
A Wolf in Sheep’s Clothing and Demon-Crazy:Democracy (

Skip down to point 173 of the Jesuit Dragon “Pope” Francis’ 3rd Enciclica Fratelli Tutti. After spending 172 (not an accidental number) points playing sheep by asserting his goodness in the name of YHWH, virtue signaling with messages of brotherhood and equal opportunity, the ears and fangs of the wolf poke out from underneath the wool; He calls for the UN to have real “teeth,” and thus the NW0’s power to eestroy the people’s self determination under a Republic:Res-Publica (literally the affairs which belong to the people), and institute a global, 0ne W0rld 0verlord in the UN.

Point 173 Reads:

In this regard, I would also note the need for a reform of “the United Nations Organization, and likewise of economic institutions and international finance, so that the concept of the family of nations can acquire real teeth

When reading this, pay no mind to all of the flowery speak of how these aims will benefit mankind, this is Dragon Speak. By their fruits (genocide, pedophilia, intolerance, and greed) we know their true nature.

Yeshua said in Mathew 7:

“Watch out for false prophets. They come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ferocious wolves. By their fruit you will recognize them. Do people pick grapes from thornbushes, or figs from thistles? Likewise, every good tree bears good fruit, but a bad tree bears bad fruit. A good tree cannot bear bad fruit, and a bad tree cannot bear good fruit. Every tree that does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire. Thus, by their fruit you will recognize them.”

Just as this is a false “populist” document, there has been a marked increase in the use of the terms “threat to democracy” in the NW0 propaganda (See: Hillary Clinton). They are telling us the truth in our faces, If you know what DemoCracy:Demon-Crazy really means:


1. The Ancient Greek ; δάμαλος dámalos, “calf” or “cattle.” I have covered the Oligarchies views of the people as cattle in chapters III and VI of Thirteen MonKeys. 

2. Slang usage of dámalos by the draconian aristocracy referring to their land bound underlings as “cattle people” akin to the modern day word “sheeple” led to the Ancient Greek δῆμος dêmos, “ordinary citizens, common people from a district, in a city-state.” Like fenced in cattle, these ordinary people were bound to a tract of land, called: pāgus (Pure Latin).

This is indeed origins of the words “Demon” and “Pagan” in modern Latin and Germanic languages like English. 

3. The Dem-on, from Ancient Greek δαίμων  (daímōn, “dispenser, god, protective spirit”) was the embodiment of spirituality within people attached to a pagus. Note that ON is Proto-Aryan for “physical manifestation within or upon.” Hence Dem-on meant physical embodiment of a protective spirit. These were idols like The Golden Calf, Teraphim, or Voodoo shrines.

4. The commoners/Cattle  worshiped their own specific Daimon, usually associated with the land or village they inhabited by force, their Pagus, aka their Pagus Daimon = Protective Spirit of The Commoners bound to this land.

 5. The Pagus Daimon (Pagan god) became known as a Demon because: 

A) people’s belief in these deities would infect them with the satanic mind virus and lead them to commit atrocities in its name, such as child sacrifice or burning “heretics” (see: Truth Tellers) alive.

B) The phenomenon of the Pagus Daimon infecting the Demos, lead to the term Daim-on/Dem-on, which literally means, the pagan spirit manifests in the commoners.


1. The word first originates into Latin and then English from the Ancient Greek κράτος (krátos, “power, rule”). 

2. The term krátos originated from the west-central Proto Indo-European:Aryan dialects, under the designation *koryonos, which meant ‘leader of the *kóryos‘ (here attached to the suffix -nos ‘master of’) 

The kóryos were, in Indo-European tradition and mythology, landless young males (12-16), that as an age-based class no longer lived with their parents, but were not yet fully integrated into the community of the married men. They served as a type of “police-army” or “military police.” You see this tradition continued on in ISis-Ra-El today. Eventually anyone that controlled the kóryos carried the power over society as a military commander.

3. The terms Krazy and Krazed comes from kóryos, referring to the erratic, dangerous, and seemingly possessed behaviour of these adolescent males that served as armed military police in early Aryan society. Blood sacrifice, raiding, theft, and murder were commonplace, and expected as a rite of passage.

What was supposed to be for the protection of the people became a militarised sect, replete with secret rites of initiation. This is the true origin of Fr33Masonry and Secret Societies that have plagued the world ever since. 

The Koryos often dressed themselves in the pelts of sacrificed wolves after they drank the blood of the animal to embody its spirit (Daimon) and then would enter into villages as marauding berserkers. This is the origin of the mythology of Werewolves: seemingly possessed young men would enter into villages wearing wolf pelts, faces painted black with Earth and mouths full of blood, coming to ravenously murder, steal, and rape, usually after a full moon rite.

