
Trudeau is Direct Descendant of the Founder of the Illuminati

In my previous post I discussed The Dragon Bloodlines, The Seed of Satan (See: I11um1n@t1 families) that has extended its grip over the Earth slowly for the past 6662 years after making a deal with Lucifer to become like “gods on Earth” in return for servitude to the dark lord’s whims. 

One Dragon that is now deeply involved in advancing the N3w W0rld 0rd3r agenda is Justin Trud3au. As his English Counterpart Dragon Prince William on the Summer Solstice of 1982, Justin was induced to be born on the Winter Solstice 11 years prior, on December 25th, 1971 via C-section at only 36 weeks (all of their seed are induced early to interrupt mother-child bonding). This day is also known as the day of “the Sun’s Return,” which the Satanic Pagan Vatican enshrined as Christmas in a horrible blasphemy, and called it “The Son’s Return.”

Unless you’ve been under a rock, you have heard that Justin Trudeau’s father is renowned communist, Fidel Castro. Indeed Justin’s birth comes from a ritual insemination (See: Handmaid’s Tale) performed on his mother during her and Pierre Trudeau’s “Honeymoon,” when they spent time on an undisclosed island. His mother was a victim of Monarch programming, used as a sex slave for the oligarchy, she herself a distant cousin of minor Dragon bloodlines.

What you may not know is that in fact Trudeau, and his father Fidel Castro, are direct descendants from Alessandro Farnese Aka Pope Paul III, the true founder of the modern Illuminati organisations, The Jesuits, via the Dukes of Castro in Parma Italy.

The seal of The Jesuits is classic Solar Cult Worship, containing 32 exterior Rays and 1 interior for the 33 degrees of Fr33 Mas0nry.

Alessandro Farnese/Pope Paul III and his descendants were also The Dukes of Castro.

This same line led to the succession line of Bourbon-Parma, the Royal Families of Spain and The Netherlands. This line can be traced from Official family lineages of Fidel Alessandro Castro’s great grandfather, and the official midevil geneologies available through the duchy of Castro. To take a deep dive on this Click Here and advance to 36:00.

In Fidel and Justin’s case they came through the offshoot line of The Dukes of Castro, which branched into Spain and Galicia.

The 6 spotted silver dragon. If you would like to understand more about this bloodline, that led to Popes, Cardinals, The Royal Families of Europe (Including Spanish King Emeritus Juan Carlos who shot his brother in the head), a Cuban and now a Canadian Dictator, one of the diadems on the beast of seven heads, ten horns, and ten crowns, Click Here.

I’ll leave you with Fidel “The Communist” and “The Capitalist” David Rockefeller Shaking Hands as old friends.

Here’s Trudeau with Climate Change Extraordinaires Vaccine Enthusiasts, and Renowned Consorts of Jeffrey Epstein Bill Gates and Bono at a “Replenishment Conference” replete with Egyptian Mystery School symbols in 2016, where they celebrate their success in reducing the population from their first mass genocide from the use of Serial Passage for viral genetic adaption (See: Gain of Function “Dual Purpose” Research) for human infection. Yes, AIDS was the first successful serial passage used for population reduction starting in the late 1950s, performed using Simeon Immunodeficiency Virus at labs in Africa near modern day Lagos with Simeon AIDS and injected into Bantu Men in The Republic of Congo.

Here’s another WEF Young Global Leader, Emmanuel Macron with these same very philanthropic Dragons “replenishing their world.” France is another country with a Draconian COVID Vaccine Pass. Even his name is the French equivalent of Immanuel, the prophecized name of Jesus, as the Blasphemers of Babylon prepared the entire crop very well. 

Smile and say Eugenics!

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2 years ago

Gem, who was Jesus Christ as told of in the Holy Bible? I am new to this thread but have enjoyed reading many of your posts and comments but haven’t seen you specifically address who you believe Christ is and thought I would pose that question. Have a nice day!

