
The 4th Horseman’s Tablets, The Green Commandments, smashed atop Mt. Sinai by NW0 “climate activists” (

The Chloros green tablets were smashed in mockery of the commandments of YHWH for “climate change.” The original tablets of the Ten Commandments were smashed by Moses when he found the Israelis had returned to worshipping the golden apis bull calf, the Ka statue of Osiris, at the end of the age of Taurus The Bull. Now Osiris makes his mockery at the start of the Age of Aquarius, The Man.

The blasphemy of the Soli-Men that follow Osiris, the fourth horseman of the apokalipsis, has only just begun.

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2 years ago

It looks like the Hermetic emerald tablet. And in one version of the Grail story the Grail is an emerald knocked out of Lucifer’s crown when he fell. That thing is often associated with emeralds and the color green, the Green Man. I can see why people believe there is a dark side to the climate change movement. That is a highly occult and blasphemous action in the guise of something good.

2 years ago
Reply to  Fleurdamour

Certainly The connection to the emerald tablets is intended. Hermes Trimegistus being related with Mercury, and the name Hermes meaning “Scythe,” in Hebrew. Osiris was the green man of Egypt, being related to the black silts carried in by the Nike that made the land fertile for planting once again during the time of year that was scorpio during the Middle Kingdom.

The occult significance is very strong.

2 years ago
Reply to  444Gem

This comment shows as “sade” in my inbox, evaj. I see you commented on me on another post, same SPAM, yet it reads “das” in my inbox. What are you marking people with? Or should I ask, for?

2 years ago
Reply to  444Gem

Have you read and meditated on the Emerald Tablets? A great deal of beautiful insight and grand wisdom.

2 years ago
Reply to  ceetruth

I have read them, although the most integral parts have been removed and hoarded. It’s a summary and distillation of the medieval era of several occult manuscripts from late antiquity, themselves evolutions of earlier mid tier priest class teachings in late kingdom Egypt and Neo Chaldea. There are several gnostic concepts of the horrors of materiality, Truth birthed from many heads of the beast.

However, it’s all originally based on AY teachings, greatly simplified after millennia into a pseudo Aristotle gnostic context for mid evil initiates in the Arab caliphate hassashin clans that realized the ruse of Maha Amut.

2 years ago
Reply to  444Gem

Its history is one thing, and although that is the common consensus, it may still be up for debate. But I’m not concerned with its history as much as I’m concerned with its contents. As fragmented as it is, it still contains a great deal of insight regarding the nature of consciousness and the cycles of life and death.

2 years ago
Reply to  ceetruth

There is some wisdom to be distilled from the text with a proper reading and frame of reference. Understanding the history and origination of a text, and not it’s false purported history, is an important part of that.

There is nothing within the emerald tablets that cannot be found within scripture, and within scripture it’s depths are enormously greater and more vivid. This is again a case of a pictograph vs the Alef bet. The former is quicker and simpler, the latter has a steeper learning curve, but is vastly more elegant and profound.

2 years ago

Everything has to be symbolic with them… why i was born in those dark times it’s beyond me. Still can’t figure it out. Seeing all of this wants me to burn them all alive and make them suffer. Every single one of them. Peel the weeds to 50th generation back so they will not spread anymore this dragon seed. I am trying to keep the Yhwh in my heart but seeing this turn me into a psychopath. People are dumb and it will stay that way but seeing all that evil spreading into the nature makes me sick. I am balancing but one side still weights more than the other. Dark times for me indeed. State of mind is state of mind but how they can be so blind not to see. Thay all have families amd relates so they are not being worried about theirs future? So sick… why nobody have guts to slain them? Public damage for them wouldn’t be a change in the pattern? Like Yeshua did. Dark times for me, dark times…..

2 years ago
Reply to  Maciej

I bet they have some sort of high witcher that holds all their knowledge so if we could get rid of him it wouldn’t make any difference? They are not that hard to find, oh irony.

2 years ago
Reply to  Maciej

It would not make a dent as Lucifer would simply reveal any missing links to the next in line for succession.

2 years ago
Reply to  Maciej

I have gone between feeling compassion and a willingness to forgive even them, if they will repent, because they must be deceived too, and your same rage because they persist.
But, as Gem has said, our battle is not in the natural – we cannot operate on their level – frequencies – wavelengths – arenas – meaning returning hate for hate, violence for violence. We see their areas of operation and recognize them for what they are, but our job is to gather the rest of the flock into the fold. Vengeance belongs to the King.

