is not a high priority image, but simply a “revealer,” that is, made as disclosure of who and what Podesta is and does.
So in the fish hand side, we get Dagon very clearly on throat, which shows he is a “serpent seed.” This is yes, a message that he speaks (and is) for the sea beast, the Tanninu, a deceleration of status.
This is why Dagon was featured so clearly above the eye of providence winged sun in the TIME cover of Zelenski. They are his masters.
The other side with the numbers is sending a very clear numerical coding which involves sabazios the three fingered hand. I did not go fully into the numerical codings because it’s simply what everybody already knows about podesta.
Thank you Gem…..
….seems like there are sub-faction ‘entities’ , perhsps like modern Divisional or Regional Vice Presidents, managing their ‘earthly divisional or regional manager employees’, no?
…bureaucracy in Satan’s dominion, I guess…..
This is one thing Saular of TarSix knew very well having been part of the Tannaim (repeaters) Saturn HexaHedron: we are not battling against simply men, but against darker forces of much higher principalities and factions.
An easy analogy is game of thrones. They all have the same goal and serve the same master, but are willing to cut one another’s throat at a moments notice for their own earthly gain. However, there is a code of honor and “rules,” and all of the initiates must play by those rules.
Interesting…..like the mafia……do we know what these “rules” are?
Brilliant question Ralphie, and a very important one: What are the rules in the house of Dragons? This can explain for example endless patent wars in the IT tech industry, knowing that they are all report to DARPA & NSA.
Thank you Ralphie for asking, and thank you in advance @444gem for answering.
The rules are simple, but require a really in depth understanding of all the symbolism and historical contexts to grasp. It starts with hold up the bunny ears and shake the third knuckle. Wink in mirror to the other and ask if they’re a traveler. Going to west to east… It goes on and on.
In terms of killing, you don’t kill a “made man” that is a higher order initiate unless told someone by the supreme council. You obey all requests for help and service. You don’t speak about the order to anyone outside the order. You must keep the divine pact. Battle is done on the battlefield and court. Breaking the oath is a death sentence. Your family is property of the order. You cannot keep secrets from the order or advancement will be halted forever (at the least.) any Dissent is punishable by expulsion or death.
All cattle are fair game for theft, raping, pillaging, and capture/abuse as long as you keep the divine pact and don’t spook the heard. You kiss the ring when asked to kiss the ring. You swear allegiance to Jabalon-Lucifer-Etc.
See the guy that “accidentally” shot a new initiate in the head in lodge by “mistakenly” using a loaded gun… that’s how they do infiltrators that break oath.
This is just the basics. Now think of all the ways to use this against each other: make someone break the oath through trickery and you can poison them.
I would recommend Bill Copper, the first 100 or so pages of “Behold a Pale Horse,”and his “Mystery Babylon Series.” The production is a little bit annoying, but the information is 80% or so accurate and he did all the legwork himself. He was able to predict 9 3l3ven in July 2001, and they shot him in the head in November 2001. He only got so far because he had been initiated at a young age in college to a low level Rosicrucian type order, and nobody had given the play to murder a made man, who was not breaking oath because he only attained first degree and then gave information that he found out from public sources.
I have recommended Codex MAGIka before which shows a far bit of symbolism and rule displays.
Starting with Jordan Maxwell (try and find his older talks on government workings) is also helpful, another very low level initiate who broke ranks. There is a video of him where another initiate asks him “can any good come from the morning star?” And he recognising this and his oath, with great fear, said “Oh yes, there’s a lot of good.” He was smart enough not to get trapped.
Is there a way out for initiates who want to stop being part of the order?
if someone takes for example a one way ticket to a new peaceful country, cuts all ties with his old life and starts a new life from 0, will he be forgotten? free?
I once heared that these people are everywhere all over the world, especially in police and healthcare.
In “eyes wide shot” no one can break out without a blood sacrifice. Is it so?
A lot of initiates do drop out, in practice, when they realise the ruse. They don’t necessarily publicly disown it, or even drop off the face of the Earth, they just stop playing, and become boring “joe nobody’s.”
