
MAYA HAWKE played at a Masonic Lodge on Monday

MAYA HAWKE played at a Masonic Lodge over the weekend which is located inside Hollywood’s Forever Cemetery if that isn’t creepy enough.

A few pictures from the show:


Check out the stained glass pattern behind her:



Her dad Ethan was in attendance and was brought on stage:



Hawke cut into a blue cake backstage with her Moss album cover to celebrate the release last Friday.



Her album cover art on ‘Moss’ (masonic?) is all about duality:


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2 years ago

Never heard of her.

2 years ago

It must be terribly difficult growing up in families like these. You’re surrounded by the successes and glories of your immediate family and can’t even go out to eat without someone recognizing your mom and/or dad and simpering and fawning over them.
Your every success – or failing – is held up for comparison and it’s a challenge mark to meet or exceed since birth.
Even well-meaning average people heap on pressure, “Never heard of her”(this is a truly modern insult – meaning, what? And what good does it inspire?) Children of the world famous cannot take that sitting down (and they couldn’t long before we diminished them – is it possible our casual disregard inspires deeper depravity in their reach to ‘show the world’?.
Local acts are often well-loved by those they perform for but are not known nationally or globally. Does this diminish the local performer? In a way, I think it does, and it encourages true talent to sell out. We know that, to become a household name, it takes a huge selling of yourself, so why would we encourage this?
We hate them if they do and despise them if they don’t..? Does saying that give a momentary feeling of superiority? I understand that it does, and yes, we small ones often take what comfort we can find in the misfortunes of those considered “great”(not a good way to live….it is human, but to be fought) but it may help us to look at why we feel that way..? We don’t need to feel that way.
What does richness of resources (great food, drink, clothing, furnishings, all things done for you) mean to someone to whom these are normal, yet these pressures to conform and exceed expectations? That seems like something that would drive most – that pressure to one-up. What are these kids supposed to do? Relinquish all and live as poor? Might help some, but how many of you would decide to do so?
I can’t imagine the abuse a child from a family like this would take for choosing to disengage and to not play the game.
To play means almost guaranteed success – they’ll keep shunting you around until you find a fit somewhere. To not play..?
And for Maya, whose name means ‘the supernatural power wielded by gods and demons to produce illusions.’ to have her dad attend and sing at such a small venue must feel in some way like love. I feel for this girl and the mess she’s in.

2 years ago
Reply to  lgageharleya

Thank you for speaking out like this. We need more of this thinking, communicating, unity…

Last edited 2 years ago by tired
2 years ago
Reply to  Kris

I hear you. I still want kids like Maya to see perfectly acceptable and noble ways out, and to see their constructed realities as not only empty, but the underlying sludge as revolting, but this will take time, focus, effort and a lot of relearning for all of us. We all have a very long way to go to get back to a more natural, innocent way.

2 years ago
Reply to  lgageharleya

Interesting take, but I honestly “never heard of her” and wasn’t trying to be insulting, I was just confused as to who she is.

2 years ago
Reply to  Lori

I understand. I still think it only feeds things to say so, because what other reason is there for saying “I don’t know her”? If you don’t, the message isn’t for you..?

2 years ago
Reply to  A E

I was going to basically post the same thing. i have never heard of her and I am not sure why I should care…

2 years ago
Reply to  romanschapter9

Because these are human beings too? How do you interpret Romans 9?

2 years ago
Reply to  A E

Interesting, to be downvoted for such a basic concept. This article has struck nerves.
Everyone imagines, if given the resources, they’d be miraculous and benevolent. Truth says, maybe not so much.
I am glad that I didn’t have access to too much as a kid because I’d have wrecked the place.
I think we all have a projected mind (what we want people to see, feel and believe about us) and an actual mind (calculating, cold, able to equally share/cut things off if one is determined as better.) There is a self-preservation in the being able to cut things off, but do we not use that stance also as a way to sever people who don’t meet our internal standards? At what point is that just the bigotry of jealousy? If we refuse to consider a person because of their station?
Most rich people don’t give the slightest awe for amazing food, locales, etc. That became expected.
Why are they still so unhappy?

Last edited 2 years ago by lgageharleya
2 years ago
Reply to  lgageharleya

This slavish hatred of anyone wealthy feels like jealous warmongering, to me. What is the point otherwise? Every single overthrow of a government (which will NEVER be perfect) has meant an open door for globalists.
If the rich are already sold out? I’m trying to understand people who refuse to consider that many rich are sick of this mess, too. Do they have it better? Sure, in some ways, but what fear do they live in when even normies start to hate them?
In the end, we all live and die by the same measures.