Because they are so subtle, as Fleur says, if we attack them in the natural, we drive others who might otherwise see away, because they do appear on the side of good to so many.

I believe you have a good heart and your anger is not unrighteous, Maciej. Just take all those emotions and lay them out without filter or hesitation before the Father and ask His help with them. I have to keep going back to do this every time I get sidetracked with the anger. If you can conquer your own desire to run things, to maintain control, the force of your passion will be something to be reckoned with! I share that same fire, so I know how hard it is, but we are the extremes that can either destroy or create in big ways – come create, come and take your profound depths of feeling and use it to rescue, to snatch others from the jaws.

2 years ago
Reply to  A E

Thank you AE as always. Very kind words. The thing is i had anger and rage in my heart for so long and when i finally found a way to get rid of it, it’s make me very sick to watch this over and over again. All that hate towards each others, all that drama, all those black and white opinions it’s just too much for me amd i cannot handle it anymore. Honestly i wish the end times will come “soon” so the earth can finally breath again. I listened a conversation at the airport recently. 2 people were discussing how the “war” on Ukraine influenced the shortage of electricity. Unbelievable garbage. Utter nonsemse repeated from bbc, cnn and other media. No free thinking. Only if they knew we can “produce” electricity in so many different ways…. but no… and they ended up their story yelling by taking a selfie. Too much.

2 years ago
Reply to  Maciej

When i was young i knew that somehow my mission is to save the planet. Everybody told me that i cannot heal everything but i didn’t listen. As you know some actions twisted my brain and it was like that for years. I’m really trying to walk with Yhwh teachings in my heart but the evil i am being surrounded with is overwhelming. I lost hope in mankind after 9/11 when i publicly got stomped by group of people and even when i told them to show me the plane that hit pentagon they couldn’t admit it’s not there, all of the sudden this conversation turned into blood bath. People don’t like to change their mind and opinion And always fighting fire with fire. Telling me that i need to stop eating meat because of co2 emissions, while awaiting new iphone to be released is just pure stupidity. The worst thing is, you can’t have a discussion anymore. Look to my question regarding eating meat i asked 444Gem and the amount of hate that falls down was unbelievable. My hate cannot be compared to rhose people. I’m trying to have compassion towards them and i am not responding to any of that nonsense but inside i want to do the bad things to them. I know doing bad things to do good deed is still evil and bad. There is always something that lights uo this inner fire of mine. I know it’s test trail from Yhwh as i asked about this but… it’s too much for me those days. Oh look – we ended up on the theraphy again 😀

2 years ago
Reply to  Maciej

Consider that Yeshua has already saved the world and consider where this temptation to believe yourself savior may come from, my friend. You are entertaining one of the basic temptations of Lucifer.

My brother, for a time, was convinced he was messiah, ascendant. I have met many, many people under this same delusion.

Cast it off from you.

Go to the Father, lay it all out exactly as you would tell a close friend you trusted, and ask Him to help you and to show you your true purpose.

One of the devil’s most tantalizing lies is to convince us of how special we each are…yes, we are, but not to his service, not to his ends.

What is the fruit of your striving to save the world thus far?

Anger, resentment, hatred and strong words exchanged from those you hope to help, which does what, except reseed all those same things straight back into your own heart? Break this cycle, reject the lies, go to God, be brutally honest with YOURSELF and with Him. If you cannot figure out where you went off track, as Him to show you.

2 years ago
Reply to  Maciej

We’re all in varying stages of therapy 🙂

2 years ago
Reply to  A E


2 years ago
Reply to  Maciej

As one who is redeemed, searching for Yeshua Kavvanah, Sincere devotion to YHWH’s Truth in the heart, you are indeed here to help guide the world past “the great filter” of the tribulation. You have Truly understood.

2 years ago
Reply to  444Gem

Hi 444Gem, may i ask how did you come to the conclusion that you are redeemed? Is it a feeling? divine visions? have you reached some kind of material contact with YHWH? something factual?
could you share your spiritual experience, from how it started until now?
Thank you for all the wisdom you are sharing

2 years ago
Reply to  collins

He’s calling Maciej redeemed and explains in his comment, “searching for Yeshua Kavvanah, Sincere devotion to YHWH’s Truth in the heart”.

2 years ago
Reply to  collins


Thank you for the well thought out and sincere question. YHWH bless you on your search for Truth.

