
“The Secret Teachings of All Ages”: The Ultimate Reference in Occult Symbolism (

For those who need to be reminded that “occult” does not translate into “evil”, but, like knowledge itself, it can be used for good or for nefarious purposes. From VC himself. Part of the reason I’ve remained a follower of VC throughout the years is because he calls out how symbolism is used to manipulate, but he also recognizes the power (knowledge) they possess when used for good. He keeps a level head. Wherever your awareness is, and however attuned you are to perceiving the nefarious, do yourself the favor of focusing on the good over the bad, from your intellectual and spiritual pursuits to your relationships and your place in the world. 

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2 years ago

2 Corinthians 11:12 And I will keep on doing what I am doing in order to cut the ground from under those who want an opportunity to be considered equal with us in the things they boast about. 13 For such people are false apostles, deceitful workers, masquerading as apostles of Christ. 14 And no wonder, for Satan himself masquerades as an angel of light. 15 It is not surprising, then, if his servants also masquerade as servants of righteousness. Their end will be what their actions deserve.

2 years ago
Reply to  ceetruth

John 1:5 And the light shineth in darkness; and the darkness comprehend it not.

2 years ago
Reply to  Michele

Jesus is the light. Not false occult luciferian light.

2 years ago

:)) oh, please! Selling the new-age crap again? Cannot help it, huh? Those who are strong in their faith cannot be deceived, when will you understand that?

2 years ago
Reply to  crisspf2000

The Aryeh Yehudah taught humanity much of this to know the creator by understanding the creature. The problem came when the Luciferians then corrupted the teachings and taught everyone to worship the former and to deny the existence of the latter. Yeshua was an Aryeh Yehudah.

Many blessings in the Truth of God.

2 years ago
Reply to  444Gem

Hi 444Gem, do you recommend studying Zohar?

2 years ago
Reply to  origami

The Zohar is full of Luciferiab twisting. The word Zahab + or in Hebrew, which means “the golden light.” Does this mean it contains no wisdom? No it doesn’t, but it does mean it is a text designed by Luciferians to initiate Luciferians and Illumine them with knots of knowledge.

Reading it requires extraordinary caution and discernment to distill wisdom from it. It is better to begin with the understanding the scriptures of God, but learning the original Hebrew and Greek, the gematrias, and The True meanings.

Ralphie 225
Ralphie 225
2 years ago
Reply to  444Gem

Hey Gem….speaking of books…..

I see here where you recommend “learning the original Hebrew and Greek, the gematrias, and The True meanings.”

So you know, I’m going to ask…..about books….

Further, are there any Bibles, that you feel,, have been translated properly??

For a Greek translation, would you recommend the Textus Receptus – 1881 Edition By F.H. A. Scrivener, as the best Greek translation of the Bible, or the The New Testament in the Original Greek: Byzantine Textform by Robinson – Pierpont?

Or is there another translated version, whether Greek, Hebrew or Aramaic (you didn’t mention learning Aramaic in the above) ?

Which gematria book do you recommend starting with?

Also, you mentioned to me about using the ‘Q Bible’…….I’m assuming the QBible website?

As a side note: I had never heard of the word ‘Q Bible’, so I looked it up. Besides the online site, I found there was actually something called the ‘Q source’ – an unknown mystery text that ‘possibly’ influenced the Gospels of Matthew and Luke (The 2-source hypothesis). There is also the 3-source hypothesis, Farrer’s hypothesis, as well as the Q+/Pappas hypothesis.

I did see where Amazon sells a few ‘Q Bible’ books… you recommend any of these?

And finally, besides the ‘Computation of 666’ book, are there any other astrotheology books you recommend?


2 years ago
Reply to  Ralphie 225

All of the Bibles publicly available come from a select few sources, many of which contain twistings and manipulation of the texts. Sorting where those are requires reading the original source manuscripts and cross referencing. That takes extraordinary effort. However, an approximation can be obtained by cross referencing what alone is available online known as “inter linear” texts. I recommend this because of its ease to obtain and widespread availability. They are generally around 90% accurate and with discernment, all of The Truth can be obtained. That is the divine pact.

An example:

The Magnificat is a wholesale fabrication by the Catholic Church. How can one know this from the publicly available and interlinear texts? Reading the original Greek, one can begin to see that the passage contains many unique words and compound tensing not used in much of the rest of Luke. In a passage of 50 some odd words (inviting prepositions like “a”), around 23 are completely unique, and another 5-6 appear only in one other spot in Luke. That means nearly half the passage is completely unique to itself. Then one can cross compare it to OT passages and the other texts of Ishtar, Innana, Isis, Venus, Ashteroth etc. all of the “Queen of Heaven” figures from the near East, and find that the song is nearly directly lifted from OT septaguint sources and then combined with the compound tensing in Greek of 4th century and on adaptations of Byzantine Latinized Greek grammar. The passage also has far too many similarities to Neo Babylonian inscriptions involving Inanna.

Then you can research the available manuscripts of Luke and find that indeed, the earliest found copy of any of the Magnificat is from the 4th century. When doing research, triangulating many avenues is key.