I meet numerous of these types all the time. They’ll still give the handshake and symbols, but aren’t actively participating in a lodge, or the ceremonies. Once you get to know them, and they think you’re another one of them, the conversations are interesting… After a lot of these, it became clear that the vast majority of “initiates,” are low level grunts that aren’t really on the radar of the higher ups and so effectively just fade away as another brick in the pyramid.
For higher profile members, which are further up the pyramid, this becomes impossible. Their artists, business front men, and politicians don’t have this luxury, without first getting permission; although by the time they’ve achieved that level, they have become so compromised that they aren’t the types to want to quit either.
Now the ones of them that do get out, have a fake death (murder-suicide usually) and facial surgery. It is called murder of the persona… Think Jim Morrison back in 1971, or Epstein.
I would have to look up the serpent fish and compare. My first thought was a butterfly but in this context they would pretty much look the same.
To avoid any misinterpretations, Could you please explain more about Gazza? This is a Muslim city and has been for years under siege and heavy bombarding.
Palestinians are Arabs, Muslims and have nothing to do with Phoenicians.
What do you mean by Aryeh Yehudah conquering Gazza? Why It mut be conquered?
Are you approving what israel is doing out there?
I was speaking here from a historical perspective, regarding records in the 2nd and 1st millenia BCE. I do not approve of the Isis Ra El government, which is run by pheonicians IMPostering and is an oppressive state running a eugenics program under false pretense.
Gaza the city was founded many thousands of years ago by the “Phillistines,” whom are the Phoenician serpent seed mentioned in scripture. The name itself means something like “children of the juniper tree.” The sumerograms are:
This relates to the ancient Canaanite/Phillistine belief that the Juniper tree was Ashtarte/Asherah, the Queen of Heaven and fire and patron of fertility orgy rites held in their temples. The Arabs there today have little to no relationship with these people.
Unfortunately, in modernity the people “running the show,” on all sides have usurped identities and misappropriated ancient terminology in order to fool the common people into hating one another and to carry on in perpetual war that makes them blind to what is really going on:
Both modern states of IsisraEl and Palestine are being controlled by pheonicians who are pretending to be Arabs and IsIsraelis. This also requires understanding that in antiquity there was a distinction they have erased from the history books and terminology:
1) IsIsraelis who were the slaves of Egypt that were brought with the Aryeh Yehudah after Thera exploded in 1560 BCE. This is the vast majority of modern “Jews.”
2) The Pheonicians/Canaanites, who became Roman Emperors (like Constantine) then the Venician Black Nobility, which became the “Jewish” bankers of the City of London, German Nasis, US presidents, Isisraeli government, Saudi Royal Family, and even Mohammed was one, who had a red beard (no native of Arabia has a red beard.)
Keep in mind that Phoenician is from Phoinos which means “red” and “wine.” If you are in Jerusalem you’ll see many of these people.
3) The Aryeh Yehudah, who are very few in number. We were the Hyksos in Egypt; Moses was one of us, David, Ezekiel, Yeshua, Peter, and both Johns were all Aryeh Yehudah. The pheonicians have set about erasing us from history and genociding us, taking credit for our work and pretending to be us…
The fourth group in this is the Arabs now living in the Levant, whom are descended from the camel traders of the Arabian Peninsula and moved into the levant following the ummaid caliphates’ conquest. They are called Palestinian, but are not at all related to the earlier “phillistines.”
For those wondering about the name Phillistine/Palestine and it’s origins, for which there are little to no public etymologies to find (for obvious reasons of occultism) here is how to break into the text using the sumerograms and derived etymologies.
1) From Detived etymologies:
The word Fili is generally “child of” or descendant. An example is the city Philedelphia is “Children of Delphi.”
Iston is “from the East,” which is of course the Sunrise, ie Horus. This goes back many many millennia to the origins of Eurasian humanity in south East Asia migrating back west towards the levant.
2) From the Akkadian records
The full word is:
We must now go symbol by symbol:
𒉿 = Intellect and mental intelligence the form is a proof form of Six, which became Sigma in Greek Σ. It represents two mountains over a right angle T Bar (Turn your view 90 degrees and you’ll see it.) which is where all their o cult temples were placed (ie Gu-nang Padang). It means the “gnosis” achieved upon the mountain.
