
"Woman of our Times" in Summertown, Oxford

“A moving graphic representation of modern femininity. “

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2 years ago

They really said “Let’s create something to represent modern day femininity” and then just slapped a p***s on it. Disgusting.

2 years ago

Who wants to go knock this thing over

2 years ago


2 years ago

How in the world could you pretend that this is beautiful ? To me, art is supposed to represent the beauty or the mysteries of the world. This, on the other hand, is just degenerate.

2 years ago

If any statue needs to be pulled down by a mob and pushed into a river its this one

2 years ago

We can all agree that gross monstrosity is no woman. Please someone vandalize it, this thing has no right to exist.

2 years ago

it’s in The Hague, Netherlands

2 years ago

Apparently it’s not Oxford but an older statue in Netherlands

2 years ago

Have you guys never heard of a hermaphrodite? Are we saying anyone born like this is disgusting and a monstrosity? How do you think people who are born like this feel about people saying such mean things about how they look?

2 years ago
Reply to  Lacy

That’s a really outdated term – they’re generally referred to as intersex today. But you raise a good point.

2 years ago
Reply to  Lacy

Intersex people generally don’t have three arms or weird cat/beaver creatures on their heads

2 years ago
Reply to  Lacy

The statue is clearly not referring to intersex people when they say ‘of our times’. Intersex people are an inconvenience to their ideology.

2 years ago
Reply to  Lacy

True hermaphrodites are so rare that they might as well be actual unicorns. Disorders of sexual development are still pretty rare, but they primarily involve ambiguous genitals — not a normal sized p***s. There are plenty of men who actually have moobs (either because they’re fat or gynecomastia), but they are still men. NO WOMAN HAS A P***S. She can have an enlarged clitoris that looks vaguely like a tiny p***s (especially if she is a FTM transgender who takes testosterone), but it would never look like this.

Calling this statue a “woman” is misogyny. Full stop. Why do we never see statues of a man with a v****a and breasts titled “a man of our times”? Why do you not see trans “men” stealing trophies from real men or raping men in men’s prisons? Nobody is out chanting “trans men are men”.

It is a movement that supports MEN who say they are women over ACTUAL women. It’s the patriarchy in a dress. Nothing more and nothing less. Any woman who supports this is an absolute idiot and/or attracted to men in dresses.

2 years ago
Reply to  scars

No Q toxic patriarchy is on full display re discussions / interpretations of gender, roles of men and women, and art expressions that touch on these topics.

That said, this sculpture by Otten, who uses the she pronoun, challenges us to explore the fluidity of gender concepts and expression. Here’s my interpretation of her sculpture: Women are being asked to step up and solve problems created / sustained by men. If only the founding fathers had had the courage and humanity to fully adopt the political structures of the Iroquois Confederacy and fully involved as they had women in key positions of power, especially regarding relations with other tribes and war. 
So now karma is kicking cis males in the balls for thinking they are above women / have the right to control and define women. Control and kill toxic patriarchy instead. 

Embrace the Healing Humanizing Values of Two-spirit

Link to artist:

Barbara McKenzie
Barbara McKenzie
1 year ago
Reply to  Brian

Nothing healing about a movement which teaches little children to worry about their gender, and actively encourages them to set out on a course which includes counselling, puberty blockers, mutilation, sterility. It’s the soul of depravity. .

Oliver Wilkening
Oliver Wilkening
2 years ago
Reply to  Lacy

Real hermaphrodites are so rare that the chance to meet one is extremly small. So this “monument” is totally useless. It has nothing to do with all the so called “trans”people who think an identity disorder is a kind of gender.

1 year ago
Reply to  Lacy

This statue isn’t about hermaphrodites, it’s supposed to be a statue to honor women, and women DO NOT have penises!!!?

2 years ago

extra third arm may be showing the hidden force

Oliver Wilkening
Oliver Wilkening
2 years ago

“S**t of our times”. Tear it off. That’s what the BLMutants are doing with REAL monuments, too.

Francisco Gomollon
Francisco Gomollon
2 years ago

Where is that statue, some are saying its not in Oxford but in the Hague..

2 years ago

There have been trans and hermaphrodite people throughout human history. Depending on where a culture was on the loving god vs fearful god spectrum, these people would either be loved and welcomed, or killed and marginalized. How evolved are your YOUR views?

Embrace the Healing Humanizing Values of Two-spirit

Deborah Bell
Deborah Bell
1 year ago

It insults women . Are we telling young women of today this is how they should look ????

1 year ago

No people, whether or not this is intentional, this is a big deception.

The statue is “And Life is Over There” and it is located in the Hague, Netherlands. This was also posted in a vigilant citizen official article. Be careful of deceivers.

Also some of the people made a good point with their reference to hermaphroditism, whether or not this is an actual intersex person (which is unlikely because of its testicles). These commenters were merely asking for your mercy of others who are unlike you. Regardless of the gender or what happens around us, I think it is unwise to allow you aversion to these contrived agendas turn into hate and intolerance for other. Christ was merciful and compassionate and I don’t think he asks for your disapproval of others. I prefer to acknowledge the use of symbolism about us in an objective manner, and I see no need for me to condemn it or the ones who use it if I have Faith in a savior.

1 year ago

No people, whether or not this is intentional, this is a big deception.

The name of the statue is “And Life is Over There” and it is located in the Hague, Netherlands. This false information was also posted verbatim in an official vigilant citizen article. I want his explanation for the mistake. Be careful of deceivers in this day and age.

Also, whether or not this is an actual intersex person (which is unlikely because of its testicles), some of the people made a good point with their reference to hermaphroditism. These commenters were merely asking for your mercy on others who are unlike you. Regardless of the gender or what happens around us, I think it is unwise to allow our aversion from these contrived agendas to turn into hatred and intolerance of others. Christ was merciful and compassionate and I don’t think he asks for you to throw stones. I prefer to acknowledge the use of symbolism around us in an objective manner, and I see no need for me to condemn it or the ones who use it if I already have Faith in a savior.

Barbara McKenzie
Barbara McKenzie
1 year ago
Reply to  Kevin

It’s a symbol of the transgenderisation movement

1 year ago

Looks to be a statue depicting Ishtar one of the ancient gods