
James Cromwell glues hands to Starbucks counter to protest vegan milk charge (

The former artistic director at the old StageWest in West Springfield is a member of PETA.

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2 years ago

How bout just stop buying Starbucks already?🙄

Doesn't Matter
Doesn't Matter
2 years ago

Haha, now that I think of it, it is unfair vegans have to pay extra for cow milk alternatives.

2 years ago

I have no idea who this guy is… other than yet another attention seeking lunatic.

2 years ago

“Glued”, yeah right. That was totally fake. If he did use glue, it was probably that rubber cement stuff we used to use in elementary school. Had he used superglue (as was originally claimed in the first news articles about it), he would have left a layer of skin behind on that counter. Notice the camera cuts away when he is removing his hand from the counter.
Non-dairy alternatives are more expensive because getting milk from cows is a cheaper process. Starbucks can’t really make them the same price as milk — but I guess they could raise the price and overcharge customers who get milk so everyone pays the same price. That’s probably what they will ultimately do. That will be a great excuse to raise prices and increase profits. Way to go, PETA! Won’t affect me because Starbucks coffee tastes like it was brewed in an ashtray and I wouldn’t even drink it if you paid me to. But if idiots want to waste their money on it because all the cool kids are doing it, fine by me.