
Bilderberg 2022 Meeting Takes Place This Week

Globalists Meeting Secretly in DC to Discuss Market Meltdowns, Continuity of Government.

The Bilderberg Group, the secretive organization that controls the Davos Group and the entire globalist takeover, is now secretly meeting in Washington, DC.

                    **BILDERBERG PRESS RELEASE** 

Normally, every few years the Bilderberg Group meets in Chantilly, Virginia, which is outside DC, but this year in particular the group is trying to keep the actual meeting location secret.

The Bilderberg Group also released a public list of attendees including Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla, former Google CEO Eric Schmidt,  Sen. Kyrsten Sinema (D-AZ), and CIA Director William J. Burns.

The global banking and financial industries are also well represented at the meeting, according to the list:

                       **BILDERBERG ATTENDEES**

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2 years ago

They disgust me. They’re the most terrible entities on earth, hopefully a suicide bomber will give them a hello.