
Evil WEF Leader Caught Planning ‘Mass Extinction Event’ to Inner Circle (

Another week, another leaked video from the World Economic Forum featuring Klaus Schwab’s advisors casually discussing their plans to depopulate the planet.

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1 year ago

You will do nothing. And like it 😉

1 year ago
Reply to  Ace

Sometimes, when i analyze things out of religious biases, i truly find what they are doing kind of a necessary evil, like when a doctor decides to cut the leg to avoid death of the patient.
our world is so full with useless people selfishly draining our common resources, destroying the planet.
It was an amazing thing when they forced the jab on the retirement home residents, blindly followed by stupid boomers fearing death.
Nature itself is a highly selective and ruthless environment. Human society is no exception and what is going is higher than the concept of good and evil, it is an auto regulation process to corrects an unbalanced, unstable social, economical, and spiritual situation humanity is now living

1 year ago
Reply to  fredo78

So, you are one of those WEF trolls. Piss off back to your evil masters and take your BS with you.

1 year ago
Reply to  Anonymous

I am no WEF troll, just a dude having a different opinion than you

1 year ago
Reply to  Fredo78

“Happy meal” under a different name

1 year ago
Reply to  Business

It’s amazing to see how you slowly adopt the same WEF policies: censorship, bullying, targeting the person instead of his ideas. After all, you are not that diffent that WEF.
Same mindset, without power.
Btw i’m not Fredo78, and i don’t agree with this idea of blaming older generations. God is the only one to judge every single person for his/her acts on this world.
Collective blaming is wrong, because if you blame boomers for overconsumption, then get the f**k out of all what boomers have built, done, … , and start you own civilization.
Boomers have the right to enjoy some years of peaceful enjoyable retirement, after building all the comfort we live in.

1 year ago
Reply to  fredo78

You have the wisdom and intellectual capacity of a child. Go back to watching Paw Patrol, the adults are talking here.

Last edited 1 year ago by breaker
1 year ago
Reply to  fredo78

If the world is so overpopulated why do you make the first sacrifice then? No? Ok then. In all seriousness have you said your argument out loud? Who decides who is “useless” and using all the resources? Newsflash- I guarantee TPTB will also consider useless, just like the others you look down on and when they lead you to the gas chamber you’re going to be crying and saying “why me? I’m important! I’m important!”

1 year ago
Reply to  nodnoc

*consider you useless

1 year ago
Reply to  nodnoc

It is an auto regulation process, it is not the elite, nor us who decide whos is useless.
Elites also die. Nature laws apply to everything. Humanity as a whole will sort itself out back to a stable state, all under total cotrol of god

1 year ago
Reply to  nodnoc

Me, you, the elites and everybody’s destiny in this universe is decided by the almighty god. I am a humble human seeking the grace of god, trying to understand the events, the how, why, and future consequences. The best way to evolve is by confronting ideas, if you think i am wrong, then please correct me

1 year ago
Reply to  Fredo78

I kind of see what you mean, I used to play with that idea when I first finished high school and I was learning about the nature of reality. But you lost me by mentioning God but also claiming that “stupid boomers” dying was a good thing. I can’t say for sure but it seems to me by that comment you lack compassion and empathy for your fellow man. How can you be connected to God who is love and light and celebrate death?

1 year ago
Reply to  Fredo78

And I ask you again, who decides who is useless and using up resources? Who would better deserve those resources? I have a problem with that statement because it’s subjective and hateful

1 year ago
Reply to  nodnoc

Lets just analyze how the jab was sold to the populace:
First the media announced a new experimental jab 99% efficient according to manufacturers will be rolled out, HOWEVER, there is NO after sale warranty.
TERMS AND CONDITIONS were CRYSTAL CLEAR from starting point.
Then came the sales pitch:
The sales pitch for boomers was different from younger generations.
For boomers it was take the jab so you will avoid dying from the virus, and get back to normal, enjoy life, travels, …
With the jab we will avoid health system saturation.
For younger generations it was take the jab to protect the vulnerable, old, weak people. To be able to hug grand parents without feeling guilt of transmitting the virus.
The elites have been social engineering us for centuries, they have a deep understanding of each generation’s mindset, how to reach, influence …
There is a minority of boomers that did not fall into the trap, but the vast majority is narcissistic and stupid. It is not an insult, it’s a FACT.
God is indeed love and light and mercy, but God is also selective, not everyone is allowed to heaven.
I am not celebrating any death, that was a reflexion from a pure economic perspective with no religious bias.
The question of who is useless, useful, who will inherit the resources… these are questions that will be sorted out naturally by the auto regulation process we are all going through. The process being of course 100% controlled by God. Bottom line trust God and it’ll be fine

1 year ago
Reply to  Fredo78

There is nothing “automatic” about it. The WEF is not the hand of “nature,”working its Darwinian will in the world. If you believe this, you will become the necessary evil you speak of. Beliefs lead to actions.

