
Kamala launches new WH Ministry of Gender Truth… (

A memo on the task force released by the White House condemned “gendered disinformation” and proclaimed the administration will be “developing programs and policies to address online harassment, abuse, and disinformation campaigns targeting women and LGBTQI+ individuals who are public and political figures, government and civic leaders, activists, and journalists in the United States and globally.”

The Director of the White House Gender Policy Council and the Assistant to the President for National Security Affairs will lead the “interagency effort to address online harassment and abuse, specifically focused on technology-facilitated gender-based violence, and to develop concrete recommendations to improve prevention, response, and protection efforts through programs and policies in the United States and globally.”


The memo of course didn’t mention Antifa groups doxxing politicians or other dangerous leftist activity online.

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2 years ago

Harris is one of those elites I have a hard time believing was once a innocent child. That and Hillary Clinton. I actually felt nothing but uncomfortableness seeing them both as children.

Last edited 2 years ago by frenchtoast2000
2 years ago


2 years ago

So there was a great article on The Stream I read this morning about the spiritual component involved in the US. I believe the discomfort you felt is a God-given gift. Don’t ever ignore it. I was given a similar gift, and every.single.time I’ve not heeded it, bad stuff followed.

2 years ago

Talk about punching-down. As if these figures need more glorification or “protection”. This formally isolates them from any questioning or criticism. Forcing through their agendas using public faces as the excuses to shut people up, the irony remaining that it is those people unhappy with this societal nosedive who are taking all the abuse.

2 years ago

When Kamala has any kind of public speaking engagement, she talks to everyone like they are children because that is how she needs people to talk to her. She thinks you have the same level of intelligence as she has and can’t comprehend that her audiences may be more intelligent. Her IQ is why she was selected for her position.