𒇷 = Juniper and it is a fire pit between two obvious evergreens, which represents a juniper forest, which was common in the Levant and Gaza. Juniper of course being the incense used in ashtoret sex rites, and the grove being the place of Druidic worship and rituals. (“In the pines, in the pines, where the Sun don’t ever shine…”)
𒄑 = Log or Wood
This refers to the burning of Juniper wood and Fire during these “gnostic” sex tired of fertility and the obtained knowledge for the “solar fire.”
𒋫 = between two time periods or “from, out of”
𒀀 = S***n and offspring. Even a cursory inquiry into Luciferianism and Gnosticism will reveal that they worship s***n retention, and the use of nervous system stimulation during these sex rites. The Sumerogram appears twice , so it is a clear reference to the period between spilling the cup of Hermes Scythe-Megistus.
In totality the name in Akkadian, their progenitors that took pleasure in skinning people alive is:
“(The Children of) Gnosis from The fire Asteroth Sex Rituals in the Juniper Groves, obtained from s***n retention.”
Sadly, Special Characters you add in your comments do not show up correctly.
Hopefully this helps- you may also want to try viewing Gem’s comment on a different device.
interesting. i remember something about crowley starting his spiritual awakening from a homosexual relationship
Sex Magik is one of the occult’s biggest methods for achieving ILL-lumination. This is heavily referenced in the solar fire, and “fire stick” phallic worship, and is referenced in the use of the word Ke-Phale(us) for the “heads” of the beast. I tried to cover this connection to phallic worship indirectly in Chapter X.
Crowley, without being an initiate, was let into many socieities having learned symbols from his grandfather and uncle, and then surprised many with his gnosis regarding sex magik. Gnosticism, or Gnosi-stick-ism, is a “christian’ form of this where they believe humans ascend to higher planes from not spilling the cup of Hermes, that is having long tantric sexual rituals without o****m.
Could the Phoenicians posing as Jews be what is referenced in Revelation 2, verse 9?
“I know thy works, and tribulation, and poverty, (but thou art rich) and I know the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews, and are not, but are the synagogue of Satan.“
Do you believe these “Jews” you mention could be the same as in that passage? I try to be very careful when interpreting scripture, and thought it good to ask. I saw you touch up on this a bit in 13 Monkeys Chapter III, but I do not remember seeing anything else on it that referenced Revelation 2:9 directly.
Yes they are indeed directly mentioned in Revelations 2:9.
Sometimes, I leave the direct references out so that it leaves room for readers to form and find the connections, which really helps with learning and growth of synaptic pathways using fractal thinking. I want to help others learn to fish spiritual sustenance for themselves, not just feed them for a day.
One connection in Chapter X of Monkeys which I left out is the use of the word 𐤊𐤍𐤏𐤍𐤌 “Kn’um” used by the Punics for themselves, which is of course the same as the word Khnum, the Potter and setting Sun in Egyptian, and KAINum, or KAINanite. Theyre all the same, and it references those (The Builders) that make bodies out of clay for their luciferian deities’ Ka Statutes that were fashioned in the “Reed Hut.”
Yes, the Luciferian priests were making daily meals for painted clay Ka Statues that looked like humans (you’ve seen them in museums), and then telling everybody this was how to earn divine favor… Only the highest degrees of them understood the celestial mathematics baked into these things and they played these charades to keep their underlings feeding the Ki harvesting of the actual living people, and thus using their free will to move towards embodying Lucifer s “the great work.”
This is quite a story to unpack, but basically, the first temples were the reed hut, and the reed boat, and the use of the structures to “embody” deities has been an obsession of the Serpent Seed since they began harvesting Ki. The modern word Ki (life force) was written in Sumerian as:
itself coming from the Sumerian word Gi, which means reed/measuring stick, and was also the measurement of 6 Q-bits (kus)… It also refered to the color Chloros χλώρος which is the color of the 4th horseman of the apoKALIpsis, Osiris.
