
‘We like to keep a little mystery’: Britain’s female Freemasons – a photo essay (

Photographer Anna Gordon has been granted extraordinary access to the historically secretive Freemasonry for Women lodge, one of two Grand Lodges for women in the UK operating for more than a century, as it looks to the future

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2 years ago

This reminds me of how my little sister was actually going to parties her friends had in one of their temples. These lower level members do allow people to book venues at their places and seem to involved with the community like a college sorority. Which my older sister was apart of one in college they were helping families with sick children find places to stay while they were in treatment.

2 years ago

I had a female friend who said she was in a group called “Rainbow” as a kid, where they did rituals. I never had heard of it before her, and never again. I wonder of any of you folk know more about it.

2 years ago
Reply to  Hope

I’ve run into the Rainbow gathering a few times in California and a couple times up in Oregon in the early 90’s. On the surface they were nice people but underneath it all was a cult mentality and pretty sure they were into child trafficking as some of them had kids that weren’t “mentally” fit and was obviously not their own children. They were like a traveling band of gypsies or witches/worlocks, not unlike what you would read about Romanian Gypsies..Same mentality imo.

2 years ago
Reply to  deletetheelite

I ran into the rainbow gathering in Ocala national forest (Florida). We came upon them hiking, and some creepy dude said. ‘Welcome home brother”. They were all zooded out of their minds. Seemed fairly innocent, dumb hippy stuff, but i didn’t hang around to see the inner workings.

2 years ago
Reply to  deletetheelite

this isn’t the Rainbow Gathering that Hopeis talking about, it is some sort of junior Masons related group for girls in their teens. There is another called Demolay for the boys (or something like that)..

A lot of people where I am from were members of these. I haven’t heard any other mention of either since the 90s.

2 years ago

If anyone hasn’t watched it, I recommend the Altiyan Childs Exposes Freemasonry video that VC posted a year ago. Watching it was life altering for me. It’s like I had a thousand puzzle pieces lying on a table in front of me and could not figure out the picture, and I was suddenly handed a few missing ones that made it make sense. It came at the same time as several situations that suddenly came together in a similar way and permanently altered my worldview.

Thank you for posting this, I was trying to read it on the Guardian site and kept getting locked out.

2 years ago

I want to add, the photos are astonishing. The apron and gloves to me are a dead giveway that this is creepy business. They look like the rubber gloves and apron a butcher wears, or the mortuary or autopsy team.

2 years ago

Are the apron and gloves they wear in reference to the levite priests that carried the ark?

2 years ago

Do you think these women know the true meaning of these symbols? I doubt they do.

2 years ago

Thanks for posting. I actually know one of the female “Mason” in the article, the one with the photo at the very top. Let’s say she comes from a very troubled background, orphan situation, drugs and domestic abuse. I truly believe she’s lost trying to find herself and this cult has taken advantage of her weaknesses and her wanting to climb the social ladder to recruit her.