2 years ago
Reply to  Ike


Thank you for the kind words, it is nice to receive.

Yesua was an Aryeh Yehudah, learned in the mystery schools ways during his childhood in Egypt; a common practice throughout our kind (know thy enemy.) You’ll see this in passages where in Mathew he Quotes Psalm 118 and rebukes the corrupt priests for their adoption of those very same ways:

“The stone (True faith of YHWH) the builders (Proto free masons) cast aside has become the cornerstone (a basic tennant of free masonry)….

As Such, I promise you that the Kingdom of YHWH will be ripped from you and given to people who shall bear its fruit. Anyone that falls on this stone will be broken to pieces (their world view shattered) anyone upon whom it tumbles shall be crushed (YHWH’s retribution of the unfaithful as promised in the covenant of Moses.)”

The man worshipped as Jesus is Messiah and Son of Man, but he is not what much of the bible portrays him as, as the later texts (second two gospels and last half of New Testament) were heavily doctored and re-edited by gentile converts infiltrated by Dragons that effectively turned those converts against the Yehudah in the 2nd and 3rd Centuries (Mind Virus.) The first version of the bible was then compiled by The Vatican in the 4th century in a compromise with powerful pagans in order to save Constantine and the other emperors of the Tetrarchy from their own downfall. This is where you see all of the horrendous parallels to solar worship such as that of Mithras, Amun Ra, and Sol Invictus infuse into Christianity, and has lead to all of the strife in the past 1600 years.

When you say Amen in church or after a prayer, you are uttering the name of Amun in blasphemy of YHWH, a father god of Egypt later revered as a pagan solar deity. The dragons are insidious in separating the sheep from the shepherd and projecting their black magick.

Our people have kept the truth alive. When Jesus speaks of faith, that includes developing the God given talent of intelligence and intellect, combined with the humility to venerate YHWH as the source of all in the Universe and to ask his guidance and discernment in your every breath. He does not mean blindly believing in him.

Jesus used the wickedness of the dragons against them, and knew his ministry would end in him making a blood sacrifice, because he was indeed of the line of David (through his mother and adoption) and bore the mark of Cain (which again was a tribal dynasty, not just an individual) through his father, which guaranteed that anyone that murdered him would receive 7 times the cruelty they had bore upon him. His resurrection sealed their fates forever.

All Aryeh Yehudah bare both of these covenants, and hence as it says in revelations “the child was hidden away from The Dragon” (illegitimate male patrolineage for those of both Cain and David.)

As the texts have been doctored, the prophets have used The Dragons wickedness against them, knowing their pride in their intellect (The song of Mary refers to this) would make them predictabley bellicose in their revisions. And such The Truth has been revealed to those of faith, but it requires you understand how to read the scriptures as a fractal in both space and over time.

2 years ago
Reply to  444Gem

Psalm 118 The Christian congregation is considered a house or temple built upon the foundation of the apostles and prophets, with Christ Jesus as the foundation cornerstone. It is called “God’s building,” “a place for God to inhabit by spirit.” (1Co 3:9; Eph 2:20-22) Jesus applied the fulfillment of Psalm 118:22 to himself, as being “the stone” that the Jewish religious leaders and their followers, as “builders,” rejected. (Mt 21:42; Lu 20:17; Ac 4:11; 1Pe 2:7) therefore the stone is Jesus and the Jewish Nation will be held accountable

2 years ago

Your connections with the metaphor of a builder are good, but the church is not itself “the cornerstone.” It is FAITH in The Truth and The Light given by YHWH. (John 8:12). You have unwittingly fallen victim to the false teachings of The Dragons, that have infiltrated the ecclesiastical schools of North American Protestantism; Catholicism is of course The Dragons original method of mind control over the people, that plunged them into the DARK AGES (where there was NO TRUTH OR LIGHT.)

Jesus spoke to them, saying, “I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will not walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.”

