
The director of Squid Game is working on a ‘much more violent’ new project titled "Killing Old People Club" (

“It will be more violent than ‘Squid Game,’” teased Hwang, adding that he might have to hide from old people after the film comes out. The project has the working title “K.O. Club.”

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2 years ago


Mo E
Mo E
2 years ago

A great thing to do in these situations is to not give the undeserved attention to these series.

Be unwilling to monetize violence by not being an audience to it.

And pray for the salvation of all

2 years ago

Covid killed mostly elderly people and those with chronic health issues, thinning the herd.

2 years ago
Reply to  Fleurdamour

There is no such thing as Covid.

2 years ago
Reply to  xyz

It does exist. I had it and it’s just a worse version of the flu that attacks the lungs. Took my lungs a while to recover and was short of breath. My dad had to be put in the hospital because his oxygen was so low. It attacked him differently because of his blood type. The elites have the lowest risk of getting it as usual.

2 years ago
Reply to  xyz

It exists, I caught it twice. The first time I was scared I was going to die, could barely get out of bed but recovered quickly. The second time was less severe but I am exhausted and my chest hurts months later. Its real, stop invalidating a virus that has made millions suffer.

2 years ago
Reply to  xyz

It is real, I’ve had it. Like toast said, it severely impacts the lungs pretty severely. Felt like I’d stop breathing entirely most days.

2 years ago

He was probably inspired by the real-life knock-out game where punching elderly people is a sport for certain segments of the population. Better get ready for kids to be inspired to play this game in real life. I’m sure there will be a TikTok challenge that comes out of this.

2 years ago
Reply to  scars

Probabky the point.

WillieJones Jr
WillieJones Jr
2 years ago

What he doesn’t realize.

One day, if he is lucky, he will be old.

Steven Casteel
Steven Casteel
2 years ago

“Steven Spielberg told me ‘I watched your whole show in three days and now I want to steal your brain!,” said Hwang. “It was like the biggest compliment I ever got in my life because he’s my film hero. I grew up watching his movies.”

Lol, no surprise there. Steven probably attends Bohemian Grove Spirit Cooking types of events with Marina Abramovic and her crew. The mask stuff in Squid Games was right out of that Rockefeller Ball. Also of mention is Eyes Wide Shut.

2 years ago
Reply to  Steven Casteel

It’s not a maybe in that part. Remember he adopted a girl from Africa to specifically make her a sex slave to the elite. He also gave her to some older guy for her to marry.