
Trudeau announced full control of guns for civilian use in Canada

Justin Trudeau has just announced full gun control to civilians in Canada. His decree will not pass through Congress. The question is why? Why did the allegedly heavily armed lone wolf shootings occur in the US but is it Canada that unilaterally bans civilian ownership of firearms?

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2 years ago

Better ban truck horns too while he’s at it. And force a monthly a*s reaming from a trans person for reparations.

2 years ago

Never let a good tragedy go to waste. The first thing Adolf did was take away all the guns. Millions died, many more Christians than they ever talk about. Imagine if the people had guns to shoot back at anyone trying to kill them, to take back all the food they grew that was locked up in front of them with armed guards. Instead they had to watch their children, wives, mothers get raped, tortured, carted off and killed. As you can see the law makers want to have another extermination party and any excuse to take guns away they jump at. None of these schools had any regular security in place, instead the media pressured dumb logic is to hand over your self defense.

2 years ago
Reply to  PiscesMarie

Adolf Hitler for those who wondered

2 years ago

‘full control of handguns’ you may not want to mis-inform with the title

Erik Weisz
Erik Weisz
2 years ago

This was pure virtue-signaling. You haven’t been able to buy a handgun in Canada for years.