The Dragons:The Wolves want you to blindly follow your congregation (in DARKNESS) led by a ‘pastor’ that has fallen victim to accepting their false narratives, so they lead the flock (including you) astray and into the traps of the wolves. A shepherd that believes the water of a tainted river will quench the thirst of his flock, will lead them to drink there, as he himself has drank, and thus to their demise. Then the wolves may feast without ever hunting. Do you understand?

In Corinthians itself, Paul tells the new followers of Corinth that since they are quarrelling and acting jealously, they are not with YHWH; they dwell on Earth, and have little faith in The Truth and The Light. He says “I laid the cornerstone By the grace YHWH has given me, I laid a foundation as a wise builder, and someone else is building on it.”

That someone else is the leaders of this petty, bickering congregation. Earlier in the passage Paul refers to himself as a planter of a seed, Apollos (another man) as the waterer, but YHWH as the one that makes it grow. Here in this metaphor, he refers to the fact that he has built the Corinthians a foundation of faith in The Truth and The Light (which is Yeshua), but that the church leaders and followers that are metaphorically constructing the edifice atop this cornerstone and foundation of Truth and Light are creating a rickety, horrible structure that shall fall because it is made of Earthly possessions, and this falsehoods.

“But each one should build with care. For no one can lay any foundation other than the one already laid, which is Jesus Christ (The Truth and The Light). If anyone builds on this foundation using gold, silver, costly stones, wood, hay or straw, their work will be shown for what it is, because the Day will bring it to LIGHT.”

This is exactly what Yeshua referred to when addressing the Pharisees: they had built the faith of their congregation on corruption and falsehoods and lust for power, while rejecting the CORNERSTONE OF FAITH IN THE TRUTH AND THE LIGHT. He tells them this shall be their undoing.

As always, the Dragons/The Wolves usurp the true meanings and hide them under what appear to be well intentioned, but wholly misrepresented doctrines that lead the flock astray. Don’t fall prey to these bastardisations of the words of Yeshua (Jesus). YHWH bless you if you make accept The Truth.

2 years ago

You are correct.
444Gem is spouting non-truths mixed in with some truth, clearly not understanding the workings of the Holy Spirit, or the fact that God isn’t under satans thumb, it’s the other way around.
God would not and did not leave his bride without his proper undefiled word/message/guidance…God provided one unaltered source and the discernment to see/know which one that is.
For someone to state otherwise, that all of Gods word has been defiled is the public admittance of that person deeming satan and his earthly Holy See minions are more powerful than God.

2 years ago
Reply to  Xora

The King James Version of the bible, whom was deemed the only “official” and legal bible at the time of its publication in England, contains more than 5000 mistranslations of the source texts. Millions still read it today.

YHWH is indeed the most exalted, the one true God with all glory. He created the superior and lower waters (the actually translation of “heavens” in Genesis is Superior Waters, a mistranslation that persists in most modern Bibles). and Satan himself is a creation of YHWH, whom serves his purpose in the divine pact of free will.

To claim that evil people have not tried to adulterate copies of the word of God (the council of Nineveh, King James Bible, etc.), have not used misinterpretations of the messages within the scriptures to manipulate the masses and gain Earthly power (The Catholics and their crusades), and have not come as wolves in sheeps clothing, is to deny The Truth as spoken by Yeshua himself:

Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep’s clothing but inwardly are ravenous wolves. You will recognize them by their fruits. Are grapes gathered from thornbushes, or figs from thistles? So, every healthy tree bears good fruit, but the diseased tree bears bad fruit. A healthy tree cannot bear bad fruit, nor can a diseased tree bear good fruit. Every tree that does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire. (Mathew 7:15-23)

Your fruits are of vengeful hatred against the very people from which all of your prophets, authors of scripture, and savoir come from. Even your chosen name, is a reference to Plato’s discussion of Xora/Khora, a concept of the vacuousness of space and time, and one heavily studied by adherents of oath taking mystery schools…

8 months ago
Reply to  444Gem

If you keep this up, you’re going to Hell. WATCH

2 years ago
Reply to  Ike

May God Bless upon you great joy and love.