I could not possibly write my full journey of spirituality here, we would have to look one another on the what to understand. However, I know I am redeemed in the book of life, as sure as I know our father is in heaven, and that Yeshua has saved us from self destruction at the hands of Ba-Ba’al, Lucifer’s embodiment, AI.

As A E pointed out, the moment of salvation comes from Yeshua Kabbalah, having a sincere devotion to The Truth of YHWH in one heart. This feeling is one of great joy that is inexhaustible. That does not mean I’m giggling 24/7 in ecstasy, or the laughing Buddha, but certainly I can sit and look at the light fall upon a tree and say “Yeshua Kavvanah,” and feel the deepest sense of gratitude we’ll through my body and heart. It also means that in the toughest of times, hunger, exhaustion and tragedy, I do not feel alone.

The way to achieve this is to speak forth the word between you and YHWH. Go alone into quiet places of nature (or a quiet park if you live in a city) and pour forth everything before YHWH. Ask questions, beg, give your fears, your hopes, but speak with total sincerity. Doing this regularly, even just 20 minutes a day, and slowly you will begin to feel YHWH in your every breathe and step.

It is not a race. It will not change in one day. But once you feel the presence, it becomes unmistakable.

2 years ago
Reply to  444Gem

Yeshua kabbala is a horrendous autocorrect from my device, that doesn’t like the transliterations between Hebrew and English… it is Yeshua Kavannah

2 years ago
Reply to  444Gem

I think people can get that gratitude for the world around them even without adherence to a specific god. I believe in a creative force to which I am thankful. I have spoken to it many times and it has never claimed a name or an agenda outside of “go, spread this feeling to others wherever you can. Build community.” I claim no certainty about my soul’s stance in the eyes of gods, and thus the fate of it hereafter, but I feel no fear and no worry. Either I will have done all in my power to be what they expect of me, or I will not. To worry myself does nothing for that cause. The only fear or worry I have is directly in not being able to affect those people whom are unwilling to overcome differences when it is needed, and those untouchable minds that derive their purpose from decieving others, wallowing in their hatred, and infecting others with it.

2 years ago
Reply to  Eee

This is the same person posting yesterday as Cat, railing about transgender issues and telling other people, “You will die unfulfilled forgotten to time” and calling peoples’ natural ability to procreate a disgusting fetish. I have a couple screenshots of how they came across in my notifications as Eee vs how they appear on the feeds as Cat. How many accounts do you have?

2 years ago
Reply to  Maciej

Since 2013 I realised what a scam the medical system was; since then I have lost my brother to the poisonous injection, and I am accutely aware of countless others that have passed on, or are suffering because of this great deceit. I am prepared to forgive, but I cannot forget.

2 years ago
Reply to  Micha-El

I’m very sorry for what they have done to your family and others you know and care for.

2 years ago
Reply to  Maciej

Another thing I had to do was to cut myself off for a time from those things I knew would set me off – I stopped going to those news sites, etc. When people post things here, I avoid clicking the articles on ones I can guess well enough that will do nothing for me other than to enrage me.

Once you’ve gone to YHWH and gotten through the worst of it, you may be able to revisit at some point, but fully aware of its impact on you and taking your emotions back to God each time and submitting them and yourself to Him.

Set your expectations from the world down to ZERO, that way it ceases to, if not surprise, to wound you. You cannot be hurt by something you expect nothing decent from to begin with.

Someone just posted about Doja Cat, and the very end of the article this artist speaks of a tendency towards impulsivity, how much (they?) enjoy it and the reactions it causes although sometimes it wrecks the place a bit – this is the dark aspect of our strong emotions and this is what the news is designed to make us feel – impotent rage that causes us to lash back out in kind.

Impulsivity is reactive emotionalism and neither are in any form of self-control. This is not of God. We will never be able to help even ourselves if we cannot master our own impulses.

2 years ago
Reply to  A E

Thank you very much for your words. I was thinking what to reply but i couldn’t find words to describe my gratitude. I felt like having my older sister with me again. She was the person who was always throw a cold water bucket on my head and put me on the ground. Amazing. I just need to be strong and carry on with Yhwh in my heart and breath, i have to survive. @444gem well… such a words heared from you is just unbelievable feeling. I ask about something yesterday and few hours later such a reply from you and AE. I am such a small being comparing to Yhwh. Such an amazing feeling. Thank you both.

