Why do we never believe them? For centuries, the global elite have broadcast their intentions to depopulate the world – even to the point of carving them into stone. And yet… we never seem to believe them. The Stew Peters Network is proud to presen…
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This “documentary” twists facts and stretches the truth and straight up lies just as much as the main stream media.
What parts of it are you referring to that twist the facts and stretch the truth?
When they show a vax clot being removed during an operation, the footage is actually from 2019, of a pulmonary embolism being removed. A population growth rate chart is quickly skimmed over while discussing population growth with the implication that it was population size. The point is that there are inserted falsehoods meant to detract from the very real threat that these “therapies” pose. I’d recommend using another resource than “Died Suddenly.”
Sounds good except that, last year I saw these being dragged from my husband’s chest tubes on multiple occasions.
Other kink in the works is that he’d never received the mRNA, had no comorbidities, took no rx’s prior to becoming ill.
He was given remdesivir, vanco, flagyl and 3 blood transfusions against my expressed will while hospitalized. I imagine these polymers came from the transfusions although who know what’s in the remdesivir?
What I’m saying is that though these mRNA-induced clots are real, this documentary includes instances that are easily disproven by linking to the source video on YouTube. Why use misleading info when there’s undoubtedly real video out there, except if the point is to be wrong?
Oh, I see.
Probably to keep the uncertainty and warring alive, I’d guess? Drive the die-hards from both sides? Create new hardliners from each side’s fringes by showing further “evidence” they are fullovit?
Nothing’s more convincing than for both to simultaneously be correct.
You are going to have to come with more than that. Fact is young people are dropping dead all over the world. Not to mention massive increase in cancer, stillbirths etc
1000 Athletes Have Suddenly Died or Suffered Heart Disease from March 2021 to June 2022 (bitchute.com)These are young people in peak physical shape dropping dead? Athletes?
There is so much evidence against this vaccine it is overwhelming.
I’d be happy to point you in the right direction.
You can’t fully trust any news source. There are four possibilities:
1. The news is real and accurately reported.
2. The news is real, but twisted by reporters (adding agendas, disinfo, etc).
3. The news is fake, but the reporter thinks it’s real and is reporting as such.
4. The news is fake and the reporters are liars.
For the documentary, I think #1 or 2 is likely. I mean the health czars just created a whole new category of deaths called SADS. If #2, then just watch for the moments that spike your emotions and the information that is attached to those moments. Maybe he’s slipping in some disinfo, or killing morale, etc.
The news is meant to portray what they want you to believe is reality, and not actual reality. 6 major companies have a near monopoly on news and they serve a different master than I do.
Stew Peters:
You can easily see the “acting” and hidden glee from Stew (more traditionally spelled “Stu” for Stuart – let them stew in their own juices as well as frog in a slowly heating pot to boil) as well as Senator Ron Johnson compared to the clear sincerity of the other contributors. They allow this now because it solidifies the horror in people who are beginning to realize they made a fatal miscalculation and now live in even greater terror of when the hammer will come down for them and for those they love. They are savoring the helpless, living panic and despair this documentary conveys and confirms.
These were the people who largely trusted government and the system. This attacks their very foundations of existence and reality, all in one crashing blow. This will dash the hope of many who had nothing else they placed faith in. They will not even have friends or family to console them, due to lingering fears and destroyed relationships over this very same, very bitter argument that obliterated so many formerly close ties with others.
There’s like 2 bots that comment on everything, it’s annoying
Stu-piders is not to be trusted
I don’t trust him.
Gates is against over population, yet his daughter is pregnant. Imagine that!