
“Everything you need to know…” We know …

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Aime Hart
Aime Hart
2 years ago

One eye naturally, who’s surprised?

2 years ago

I just want to know why these people are suddenly so invested in the skin care industry. But then again they will go to extreme lengths to get attention which is why they also jumped on the bandwagon of cooking being popular on social media.

2 years ago

The push by the puppet instafluencers in “beauty” is part of a longer term barrage intent on shifting the masses perceptions of what a human face should look like and what is “beautiful,” away from that of a natural human. The “skincare” is just a distraction; the human brain is much more receptive to subliminal and subconscious suggestion when it’s conscious attention is distracted.

She’s 25 and it’s obvious her entire face has been re-done: lip fillers, chin implants, rhinoplasty, Botox, raised eyebrows, etc etc. you may notice the photo is cringeworthy; it induces the uncanny valley effect, which is a natural mechanism of disgust and rejection our brains developed to keep us away from corpses and the fatally ill and infectious. It arises from the same natural disgust mechanism involved with vomit or feces.

Bombarding people, especially kids, with the images of unnatural, corpse like humans, while saying “look at this new BEAUTY product” is an implanted command to associate dead, disassociated faces with desirability (“Go over the rainbow”)

This will help the masses disassociate from accepting their own physicality, making them emotionally fragile and stuck in materiality (you cannot spiritually advance if you’re obsessed with your physical body) and ultimately manipulable to accepting trans humanism as a form of body augmentation. They are also being primed to accept unnatural robotic faces as “living beings.”

The NW0 is adapting the ritual abuse Monarch programming techniques for the masses.

2 years ago
Reply to  444Gem

Superb analysis ~ 100% spot-on.

2 years ago
Reply to  444Gem

I think you’re absolutely right. She does look like a corpse, I’ve always been very uncomfortable looking at her and she is endlessly worshipped by the sad shallow children on instagram and whatever other platform. Bieber also makes me very uncomfortable with his wide, abused eyes and whiney baby voice.

John M
John M
2 years ago
Reply to  444Gem

Yes i think it is true. It is all about destroying everything what makes us human. Not only in body but also in mind and even the thought of what is human needs to be twisted upside down. That is what our enemy wants.

I even go so far as to twist the human image up they use alot of secret transgenders. In this case i believe this “woman” is actually a man and Just Bieber looks like a female to me. Maybe you all think im crazy (and i am a bit).
But when i look at for instance the average bone structure of male and female i find this comparison often true in my real life observations. But the opposite happens when i observe famous people. For instance men have mostly long arms compared to woman, wider jaw, wider shoulders.

Fox McLeod
Fox McLeod
2 years ago

the M in the logo is a lil pitchfork

2 years ago

She doesn’t look attractive at all with her waxy skin, puffed up lips and oddly elongated face.

2 years ago
Reply to  Edwina

That’s what I think as well. I think she looks dog-rough as it goes- greasy skinned and coarse-featured. It goes without saying I’m not tempted to buy her “skin-care”! Ugh!