
Bill Gates tells governments to invest in technologies for "payment and ID systems" (

“The World Bank acknowledges that COVID-19 increased digitization and the wide use of remote financial services.”

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2 years ago

Governments already hold all government benefits, tax returns and/or allocations in individual accounts for tax payers. The government requires you to have and hold access to digital id/sign of the beast in order to access your money that the government already holds in those accounts. If you don’t have digital id or if the government determines for any reason that you are a terrorist or don’t have the proper vaccine or if you don’t vote for the one world government or for whatever other reason it determines at any given time then you will not have access to your money. These payment accounts and ids are already in place.

2 years ago

Gates owns patent number W0-2020-060606 which would make anyone using centralised digital payment systems required to pay royalties to him for use of “his” technology. He would, in effect, usurp control of the financial system for The Dragons an order of magnitude greater than they have with the Federal Reserve, making them effective owners of the technology required for every transaction within the economy.

Welcome to the Charagma, the Mark, from a man using the comically obvious false esoteric name “gatekeeper of the bills”

Simon Dennis
Simon Dennis
2 years ago

How is the maniac still allowed to walk the earth? I honestly find this more incredulous than his immoral schenidigans.