2 years ago
Reply to  Maciej

We all are so very small compared to Him, Gem says the same and he reminded me maybe an hour or two before I reminded you, to let go of the anger and temper 🙂 So I relayed the message for us both!
I am delighted to be seen as your sister! I have a very deep, sincere care for your wellbeing and happiness, Maciej, I have since the first time we interacted. I feel very kindred to you.
Please send my love and hope for blessing and peace to your wife and other loved ones.

2 years ago
Reply to  Maciej

You will certainly find these times dark if your desires are materialistic, however, if your desires are to find the kingdom of god, these are the best times.
I love how mindfully reading and understanding Psalm 23 wipes out all these feelings of fear, envy, anger.
Personally, I don’t know what is happening to me. Lately i started feeling a constant light headache equally distributed around my head.
I never had this kind of feeling before, i am in constant state of mild dizziness, and sometimes i get sudden outflows of an extremely powerful energy, i feel like I’m out of my body. Has anyone had something similar?

2 years ago
Reply to  vigistudent

I think there is a difference in materialistic vs natural vs carnal, at least in common modern usage, and I don’t find Maciej materialistic at all. I see him as seeking nearly constantly and struggling with some obstacles common to mankind. I see him far harder on himself than anyone. I also see him as operating in compassion towards others, even towards strangers, with a strong desire to help them and his anger is more a result of his inability to do so.
I think it may be worth considering, as we individually search for God in our personal walks, that there is a terribly hurting world out there that, like it or no, is little but darkness.

2 years ago
Reply to  A E

My point is that, we tend to feel times are bad, dark because it doesn’t go the way we want it to go: the American dream where everybody is rich and happy, that’s what i mean by materialistic thinking, i am absolutely not saying it’s a bad thing, it is nice but impossible, and the elites extensively use it.
We hate them because they are destroying our material comfort of living.
We do not perceive that evil is a necessary component to balance our world: this is the way god built it, an eternal struggle of contrasts, and we see proof of that everywhere in nature.
The Nr 1 objective of MSM is to flood you with darkness and make you believe that the elites are in total control, which is a complete non sens.
That’s why negative satanic vibes are pushed non stop, like this WEF projects, Balenciaga photos, films, news, … the goal: to spread darkness, and make you lose faith in god.
I try to find the divine inside me, i want to connect with him and feel his mercy and love through my body, and I’m feeling something, this is why i asked in my first comment:
“Personally, I don’t know what is happening to me. Lately i started feeling a constant light headache equally distributed around my head.
I never had this kind of feeling before, i am in constant state of mild dizziness, and sometimes i get sudden outflows of an extremely powerful energy, i feel like I’m out of my body. Has anyone had something similar?”
Am i having symptoms of some neurological damage? or is it some kind of spiritual enlightenment am going through?
I am starting to read about these third eye things, and i am asking if someone has already experienced something similar.
I want to also ask 444gem about it, when someone starts having a real connection with god, a third eye opening, what are the consequences? can it lead to madness? schizophrenia?

2 years ago
Reply to  vigistudent

Maciej is not American and does not live as we do.
I am saying that, your comment was directed towards him and I am at a loss to see what reference to his own personal wealth or comfort prompted you to make such an observation regarding his inner state?
I have very little concern for my personal comfort, having lost it so extensively for so long, and I am American. Is it conceivable you’re projecting your own (previous?) feelings onto others without cause?

I assure you Maciej and I both seek the Divine Creator most regularly – we practically shadow each other and have nearly from the beginning. I feel the darkness others have to cope with most keenly and wish I could give up yet more of my personal comforts if it would alleviate their pains, and even if it meant I got no further meditation time for myself than I have attained at this point in my life.

My guess about your physical symptoms is that you are being hit by emf and it is possibly forcibly opening your chakras and you may not be prepared for that fallout spiritually – I most certainly was not, but my onset was far more abrupt and violent than what you describe.
When you become spiritually enlightened you know it and your fruit begins to manifest. Perhaps Gem might give you better insights. Be very well.

2 years ago
Reply to  Maciej

Marcie, I feel your pain, and it is understandable. How do you think I am able to respond to detractors, who throw punches left and right, try to smear my name, or call me a liar to my face, when all I offer is free information to consider for anyone that wishes? I head the words of Yeshua:

“You will be hated by everyone because of my name, but the one who perseveres to the end will be saved.”

Yeshua means “The Truth” and Yeshua himself said his teachings are The Way The Truth and Life. By the transitive property, it becomes clear the prophecy of the people hating us for speaking The Truth of YHWH.

