
In Brazil, a man who identifies as a woman beaten by women after sticking out his p*nis in front of a young girl

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2 years ago

In Lulaland, the agenda is on good track, He will sue them and LEGALLY beat them in courts, get generous compensation for physical and emotional damages

2 years ago

Now this is the way how to deal with perverts and freaks. Shoutout to these courageous women. This should be normal public response to degenerates everywhere.

2 years ago
Reply to  Anton

Absolutely not the way to deal with such situation, these women will have to pay compensations and maybe spend some time in a 5 star Brazil prison.
These women will definitely regret what they did

2 years ago
Reply to  Happymeal

lol what? are you a freak yourself or one of those virtue signalling insane liberals?

2 years ago
Reply to  Anton

I am just stating facts, nothing more, nothing less.
The LAW is on the side of this trans person, once this case enters court these women will be sentenced, and forced to compensate the trans for all damages.
In the US right now restroom separation is being banned everywhere, and
The young population agrees with this, just look on Youtube for student surveys. If you’re not convinced go to any campus and ask by yourself.
I am just factual, the reality is that your conservative point of view IS a minority.
Again i am not arguing against you.

2 years ago
Reply to  Happymeal

I don’t think you are a lawyer in Brazil, so you should probably attempt to prove your “facts.” If you believe polls, I have a bridge to sell you in Alaska. Also, college campuses are not representative of anything in the US, other than the group of people most likely to be propagandized. The leftist delusion is an extreme minority and only a troll would claim otherwise.

2 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

In the 7 stages of acceptance i think you are still in denial-Anger phase.
Laws are already voted and now gradually being enforced.
The problem is with the laws, what is your plan of challenging them?
I battled to avoid my child the jab, and the price was very high.
I feel frustration because it’s all talk and no action.

2 years ago
Reply to  Happymeal

So you’re saying you’d be just fine if someone showed their genitals to your child? You’d defend them?

2 years ago
Reply to  CrazyCatLady

Of course not, but this is a worldwide tendency, and the is no way to reverse it.
Humanity is so low in morality that in few years I’m sure public nudity will be the norm . Exposing genitals will be as normal as in animals societies, we are now shifting from virtual exposing to real world.
My point is that religious moral values are losing the battle, this fact is obvious, and it makes me heartbroken.
Maybe I sound aggressively liberal, I am just making a factual description of what I feel, see. My only wish in this life is salvation for me and my family and everyone who sincerely wants it

2 years ago
Reply to  Happymeal

You’re kidding right? RIGHT?

2 years ago
Reply to  Happymeal

With a screen name like happy meal you’d expect this person to be a paedo. Happy meals are what children eat

2 years ago
Reply to  Yokel17

Absolutely not my friend, you can go back to my old comments.
To protect my child, I took him out from school, and now he is severely depressed, with also PTSD.
Instead of attacking me, lets have a conversation about how to protect our children from these dangers, this is what I’m looking for.
Laws that protect PEDO are coming world wide, clinics are opening everywhere.
99% of kids going through education system are being brainwashed, for these coming generations this degeneracy will be totally normal.

2 years ago
Reply to  Happymeal

Shut up dirty paedo

2 years ago
Reply to  Happymeal

It is a wicked world and getting more wicked exponentially all the time. I see that Happymeal is stating observational facts of the depravity happening on a mass scale and things like public nudity will be common.

2 years ago
Reply to  thekwon

Exactly, thank you for understanding me thekwon, thanks God we still can find someone with objective critical thinking

2 years ago
Reply to  thekwon

If we want to solve a problem, we need to clearly identify it in a realistic unbiased way. Ask why, and how we landed in this situation.
Yokel17, i know you are a good person, i was in this state of anger before, so i understand you, but anger and denial doesn’t solve anything

2 years ago
Reply to  thekwon

Happymeal is clearly on the sides of the people attacking here, but is thinking far more clearly and rationally and is seeing the writing all over the graffitied walls closing in. Moved past the bluster and fluster and wants concrete solutions.

2 years ago
Reply to  A E

Exactly A E, thanks for your understanding

2 years ago

Got peni$ you are a male, got vag1na you are female. Period. Such a mental disease. I told police recently that i am identifying myself as a cow amd they laughed at me telling that i cannot be milked haha we shared few laughs and jokes. When humanity went wrong?. It’s like this sick guy in Mma who beat up this lady. Next step legal p3dophilia qmd everybody agrees to this. So.sick.

2 years ago

“assaulted” my patootie! They PROTECTED their children, and they DEFENDED their children.

2 years ago
Reply to  Hope

If you want to protect yourself and your children, stop using public restrooms.
This is what I’m teaching my child

2 years ago

what is this blame the victim mentality that the world has? It’s like “If you don’t want a p***s in your face, don’t enter the women’s restroom!!” Like, WHAT? Such a fast slippery slope we are on where pedo’s are getting privileges while others are losing them. It’s sick.

2 years ago
Reply to  Hope

New laws are banning restroom separations, the trans is on his full right

2 years ago
Reply to  Happymeal

You can be in a restroom with another person and not wave your junk at their child. I’ve been using public restrooms all my life, and have never once flashed my genitals at a child.

2 years ago

Astute comment by JH at this post; I wish it was updated monthly; tip of the iceberg here he admits:
“Most trans “women” nowadays are autogynaephiles so they have a sexual motivation for presenting as women and get aroused by eroding boundaries. Therefore, this group are actually already predatory because displaying their fetish in public and being allowed into the segregated spaces designed for the safety, privacy and dignity of women, girls and young children causes sexual arousal. The red flags are flying freely and people, who should know better, are ignoring them.”

Those MammaBears aren’t ignoring them.

2 years ago
Reply to  amaragrace

This is an excellent insight and explains a lot.
I wondered how they got so many on board so rapidly with not just the concept but with pressing this vulgarity on top of the basic insult and intrusion.

2 years ago
Reply to  A E

I believed from the start this was a way to press women to stay at home – just do your shopping online and forget that big, bad world out there.
When women stay home, more men do.
When women stay home, they lack even more fellowship with other women, are more secluded, isolated, depressed – women, even moreso than men, crave socialization and human contact.
And when women stay home, their children do, passing down with emphasis all these antisocial feelings and fears, ensuring the next generations prefer the matrix.

2 years ago
Reply to  A E

Every time you see these trans people, please learn to have the reflex to consider that they may be victims of mass Hormonal and psychological trials.
Remember Alex Jones: “water is turning frogs gay”, this is exactly what is happening.
Do you know what crap GOV is feeding your children at canteens right now? do you think about it?
Yokel17 i’m telling you why my nickname is “HAPPYMEAL”, I used to work in a McDonalds, and now i feel guilty for every meal i prepared, when i now see these kids grown up suffering health problems, obeisity …
This nickname “Happymeal” is a confession of guilt, and i beg god for pardon.
I think this degeneracy actually started there, with Happymeals full with addictive chimicals, hormones. 
you can object to this degeneracy, but once YOUR children’s hormones get messed up it’s over, just like the jab.
These communities are not the root of evil, of course you have to protect yourself from them, but to solve the issue you need to go up to the root cause: “Food & Water” and fix it

2 years ago
Reply to  Happymeal

I hear you and second this, I have learned compassion for everyone, even for some of the predator class who have signed on because they believe it is the only way their own families will survive. I despise what they do, and hate what their overlords do, but fully recognize their humanity and the tremendous, relentless pressures and fears.

2 years ago

Seeing a lot of comments on the tweet that all of the women involved in the fight were actually men. Might wanna double check the story.