This is why as shown early in Monkeys X they had Ishtar as 4 reeds (6666). And for all those “in the gno” the Number of the beast meant 666 “The Igigi,” which are the demons in Sumerian. (Hence the name iGigi Hadad, literally the Demonic Thunderer, another Pheonician IMPostering as Aryeh Yehudah)
The word “gi” in sumerian became KAINu/Kanum in Akkadian (like the potter and the the Pheonicians), like Kanoo in native American, because they used reeds for boats; The Akkadians were the Sumerians purely serpent seed inheritors from the 3rd millenia BCE that thought it fun to skin people alive. The reason NW0 Academia hides the obvious lexical and mythological connections between The Native Americas and Eurasia, is the same reason they burned the Mayans books: unraveling that mystery makes it nearly undeniable they lied, oppressed, and kept most of Eurasia purposfuly stupid for thousands of years in order to control technological development.
This is what lies beneath the story “Enki and The World Order.” Because he who controls measurements, letters and numbers, which were the reeds (the Gi/Ki), and uses them to harvest the people’s Ki (Life Force) through making pagan statues in a reed hut, is the one who controls the societal order of the world by infecting people’s minds. And hence he is the En-Ki, Master of Reeds. Any wonder why they are using Big Tech to create the “N3w” W0rld Order… The Dragons will always hoard knowledge, technology, and communication.
Even the modern word Djinn, which is really Gi-n, means “to make permanent.” What is it that the builders do? Set things in stone with temples and statue to try and make them permanent… And so these unseen demons in the Qoran, are just the spirit of the builders, infecting people’s minds Luciferian ideology.
I also did not directly mention it, but hoped the reader would figure out, that the word Panim is used in Ezekial for “Faces” of the man of many faces (Janus-Lucifer), is directly the same word as what Punics (All Pheonicians, including Carthiginians) called themselves 𐤐𐤍𐤉𐤌 “Ponim.” This also directly relates to PAN, the pan flute man of many faces across the ages. T
The Letters Pei-Nun-Vav-Mem are 80+50+6+40 = 176.
This here relates directly to the photo of Mr. Oaness Podesta and his descendancy of Kain: In Genesis 4:1 (thats 14 read Right to Left like Pheonician) it is written that “Adam Knew Eve” and the text uses the words YaDa’at, written as:
וְהָ֣אָדָ֔ם יָדַ֖ע אֶת חַוָּ֣ה
“Wa’hadam Yada’at Huw-wah”
Firstly, Wa’hadam means all humans. and “Eve” or “havvah” is actually the name of the ineffable creator Hu-Why, that’s the vowels U-A-I-E, from the top of the throat to the bottom. It’s the first word humanity ever uttered with understanding, “Why?”
The Island of Hawaii is called its name as a holdover of this ancient wisdom of humanity learning to speak and reason. When they say the vowels are lost so we can’t speak the name, its the silliest riddle of all time played by the Tannaim, and now repeated by many Isis-Ra-Elis who don’t actually know the answer because it is so obbvious: The Name of YHWH IS THE VOWELS. U-A-I-E
So The phrase literally means “Humanity Knew Hu-Why?” This opens to a lot of Luciferian twisting regarding “yada yada” speaking without knowledge, or talking to learn, rather than being still, because we encourage people to use The Word to verbally speak with YHWH in order to grow as people. I won’t go down this branch quite yet, but some of them even translate it (in order to glorify Lucifer) as “Humanity met The Lord (Ya) of Gnosis (Da’at), Hu-Why?” Through gnostic sex rituals.
The word Ya da’at has a gematria of 484 which is 44*11 and the name for the false serpent seed of many faces, the imposters, is Ponim, and equals 176, which is 44*4.
This is why some of the negative commenters here keep trying to nail me for the use of 444, which they have been taught is a reference to the Mother of Kain, Ada or Yada’at which means “Lord of Knowledge” and is directly related to the word Duat in Egyptian (Land of Osiris) and hADEs in Greek, both places to die, and be reborn. This is why for instance George Bush 41 when asked if he was christian responded “I have been born again.” because he spent three days in a black sarcophagus seeing Yada and tasting ego death.
They do not understand that 444 originated as the upper limit for approximation of square root three (443/256 and 444/256, with 443.5 being 99.9%= accurate) as the measure of the vertical spine of the Vesica Pisces. It’s a teach tool for basic mathematics and geometric measurement.