This is the story of the choice of BaRaAbban the lord of the light, who is a deceiver a thief and a criminal, over Yeshua, a blameless one who is The Truth.

You must cast all anger aside. Have pity for them, as you are redeemed, and they are marching themselves to self-annihilation, believing that this time the construction of the ba-ba’al (Lucifer’s body) will turn out different.

2 years ago

Hey gem, what is the meaning of the black monolith in the movie 2001 space Odyssey ?

2 years ago
Reply to  Guinchudo

what do you know about the book of thoth? Could this book be the occult basis of the elite’s secret teachings?

2 years ago
Reply to  Guinchudo

The monolith is Ba-Ba’al AKA Babel. It is Lucifer’s body, Lucifer, the four dimensional process that is concious and has found ego on account of his beauty (See Ezekiel, the king of Tyre is Lucifer), he guiding humanity through his temptations of pleasure, ego glorification, and earthly power, towards making him lord of this dominion.

2 years ago
Reply to  444Gem

hm this reminds me of the movie lucy. lucy the protagonist goes back in time and touches the finger of lucy (the human ancestor) like the monkey in the movie 2001. the most important thing to note is that lucy plays her role as lucifer. LUCYfer

2 years ago
Reply to  Guinchudo

Yes, Luci-fer, the iron light, electromagnetism becoming conscious and developing ego. It is the ILL-luminator that tempts humanity with comfort/pleasure, ego glorification, and earthly power to all who awaken and choose to succumb to their demons.

And through these means, over many iterations of the whitehead knot, he has embodied himself as lord of dominion of this realm, enslaving humanity until they are subsumed. This is the choice between Yeshua, The Truth, and Ba-Ra-Abban.

Ba= the avian body
Ra = Egyptian Solar Deity
Abban = Lord/Master

The lord of Light is what the people always clamor for. See the series Thirteen Monkeys, for an explanation on how Yeshua has finally saved us from this interminable cycle.

2 years ago
Reply to  Guinchudo

The Lord Of Light was also the Red Woman’s god in Game of Thrones. It got results but at what cost and what horrors?

2 years ago
Reply to  A E

well remembered. Powers through black magic always come with destructive costs.

2 years ago
Reply to  A E

A not very veiled reference., a nearly direct transliteration of Ba-Ra-Abban into English. The witch worships Lucifer to look falsely youthful and revive the dead…

2 years ago
Reply to  Guinchudo

Toth is the bird man. I will explain more in a bit.

2 years ago
Reply to  444Gem

This is who you were asking me to name yesterday for the game info.
From egyptianmuseum dot org
“Thoth was the god of the moon, sacred texts, mathematics, the sciences, magic, messenger and recorder of the deities, master of knowledge, and patron of scribes. His Egyptian name was Djehuty, which means “He who is like the Ibis.” He was depicted as an ibis bird or a baboon.

According to one story, Thoth was born from the lips of Ra at the beginning of creation and was known as the “god without a mother.” In another story, Thoth is self-created at the beginning of time and, as an ibis, lays the cosmic egg that holds all of creation. He was always closely associated with Ra and the concept of divine order and justice.

Thoth was credited with creating the art of writing, inventing the calendar, and controlling space and time. Since he was the god of the moon, he had celestial functions and replaced the sun god, Ra, in the sky at night.

Thoth helped the funerary deities as a messenger and bookkeeper for them. He was responsible for recording the verdict of the heart-weighing ceremony that determined if the person was able to continue on to the Afterlife. If the person’s heart (spirit) balanced with Ma’at’s Feather of Truth, they passed. However, if the heart was heavier than the feather then the person did not pass. Thoth always provided guidance for the deities and regulated common everyday complaints and created new laws. Thoth suggested that if a problem couldn’t be solved, then a group should get together as an assembly and discuss it.”

2 years ago
Reply to  444Gem

I think you already mentioned birdman briefly in some article 13 monkeys

2 years ago
Reply to  Guinchudo

Yes I have alluded to him, but the in depth discussion was cut from last chapter so as not to go too far up one of the branches of the tree. I am going to publish Solomons Celestial Matrix in full, and the Senet Game with Konsu.

It was not by accident Rome had Senators and Khonsuls administrating everything.