1 year ago
Reply to  breaker

WEF is part of the hand of nature, just like the succession of day and night.
Nature is beyond good and evil, what you perceive evil according to your bliefs, values, biases, experiences, undersanding of what is good and evil … may not be evil.

1 year ago
Reply to  breaker

An example on how nature is beyond good and evil, when watching an animal documentary try to imagine yourself an animal in that ecosystem. For example a salmon trying to find a secure place to lay eggs. If a Bear in the middle of your journey cateches you, is he evil?

1 year ago
Reply to  Fredo78

This website is rich with brilliant people, living universities like 444Gem, but we also have people living in ideological bubbles, and if someone dares to challenges their ideas, he will be ruthlessly attacked, labeled troll, … . They feel threatened by different ways of thinking, unscure, and to protect their bubbles from bursting, they try to kill conversations that way. I feel sorry for these people and i pray god to help them burst that bubble, and enjoy freedom of thinking

1 year ago
Reply to  Fredo78

I’m not living in a bubble my friend, I enjoy entertaining new ideas. But I don’t see how WEF is the hand of nature and actually doing us any service. They aren’t motivated by helping the planet, they’re motivated by greed and a superiority complex and that’s why they want to kill us off. I have enjoyed our discussion, you are very intelligent and I agree with some of what you say. But you say most boomers are narcissists but I counter with the fact that most people in general are narcissists. I’m a millennial and it seems to me like it gets worse with each passing generation

1 year ago

It depends on your point of view. Does human life have value?
Obviously, you do not believe it does. Survival of the fittest!
This is satans philosophy. No value for life and an excessive love of oneself.
However, on the opposite side God values every human life greatly.
The extinguishing of 7 billion or so people mean nothing to your ilk.
Great evil resides in this philosophy.
God disagrees!

1 year ago
Reply to  randall

Love must be mutual, and every human life has value, until it loses it. For example death penalty is a religious concept for individuals taking the life of another person. The same can be applied at a macro level, if a generation is abusing and killing the futur of younger generations, living like there is no tomorrow, at some point something has to be done, if not the economy will simply run on boomer consumerism, an unending disneyland for them, while younger working generations struggle, no natality, no easy conditions, leading to total collapse.
I used to work in a cruise ship, in hotel industry, and believe me, with just food wast you could feed a whole african cities, totally end hunger problem. Seeing such amount of wast would give you ptsd.
There is also a huge economic imbalance between countries and the privileged will not accept any peaceful correction.
Did you ask yourself why only a small part of African population did get the jab?
It is related to the country’s carbon foot print.
Humanity is starting to think globally, it should be no difference of chances, privileges between an American and a Somalian as example, we are all human beings.
But to reach that it requires sacrifices. You can noot have love without justice, fairness.
And yes, God is allowing this development, because his love is for all humanity

1 year ago
Reply to  Fredo78

Moral relativism is meaningless as is your statements on love. You do what you want to do during the moment based on nothing but fleeting emotions.
The ultimate question is does human life have value or not. Where does that value come from? Moral relativism only values life when it is self-serving/selfish.

Real love is ”
1Co 13:4 Love is patient, love is kind, it is not envious. Love does not brag, it is not puffed up. 
1Co 13:5 It is not rude, it is not self-serving, it is not easily angered or resentful. 
1Co 13:6 It is not glad about injustice but rejoices in the truth. 
1Co 13:7 It bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things. 

Your definition of love is temporary depending on your mood at the moment and can be withdrawn at any moment. So not love at all but vanity.

You cannot have love without justice and fairness.”
The difference is mankind is hopelessly wicked.
Justice and fairness do not come from man but from God.

1 year ago

He looks like a sad turtle.

1 year ago

What we need less of is soulless people.

… How about that?