2 years ago
Reply to  444Gem

The Q Bible. Recommended is indeed the free online available version. It has early all of the available sources available in both Hebrew/Aramaic and Greek. One example is the passages involving Shem’s sons, in which the ages given in the Hebrew (which is taken from later 11th century AD barabbinical sources) are all exactly 100 years smaller than the septaguint sources, which are from the 2nd century BCE. They also differ on whether the “Israelites,” spent 430 years in Egypt and Canaan, or in Egypt alone. An analysis of the text, cross referenced to where the Egyptians erased the history from the inscriptions, can give you near exact dates coinciding with the eruption of Thera.

In terms of Hebrew-Aramaic, I don’t recommend Aramaic before, because my usage of “Hebrew,” is meant to refer to the parent language, Aryeh Yehudah, from which Phoenician, Modern Hebrew Akkadian and Aramaic are all descended. Like Latin is the parent to Portuguese, Spanish, Italian etc. the difference between Aramaic and Hebrew is roughly equivalent French and Lang d’oc.

For astrotheological perspectives I recommend after computation 666 I recommend the following:

1. All Past Time by J.B Dimbleby
2. The Approaching End of the Age by Henry Gratten Guinness

You must not take all the year calculations literally, for these are but one step on the scalar fractal. However gratten understood 1917 as the beginning of the final century of the first beast.

Gematria I recommend using the table attached below, and then learning all of the cosmic numbers, celestial mechanics, mathematical constants, and overt numerical encodings in the ancient mythology. More on this is coming in chapter X. Including borromean rings.

2 years ago
Reply to  444Gem

In case you’re wondering why I’m not giving you things like the “companion Bible,” it is because these are crutches that hobble learners. Anyone using them is directly relying upon the limited informational interpretation of well intentioned, but incomplete understandings.

With your intelligence, you must dive into the interlinear texts and begin learning to say the words out loud what they mean. As a speaker of islandic, you’re going to start finding some odd correlations between near sounding words coming from Norse, which will be very revealing.

Also remember, in the original scriptures, the words are not separated by spaces. One example is in Greek often you have a word ending in ιστ ISΤ and then another word beginning in ηρών ERON. Why because it is a semi veiled reference to Isteron the eastern star.

Ralphie 225
Ralphie 225
2 years ago
Reply to  444Gem

Thank you Gem….I appreciate the reply and the endorsement.

Like many people reading this reply, the element of ‘time” is the key variable here.

As I wrote previously, I take care of two households- mine and the elderly mother and handicapped brother, both of whom are gowing older and less able by the month. I also try and squeeze in some charity work when I can – running errands/shopping for the elderly.

Further, although my reading at one time was extensive, over these last few years, finding time, has proven to be a bit of a challenge, as I’m sure you can imagine.

Which brings up a question……

In these chaotic modern times,, when someone does find themselves with a bit of time on their hands,, is it better to put into practice, the most simplistic yet profound, teaching of Jesus: ‘Whatsoever You Do to the Least of My Brothers You Do unto Me’ or is it better to focus entirely on studying this material?

Reason dictates a balance between the two however life doesn’t always abide by reason, especially when things go sideways and stay sideways for weeks.



2 years ago
Reply to  Ralphie 225

The answer to your question is not an either-or; the search for Truth and to help others should not be diametrically opposed.

Certainly the question of how to administer limited free time, particularly in light of your personal circumstances, is important. You must learn to balance both in the measure appropriate for you. The only way possible to do this is to ask YHWH for the wisdom to do this, and then to listen with ears to hear.

I can tell you this: at this point what has come and is to come is not going to be easy, and it goes beyond what human kind has ever faced in this iteration. Your understanding of Truth, will serve to help you better act and better help others when it is necessary.

Let me give you an example of how right intention without wisdom of Truth has often been a of great assistance to The Luciferians:

1) Many people in the 1980s, seeing that there was a great increase in drug addiction in US urban areas, began to volunteer and work for ”public” psychiatric, food service, and aid organizations. While doing so, they took pay cuts, gave away huge quantities of overtime, and sought to help those ravaged by the onslaught of what they perceived as a problem created by drug cartels.

However, having not looked into the Truth and been carried into action by the desire to do right, did not realise that it was The Reagan administration and C1A (Daddy Bush and Cheney) that were personally responsible for trafficking and distributing the narcotics as part of a circular form of funding the Colombian Contras and guaranteeing a form of urban mob rule from their chosen cartel organizations.

These well intentioned people did not realise they were helping The NW0 subsidise vampiric populations in a way that was designed to keep them trapped in the addiction cycle, that was used to divert tax money into the NW0 black operations and to ensure large voting populations to fix elections however they so chose through vote usurpation using the enrolment lists at these organizations. Further they were used as the first distribution points for the opium epidemic from big Pharma starting in the 1990s.

And so many people with right intention gave away their lives to serve the NW0 because of a lack of wisdom and understanding The Truth. Had they dedicated the same Ki to exposing and changing the tide, our timeline would be significantly different.

2 years ago
Reply to  444Gem

Thus, it must be understood that without wisdom of The Truth, right action cannot be taken. It is the greatest fundamental problem in our world today.

That the Dragons hoard knowledge and usurp The Truth and twist it, creating enormous hierarchical operations we know as “secret societies,” in order to affect generative force upon our universe, is proof of the fruits of the problem laying in a lack of wisdom. Most people that join Illuminist organizations are not doing so out of an initially evil intent. Yet, they become instruments of Lucifer from neglecting to knock at the door and ask God for The Truth.

