
Barclays criticised for advert that shows transgender woman receiving financial advice to fund surgery for ‘big t***’ (

Critics have accused the bank of double standards, saying it would never have featured a biological woman wanting cosmetic surgery.

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2 years ago

What an odd fella.

Last edited 2 years ago by Easily_Forgotten
2 years ago

The elitists pressuring people into genital mutilation and hatred of self and body… It’s your business if you do it too yourself, but no one should throw it in my face or children’s faces and parade it around. It’s just not a healthy thing to promote, look at the suicide rates. I don’t see removal of appendages or male p***s enlargement or v****a beauty surgery all over commercials for children to watch. Yet we are forced into seeing this, it’s pressured focusing on emotional responses surrounding topics saturating every bit of media to lead the humans to purposely ignore real big issues effecting everyone like the gov outrageous criminal controlling of everything including these trends and destroying our economy and economies everywhere else in the world to have total one world gov and enslave everyone..

2 years ago
Reply to  marie

perfectly put

2 years ago

I know women who have hormonal disorders that impact them severely, including having 4x the risk of developing uterine or ovarian cancer, who cannot get access to medication without paying out of pocket. Yet a misogynistic man who believes that a woman is a feeling in a man’s head, can not only receive mutilating surgeries funded by public healthcare, but can also be featured in an ad encouraging others to do the same. All for the sake of performing a fetish, and forcing others into validating said fetish.
It’s sick.