2 years ago

A butterfly garden for a butterfly maiden

2 years ago

Hi Gem, I’ve been reading your series of recent posts and what I really love about them is that they have created a significant shift for me, in terms of how I view the “powerful“, the oligarchy. That the ruling class is actually such a tight and select clan should be known by all! Thank you for your work. May your words and your knowledge reach out far.

2 years ago
Reply to  flower

Thank you flower YHWH bless your soul for being open to The Truth.

2 years ago
Reply to  flower

Check out Russel Brand’s channel on you tube, he posts everyday and backs all of his content up with fact.He’s posts are so popular, he gets over a million views in the first 8hrs. if you want to know the story behind the story, concerning all of our ‘world leaders’ and their corrupt agenda. Seriously, check it out.

2 years ago
Reply to  Clayton

Russel is another Aryeh Yehudah, doing his duty to awaken the people to the Dragons insidious actions. He takes the tact of dissecting world issues in a digestible manner in order to help a larger audience begin to remove the wool from their eyes. Our aim is universal enlightenment that will bring YHWH’s honour on Earth as it is in Heaven.

My task is to help the newly awakened delve deeper into the reality of the beast we face. The troubadours must overcome the traps laid by the devil (yes, that is the meaning of that line in The Sympathy.) YHWH bless

2 years ago


I wonder if you have information on the Dragon families in Asia, particularly in Japan and the Philippines. It’s relatively easy to find information on the Europeans, and the Indian dragons are not far off from them. They give hints all the time in film about the Japanese, like in “Rosemary’s Baby.” And its easy enough to see their media power which is rife with occult. The Philippines, though, is really tough. There are obvious families like the Ayala’s, but their history really well buried.

I think its important to go over because a lot of vigilant people have researched the Europeans, but it’s incomplete without the Asian lines.

2 years ago
Reply to  TEO

The ruling class of Japan through the Second World War were intermixed Aryans. There are enormous pyramids in china which have been covered by the government, dating back to the time the Aryans that became the Native Americans were living in the region.

Obama himself is from a south East Asian blood line of Javanese, distantly related to Joko Widodo.

2 years ago
Reply to  444Gem

444Gem, WOAH! Obama looks just like Widodo! That is wild! Wow, if you know more look alikes like Trudeau-Castro and Obama- Widodo, please share!

They Ayala family doesn’t have such a distinct look. They just look like Iberian false Judai. But there are a number of false Judai who have interbred with the locals and they are difficult to discern. Filipino blood is the perfect disguise. Also, high-up people marry in to the false Judai, like the current President Duterte who married an ‘Elizabeth Zimmermann’. Masonic lodges are literally everywhere, even in towns with populations of a thousand or so. The Dragons have a perfectly firm grip on the Philippines coming from Japan, Spain, and America. It’s fascinating.

2 years ago
Reply to  444Gem


Many in Iberia have intermixed Judai blood, but have turned from the faith. The covenant of Moses guarantees the lord will rebuke them heavily.

Farneses are indeed fallen Judai, whom have lost all humility and chosen to become like gods on earth and work hand in hand with The Dragons. In Star Wars, Darth Vader is this allegory for these types of Judai that become “Sith,” which is a reference to the Egyptian God Set/Typhon. Look up this diety and you will understand.

What is even more treacherous is that the mystery school adherents actually believe YHWH is typhon, too blind from their own rage and mind virus to see their diety (Lucifer) has played the same trick upon them that they play upon the world.

2 years ago

He has a brother also born on Dec 25… it really makes you wonder…

2 years ago
Reply to  article

Heir and the spare… not same father.

2 years ago

Ok, I’m calling this disinformation. Castro is a popular surname in Galicia and north of Spain that is not related to the Farnese. In fact it is much older that the creation of the Dukedom of Castro in Italy.