Ralphie 225
Ralphie 225
2 years ago
Reply to  444Gem

Thank you Gem…..I remember those days…..Iran-Contra-Gary Webb-Oliver North….and if memory serves further, the original voter usurpation of these various demographics goes back to the start of Social Security….

And dont forget about the whole “big profits in non-profits” scheme too….

Oh yes, many ‘do-gooders’ haven fallen into some of these ‘public social services’ trap….. thankfully I have never felt drawn to such work.

My care is for my family, which I believe it is the right thing to do and done out of love for family…..or as 1 Timothy 5:8 says:

‘But if anyone does not provide for his relatives, and especially for members of his household, he has denied the faith and is worse than an unbeliever.’

More so, I prefer to help the local elderly, neighbors and such,, who find it difficult to get out due to weather or mobility or illness, and who are appreciative of, not only shopping/errand help, but often company. (It is heartbreaking to see so many of the elderly cast aside in today’s society….)

Although the Luciferians may have the ‘upper hand’, so to speak, we who are aware of them, have a more powerful element available freely to us all: love. Heartfelt love.

Love for family and friends, love for God, love in action by the millions of little acts of kindness we can do for people everyday – like offering a genuine smile to a stranger while passing in the cereal isle – you can literally make someone’s day with just this one little act…..and we all know this world certainly needs a lot more of it…

As I have gotten older, I have tried to understand more of this world and the universe at hand, and I’ve often thought, that if gravity is the only thing that can flow, unimpeded through time and space and dimensions, then perhaps gravity IS love…..God’s love…..

Then again maybe not….but then again, maybe…

As always, I can continue to do my best…..


2 years ago
Reply to  444Gem

Are the events mentioned in Revelations inevitable and/or is it partially being manifested due to the energy focussed on it, like becoming a self fulfilling prophacy (law of attraction)? If manifesting is a part of it than it should be avoidable through focussing on a better outcome? (I don’t think so, that would be like praying to baby Jesus and thinking it will be alright) I read about people in the spiritual corner, where they mention raising their energy to a higher vibration and when the time is there they move to a higher dimension (7th or higher or so). Is that the great rapture and/or what happend to Henoch?

Ralphie 225
Ralphie 225
2 years ago
Reply to  Vesica_Pisces

Hey VP….excellent question for Gem – though you may need to add it to a more current post where he can see it…

I feel these elites have understood how important the LOA/manifesting is on this ‘physical plane’ and have been employing it for eons – which is why they seem to be dominating the playing field these days.

The continued use of their symbology is steeped into our everyday lives, from corporate logos and national flags, to advertising brands and entertainment propoganda, and we have been filling their energy coffers for years – whether we know it or not.

If ‘energy flows where attention goes’, then every time we see one of their movies or music videos, we add our energy to their account.

Every time we see their symbols, read books about such things, even post and complain about them, etc etc etc,, we are adding to their accounts.

And the bigger their accounts, the more sway it has on moving things in favor/ towards their agenda.

Whatever you think-feel-believe-do, you bring about……which is why they do so many ‘exercise games’….like the Pandemic 201 “practice” they held back in 2019 (?).

They practiced/simulated their plan under the guise of “preparedness planning”.
They reinforced in their bodies/minds – what it would feel like when they do X,Y,Z to the populations of the world…that is LOA… ‘act as if ‘ something you desire has already occurred and to be thankful for it happening in advance of it happening and knowing that what your manifesting will happen….then leaving the details up to a higher power.

I believe the power of the mind, the Observer effect, has been downplayed in society, science, medicine and religion for a reason – to have us rely on “others” for assistance instead of ourselves.

How often I’ve wondered what the global impact would be if we, the people, could unite behind a common symbol that countered the elites? Could we swing the world to our favor?

Maybe but doubtful….

The elite are a small yet powerful group on a single mission with single focus and in complete agreement. They are of a single culture, single religion and single political/governance style and single culture (elite).

Never wavering in their beliefs century after century, eon after eon.

Could the rest of us be of such single mindedness and focus? I think not…

Unfortunately, the rest of us 8 billion, are too divided as people to attain any cohesive coherence large enough and long enough to make a difference.

We are all too busy with our different groups, different cultures, different religions, different political/government styles (liberal, conservative, etc) etc etc etc, to unite together, for an extended period of time, to begin to impact change.

And they count on that…..

But if we could, I believe, it would change the world…


2 years ago
Reply to  Ralphie 225

Yeshua was one man, whom even his disciples, while he walked the earth, weren’t fully understanding nor fully trusting, yet he still changed the world. That is the grain that moves mountains.

2 years ago
Reply to  A E

John 14:12
King James Version
12 Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that believeth on me, the works that I do shall he do also; and greater works than these shall he do; because I go unto my Father.

2 years ago
Reply to  A E

Still trying to figure out how this grain fits into it.

2 years ago
Reply to  Vesica_Pisces

It is the mustard seed.