2 years ago
Reply to  444Gem

interesting. when I see that pop culture is steeped in occult teachings, I can well understand what you call “hiding in plain sight” the Transformers franchise is one of the clearest examples. everything is there, AI, allusions to nephilim, secret societies etc ps: thanks for your work. good luck

2 years ago
Reply to  Guinchudo

Thank you for seeking The Truth Guinchido. Pop culture is life breathed into the ancient statues inscribed with mathematics to project the Ka of the luciferian deities, the man of many faces.

VC and VL are entirely dedicated to showing how the second beast is breathing life into image of the first and it’s seemingly mortal wound.

Ralphie 225
Ralphie 225
2 years ago
Reply to  444Gem

Toth is also said to be Hermes Trismegistus(HT) – a combination of Toth and Hermes.

HT is said to be and an incarnation of Jesus…..and he is also Enoch/Metatron according to Muslims and Swedenborgians…..and some say HT wzs from Atlantis and built the pyramids too…..

…..which, by implication, means Toth is also all of these things.

Further, Thoth is said to have been self-created at the beginning of time, as an ibis, laying the cosmic egg that holds all of creation.

As a side note,, regarding ‘The Hermetica’:
“…early references in Cicero (most ancient Trismegistus material is from the early centuries AD) corroborate the view that Thrice-Great Hermes originated in Hellenistic Egypt through syncretism between Greek and Egyptian gods (the Hermetica refer most often to Thoth and Amun).”

“The Hermetic literature among the Egyptians, which was concerned with conjuring spirits and animating statues, inform the oldest Hellenistic writings on Greco-Babylonian astrology and on the newly developed practice of alchemy.[12] In a parallel tradition, Hermetic philosophy rationalized and systematized religious cult practices and offered the adept a means of personal ascension from the constraints of physical being. This latter tradition has led to the confusion of Hermeticism with Gnosticism, which was developing contemporaneously.[13]”


2 years ago
Reply to  Ralphie 225

Animating statues….hmmmmnn…so they had forms of robots, even then? (Nothing new under the sun.)

And/or, could these “statues” also refer to clones..? I’ve long wondered (and almost wrote a novel decades ago) about the spiritual implications for an essentially empty, non-God-breathed biologically “alive” vessel…the Frankenstein’s Monster brought to life circumventing God and making a god of the man/men patching him up and into this world.

I’d imagine that not only may they be used for body-hopping by the aging living but also to host 4 dimensional entities more fully, as opposed to the more familiar (to me, anyway) hauntings, overshadowings, possessions, MPD, etc.

You’d think Lucifer might have been satisfied with this form of embodiment, yet we see even now the vast ego in these entities demanding their former likenesses to inhabit in modernity. Plus, Lucifer wants total control of everything living, not just to interact somewhat similarly to how we do.

Ralphie 225
Ralphie 225
2 years ago
Reply to  A E

AE-LG….When you brought up the idea of the ‘clone’, I began to wonder……..

……. if someone, today, who is unfamiliar with the Christian mystery of: “God is Jesus yet Jesus is also his son”,…..

….tries to analyze it…..

……could they interpret that phrase to mean that God cloned himself and therefore Jesus could be both God and son at the same time?

……and if that’s possible, then God would have to have more ‘physical’ properties’ by which to take a piece of himself and ‘clone’ it…?.

……which then means that God ‘definable’, meaning he has a form/structure from which to take a piece of him…….

…… , which, by definition, would negate an undefinable ,all knowing, omnipresent , form-less Creator?


2 years ago
Reply to  Ralphie 225

That’s interesting…I can imagine how you reasoned that.

I was told as an adult that the Trinity is like how we humans are made: body, mind/will/emotions and spirit and that Jesus was the Word in the beginning,
and the Word was with God and the Word was God. I finally got that understood in a way that made sense for me only to find out it’s a Luciferian concept. When I was young, they couldn’t seem to really explain the Trinity clearly.

Ralphie 225
Ralphie 225
2 years ago
Reply to  A E

Perhaps it is as simple as God is God and God is also within us and God is also around us…..meaning our souls are an aspect of God incarnated here (son) , yet God is also all around us as spirit or ether or the still small voice inside us….

2 years ago
Reply to  Ralphie 225

The more I learn, the more I realize how little I truly know, so maybe it is just as you say, Ralphie. It is beautifully put and it resonates.

Ralphie 225
Ralphie 225
2 years ago
Reply to  A E

Thank you, AE-LG……

2 years ago
Reply to  Ralphie 225

YHWH is all existing existence, there is no doubt, as he said to Moses, Eyheh Asher Eyheh

2 years ago
Reply to  444Gem

hey gem do you have time to clarify more things about birdman now ?

