"When I express gratitude for my abortions, sometimes I and other @AbortionStories storytellers are met with chides from loved ones who believe that we shouldn’t be “thankful” for our abortions. But I am thankful for both of my abortions." https://t.co/N14ntuBgvS
— The Nation (@thenation) November 24, 2022
in Social Media
Sick!! How hard is it to use condoms, take pills or keep your legs closed!!
How can someone be so happy about something so evil? “Thankful for both of my abortions”? This woman is definitely influenced by the demonic spirit of child sacrifice. Like the other person commented, why not be a responsible adult and use preventive measures from allowing this to happen in the first place? This is something people shouldn’t be thankful about. It is a tragedy to have to sacrifice a innocent life.
Accidents happen with the wrong ppl sometimes. Grateful for an option maybe and chill with your judgement
Deleting a human life is not something to be done either casually or ecstatically . I am pro choice in certain situations, but not when it comes to adults who accidentally fell pregnant at an inconvenient time. Part of being an adult is to take responsibility for your mistakes. What is the difference between abortion at any stage, and without needing a reason ; vs throwing a newborn in the garbage bin because you want to go party? None.
Unless Laurel repents and accepts salvation, Laurel will reap what Laurel sows.
Do you all explain criticism toward other evils as being “judgmental” or do you only advocate for the mainstream culture-approved evils? Is is “judgmental” to criticize abusers, pedophiles, or human traffickers?? Many pregnancies are accidental but that doesn’t make killing your unborn offspring not evil anymore than would killing your post-born child. An “accident” doesn’t justify commuting an evil act.
Is it noteworthy that they’re all unattractive?
So true my friend
I dunno, I think I’d rail 3 or 4 of them. Plus you know if anything goes wrong they’ll get rid the problem.
Being thankful has the assumption of an object of thanks, which is God. To thank the creator for an act of destruction is an inversion.
This article is all about the feels, linking Christianity to “do as thou wilt.”
Yes and whenever I see someone making a picture of a heart like that with their hands I know they are all surface
This is an example of natural selection
I see articles like these and I’m baffled. Glad I’m not the only one.
All murdered innocents are Holy Martyrs praying for us sinners and when The Judgement Day come, their mothers will meet them face to face.
They all look like college age girls.
How many criminals and similar defective and monstrous people didn’t come into the World because of abortion. If woman thinks of abortion than something is really bad about her enviroinment, her living conditions, people that surrounds her or herself , so that means that baby gonnna have hightened risks of becoming bad person.
For example, would it have been that bad if Hitler’s or Dahmer’s mothers woud have got abortions?
And do you remember something until you reached 2 or three years? So, abortion at first six weeks in the womb…
If society wants happy and normal people, than need repair human relations between man and woman. But with that dinamics between them for thousand of years, i dont think it gonna happen some day.
wow imagine being ”thankful” for an abortion not one but 2. what a disguting person. abortions are a sacrifice to the devil whether u know it or not. may the souls of those unborn children rest in the hands of our Lord. i cant even imagine how the future is going to be if its already gone extremely mad rn
Women are their own boss about their body and womb..
Can those women be boss about their vaginas as well and keep them closed?
Then they would not have abortions.
Women be responseble about your wombs and v****a in first place, its a gift to give labour not a sextoy to get nice designer clothes, dont use your tootsie whootsies as a paypall
When men leave their children and wont take care of them, women say oh he is a monster..
When women dont wanna take care of their babys and let kill their child inside its womens choice..
Women cant take responebility for their beings as mothers when they get pregnant for fun and later kill their babys inside..those women should be injected by a medicine that shrimps their womb and entrance of the puss…only descent mothers to be would be aloud to become pregnant i guess