Consider yourself, when you first began here –

I will share my perspective:
I was befuddled, I found the “Ovation” article odd and wondered what it had to do with anything serious. The first few follow-up articles were similar for me and I definitely wondered who this Gem guy was and what his intents were. Several things he said struck me as sacrilegious.
As I continued on, listening, I began to seek things out to try to prove for myself – discovering truth meant more to me than anything, so I thought, what else am I doing more important right now anyway? If there is nothing here, I will soon realize it, but if there is….?
Once I began to find the There, there, and was given the tools to develop myself – my brain/body/mind/spirit connections, I was off.
I wrestled my own ‘god’ of the pineal and finally overcame, and I find myself in the best space I have ever been.

Now, I have a constant guide in every aspect of my life. I have full retention of personal choice in everything, but I increasingly find that everything is MORE, so much more, down to the most minute detail, when I ask for guidance, then submit myself to follow what I am advised. I am often cautioned of things in advance now, and find those cautions to be spot on once I interact. The warnings I don’t play with at all, because the evidence of the cautions is enough for me to take them seriously. I am learning to read and to better understand the things I can now sense so clearly. I can see the hidden symbols and meanings far more clearly.

All my relationships are better and growing moreso daily. I don’t struggle as I used to. I comprehend things far more rapidly, even things I used to avoid they were so conceptually alien from me. I am losing the worthlessness and inferiority, all those old feelings that have plagued me for so long – guilt, shame, hopelessness…
I have joy in everyday things – I literally sing and dance my way through daily chores, even the unpaid, thankless home kinds, even if the only music is my own voice. I am organizing my household, car, etc in ways that make a great deal of sense, are preparing for many potential eventualities and the ideas just flow out from me and I accomplish more, faster than I could have imagined.
My entire life and every detail in it has become a neverending prayer and praise, overflowing with gratitude and I’d not have it any other way. (And in case you wondered – my family and neighbors are heartened and very pleased with the differences – not boring or self-righteous at all – I recall precisely who I was before). When I mess up, I confess it, repent (make the U-turn and don’t repeat it) and roll on – like water off a duck’s back or learning to take a fall from a horse – learn to do that well and soon enough it barely even breaks your stride.

My sense of humor is so much better – the sarcasm (anger, masked) is gone – when I joke now, everyone is able to laugh with me, not only some at someone else’s expense.
I can see and feel emotions and help to draw pain (toxins) out from people and animals (possibly plants) to allow them to heal. My energy is such that animals react to me differently – my own (my home and yard are peaceful now) and random ones I encounter.
My formerly weak and random ability to affect objects is now becoming understandable, cohesive and replicable.
I can feel when someone siphons off from me (he felt the virtue go out from him) – it has only happened once so far and was deliberate as a form of ‘testing’ of me; and I can feel when I send it out via prayer very clearly now.

So much more, but you get the gist.

2 years ago
Reply to  A E

From Sapphires – Hope of the World:

“Thursday, November 24, 2022
Thanksgiving comes from the feast of Sukkot or Tabernacles. The Hebrews were commanded by Moses to leave their houses and dwell in small tents called Sukkahs. On the 15th day of the 7th month they were to celebrate the Hebrew feast of Thanksgiving. Living in these tents or huts was not comfortable, but God uses this act of obedience to show how blessed they were in their houses in the Promised Land. Their houses, the fruit of the land, was a gift from God and should not be taken for granted. In order to have something, you have to lose it. Imagine if you lost your health or your closest friends, your family, your dreams, every blessing. These things are all gifts from God and can’t be taken for granted; and should not be taken lightly. Learn from this act of the Hebrews – for all good gifts cometh from God. The next breath that you breathe comes from God. Don’t you think that’s a blessing that should be celebrated? Stop taking God’s gifts for granted, thank Him today and every day. Your life will become a celebration.
From Message #1070 – The Third Practice
Scripture: Leviticus 23:39-43
TODAY’S MISSION – Give thanks to the Lord in all His goodness. Take nothing for granted. Count all your blessings – as gifts given by God.”

“In order to have something, you have to lose it.”

22. John 15:12-13. “My command is this: Love each other as I have loved you. Greater love has no one than this: to lay down one’s life for one’s friends.” (friends and neighbors – the Samaritan was friend to the stranger everyone else passed by).
James 2:23, “And the Scripture was fulfilled that says, “Abraham believed God, and it was counted to him as righteousness”—and he was called a friend of God.”

Matthew 16:24-26
King James Version
24 Then said Jesus unto his disciples, If any man will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow me.

25 For whosoever will save his life shall lose it: and whosoever will lose his life for my sake shall find it.

For now, we are sojourners, dwelling in tents, traveling light. The time for feasting and making merry will come, but the time now is to be light, to share light, so serve others.

2 years ago
Reply to  Ralphie 225

Thank you for your reply. I’m like the quiet, slow kid in the back of the class. Things need to marinate for quite a while, before I can form a coherent question. I guess I’m trying to figure out with these questions, on what points my view on life differs from what’s written in the monkeys series and what I’ll adjust. I read your question on loa. I have read about The secret before, but I found it to materialistic. At the beginning of this year I came in contact with it again thru someone I know. She pointed me to Joe Dispenza. So I was curious what Gem had to say about it.
Regarding the other things you wrote, I totally agree. Divide an conquer has definitely been a powerfull weapon throughout the ages. Unfortunately I have also fallen for it and still do sometimes. I try to better my life by doing inner work and reading up on the subjects mentioned in monkeys, although it’s a slow go. 

