
Planned Parenthood YouTube ads directed at children promote puberty blockers and hormone replacement therapy

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1 year ago

They’re degenerating the youth for greater social control in the future, not to mention sexualizing them. This gender confusion usually conflates with sexuality and promiscuity. This is absolutely sick.

1 year ago


1 year ago

The only medicine young folks should be taking is a strong dose of guided psychedelic experience to inoculate them from mind control.

1 year ago

Fat purple haired feminist is guided by three different black people. Lol, so obvoius.

1 year ago

“Your gender identity is real” spoken with heavy vocal fry, likely from a vocal chord-damaged FTM, while a rainbow appears overhead (a universal sign for imagination).
“Puberty blockers are safe.” This has never once been proven; in fact, it is patently untrue, as we can already see from the now-unveiling effects in burgeoning adults subjected to this agenda from a young age. This trend has not been going on long enough to know the full range of effects, but so far we know that they definitely cause:
Delayed development (height stunted; childlike appearance remaining to adulthood), osteoporosis in people in their 20s (previously mostly seen in elderly women), stunted growth of the prefrontal cortex (responsible for decision-making and logical thinking), amongst myriad other issues. This is without even considering the psychological damage that will come later.
Any endocrinologist on the planet can tell you that messing with hormones is a great way to cause all kinds of strange and unforeseen health problems. They probably wouldn’t tell you though, because the entire medical community has been taken over by this sick agenda, and anyone speaking out against it is swiftly attacked and often ostracized out of their jobs.

I am so sick of this disgusting agenda, it upsets me more than 90% of the other s**t I see here. Kids have enough to deal with growing up in this hellish world as it is. The people pushing this agenda come in one of two flavors: the truly ignorant, who believe this is just like gay rights and want to be seen whiteknighting a cause; and the truly evil, who know exactly how damaging and insidious this agenda is, and are happy to continue pushing it on our youth.

Imagine a young adult who looks like a child, with physical health ailments and an underdeveloped brain incapable of making logical decisions. I can’t see any way that could go wrong, can you?

1 year ago

The person narrating sounds like he or she is on hormone therapy.

Guys, puberty blockers are safe says the eugenecists.