The dukes of Castro never used the surname Castro but Farnese.

Also the House of Castro in Galicia never used the surname of Castro, the used their normal surnames “Fernandez, Perez, Rodriguez” and the suffix “de Castro”

In the video the woman says she studied the genealogy of the Castro’s… well she has to prove it and publish it

2 years ago
Reply to  pau

New York Times 1979; Fidel Alessandro Castro Himself is quoted as being from Galicia. The article traces his Lineage to Angel Maria Bautista Castro Arguiz born in 1875 in Lancara, Galicia. His peasant roots are highlighted to keep the communist veneer of humility (just like with Joko Widodo).

You must know that in Spain having many many (at least one from the mother and one from the father) last names is normal, and that the second to last “suffix” is always the patrolineage denominator of Y chromosome descendance. The full genealogy of Castro to Farnese is found in Lueren Moret’s published works, I encourage you to read them. She herself is a distant descendant of minor Dragons that they attempted to make a ritual maiden while she was at UC D@vis, a hotspot for CERN recruits.

Through Fidel’s mother you can trace his descent directly back to Persian Babylon through the last name ruz, which means ‘day, or morning son’ in old Persian.

2 years ago
Reply to  444gem

“You must know that in Spain”… I’m from Spain, thats why I’m seeing some americans who have no idea of spanish or italian history making wierd assumptions.

So let me explain you again… Castro is a common surname in the north of Spain; the spanish surname Castro is centuries older than the creation of the Dukedom of Castro in Italy; the noble house of Castro in Spain never used the surname Castro but used the suffix “de Castro” (A SUFFIX, not the mother surname); the dukes of Castro in Italy never used the surname Castro but Farnese.

So please if you have the book of Lueren Moret, show us Fidel Castro’s family tree and their link to the Farneses, because right know you just traced his lineage to his father “Angel Castro Argiz”. I guess you have to go back in time where there is an actual Farnese in the family tree.

ps – I’m just asking for the proof Castro is related to the Farnese. Real proof.

ps2 – Imagine that one day you saw a spaniard saying that every person with the surname Smith is a jewish illuminati because there is a jewish banking dinasty named Goldsmith, sounds weird? well thats how it feels when I read that the spaniards named Castro are related to the italian dukes of Castro.

2 years ago
Reply to  444gem

I did not claim every person with the Surname of Castro is related to the Farnese blood line. Indeed it is a common surname derived from the Latin word Castrum, meaning a walled fortress or “castle.”

However Castro is of the crypto-sefardim that is provenant to the Farnese’s. Look at the etymology of Cas + Tro in a non Latin context (You must get as close to Trojan as possible with Ancient Greek and Etruscan:ETROJAN)

Fidel: Fidōs = trust, faithful, loyal (Proto-Italic)
Alessandro = αλέξειν + ἀνδρός = The defender of men (Ancient Greek)
Cas = kadō to fall sink (Proto-italic)
Tro = Τρώς founder of the kingdom of Troy (Ancient Greek)
Ruz = “Day, Morning Sun/Son” in ancient Persian (his mother is from Persian Dragons, his father called Sefardim Judai)

You must also know that Rome’s mythology says all patricians (nobility) were descendant of the Trojans that departed after the evens of The Iliad.

His full name Fidel Alessandro Castro Ruz

“The faithful defender of men, from the fallen founders of Troy, our Morning Sun.”

The Latin Castrum, is indeed provenant through the same roots of “the fallen of Troy,” as the were the ones that brought fortified city building to the Italian and Iberian Peninsulas. The kingdoms of Castro in Iberia that do indeed predate the Farneses are provenant of this meaning

Now look at the meaning of Farnese in ancient Babylonian/Proto Aryan:

Farn: The winged ones
Ese: belonging to

“Belonging to the winged ones.”

Parm comes from the same root.

Farnese de Castro = Belonging to the winged ones that come from the fall of Troy.”

