
Vice News attempts to make us feel sorry for sex offenders

Oh no, his water smells bad 🙁

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2 years ago

While building our house with my wife and kids, we rented an old house where the well was in the basement, and literally had yellow foam floating on top of the water. When any tap was turned on, it would smell like you had cracked a rotten egg in the entire room. I showered with this for half a year. It wasn’t fun, but we lived through it. These individuals are being exalted in their “humanity”, without any concern for their eternal soul. There is no mention of them coming to grips and recognizing the evil of what they have done. Unless Christ sets them free, they still have demons guiding their thoughts and actions, and are not safe for anyone to be around.

The entire premise of what is going on with the world, is the Prince of this world, is orchestrating total rebellion against the Most High, while YHWH has clearly turned all against him over to a debased and reprobate mindset. No accountability, no moral absolutes, just “do what thou wilt will be the whole of the law”. This is required for ushering in the Antichrist’. Romans 1:28 is fully in present view. Praying for the fulfillment of Romans 8:19.

‘For the creation waits with eager longing for the revealing of the sons of God. ‘

Romans 8:19

And this final result;

‘Nevertheless we, according to His promise, look for new heavens and a new earth in which righteousness dwells.’

II Peter 3:13

2 years ago

‘the water smells like sulfur’; well, how appropriate. the demons influencing and dwelling in these perpetrators should feel right at home.

2 years ago

Oh, your home and surrounding property is bad… well then clean it and fix it. Be a man! Oh, but you’re not, you’re a big sorry baby who needs to rape and diddle.

I had a personal experience with one of these sorry babies. He was young and decently good looking, and we started dating. He was 25 years old. As we are dating I find out more and more about him, he’s been raped as a kid (sympathy), later I find out he has some weird kinks (toleration/acceptance), then I find out he still lives with his parents at 25 (cringe), then one day I see his room. The rest of the house is decent but his room is DESTROYED – holes in the wall, stinks, stuff everywhere, just garbage, it looks much worse than a pig pen. I hear at one point on his phone his parents left an angry message that he won’t do ANYTHING around the house – at all – I feel sorry for them letting this (supposed to be grown man) walk all over them and seemingly trying to make the good house they have into a dump. But, I being the naive idiot I was at the time did the whole “oh you poor thing it’s probably just mental issues, maybe you’ll work them out” bit, as he gradually destroys my own house and then starts stealing from me, until one day, low and behold he throws me down and horribly rapes me. Yeah, then I knew oh wow, why didn’t I listen to the thousands of red flags!!!

So sorry, VICE (vice the definition: A practice or habit considered to be evil, degrading, or immoral. Wicked or depraved conduct or habits; corruption.) Yeah, so the magazine actually named after evil habits. Yes, I feel bad for people with evil habits but those can change! My habit of having even an ounce of pity for people like this loser is GONE.

I’m ok with loving my neighbor FROM AFAR and praying for people like this THAT THEY MAY CHANGE but other than that, no way!!! I feel bad for any city housing these creeps, they and the decent human beings living there are the true victims in this scenerio!

2 years ago
Reply to  Hope

P.S. My now Husband A REAL STANDUP MAN, just saw this and went on a tirade about how he’s literally currently, today: Fixing a leak, Hanging a picture, changing a toilet seat, and just vaccuumed the house to boot. He said you can live in the Taj Mahal and without some upkeep it will go to heck. Sure the place is a Motel but you can still work on it if you live there. You can patch holes, clean mold etc. It isn’t the owner’s fault. Ask the owner what you can do, there’s a thousand ways to fix all those problems. He said he probably did more work today than these guys have done in their whole life.
He said “see how actually solving a problem solves your problems!?!?”

2 years ago

He’s got a roof, he’s got water coming out of the wall, he only need to flush to have his s**t go down the drain. What is he crying for?

2 years ago