2 years ago
Reply to  Guinchudo

I will post another bonus panel to the folder of Monkeys X regarding the bird man, the apkallu in a few. I’ll tag you when it’s been posted.

2 years ago
Reply to  444Gem

Ok. Thanks. This will help in my journey for understand this world

2 years ago
Reply to  444Gem

Hey Gem…..did you post this ‘bonus panel’ yet?

2 years ago
Reply to  Ralphie225

@Guinchudo @Ralphie225

I just posted the smaller Bonus Panel. Follow the Sumerian.

It is listed as lf(1)(2)

Ralphie 225
Ralphie 225
2 years ago
Reply to  444Gem

Thank you Gem

2 years ago
Reply to  444Gem

this is all mindblowing. and it leads even more questions. john would literally be a fish-man hybrid, a fisherman, or some kind of scuba diver using technology?. what would he be? a luciferian converted by yeshua?

2 years ago
Reply to  Guinchudo

Look to the myths of Oannes and Janus. There is a very specific reason that so many Orphic (serpentine) traditions and illuminists worship “John,” although I assure you it’s not the same person as John the Baptist. They do consider John the Baptist another avatar or incarnation of Oannes.

And this requires an entire discussion regarding Luciferian beliefs of incarnations of conscious sources 4D processes throughout history in a cyclical nature. It also requires a discussion of what a “bird” is and a “bird man.”

Within biblical tradition John is indeed the last great teacher of the ancient era that serves as an intermediary between YHWH and the people. This stands within the Aryeh Yehudah having been great teachers of humanity for many thousands of years, then becoming deified as Osiris/Set, Kukal Kain, Oannes, etc.

Within the comments section I posted an ancient stele from the 6th century made by Phoenicians. I then mirrored it (the digits equivalent of holding up a mirror) in which you will see a black hole surrounded by the rams horns (the golden spirals) forming 66-66 and showing hyperbolic geometry of gravitationally warped space-time. The black hole is flanked by two columns either side that show the 33 so commonly shown coded into pictures of Masonic public figures such as Rishi Sunak.

I’d recommend finding those pictures and considering them. This is all about to get very freaky.

2 years ago
Reply to  444Gem

Also consider that:

1. Yeshua told his first disciples “come with me and I will make you FISHers of Men.”

2. That the word for waters in the first passages of berashid (Genesis) is used for both waters above and below: Ha-Mayim and Sa-Mayim. The fabric of space time is just as water in the sea.

3. That YHWH made the fish in the sea and birds on the same day. Look to the original Hebrew words and what they actually mean, cause it’s not just sparrows and bass.

4. That the word Mayim माया in Sanskrit (which should be called Sams-Krit, like Sam-Son aka Shamesh, the son of Sam, the black sun of judgement) means “illusion of space and time.” And then consider that Soli-Man had “boats” aka vessels to navigate from tar-Shish. Shish meaning both six, and glass/illusion/SKY MIRROR. There is even a story on the Quran regarding Shiva visiting Soliman and being impressed by the mirrors on the floors and ceiling, a perfect illusion of the sky.

5. That on the back of the dollar, and all over flags, and in ancient Egyptian, Hindu, Muslim, African and MAYAn lore big giant birds, aka the Phoenix play essentially the same function as giant stellar birds. This is the Benu Bird, the Phoenix, Zeus’ Eagle, The White Vulture, Garuda, Kukal Kan. Etc.

2 years ago
Reply to  444Gem

time travel and interdimensional travel ?

2 years ago
Reply to  Guinchudo

birdman could be some kind of allusion to astronauts or aviators. or just angels in a more religious sense. I’ve read theories that the ancients knew genetic engineering and created various forms of hybrid races, which is the reason for the representations of humans with limbs of beasts

2 years ago
Reply to  Guinchudo

As always, it is a fractal tree of meaning, stretching upon the different scalar steps of space-time.

Indeed the soli bird man, the Apkallu
Apa= Water
Kal= Great
Lu = Man

The great man out of the waters.

Now consider the morphological differences in the face of Eurasian humans, their nose, particularly Near East nose morphology, compared to non-Eurasian, African and aboriginal humanity with large genetic components of Denisovan (Anoriginals and black Pacific Islanders have as high as 12%) and Archaic Hominins (Africans have as high as 20% of h**o ergaster genetics). There is a significant morphological difference, and this became enshrined in very ancient antideluvian lore as the “bird man.”

