
Warhol Superstar and First Black Supermodel

Andy Warhol superstar and first black supermodel Donyale Luna one eye sign.

She was the first woman of color to appear on the cover of Vogue, and it features a one eye symbol, too – featured in this article:  The first Black supermodel: Who was Donyale Luna? – Fashion North (

And here she poses with a beta wildcat and is photographed on an operating table fending off masked doctors: Donyale Luna – the fashion world’s wayward moon-child (  Her Wikipedia page has a one eye dress:  Donyale Luna – Wikipedia.  She is also in Fellini’s Satyricon, a sexual and violent film set in the pagan world:  Fellini Satyricon (1969) | The Criterion Collection

She came from a tragic family life and had mental problems including a nervous breakdown and a stay at Bellevue hospital.  Her mother shot and killed her alcoholic father, and Luna struggled with drugs and alcohol and succumbed to heroin at age 33, a number of great significance in Masonry.

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2 years ago

I heard Andy was apart of the CIA. And Warhol Superstars were apparently under drug programming. Most of them lived tragic lives and died young. Only like 3 of them made it to their elderly years if you exclude the members of his clubhouse band The Velvet Underground. But his most unhealthy obsession was Edie Sedgwick. She was a bloodline member like him and even lived in a penthouse from her trust fund but the drugs and mental issues she had from trauma led to her being homeless and prostituting. She died right after she got married. Her husband also was a mental patient. She was clean and then shortly relapsed due to getting exposed to painkillers. The elites wouldn’t even allow her to be near them in her family plot. Her husband put her in a small cemetery instead.

Last edited 2 years ago by frenchtoast2000
2 years ago

The Warhol Marilyn pictures alone are a tipoff to me that something was up, and the weird silver and mirrors decor at the Factory.

2 years ago
Reply to  Fleurdamour

And Musician Lou Reed who was in The Velvet Underground said Andy was completely obsessed with lights and flickering lights while people are high and dancing had to be a experiment that would be later put in mainstream night clubs in general. The dance clubs with drugs were always underground until the 70s and 80s. I saw a picture of people in the 50s dancing in a drug club and they had completely different rock or jazz music playing. They would always test the music in those underground places from rock and jazz to New Wave to Electronic.

2 years ago

The counterculture really wasn’t so counter at all.

2 years ago
Reply to  Fleurdamour

Exactly. Well I would say so for the art movement in New York City wasn’t so sweet. Lou Reed also said that pretty much all the people he met and befriended at Andy’s clubhouse were all outsiders who had tragic backstories like the model in the pic above and Reed also. It was some of the saddest things he ever heard and he even wrote a song about it called All Tomorrows Parties. It was weird because I always thought if I was living in the 60s I would of ended up in the New York City art community as a writer. I always thought that even though the CIA played a role in both movements they decided to keep the art movement hidden because it attracted intellectuals while the hippie movement specifically attracted sheep.

2 years ago

I’ve heard that as well and that the CIA was behind the whole pop modernism art movement as a form of propaganda during the cold war and used Warhol as the foundation for this type of mass mind control not only with his art triggers but also kenetic triggers like what you described with drugs and flickering light experiments tested in underground clubs before releasing them to the masses. I always think of the 70’s “disco” rage with the shattered mirror ball always overhead in the clubs as a symbol for what it’s actually doing to your mind.

Last edited 2 years ago by deletetheelite
The Ghost of Don Rickles
The Ghost of Don Rickles
2 years ago

Still doing that same “Who me?” expression and the hand symbol to this day in magazines and ads. It blows my mind how long this crap has been going on.

2 years ago

I have to wonder if tucked away in elite mansions and the Vatican storage vault there are Ranaissance paintings and Classical statues doing that, too. The stuff they never let us see.