Steven Casteel
Steven Casteel
2 years ago
Reply to  ceetruth

Learning things is evil according to sheep. Heaven forbid it’s a book that isn’t the Bible. Even worse, it’s an encyclopedia on the Bible AND other religions and mythologies.

Pay taxes and obey the government and their canonized, stripped down of spirituality religious documents:

13 Let everyone be subject to the governing authorities, for there is no authority except that which God has established. The authorities that exist have been established by God.Consequently, whoever rebels against the authority is rebelling against what God has instituted, and those who do so will bring judgment on themselves.For rulers hold no terror for those who do right, but for those who do wrong. Do you want to be free from fear of the one in authority? Then do what is right and you will be commended. For the one in authority is God’s servant for your good. But if you do wrong, be afraid, for rulers do not bear the sword for no reason. They are God’s servants, agents of wrath to bring punishment on the wrongdoer. Therefore, it is necessary to submit to the authorities, not only because of possible punishment but also as a matter of conscience.

This is also why you pay taxes, for the authorities are God’s servants, who give their full time to governing. Give to everyone what you owe them: If you owe taxes, pay taxes; if revenue, then revenue; if respect, then respect; if honor, then honor.

2 years ago
Reply to  Steven Casteel

I’d rather a million times be a sheep than a goat. …since you and ceenothing like symbolism that much. No offence!

Christianity doesn’t need to stay in the occult. It’s meant to reach to every single soul in order to save it: the rich, the poor, the scholars, the uneducated. Understanding Christianity means you finally get to the conclusion it excludes all other religions (no matter how much poetry and symbolism and beauty in them). There is no other God except The Holly Trinity with Christ in it!
When yoy mingle Buddhism with Hinduism and Christianity you get deception all over. This is specific to new-age no matter how much you deny it!
I’ve seen it in other posts – this insane association of Christ with kundalini and godly se*. I’ve never ever read something so disturbing, so twisted, in my entire life! That’s sheer mockery! I’m affraid you are too seduced in your pride to understand that.

2 years ago
Reply to  crisspf2000

People believe in G-d or not according to the knowledge they have at a time T.

G-d is the name i give to the Creator of all things, whose creation is in perfect measure which allows us to draw from it constant laws in mathematics and science in general.
Even a presupposed flaw is constant and measureable such as a disease or blood analys.

So for me, in all logics, a Creator cannot be within His creation without being himself created. Otherwise, there would be greater than Him.

Also, you may design a chair yet that doesnt make you, yourself, a chair.

You seem appalled at what others write yet so do others at you. Please dont take it rudely but your own writings may be blasphemy for people who believe in an uncreated Creator.

Indeed, according to the Scripture, G-d does not command you to believe in a “Holy Trinity”. Nor Jesus.

Actually, G-d tells you “The Lord G-d is one Lord” Mk 12:29.

Jesus himself, that you hold as above Him, said:
– “The Lord our G-d is one Lord”
– “My Father is Greater than I” john 14:28
– ” My Father is Greater than all” John 10:29

Also, he says he is a mere human sent by G-d; whose birth made his mother impure 40 days and that he ate and drunk (understand: he went to the bathroom like you and me):

“I can of myself do nothing; as i hear i judge (..) i seek not my own will but the will of the Father” john 5:30

“Why callest thou me good? There is none good but one and that is G-d; but if thou wilt enter life, keep the commandments (ie, no pork, no alcohol, circumcision, prayers and sacrifices) Matt. 19:16-17.

Yet, you follow the teachings of an obscure character who had never met Jesus nor listened to his teachings: Mr St Paul..?

You follow this guy (rejected by all the apostles) who says:
– you mustnt follow Jesus preachings, -you should take Jesus as G-d
– you should not worry about your sins cause you will be saved.

Better have a rock solid contract with that St Paul cause when G-d presents you with your might get salty..

Not sure Jesus will offer help either when you refused to follow his true teachings and worst, blasphemed G-d by saying Jesus is G-d and G-d s begotten son..

So here too i could tell you “I’m affraid you are too seduced in your pride to understand that”.

2 years ago
Reply to  SoAnnoyed

Paul was an apostle, no matter how much you deny this! You twist the NT to fit your deceptions! Read again! You’ve also missed the part with the Holly Spirit! …and Jesus Christ is God! You’ve fallen in the Unitarism’s deception by denying Christ’s divinity and the existence of the Holly Spirit. Implicitly, you are dennying the Immaculate Conception and the Ressurection which has a purpose along with Jesus’s sacrifice. He is the divine incarnated.
There are many heresies and many sects. Obviously you don’t understand that you are a victim of such a heresy. You are assuming I don’t worry about sins. People don’t just get saved by faith alone, they get saved by doing the hard work, repenting, repairing, fighting against weaknesses, forgiving, doing the good untill the end of their days on this earth. You are assuming!

“I am the Way, the Truth and the Life’’

2 years ago
Reply to  crisspf2000

Yes, I have quoted the Scripture of your faith. Should i have quoted the Baghwad gita instead?

I am no heretic, i read the Books. Have you?..

You say: “Resurrection which has a purpose along with Jesus’s sacrifice. He is the divine incarnated”.

Show your proof then, like i did respectfully however it offended you.
Please, dont quote me Paul said jesus is so and so.