The kóryos issue took place in the Caucus Mountains and surrounding steppes, where we (The Aryeh) settled after the floods of the late Pleistocene destroyed our coastal homelands of Atlantis, as is told in the story of Noah. The Krazy:Koryo  genocidal behaviour of the kóryos and kóryonos was one of the main reasons the Aryeh Yehudah (The Lions for God’s Justice and Peace) and Native Americans splintered off and migrated south and east.

4. The word Cuernos (Horns) in Spanish, Kernnunos (Horned Diety) in Celtic, also takes roots in the kóryos military hats which featured horns taken from a slain bull, a rite of initiation into the military commanders at age 18 for those that married and continued service, known as the kóryonos (masters of the kóryos) We see this tradition carried on in the vikings traditional horned military hats and the Bull Fighting in Spain.  Boy -> wolf -> Bull -> eagle, ancient rites of initiation that represented the first military ranks.

So the term Democracy/Demon-Krazy = 

Power and Rule by the military police-state, through manipulating the people (The Cattle) infected with the Satanic Mind Virus (pagan god:AntiXristos). This is why you hear the short hand sometimes of “mob rule.” 

Remember, a Res-Publica empowers the people to self determine, a Demon-crazy empowers totalitarian military rule sanctioned by the cattle infected with Satanas/Saturnas.

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2 years ago

Didn’t know s**t about etymology til I read your stuff 444Gem. It’s just staring us in the face

2 years ago

As always, extremely enlightening. Thank you Gem.

Jimmy may
Jimmy may
2 years ago

Great stuff as always!

2 years ago

Wow gem. Great info!

2 years ago

Etymology is very important – I try and encourage my children to pay attention to it.

It is by language that we are kept prisoners at times and the lack of language knowledge also keeps us prisoner. For example, statutes and laws (certainly in the UK) are sometimes in obscure, archaic, obsolete language so that linguistically poorer or less educated people cannot access them, and have to fork out a fortune to get someone to interpret them.

The lack of a language keeps people as underclasses (see: Slavery, not allowing them to learn how to read, separating kinsfolk which would enable escape).

On another note, when I listen to people speaking, I always listen to their choice of words as well as what they are not saying.

A very thorough article and thank you for taking the time to post it.

2 years ago
Reply to  444gem

By their works you shall know them
I am often reminded of this when I SEE what the Luciferians do versus what they SAY.
I also HEAR their words for they speak their version of their truth by saying such things as a certain thing or person is a “threat to Democracy”. Which it certainly is…a threat to their power and control.
Sadly all the masses know today is what they are told by the Luciferians as opposed to knowledge they can easily find for themselves if they so choose.
But I know from my own experience growing up in a cult and then breaking free it is easier said than done. Once you KNOW the truth you cannot go back to a lie, but the brainwashed mind rebels and you experience cognitive dissonance and extreme pain until you decide to move forward with only truth. Then can you be truly free no matter what garbage is thrown at you.

2 years ago
Reply to  realestatepup

As Yeshua said, we will know them by their fruits. As someone who grew up in a cult, it is commendable that you broke free and found The Truth, and chose, no matter the emotional price and pain, to move forwards to that direction. YHWH bless you on your quest

2 years ago

What’s the significance of 172? I ask because 21 and 17 are numbers that follow me every day, everywhere. I was born on 21/07. My two best friends are 17/07. I often look at the time and it’s 21:17, or 12:17, or 17:12, when I’m walking down a street I look up and more often than not I find I’m looking at house number 21. I’ll open the microwave door to take out my food and afterwards notice the timer was on 21 seconds left. But not sure what it all means.

2 years ago
Reply to  Nathan

The number 72 is the number of years it takes Earth to move 1 degree in its axial procession, which is the effect of Earth wobbling like a top, with each full wobble taking approximately 25,900 years; earth’s “great year.”

This causes the changes in the constellations that align with major yearly events, such as the spring equinox. This is why we are passing from the age of Pisces (the constellation visible at the spring equinox) to Aquarius (now the constellation in which the sun rises at the spring equinox.)

This relates back to the pyramids of Egypt. If you multiply 72, or 6*(6+6) by 600, you get 43,200. When multiplying the great pyramid of Giza’s base and height by 43,200 (600*6*(6+6) you get Earth’s exact equatorial circumference and polar Radius.

This sequence of numbers is encoded in Revelations as The Number of the Beast. Remember that it was the Judai that designed the pyramids, and wrote all of the biblical scriptures. We encoded the divine messages from YHWH throughout the texts and ancient structures as clues for those in the future to understand.

