
Everyone wants Zelensky's green jacket, but it won't be back in stock until Ukraine's 'victory', company says (

“Stocks of the fleece are unlikely to be replenished until the war is over, the company that makes the jacket told Insider.”  Well, duh. 

This article struck me as emblematic of the strangeness and importance of celebrity, fashion and branding in the modern world.  They are talking about an actual war, and somehow the conversation shifts to what the President of Ukraine is wearing and how it is to be sold.  The constant media depiction of Zelensky wearing this jacket and the olive drab tshirt seems like deliberate styling to create an “iconic” image of him, as the fashionistas say, a form of marketing.  He was a professional actor, and in that former role he always appeared clean shaven and in a suit.  The minute the war started, he grew a rugged but somehow always perfectly-groomed beard and also somehow always seems to have a clean army green tshirt, a camera-ready costume right out of central casting.  I commented recently on an article on the main VC page how the branding around The Hunger Games films made me uncomfortable with its use of fashion, which in the books was a psyops weapon in the hands of totalitarianism. This gives me the same feeling, only in the real world.  It is indeed a nice jacket, but what is really being sold?

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2 years ago

HAHAHAHAHA, but it won’t be for free, remember, ukraine needs all your cash and javelins and coke for brave genius zelensky and you better hurry up and send all your cash to ukraine, we can starve to death after all, what is the priority is that ukraine needs all your cash and javelins ok???

2 years ago
Reply to  aeon

Wow, writing from Ukraine and telling you that it is horrible what you just have written

2 years ago
Reply to  Anna

so what??? there are wars and conflicts taking place everywhere in the world right now, not only in your country…world is not a paradise…

2 years ago
Reply to  aeon

No, the world is not a paradise. But, do you have to add to the misery by stating “so what”? What is the point?

2 years ago
Reply to  Anna

Anna, I can’t speak for Aeon, but Americans are completely tired of watching our own country fall apart while all of our money is spent by the political elites here on one war after another. They say there’s never any money for healthcare, housing, education, childcare, infrastructure or anything else helpful or good for us, but somehow there is always plenty of money for yet another war. No offense meant to the ordinary people of Ukraine, or Afghanistan or Iraq. I think we are all being victimized by the elite.

2 years ago
Reply to  Fleurdamour

The thing is though, they are stealing a lot of it for themselves, stashing it away somewhere secret, like silly idiots and using wars, as an excuse.

Their greed blinds them to the fact that, if the society/community around you is unhappy, then it’s unlikely for you to be happy too. So it’s a dumb move to impoverish people, because of your paranoid, selfish greed.

Only exception to that being if you are a Lot in a Sodom and Gomorrah situation. Then the “happiness” of the community can go out the window, God first.

So they want you to direct your anger and frustration on the people of those countries so that you don’t look at the real culprits.

(Because that leads to revolutions that topple them, so they do everything to prevent a revolution from happening.

Divide you, isolate you, confuse you, (making you question obvious facts of reality, like gender), depopulate you, make you sick (through junk food and pharmaceuticals) etc.)

And that’s only after they have failed to guilt you into compliance, through their psychologically manipulative mainstream media propaganda machine.

They paint President Z, as some kind of revolutionary saint, yet his name was listed among those corrupt people in the Pandora papers.

Last edited 2 years ago by ruth
2 years ago
Reply to  Ruth

Like a number of significant politicians in the last few decades, Zelensky is an actor. I think he just is the public face for whatever is really going on, like how celebrities are hired now as “brand ambassadors” but you know they have nothing to do with the day to day running of the company they are hired to represent.

2 years ago

Good commentary. I know that I would not be looking groomed/well cut in that situation. He appears to have access to clean water, food, shelter, light, and his clothes do not have a single tear/rip in them. He has no bags under his eyes, no dark circles from lack of sleep. He is not a man on the run nor does he seem to be under any physical stress.

2 years ago

That is true. They have a entire section in the media specifically on bragging about the celebrity elites wearing luxury brand outfits and making their looks be iconic so people will be deceived into copying them. Pretty much another way of worshipping them. And don’t get me started on them being photographed doing completely normal things.

2 years ago

Doing normal things dressed like homeless people 😂

2 years ago

That article is so unbelievably dystopian and stupid, I feel dumber for having read it and in shock that it is actually “on the news”. We are officially living in an insane asylum disguised as a novel.

2 years ago

Excellent point