Quote me a verse where Jesus says “i am G-d, his begotten son, worship me and dont follow the Law”.

If that is his teachings, i would expect they appear somewhere in the 8000 verses of the NT.., wouldnt they?
Or then, what is the purpose of the Book then?
An essay?

No, Paul wasnt an apostle chosen by jesus, nor did he witness him or shared his teachings. He self proclaimed to be one yet was rejected by the real ones. Why is that?
Because of his heretic teachings.

To top it up, we ve got a Pagan emperor who decided, 3 centuries later as he was facing a growing number of followers of the true message of Jesus who could weaken his power, to “set” as dogma Paul’s vision of the teachings of Jesus.

Constantine retained the dogma he wanted and threw away others, such as the faith in a one and only G-d.

See, a pagan likes to have multiple gods and Paul’s vision was the only one to offer it.

That st paul even wrote that it’s ok to lie as long as it is for the cause of his new dogma…

Yet, no lie is needed to assert a Book or a Faith. It should be all clear and without confusion. That never happen when my catholic friends try to explain the concept of the trinity.. 1 = 3 and 3 = 1 but there is only one..

Believing in G-d should be done using one s critical mind.

And remember, more than 3/4 of mankind doesnt agree with your vision.
So dont bark at me that my logical and argumented rejection of your confused understandings; not even written in the Book you pretend to follow, makes me a heretic.

Dont insult me to make up for your lack of study and critical thinking.

It is you that is one as you follow a human fabrication that was never asked by the G-d you think you serve well.

2 years ago
Reply to  SoAnnoyed

That was rock solid.

2 years ago
Reply to  SoAnnoyed

Your catholic friend definitely doesn’t know about the “brick”. You seem to enjoy double standards and acuse others of lazyness and lack of critical thinking. I give you a hint: the brick of St. Spyridon, Bishop of Tremithus. If you don’t search for it you are lazy and too proud to admit it. If you read about it and still deny the obvious logic, you are blinded in your pride. It is not me barking at you. It’s theology. It’s history. it’s the martyrs, the saints, the apostles that preached all over the world the same truth. They are real people, historycally validated.

“ Saint Spyridon bishop of Trimitunda was one of the participants at the first Ecumenical Council from Nicaea which took place in the year 325 in order to combat the heresy of Arie from Alexandria. Arie negates Jesus Christ’s divinity, he considers Him as the highest creation made by God different from God in His nature since God was uncreated and the Son was created

The bishops gathered at the Council from Nicaea reinforced the teaching of the Church that the Son is consubstantial with the Father meaning that He is God Himself. Saint Spyridon bishop of Trimitunda had an important role in explaining this teaching. Without using any sophisticated language, he proved to those who were attending the meeting that God is a single being but a Triune one.

He took a brick in his left hand and said that although that was a single object, it was composed of three elements: earth, water and fire. Then he made the sign of the Cross over it saying: In the name of the Father the Son and the Holy Spirit. Then while holding the brick from its top a fire burst, the water started to flow from the bottom and the clay remained in his hands. This miracle convinced a philosopher who was an adept of Arie’s teaching to become Orthodox and say: as long as everything was about debates, I could easily bring words as arguments against words. But when instead of words from the mouth of this old man got out the power to perform miracles, the words can do nothing against this power.

I hope one day you will all discover Orthodoxy which goes back to the first christians. It is not spoiled by modernism nor altered by oriental teachings. It’s dominant in Greece, Romania, Bulgaria, Russia. I believe you will one day find THE Truth in it if you are sincere in your search for truth.

2 years ago
Reply to  crisspf2000

So in order to make your point, you ask me to read another book, written by a human, to prove that what st paul invented is true?

How does it answer my previous questions?

You believe in the message of Jesus? Then follow the Laws, this is the only thing that he is proven to have ever preached.

Then why dont you OBEY HIS message and only HIS?

No need to rely on others people s books trying to explain.

Follow what he has clearly said and DONE : follow the LAWS and believe in a ONE and only G-d.

So simple to understand yet satan s twisting have confused most.

Steven Casteel
Steven Casteel
2 years ago
Reply to  crisspf2000

“Understanding Christianity means you finally get to the conclusion it excludes all other religions”

You don’t get to study only one religious text and then claim everyone else is wrong.

You haven’t done your homework because you are lazy and full of fear.

2 years ago
Reply to  Steven Casteel

There is no reincarnation in Christianity, no pantheism, no polytheism. Simply put! Truth is not occult and not that sophisticated as you believe it is.
You know, I could say the same thing about you – “You haven’t done your homework because you are lazy and full of fear“ (that I just might be right).

2 years ago
Reply to  crisspf2000

Its easy to tell when someone did or at least, has some knowledge of other Books.

Its also easy to tell when others havent.

They come and bark, repeating their visions agressively and insult those who have a different opinion.

Yet they never discuss with politeness and respect, nor do they offer answers to the contradictions one points to.

Their only answer is “you heretic! you are wrong and i am right cause i say so !”.

2 years ago
Reply to  crisspf2000

Is it not possible for souls to reincarnate (a small cycle) until the end of times have come (big cycle) when everything returns to its creator/origin?

2 years ago
Reply to  Vesica_Pisces

The doctrine of reincarnation excludes the existence of a god. Buddhism at it’s highest level is the very annihilation of the existential being. It’s final destination is nothingness, emptiness.