Moret has several books she has published with this genealogy and I would urge you to purchase them to support her impeccable work. It goes through his great great grandfather whom was sprung as the illegitimate offspring of Orazio Farnese De Castro, whom was the illegitimate son, by ritual inseminatory rape, of Pierre Luigi Farnese de Castro (first duke of Castro), illegitimate son by ritual inseminatory rape, of Pope Paul III/Alessandro Farnese, A Babylonian Persian Dragon, with a raped Aryeh Yehudah woman.

As fallen Judai, the Castro have still adhered to the Aryeh Yehudah practice of illegitimate male patrolineage to protect the provenance of their offsprings, including Fidel, illegitimate son of his own mother bearing the last name Ruz, a minor royal dragon bloodline.

2 years ago
Reply to  444gem

Ok… so what was Orazio Farnese’s offspring names?

ps- I don’t know if Moret’s book is well documented or not. The only thing I can see is that every time I ask you for the family tree, you only give vague answers so it’s impossible to make any research.

2 years ago
Reply to  pau

Pau get off your a*s and prove him wrong if you don’t accept the connections. You’re lazy

2 years ago
Reply to  Kenny

Pau, rapes children. Satan commands Pau does, what Pau does. Doesn’t have time to do something called research. If you saw a picture of Paus Mom and no father, you would understand. Cheepiest w***e on the block. No teeth

2 years ago
Reply to  Albert

Pau asked questions and prodded in order to seek The Truth, and that merits a lot. Most people are not willing nor capable of giving such an effort to reach The Truth. I greatly appreciated Pau’s questions.

2 years ago
Reply to  444gem

Pau if you have not intuited, I am directing you and the other audience to read her literature because the information is better obtained there.

You will find much more illumination on the period of 1588-1920s (De Fernando y Isabella, la destrucción de la armada y al final el tratado de Paris que que fue la ultimate destrucción del imperio Español y lo que garantizó que los dragones llevarían Cuba para Ellos) in Spain and it’s history with the Burboun-Parma kings than I can provide in this thread.

You will understand where Franco came from, and you will understand that despite what they teach you in the highly politicised (see: mass indoctrination for the purpose of dividing and conquering the Iberian populace) school in Catalunya, your language is a creol branch of Lang D’Oc that was infused heavily with Séfarad/Judeo-Español through conversos.

My information is not provenant Moret, but in this case she matches 100% with the Dragon genealogies we have maintained over the millennia. Happy hunting amigo meu.

2 years ago
Reply to  pau

Purposeful misspelling and swapping first, last and middle names is their thing. It’s where the saying “Never trust a man with two first names” comes from.

2 years ago

“For many deceivers [heretics, posing as Christians] have gone out into the world, those who do not acknowledge and confess the coming of Jesus Christ in the flesh (bodily form). This [person, the kind who does this] is the deceiver and the antichrist [that is, the antagonist of Christ].” (1 John 1:7 (AMP)

Jesus is God. God manifest in human form. Lord of Lords and King of Kings. The name above every name.

“For this reason also, God highly exalted Him, and bestowed on Him the name which is above every name, so that at the name of Jesus every knee will bow, of those who are in heaven and on earth and under the earth, and that every tongue will confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father” (Phil. 2:9-11)

2 years ago
Reply to  Believer

Believer, your faith is exalted. May god Bless you.

The first passage of 1 John you are reading contains slight adaptations from when it was originally written, some which are intentional (The Vatican corrupting texts) and some which are misleading translations. Anytime you see the word Christos, attached to Yesua you must be wary and seek the original source Greek, Hebrew or Aramaic.

The passage itself is a reference to the ones that are pagans and will deny in their hearts The Son of Man and his teaching and instead worship their intellect (mystery school luciferians.) The text itself is a warning not to be deceived by the newly formed gnostics sects of 2nd century Christianity, which were being infiltrated by dragons and mystery school lucifériens hopping on the bandwagon so to speak.