The number 172 is encoded as a gematric message here of 1+72, or the next step after one degree of the circle in earths great year. The pope is announcing, for those with ears to hear, that the first 172 points are the previous age of Jesus, and that the 1+73rd is what is to come, based on his astrotheologic Dagon charts. He is, as the pontificus maximua of The Dragons, giving his blessing to the NW0.

Last edited 2 years ago by 444gem
2 years ago
Reply to  444Gem

1 in the 172 refers to the first great year since the Dawn of the Human Dominant age. 1*25,900 years. Essentially, the 1 is the dates of 24,000 BCE to 1980s CE. The 72 years (1 degree of the axial procession) is 1980-2052, where the 73 represents the first year after the transitional degree (intercalation, as the 5 extra days on the Egyptian Calendar) before entering into the second great year, what three time presidential aide, NSA chief, and NW0 handler Zbigniew Brzezinski termed The Technotronic Era. (See:Bladerunner taking place in 2049 for Hollywoods depiction.)

This is why HG Wells, sponsored by the NW0 and given their plans (to keep the divine pact) perscribes in his book The Open Conspiracy: Blue Prints for a World Revolution, that the global new world order will be mostly in place by 2052.

The 172 in total represents the time since upright hominids first walked, approximately 4,454,800 (172*25,900) years ago. The 100 represents of the 172 represents the number of great years since the inception of Modern Humanities intelligent hominid ancestors, approximately 2,590,000 years (100*25,900). The 10 represents the time since the inception of Modern Humanity, approximately 259,000 years.

If you are seeing 72, it is a sign in your timeline that in this moment, you are about to begin the process of waking up to The Truth. This will not be easy, walk with God in every breathe, and may YHWH Bless you for asking such a question Nathan.

2 years ago
Reply to  444Gem

The total encoded message of the great years (as described by Plato) is {172:100:72:10:1=172} -> 173 is:

From the totality of human development to the present {Upright Hominids 4.454 million years ago, to intelligent social hunting hominids 2.59 million years ago, to modern sized, fire wielding hominids 1.8 million years ago, to Modern Humanity’s formation 259 thousands years ago, to the beginning of modern human society 25,900 years ago} -> we are in the midst of the transitional degree of axial procession into the next step of Earth’s evolution 173, in which one world government shall acquire teeth and rule over all in the Dawn of a New Day, the Technotronic Era.

Last edited 2 years ago by 444gem
2 years ago
Reply to  444Gem

Wow – thank you for taking the time to write such a detailed and explanatory response! Your knowledge is amazing. I’m going to need to re-read a few times to process this information, but I truly appreciate it! 😀

2 years ago
Reply to  Nathan

You are most welcome Nathan. Thank you for seeking The Truth

2 years ago
Reply to  444Gem

Thank you – I ended my prescription with Gaia last week as I just haven’t got the time to watch anything on anything these days due to work commitments but I intend on resubscribing soon as the content in there is amazing! Thanks for this!

2 years ago
Reply to  444Gem

The number 72 is also mentioned by Nabi Muhammad. Thank you for passing us the mathematical concept behind the number!

The name of chapters in Quran itself contains cryptic messages e. g. Al Hasyr (The Banished One, The Khazars), Al Ghashiyah (The Overwhelming, a.k.a The Goths, alluding to the Gothic Tribes migration into the Roman Empire).

Since it is mentioned in The Quran, I have a feeling that the History is going to repeat itself.

Anyway, I’ve never encounter a congregation (public) that studies these cryptic messages, though. Perhaps I can start from my family and neighbours. As you always wrote, The Truth is for All to See. Thank you Gem!

2 years ago
Reply to  arif

Arif, thank you for this beautiful knowledge. Muhammad was a very awoken soul and revealed much Truth to the people about history and reality. As you said, indeed history repeats, our universe is a four dimensional fractal.

There are many gatherings that study this Truth, but most all are hidden out of either fear (of retribution from The Dragons), greed (hoarding knowledge), or dogma (rigid pseudo religious practices for hierarchical purposes.) The Aryeh Yehudah are open and free, we do not advertise nor do we conceal, but instead dutifully advocate for The Truth of YHWH. For this, many of us have paid dearly (Yeshua.)

I rejoice at your desire to reveal The Truth to the world and those around you. Many will rebuke you out of fear, ignorance, or pride. Go with courage, and determination, and do not lose heart. YHWH bless you on your journey and in shining his Light upon the world.

2 years ago

Vikings didn’t wear horned helmets.

2 years ago
Reply to  Microgaze

You are correct that post 9th century CE “Vikings,” did not involve the use of horned helmets, as depicted in popular culture.

I am referring here to the Bronze Age (~3000-700 BCE) Scandinavian civilisation, provenant of the Caucus mountains and Near East, referred to as the Viksø, and made an error in English terminology. Thank you for bringing The Truth out Microgaze, YHWH bless you
