A DAD is the first Brit to get microchipped with a bank card implant — letting him pay with just his hand. Arnie Szoke, 40, forked out £350 to have the op in Germany. The NHS healthcare assistant s…
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A DAD is the first Brit to get microchipped with a bank card implant — letting him pay with just his hand. Arnie Szoke, 40, forked out £350 to have the op in Germany. The NHS healthcare assistant s…
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Rev 14:9-12 If any man worship the beast and his image, and receive his mark in his forehead, or in his hand, The same shall drink of the wine of the wrath of God, which is poured out without mixture into the cup of his indignation; and he shall be tormented with fire and brimstone in the presence of the holy angels, and in the presence of the Lamb: And the smoke of their torment ascendeth up for ever and ever: and they have no rest day nor night, who worship the beast and his image, and whosoever receiveth the mark of his name.
Payment systems have been leading up to the mark of the beast slowly:
1) Paying by card with no physical money present
2) Pay with a chip
3) Pay with a tap
This guy saw the next logical step and went for it. I’ll bet he doesn’t get allowed service at certain places since this isn’t an official way to pay…for now.
Once operation cyber polygon is unleashed, all traditional payment systems will be deemed obsolete. Amex, Visa, Mastercard, all have announced the upcoming shift for CBDC.
In 2025/2026 it should be done. this Brit just got too excited about it.
Just like the jab, it will be a mass chip implant campaign with refuters this time denied any financial activity.
How are you planning to resist? reading Rev 14:9-12 all day and night for the rest of your life?
Real mature.
Of course it’s coming. It’s part of biblical prophecy. Which means no one can stop it from happening. If they need to execute me to make an example then so be it. This world isn’t my home, my friend.
Does the biblical prophecy also give a solution? some guidance on how to resist? or it’s just kind of sit tight and wait to be executed
Barter, trade, don’t use the currency being offered. It isn’t worth gaining the world ( such a very small part of the world) and lose your soul for all eternity. It’s saying don’t live for this world as thus world will be burned. Live for the next eternal world. Don’t keep your eyes on this world and it’s deceptions
Excellent response. happymeal, we are all going to die, every single one of us (unless Christ returns before we do). We have all been appointed to death, as it was the judgement for sin. Through Christ, you can live twice, and die once (first birth, being actually dead, and new birth given by His power in you at believing and repenting, and coming into agreement with Him, and then life forever). Or, you can live once, and die twice (once in this life, and once again after being put into a body that will never actually die, but face continual punishment for being outside the sacrifice offered once by Christ for all who will come to Him). I’ve been praying for more and more desire to not love this world, and the things of this world, where moths and rust destroy, and thieves break in and steal. It is what REAL faith is about. So many in this life (myself the worst for decades) claim to follow Christ, but the one they follow isn’t even real. It’s an idol made in their own image, who agrees with everything they want him to. Everyone has to make a choice. It’s time to take full ownership of what God says, as it clearly is coming true in real time before out eyes. This is a terrible, and wonderful time to be alive. Being in Christ is the only thing that changes the perspective. God bless.
Indeed papazhan, i agree with you we are living in amazing times: curtains are falling, what i am not ok with is your idea: “I’ve been praying for more and more desire to not love this world, and the things of this world, where moths and rust destroy, and thieves break in and steal”.
Jesus teaching never instructed to hate this world.
it’s no REAL faith, to live in denial, to disconnect from reality.
I think you’re confused about what Jesus meant by “the world.” We are told to love our fellow man, regardless of what they believe. But we should not love the world because the world is fallen and sinful. The world is representative of man’s sin, and it is temporary. We desire eternity with God in the New Heaven and the New Earth, and to bring as many people with us there as we can. If we love this world, then we desire to stay here, rather than go to the Father to be with His Son.
the opposite of love is not hate it’s indifference. Master it.
Concretely John, how are you going to “Barter, trade” to pay for rent, food, water, electricity, fuel for your car?
If you are employed, what are you going to say to your employer? pay me in XX Pound rice?
can you give more specifics? elaborate more how you foresee your solution be executed?
I also did not understand you here:
” It’s saying don’t live for this world as thus world will be burned. Live for the next eternal world. Don’t keep your eyes on this world and it’s deceptions”
Does this mean suicide? Crucifixion? self-sacrifice? Please explain you ideas more in details.
Don’t feed the troll (happymeal). He’s just another black hole on the internet eating up attention and adding nothing.
What’s wrong with you 1:14 PM? labeling anyone who thinks different as troll? what do you want? a boring news review website with only comments with the same logic?
Find a place to live in the country. Grow your own food. Learn how to get around without a car. Dig a well. Learn how to purify water from other sources. Buy guns, ammo, armor, and train with how to use them. Start collecting non-perishable foods now. If you’re focused on keeping a job during the middle of the judgement of the world, your priorities are off. Once the Mark comes along, it’ll be 3.5 years of anyone who doesn’t take it being hunted down. Your best bet will be to lay low, ditch technology, live off the grid. You might find someone who is already living off grid and barter food and lodging with your labor. So if you can’t collect food or weapons, you best learn some valuable skills.
pretty much
Yeshua is the only one who ever offered to save your soul. Turn to him and accept his free gift of salvation. Accept him as your saviour, repent and accept his sacrifice for your sins, and he will forgive you and save you. Do what he tells you to do in the Bible. I’m praying for you, happymeal.
The solution is inner peace. Plenty of holy men and women have died grotesque deaths throughout history, at the hands of evil, and yet they still live on in spirit and through the sacred ideas that they cultivated. All had achieved a certain inner peace. Why fear death when you know God and you stand for the righteous?
