
'Changing your parts doesn't make you a woman': Macy Gray speaks out on trans issues in no-holds-barred interview with Piers Morgan (

During the no holds barred interview the singer, 54, also spoke about her recent controversial comments about changing the American flag.

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2 years ago

I mean … The responses are so much more nasty, jumping to conclusions, and extreme / non-inclusive than what she actually said … Which was 100% right.

And how can insisting on the sanctity of womanhood be “patriarchal”? It’s quite the opposite. This is some serious 1984 double-speak BS.

2 years ago

A few years ago the progressive cause celebre was Me, Too, whose catchphrase was “believe the women.” Believe them when they tell you their experience in this world. Now one of the causes is reproductive rights, ostensibly about the autonomy of women, their right to self determine their lives and bodies. But at the same time, supposedly on the same progressive side as those causes, there is a dismissal of the very valid concerns of women at being called dehumanizing and objectifying terms, imposed on us without asking us. And when women speak up about it, they are called TERFs which is basically just another way of trying to shut women up. The actors may be new but the playbook is the same old one that has been used against women for thousands of years. At this point the trans activist community is showing women about as much respect as the Taliban does: Accept how we define you and be quiet. That’s actually not progressive or inclusive at all. And it’s certainly not how they are asking to be treated.

2 years ago

Still not into turning the stars brown. If I look up in the sky, and see the stars with the dark blue sky behind them, they are not brown. The end.

2 years ago
Reply to  Hope

Maybe it’s the below stars she’s wanting on the flag.
It’s like they want to edit white out of everything, they’re so racist…let me confirm her family tree..

Last edited 2 years ago by microgaze
2 years ago
Reply to  microgaze

It is funny how she wants to edit white out of everything but wants to still include ‘woman’ words. It’s womb-man or womb-in which is why they hate that word too.
She talks as if the stars weren’t stars but more rainbow flag. What’s next rainbow stars to resident pedos and the alphabet cults? You cannot include every race on the flag anyway, there are too many races and not all is about skin color. She would be aware of that if she weren’t so American.

2 years ago

She is now being called a TERF (derogatory slur for Trans Exclusionary Radical Feminist) by the trans community. Because apparently inclusion only applies to us not them.

2 years ago

“Changing your parts” ?? Is that the new euphemism for “disfiguring your body”? Call it like it really is, lady: there is no such thing as a “transgender” … the proper term is FEMALE IMPERSONATOR.

1 year ago
Reply to  clambot

Meat t****y