Netflix mind control much? Two lives, unsure who played the character, “Broken phone”, end of her rope. Also check the Pic on her Instagram where she is covered in blood with the caption, “I can’t remember a thing”
Yikes. What happened to this girl?
Classic mkultra sounding story, or there really is a double, but most likely one of her alters was playing the character. Mind control victims can have up to THOUSANDS of alters.
wow..i really feel sorry for these actors…poor jenna but this is bound to happen when u join the industry as a child to adult
ALOT of celebrities say the same thing about not remembering thier time on set..A good example is the entire cast of Freinds have said they really don’t remember most of their time on that show if you look into it. Some of them have rewached episodes and still don’t recall anything. An MK slave can remember thousands of lines of dialog if their altar is programmed to do so which makes them ideal candidates on multi episodic television programs.
Frankie Munez said the same thing