Once you die, there is no reason to hold onto this world. Be weary of it, but don’t be attached to it. You’re a soul within a human body.
Accept Christ as your savior, then don’t worry about it because you know we’re going to win.
I read a compelling description of what the last days will be like. Once Jesus raptures the true believers, taking them out of material illusion, God will withdraw completely from this world, allowing the logical completion of the Fall. Satan will utterly take over for a time, claiming his own. Imagine being in a world utterly without God, where Satan is in power. It will be populated by the truly evil, the truly deluded, and those who could not see past materiality and became trapped in it. I think it’s no coincidence that money will be involved in the final downfall. Look at the back of the one dollar bill, we are already carrying a pocketful of printed Satanic curses around with us like tickets to Mammon. I don’t want to be here for any of that. I won’t kill myself, but I won’t fight to stay alive, either. There is a reason it’s called the Abomination of Desolation.
it’s gonna happen. maybe not for a generation or two, but it’s inevitable. there are only two world systems, communism or capitalism and they are slowly merging. nothing can stop this.
This exactly what satanism ultimate goal is about: to remove any differences: Culture, religion, race, sex, wealth … .
when you see Baphomet statue you see gender blurring, fusion of sexes, removal of man, woman polarity, transhumanism, …
Media, school system and governments right now are all heading in that direction.
Agenda 2030 is also all about achieving that, and all its goals are about uniformity, conformity. One of the most advanced countries in this agenda is China.
The best example of what is happening is fire in a forest: fire ends when nothing is left to burn, to suck energy from, everything is transformed to ashes: total uniformity, death.
Take this image of a totally burned down forest and imagine how a totally burned down human society would look like: From an economic perspective: Digital currency, removal of organic food and meat, replacing it with bugs and lab grown meat, … . From a spiritual perspective: banning religions “All religions: From Buddhism to Islam”. Because religions are about respecting the order of God, nature, as opposed to Satanism: Rebelling, destroying order of God and establish their order.
Social perspective: Replacing human direct interaction with Metaverse.
This is the struggle going on, and we are pawns in the middle of the battlefield.
The soul is eternal. Are you afraid to die? We can resist using weaponry, but even that is futile compared to the weaponry they possess. They can easily use sound to disable us all.
It doesn’t mean we give up hope or don’t fight back, but you have to realize this is a spiritual war, first and foremost. Only thing I’m afraid of is my judgment after I die – God. We can sit and predict the future, but until the time comes, all we can do is prepare ourselves and develop an inner peace that triumphs over the insanity and violence. What is there to really worry about on a spiritual level? Nothing.
I love God with every atom of by body, every bit of my soul energy, when my death comes, it will be God redeeming my soul as his property, this will be the highest honor i can dream of. I am absolutely not afraid to die and meet my Lord.
I also see these times as the best ever to live: a lot of people are afraid of the upcoming changes, feel nostalgia from not having this american dream lifestyle Boomers had, i am the complete opposite, i beg god to use me as his soldier, be an arm of God, be honored by having a helpful role to save as much of my brothers and sisters as i can, be a manifestation of God’s mercy, generosity and good actions against evil.
Many of my friends in this discussion think of running away, some think at some point God will completely withdraw from this world making Satan king of the world, and that’s completely wrong: God will never withdraw, let us down, he is and will always be with us, i feel his strength, his presence, his support, his love through my veins with each heartbeat.
Yet, any state of connection with God should not stop me from thinking tactically about food, water, work, avoiding mark of the beast, and this is why i asked such questions. As you see i got great answers, insight, and i am learning from it, this website is full with smart minds, and it’s all about having deep exchanges to develop my thinking, and get new perspectives, new ways of analyzing.
I also thank all friends whole took my comments in an objective way and didn’t consider me as an annoying troll
Is he not aware that all they have to do now is hit ctrl+alt+delete? He is making depopulation effortless without a shot fired. What a gimp.
sneaky Khazars
It seems like a magical gesture, doesn’t it? Pay with a wave of your hand.
Interesting idea, Fleurdamoir. It will become a sign of praise to the beast. Each time you wave your hand to pay for something or identify yourself, it will be a sign of worship to the beast since the beast will own you.
He’s only 40?
He paid out of pocket for this? What a stooge.
Out of hand.
In Sweden, implants are business as usual, and sadly it’s very popular, school cards are implanted.
Teens there are like this Brit happy and even bragging about it.
it will happen. to everyone and nothing will save you.
riddle me this. if “God” destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah why hasn’t he destroyed Los Angeles, Las Vegas, Washington DC, New York, London etc.? hmmmm? 🤔
Sodom was destroyed because there weren’t enough righteous people there. All of those cities have at least 10 righteous people living in them.
Do you really believe this narrative? In 2022
It’s coming.
The Kingdom of God is within us. God doesn’t have to personally intervene. The downfall of civilization is a natural result of immorality taking root in the hearts and minds of Mankind, as opposed to Mankind cultivating the awareness of God within them.
So, the simple answer is, we haven’t degenerated to a point of no return yet (thankfully), but if things keep up, then at this pace, those metropolitan cities will collapse. I live in Miami Beach and, although I see a LOT of degeneracy, I also see the opposite of it.
Arnie Szoke, either he’s a complacent sheep, or he genuinely believes all this is right. In either case, I hope he wakes up one day and surgically removes that chip. Perhaps he’d be a voice of insight then, for those who are deluded enough to believe there’s good in this.
One can only hope. He’s not the first to have a chip implanted though.