2 years ago
Reply to  ceetruth

I am sorry that truth bothers you. I clearly see that you see nothing (regarding truth). You will never admit you are a new-age-er although almost everything you say is rooted in Blavatsky’s Theosophy and in Alice Bailey’s “illuminations”. That’s crystal clear to me.
Btw, that is specific to Blavatsky – steal a bit from here, a bit from there… to make it a soup. You cannot extract what pleases you from a religion just because it sounds good enough and leave the rest. You can also not mix Buddhism with Christianity because they simply contradict on multiple levels. That is why I say one excludes the other.
…again: “I am the Way, the Truth and the Life’’. It’s “the”, not ‘a’.

2 years ago
Reply to  crisspf2000

Isnt it what you yourself do? Leave the commandments of Jesus and follow the ones of st paul?

2 years ago
Reply to  SoAnnoyed

you have definitely something against St.Paul.
Jesus is God, by the way. …and I definitely do my best to follow Jesus.s commandments for He is my God.

…now, which part does bother you so much? Is it “I am the Way, the Truth and the Life’’? or is it the fact that we,the orthodox christians have preserved the early christians teachings and among other things we have great respect for Paul as being an apostle, for the martyrs, the saints? We do believe in Holly Trinity – Father, Son/Logos/Christ, Holly Ghost (again, this belief is rooted in the early christians*s faith.

…or is it ,,You can also not mix Buddhism with Christianity because they simply contradict on multiple levels,, – because this is obviously a huge mistake.

I am not surprised at all that when someone says Christ is God you are outraged, but not a bit outraged when there is luciferianism in the form of new-age twisting christianity.

2 years ago
Reply to  crisspf2000

“You can also not mix Buddhism with Christianity because they simply contradict on multiple levels”: like i asked you earlier, in what are they different if both of their followers believe in multiple gods?

2 years ago
Reply to  SoAnnoyed

You don’t really understand the notion of “trinity’ – you do your own research. Prove you are not lazy. The Holly Trinity doesn’t mean 3 deities. It’s not “The Matrix” series. 🙂 You have many questions. I have certainties.

Buddhism is non-theistic

2 years ago
Reply to  crisspf2000

I have nothing to prove you.

You dont even understand yourself what you believe in.

Ask a 3 years old if 3 makes 1 or 1 makes 3.

If a 3 years old cant understand a simple concept, then be sure it is because it is ILLOGICAL.

Yet, tell him there is 1 G-d above all who created everything, he will understand. He will accept that this G-d cannot be human nor from this earth nor make anyone impure 40 days nor go to the bathroom nor save anyone for everyone is responsible for what he does. Isnt what we naturally teach kids?

We are all born with the belief in a one and only G-d until our conscious intelligence get s-@$% by satan s work.

2 years ago
Reply to  ceetruth

This is exactly what Blavatsky states. What she also says is that Lucifer is the Logos, the Light, the Savior. I can tell you for sure Satanism is rooted in that source if wisdom. You clearly don’t see my point which is simple, logical. Satanism is a religion. Christianity is a religion. One teaches something, the other says quite the opposite. Now how are they rooted in the same source of wisdom? Deceitful wisdom, indeed!

2 years ago
Reply to  ceetruth

Its persistance doesnt mean it is a valid practice of the main religions.

Actually all religions without exception condemn it. Why is it so?

In Judaism, some scholars practice the kabbalah yet most of others scholars condemn it.

Spiritual esoteric has never been meant for mere humans like you and me.

According to Islam, 2 angels in babylonians times were given the knowledge of witchraft and of the hidden (please note that in the quran, angels always take human form when sent to earth).
Humans asked from them to learn all the secrets things. Angels warned them that if they did learn this powerful knowledge that can harm others, by G-d’s will, they would lose their share in the hereafter. Yet they accepted.
So anyone learning from it has lost it share in the Hereafter.

From there, witchcraft and other powerful knowledge was taught to men whom secretly initiated others until today.

The same happened with Solomon s knowledge given by G-d. Some of his “workers” passed some of his knowledge to men and freemasonry was born.

In both examples, whatever the pretended purpose, acquiring esoteric knowledge cannot bring peace or justice or balance. Because of its powerful effects and the nature of mankind, it has been banned as it brings more evil than else.

Hence why, however good your intentions are, people are telling you to stay away from it. It is only one of the sweet temptations of the Deceiver.

Steven Casteel
Steven Casteel
2 years ago
Reply to  SoAnnoyed

“Pay No Attention to the Man Behind the Curtain”

Uh, yeah, I’m going to take a look.

2 years ago
Reply to  Steven Casteel

Of COURSE everyone’s chosen “story” is going to say that everyone else’s “story” is wrong. (Even though approximately 70% of what each “story” says is the same. Differences are primarily in the nuances.)

2 years ago
Reply to  ceetruth

First, my apologies if you understood it that way.
I wrote the Deceiver not that you are deceived. I meant one could become so, without realizing it, by following certain teachings. I would gladely elaborate on it.

Although i have not studied it as much as other topics; i have some knowledge.
But like i warned, i chose not to dwelve too much into it because of what i realized of them.

I did read the secret teachings of all things. Hence, my opinion.