Quoting you,
“And so these unseen demons in the Qoran, are just the spirit of the builders, infecting people’s minds (with) Luciferian ideology.”
This sounds just like Sol-Amun lore, regarding his temple. The Seal of Solomon was said to give him to ability to “command the djinn”… these spirits were said to have been “used” to build the Temple of Solomon. This is beginning to come together and make much more sense.
A bit more to ask- the Giza necropolis, all those renowned Egyptian architectural works… could they have been built using the djinn (or rather, G-in), also? Do these “spirits of the builders” inhabit some of the more “traditional” fr33mas0ns (the ones that build literal structures), as well?
Thank you so much, sincerely, for the guidance you have provided me as well as the other frequenters of this site.
You have made a very wise connection to the Soli Man texts. We discussed quite a bit on the nature of “demons,” in the article “The Devils in the Details.”
The Gi/Ki (Reed) making metaphysical Gi-in (being inhabited by the spirit of the Reed Hut) comes from people becoming ILL-luminated. In one of the Middle Monkeys Chapters, I posted a picture from the Church of Annunciation, where they have posted a mural of the pope surrounded by fire (like a zoro-ASTERot priest, literally the Star FIRE FOX) infecting the kinds of the people and making them build things.
It all connects: Luciferians twist the Truth, to construct pyramidal hierarchies in society, that are used to harvest peoples Ki in order to build structures that further reciprocally make people give away their Ki to false satanic paganism.
This is the “Daimon Paganos.” The spirit that infects the cattle.
All the evil in the world boils right down to self – pride, greed, I AM, ego, Luciferianism. At the very base of every sin of mankind lies this root. As if any man created his own talents. As if he can change a hair on his head without lying manipulation. As if grasping and thieving don’t create a void which returns sevenfold upon the thief when the time comes.
We’ll said Truth Igageharleya. It is our choice whether or not yo embrace and live in The Truth of YHWH.
The WEF Symbol represents the Three Ripples symbol of Egyptian Hieroglyphs which are also represented in the Greek as Xi, 𓈗, which is the middle term of the Number of The Beast, and represents 60 in Greek Numerals. This symbol is being used all over the place now in media, including the new film “Megan” about a robot transhumanist child doll, in Biden-Harris campaign signs, etc.
with the WEF they have replaced the third ripple with the fish, as a wink to it being 2/3 of the symbol (.666) and in reference to the Egyptian hieroglyph for “fish” with is Jn, and said “Jon” or “Oan” as in Oannes. This is, of course, a reference to the great wisdom they seeing coming to enlighten humanity through the embodiment of the serpent within the waters, Lucifer, into physical form here on earth as AI.
hi, i’ve been looking at the moai from the rapanui tribe and some sculptures from the nok civilization. I realized that both civilizations represent their ancestors realistically. So I understood that when the Rapanui say that the Moai represent their ancestors, what they really mean is that they are representing their Eurasian ancestors who arrived there. it can be noticed through the noses of the moais. and when they say that makemake the birdman is the creator god they want to represent the race that mixed with hominids and generated the rapanui. ps: do you approve of david icke’s works? although I am not very willing to believe in reptilians, it is very interesting to think that troodons could have evolved before primates. it is also interesting how the ubaid peoples represent sculptures of beings with reptilian appearances
This picture looks as if it was taken inside of a school; looks like whiteboards along the back wall.
Sorry but He looks like an old perv.
Pervert isn’t even the tip of the iceberg with this guy! He’s a pedophile and a murderer, and part of the Cabal.
Are you familiar with Chester Bennington from Lincoln Park? He did not commit suicide, he was murdered because he was exposing the Satanic sex traffickers, such as John Podesta.
Take a guess who Chester Bennington’s father is?
Yep..The theory is Chester and Chris Cornell were doing humanitarian work in Haiti for the Clinton foundation and stumbled across that the whole operation was a huge child sex smuggling ring and they were going to expose it or something.They both were sucided after that. Crazy rabbit hole to go down for sure.
Fishing for fourteen (probably an age of a girl or a boy)