This is the next installment in a series discussing the plans of the Satanic Oligarchy to usher in the end of the Age of Pisces; the previous installments:
Elite change Oscars Mall to Ovation
The End Times are Planned (Thirteen Monkeys Pt I)
The End Times are Planned (Thirteen Monkeys Pt II)
Must reads to truly understand this post.
We left off with the Oligarchy’s advert for Naomi, predicting the coming of the Anti-Christ; we will not address this again until Part IV, as you must first understand the deeper currents at play to comprehend the anti-christ, and the current and near future state of The World.
I began by saying that the Age of Pisces is ending, and the Age of Aquarius is beginning. A full explanation of the Earth’s Great Year: 25,800 Gregorian Calendar years, is beyond the scope of this article, but suffice it to say that the Age of Pisces began with Jesus’ birth, on April 7th, 6 BC, and will end at the 2000 year anniversary of his resurrection, Easter 2030.
These Aeons represent periods of historical and spiritual movement for The Earth and mankind, and they were well known in antiquity. The oligarchy has concealed the true nature of this knowledge, wrapping it in New Age capitalist tripe, so as to keep the public (whom they call cattle) from realizing that much of our planet’s history is guided by the solar system’s galactic movement. God provided this wisdom to our ancestors, and they passed it on by coding it into the scriptures, thwarting the plans of the treacherous Luciferians to hoard the wisdom for themselves, and use its power to become as “gods on earth.”
The age of Taurus (The Bull) was approx. 4,545 BCE-2222 BCE, and saw: construction of the Great Pyramids, the rise of the Minoans (and their 1/2 man, 1/2 bull Minotaur), Ba’al worship, and Paganism reign without rival on Earth. In the story of the Israelites moving out of Egypt into the dessert, it is said that the progenitors of the Israelites, the 10 northern tribes, began worshipping a Golden Bull Calf while Moses was upon the mountainside receiving the commandments of The Lord.
The IS-RA-EL-ites
What is referred to collectively as “Jews” in our modern day are, by and large, not ethnically Jewish, but converts. They are the descendants of the people captured by the Egyptians from around southern Europe and Babylon, who escaped slavery in Egypt by following Moses and the true carriers of the covenant of Abraham, the Aryeh Yehudah, the descendants of Judah.
These peoples, whom later composed the Ten Tribes of the north, were worshipers of:
ISis (The Egyptian Godess of the Moon and Wisdom)
Here’s Katy Perry’s homage
RA (the unified Solar deity of Egypt)
and EL (The chief father God deity of Babylon)
This is a statue of EL found in Har Megiddo, the place of the final divine battle of Armageddon.
These peoples were pagans that promised Moses to convert to worship the one true god YHWH; an offer of freedom from slavery can be very convincing for a pagan worshiper to change sides.
Taurus (Bull) – Aries (Ram) – Pisces (Fish) – Aquarius (The Man that Pours Out the Water Pitcher)
When Moses came down from the mountain with the tablets inscribed with the commandments of The Lord, and saw that they had returned to worshipping The pagan Bull of Taurus, He smashed the tablets and released God’s Word unto the world, and thus spiritually he brought about the end of the age of Paganism (Taurus), and the beginning of The Age of Aries, The Ram of God.
In this period, from 2222 BCE – 6 BCE, the worship of The Lord rose to challenge the pagans, and to set the stage for Jesus Christ, represented as the Ram Sacrificed (a parallel to Abraham renewing Noah’s covenant with God), In order to usher out the era of War between the Pagans and servants of The Lord, and usher in the era of the worship of The Lord and His Son. The fish (righteous humans that serve The Lord) are surrounded by water (those that merely surround the fish on all sides but do not worship in their hearts, ie The Vatican) This is why the symbol of Pisces was used to represent early Christians.
We are approaching the 2000th anniversary of Jesus Christ’s death, and entering the age of Aquarius, on Easter 2030 AD; it is not a coincidence that a global totalitarian government is coming to rise exactly at the moment we approach the two millenia anniversary of Christ’s life, ministry, and death, for The Dragon knows his time is short. The pouring out of The Water, is the releasing of the souls that do not worship The Lord from this world.