For = hoti (Ancient Greek) which is truly “Because, As Such, Therefore”

The deceivers = planē (Ancient Greek) literally refers to the stars that had irregular motion, which of course were the planets that were venerated as goes by pagans (Saturn, Jupiter).
Gone out into the world = exerchomai (Ancient Greek) departed or left permenantly.
Comes = erchomai in the present participle conjugation. Which refers to the second coming in the future, and later in the text (4:2) the same phrase uses the perfect participle, referencing the past.
In the flesh = a rebuttal of dokeō a pagan doctrine that entered luciférien gnostic Christian sects in which many claimed Yesua was not a real man, but just appeared to be.
Antichrist = anti Xristos, which truly means In the Place of the annoited one. (This is opposed to psuedoxristos in the earlier Hebrew Mathew which mean the pretenders whom were anointed)

“Because of the Planet worshipping pagans, many have departed from us (the original church following YHWH and Yesua’s true teachings), they are the ones that profess dokeō (that Jesus wasn’t a man but just appeared to be). This path is the pagan (planet worhipping) one and intends to usurp the place of the anointed one.”

This passage was written when John saw that Christianity was being infilitrated and ripped to shreds by those that would later become the Vatican (pagans masquerading as followers of YHWH), and he was warning the other Judai not to fall for their luciferian tricks.

2 years ago
Reply to  444Gem

Regarding the pagan planet worship, in Deuteronomy 17:3-4 God says that bowing down to the sun or the moon or the stars in the sky is detestable to Him. I think in addition to the literal sky objects, he also means the kundalini energy, as it is represented by sun and moon. I have commented here many times lately about how I believe the kundalini serpent is the snake in Eden. That false light path is woven into the fiber of this material existence, including in our very bodies. I noticed something very interesting. The prison of material reality is referred to as a cube. If you take a geometric cube and open it up to a flat shape, it forms a cross. The cross is like a get out of jail key.

2 years ago
Reply to  fleurdamour

Fleur d’amour,

Seeking The Truth, including an understanding of our physio spiritual nature (the flow of Qi) is inherently part of the our path. Jesus himself spent a great deal of his childhood in Egypt, schooled in these teachings. The teachings of the Mystery schools are in fact derivative of the Judai.

Read Jesus temptations as told in Mathew and you will understand that as Yesua fully awoke after his baptism, the final sign of his awakening to The Truth of his being (the dove of God) he was confronted with the temptation, from the metaphysical being Satan, that meets all humans that find illumination: Bread from Stones (Comfort and easy satisfaction of earthly pleasure), Flying from the Temple Top (Self-glorification and ego), and To be Emperor of Rome (Power over other Men.) Jesus rejected this first path of Satan (unlike all in the mystery schools), and chose a second; use his knowledge to venerate YHWH, creator of all, with every breathe he was given by our Father.

“Kundalini,”/Flow of Qi itself is not bad, if you experience the flow of Qi when you are ready to affront Satan and cast him out. Realise The Dragons monopolise this spiritual knowledge and have bastardized it to further their own earthly power. Many who experience it fall into their traps and become drunk with the satanic mind virus.

Aryeh Yehudah and Judai that experience illumination are humbled by YHWHs gifts and venerate him with every breathe.

2 years ago

If you find Bono and Bill Gates at the same event, you have definitely wandered into a bad part of town.

2 years ago

There are 13 Roman papal bloodline families of the Holy see that sit on the council. Leuren Moret purposely left out the Breakspear family (in her vid/photo) which are of utmost importance as Henry Breakspear sits directly underneath Pepe Orsini on the pyramid hierarchy, with Pepe being the supreme ruler over the entire NWO. Henry Breakspear also controls all of Asia. The other families she left out are the Chigi, Este, and Pallavacini papal families. She added one family not in with their Holy See.. the Gaetonie’s.

2 years ago

Very wise 444Gem, but who are you my friend? What bloodline?

What is your opinion of stuff like this?