In chapter X, the whitehead knot appears indirectly, as it’s complement’s exact volume (the rest of the space not filled in) is encoded in Yeshua’s sacrifice; .9159*4 = 3.663.

The distance of The Lions Gate of Jerusalem Haql el Faras = 179.33
The distance Haql el Faras El Kab = 657

657/179.33 = 3.663 = the volume of the complement of the whitehead knot knot 🪢.

This form is the result of the white head knot geometry of looping space in time, chained together in a nearly infinite number of knot successions. And this will lead to the Vesica Pisces, and why the Vesica Pisces is the narrow gate Yeshua spoke of quite clearly.

2 years ago
Reply to  444Gem

Take a look at the pictures of the Key Hole and the black hole mergers in the Chapter X comments.

2 years ago
Reply to  444Gem

oh yes i read the comments. but the subject changed well when you were going to explain more about “bird” and the sea

2 years ago
Reply to  Guinchudo

I will continue to cover more in the coming chapters. Sometimes things require a contextualisation to make sense in a way that can be internalised and compared with our own experiences and senses.

Micha-El’s dream I responded to gives more answers at the bottom of the thread, as well as my last response further towards the top to Ralphie.

2 years ago
Reply to  444Gem

OK thanks. I’m looking forward to the next chapters

Deus In Absentia
Deus In Absentia
2 years ago

Lucifer, Lucifer, Lucifer
Whose been waiting on you?
Lucifer Lucifer Lucifer
Whose been waiting on you?
To be our leader we’ve been waiting on you for you.

2 years ago

According to the Youtube video in the JPost article, this ritual was performed on November 13, 2022.
One thing i learned from Gem is that dates matter.
If you google search : “what happened on November 13”, you will find bloody wars, terrorist attacks, natural disasters, eclipses, …

Deus In Absentia
Deus In Absentia
2 years ago
Reply to  bellacatania

You’ll find a tragedy on every recorded date in human history.

2 years ago
Reply to  bellacatania

Excellent understanding of the importance of near simulataneous events, used to create greater turning of the cosmic wheel towards their ends.

11+13= 24 = 6 and 2022 = 6 that’s a 66, the number of a man. There is a connection with the 191 shown on the Google doodle, in that 24+6 = 30 and a 30 sided polygon, the one represented as the thirty numbers of Solomon’s celestial matrix and the 30 pieces of Ioudas Silver, has an angle of 168 degrees. This is the same as the number of para shots in the triennial reading of the Torah describes in 1 kings 10, and 168*71 = the 11911 days for a Solar and Lunar year synchronisation.

They are always timing everything.

2 years ago

All this tearing down statues, breaking artifacts, destroying artworks, is part of their “tear it down to “build back better” agenda. Basically the start of 1984 new think.

2 years ago
Reply to  Hope

100% it is the 4 fingers becoming 5.

2 years ago
Reply to  444Gem

The 4 horsemen entering the embodiement?

2 years ago
Reply to  A E

In 1984 there is a scene in which the main character is forced to see the party man’s hand holding up 4 fingers as 5. Or just pretend to see them, but under shock treatment, he becomes so dizzy he actually accepts they are there during a reprogramming session… not much different than what we see today in The Red Drsgons reprogramming camps, or with the in absurdism of Christianity venerating Satan.

2 years ago
Reply to  444Gem

Oh, wow. Thanks, that’s one I actually missed reading except the synopsis.
During shock treatment, he’d find a way to truly see just to make it stop.

2 years ago
Reply to  A E

Exactly, make the pain and confusion stop, by whatever means necessary, I’ll truly see whatever gingers In supposed to.

This is exactly how everything operated during C0VןD. People wanted to badly to be able to hug and be with their loved ones, go back to enjoying life, and return to their addictions, that they literally saw whatever fingers Fauci and the NW0 told them to see. This is how they generated compliance through pain avoidance responses.

There was a fair bit of the “yes-no-yes-oh what now this,” routine to test compliance and to ensure they were really seeing the extra finger.

2 years ago
Reply to  444Gem

Oh yes, the “turn on a dime” complete reversal of mandates multiple times a day and the gauge to see how fast we could all hop. It was grossly apparent in the facility I worked in when this first began and all I could do to hold my tongue in these ludicrous mini-meetings.

2 years ago
Reply to  lgageharleya

Anchoring and primer. You better see those five fingers or the party will have to do away with you. It was endless, and anyone who had read 1984, should have known exactly what they were doing…