2 years ago
Reply to  lgageharleya

We also have to remember that her father Ethan Hawke was raised in Hollywood as well and was acting since he was 13 years old. They say there are 2 types of parents in these cults. Ones who love their children as anybody else would until they get in the ritual room and ones who are completely cold blooded to them inside and outside. The higher up on the pyramid the more cold blooded they are towards children in general. But also these celeb children have very limited career choices. You seen the way Will Smiths son had no idea what he was gonna do in life and Britney Spears sister didn’t know what to do along with Ozzy Osbornes 2 youngest children who distinctly make money off their family name.

2 years ago

Part of that illusion is the idea that “you will stay where I placed you or go broke” which is also illusion. They have brains, arms and legs, and even all that is overqualified for many jobs. They can make it if they break away. The fear is to convince them they can’t.

2 years ago

I never understood why pulp fiction was so famous. There are just white women being harassed the whole movie. It’s about women being hurt from the beggining to the end. Besides, Uma Thurman was also badly treated in kill bill movie to the point it seems she works for tarantino only to be tortured. I also didn’t know who this girl was, I had to search and find out she’s Uma thurman’s daughter. I wonder if this cake is made of cake ingredients or human ingredients, sorry. I’m not affirming anything, just saying I wouldn’t be shocked about anything, too.

2 years ago
Reply to  Nobody

I think that was the precursor to #metoo, but that entire movement was snide and designed to make us scorn actual women who had cases. It was there to make mockery and get people upset against the women who actually had cause. Make the movement look ridiculous, make them all ridiculous.
Iranian women are uprising again, let’s see how far this gets them – the global elite decide, as always.
There can be little doubt that women are treated poorly in many circles, Hollywood being amongst the worst. But those women know what they’re getting into and know fully what they’re agreeing to. The rest of the world is not the same by any stretch. But they again buried that blight beneath bu11sh1t as those willing women mocked real women and made their very real problems seem ridiculous.

Last edited 2 years ago by lgageharleya
2 years ago
Reply to  Nobody

They are thinking about putting her daughter in the next kill bill reboot if they ever do one. But if you look at some of the early film choices they put her in you can tell she was straight up getting exploited by them and also was in her teen years of transitioning from model to actor.

Last edited 2 years ago by frenchtoast2000
2 years ago
Reply to  deletetheelite

I’m talking about Uma Thurman not her daughter being sexually exploited when she was younger. But no doubt they would do that to her daughter.

2 years ago

The is the cemetery where Anne Heche was laid to rest. I didn’t know there was a lodge on the site.

2 years ago
Reply to  deletetheelite

You are not kidding.

2 years ago

Let’s imagine a similar scenario in your hometown, or in some group where everyone does, actually, know you. When they pretend to not, it hurts. When they openly do not and recruit others to bolster their “canceling” it hurts even more. When you are cast into a situation of always needing to be “at least as good” by birth, I can imagine it can be devastating when your every decision is weighed by the same people who see public acclaim as everything.
To break free from this and to live a life of mini triumphs and tragedies, but to always seek the triumphs, to lift others, isn’t this a fundamentally decent life? It’s not one of human accolades.
Some moderns define themselves based upon their entertainment tastes. This is normal to us. We are so engrossed by what happens to them as we identify with them. I have always loved RUSH because they SAY things and speak mysteries and poetry and are bogglingly great musicians.
Others attach where they feel most drawn, but there is a draw for each of us, tailor-made for our quirks.
I am just saying, there is little sympathy for the poor, little rich kid, especially in times of want, but these kids don’t like where they are, either. What is riches when everyone is soul-sick? They aren’t satisfied. Can we all find a better way together? If we just can stop being furious with each other for a minute?

2 years ago
Reply to  lgageharleya

When the ebbing tide retreats along the rocky shoreline
It leaves a trail of tide pools in a short-lived galaxy
Each microcosmic planet, a complete society
A simple kind of mirror to reflect upon our own
All the busy little creatures chasing out their destinies
Living in their pools, they soon forget about the sea
Wheel within wheels in a spiral array
A pattern so grand and complex
Time after time we lose sight of the way
Our causes can’t see their effects
Wheel within wheels in a spiral array
A pattern so grand and complex
Time after time we lose sight of the way
Our causes can’t see their effects
A quantum leap forward in time and space
The universe learned to expand
Mess and magic, triumphant and tragic
A mechanized world out of hand
Computerized clinic for superior cynics
Who dance to a synthetic band
In their own image their world is fashioned
No wonder they don’t understand
Wheel within wheels in a spiral array
A pattern so grand and complex
Time after time we lose sight of the way
Our causes can’t see their effects
Science, like nature, must also be tamed
With a view towards its preservation
Given the same state of integrity
It will surely serve us well
The most endangered species, the honest man
Will still survive annihilation
Forming a world, a state of integrity
Sensitive, open, and strong
Wave after wave will flow with the tide
And bury the world as it does
Tide after tide will flow and recede
Leaving life to go on as it was