Also, i have been in close contact to the esoteric world through my culture and environment.
Hence my opinions on other threads.

I too enjoy sharing ideas and thoughts, whatever the background or belief of the persons because it makes me think more deeply about the whys and the hows of my own faith.

Unfortunately, i dont think we share the same continent but we found a place here on VL. Or so we hoped? 😉

2 years ago
Reply to  ceetruth

I both agree and disagree.
If I had to honestly answer why I dont delve in it (anymore), I would need to digress in many subjects and this whole page isnt enough to write that down 😉

2 years ago
Reply to  ceetruth

I am not superstitious.

I have no doubt that you are at peace and havent written you couldnt be so.

Most of people without a faith are also at peace and devoted to whatever hobbies they may have.

My pagan friends and their beliefs in their own inner goddesses/gods too are.

This is a public forum with limited space. If we were to share our beliefs and ideas in person, you would see that i would do so with science and logic. First. No superstition, this is actually against my way of thinking.

2 years ago
Reply to  ceetruth

I share your opinion.
Knowledge is key and fundamental.

How to distinguish true from false knowledge especially when both truth and false are mixed up in the same scripture…?

Isnt that what modern communication and marketing is?
Mix 1% true with 99% false and pass it as Truth?

So how can one make sure his knowledge is in accordance with Truth?

I believe first through critical thinking.

But thats another topic 🙂

2 years ago

Why do so many assume that every VC reader is necessarily Christian? There are a lot of other religions, you know. Go ahead and believe strongly in your faith ~ but must you always shove it down others’ throats? At the very least, must you downvote every post that isn’t about your personal religion? Some of us actually appreciate a broader perspective ~ or can at least educate ourselves without getting offended.

2 years ago
Reply to  Vievie

This is exactly what freedom is about, really! You might agree or not agree on something. That’s why you upvote or downvote something you like or not. Btw, it’s vice versa. It’s ok you are upset. So am I when someone mocks Christianity (I am not talking about this post) or confuses lucifer with Christ. Some of us might get offended.

2 years ago
Reply to  crisspf2000

I’m not personally offended ~ I’m an agnostic, I’ve got no skin in the game either way. I just appreciate and learn from contributions of all kinds, and it bothers me to see anyone who expresses any type of perspective that’s not traditional conservative Christian getting insulted, criticized and downvoted for sharing their thoughts. We are all here to seek a higher truth.

2 years ago
Reply to  Vievie

Sensitive flower, allow others to have a different opinion.

2 years ago
Reply to  Marcos

You first.

2 years ago
Reply to  Marcos

Wow, Marcos, thank you for EXACTLY proving my point!

Mocking and insulting someone you don’t even know is NOT the same thing as expressing a deeply held, thoughtfully shared opinion.

The latter requires some verbal skill, considerateness, and an interest in learning, sharing and making yourself, and the world, a better place.

The former only requires you to be willing to be hurtful, unkind, and exclusionary. You know, exactly like Jesus taught… 🙄

Consider this: only one of us chose to post a knee-jerk, defensive, emotional response to this topic ~ so which of the two of us is the “sensitive flower”? 😉

2 years ago

Hi ceetruth, could you please give the links of the VC article for this amazing picture.
Any link or text or reference about it.
Or maybe why not also give a description, analysis?

2 years ago
Reply to  collins75

It is also available for download on the website. Not kidding.

2 years ago
Reply to  SoAnnoyed

Ha! I’m not surprised ~ they’re very good at knowing what’s what, moreso than we even know. We’re probably all on their watchlist for potential dissonants … sigh ..

2 years ago

Please watch the video Altiyan Childs Exposes Freemasonry if you would like to understand what is wrong with Manly P. Hall, it goes into some length about him.

2 years ago

Is it just me, or have the comments rating numbers been WILDLY fluctuating this evening on this post? I’ve checked back a few times for the 2 recommended references, and seen huge ups and downs each time. I don’t know how you cheat the voting system, but that’s pretty immature. Especially on posts espousing religious and/or moral superiority. Just sayin’ guys …

Steven Casteel
Steven Casteel
2 years ago
Reply to  Vievie

The fundamentalist Christians outnumber everyone by a large margin giving them a lot of voting power.

2 years ago
Reply to  Steven Casteel

And that’s fine ~ I’m here for the content, not to win any popularity contests. Still, it irks me to see the system being cheated by the very people claiming to hold the moral high ground. Hypocrisy is something I cannot abide.

2 years ago
Reply to  Steven Casteel

There are few “fundamentalist Christians,” on VL.

2 years ago
Reply to  Vievie

I’ve seen votes cast under my account I never clicked on. I’ve set them back to nil.
I wonder whether social credit is being assigned in retrograde.

2 years ago
Reply to  A E

Hmm, interesting … someone must hold the proverbial keys to the castle. Good to know ~ I’ll not put any weight on the voting numbers being real or accurate in this case.

I wonder if it’s the same over at the VC site. They’re built on diff generations of WP base.

2 years ago
Reply to  Vievie

Same happenned to mines lol

2 years ago
Reply to  ceetruth

Thanks, ceetruth ~ and I 100% agree.

2 years ago

This is Luciferianism. The religion of the new world order that people say they oppose.
There’s absolutely no good in the occult, it’s a spiritual realm controlled by demons. You play with it, you will get burned.