This is not, however, how the Oligarchy, the Bull Worshipping Pagans see things. I am not referring to modern day “Jews” (well some of them like the R0th$ch1ld$ are included), but rather the New World Order Kabal that comprises the global oligarchy, including everyone from The Bush Family to Taylor Swift to the Dalai Lama. They believe it is the time when the water shall rush forth, and the fish drown in the air. They believe they are ushering in an era of enlightenment, which honors Lucifer, the bearer of light. This is where the prophecies of the Book of Revelations foretell their every move.
The Book of Revelations, Chapter 13
Revelations, like Shakespeare, tells you the big picture result before telling you the details. Big Picture is in Bold
1. From the start of humanity rise governors that take many forms (lion, bear, leopard)
2. Their Authority is from Satan and his Bloodline (Dragons)
3. WWII led to downfall of Hitler (one head severed), and the Old World Order (European National govts and colonialism)
4. Humanity bows to Satan’s ideals (secularism, moral degeneracy) and the post WWII govts are revived
Haughty Blasphemous Words = Propaganda, Politics, and False Words to enslave.
5. The National World Govts are given total authority over the globe for 1216.666 days (42 Lunar Months)
6/7. The govts attack and ridicule God, Heaven, and His Worship (No worship without Vaccine). This authority is absolute
8. Everyone except God’s followers falls prey to Propaganda from the blasphemous rulers empowered by Satan.
9/10. IF YOU ARE A FOLLOWER OF THE LORD READING THIS: If you are locked down, imprisoned or attacked by force, do not fight it, have patience.
11. From the national govts will rise a new BULL OF 2 HORNS, divided East and West (Russia:China/US:Europe) and a powerful satanic mind virus
12. This NEW WORLD ORDER is ceded all authority by the national govts and will exercise the authority while keeping those national govts in place
13. The NWO will have great technology and perform great acts of power, akin to miracles, including bombs and rockets (fire from the sky)
14. Because of its wonderous technology and power, all those that do not worship God (Dwell on Earth) will bow to the NWO. It will make the people build statues and celebrate their national govts.
15. The NWO gives new life to the first beast’s creations (Media, Digital Currency, etc) and thus all followers of GOD that don’t submit may be killed
16. The NWO will obligate everyone to bare their mark (digital ID) to participate in society and economy.
17/18 The number of the beast is 600 20-20-20 6 (Carbon atoms in Graphene Oxide, Bill Gates Patent, Happytalism, etc.)
More to Come
This is all so fascinating… good job!
Good stuff well written keep it up
Many of these interpretations are not right at all. I’m sorry, but many things here are wrong. Others are very interesting and seem right, but others don’t. The mark of the beast has not started at all. No one has been killed for not receiving the vaccine nor forced to worship the state to receive it. The mark of the beast, if it truly happens, will be something much worse than just a vaccine. Many countries are not seeing the vaccine as something necessary anymore. For me, it seems that Jehovah God has once again destroyed the plans of the elite and slapped them in their faces with whatever plan they had on their minds with this hideous pandemic because it’s almost over now. Lol Pff jaja 😂😂😬😬😬 and that makes me feel happy and relieved! PFF haha 😂😬
The mark of the beast is not just the vaccine, it will be the accompanying global digital IDs they are rolling out, which will be a requirement for participation in society.
Consider that the word Vaccine comes from the Latin Vaccinae, which means Cow. One of the themes you should intuit from this article, and the others in the series, is the theme that the Luciferian mystery school Oligarchy views the masses as “Cattle” aka Cows and the ruler as The Bull.
Also do not be mistaken, the past 2 years have only been in preparation for the coming Wars.
Very interesting post brother. You spoke on Israel being synonymous with the pagan worship of Isis, Ra, El but Scriptures tell us it was God that named Jacob, Israel or Yisrael in the Hebrew translation (which means “God contended”) after Jacob wrestled with God in Genesis. You then go on to say that these people made up the 10 Northern tribes of Israel. Are you saying the rest of Jacob’s sons were merely pagans and only Judah were the true “Jews” ?? Please fill me in if you see this and thanks in advance.
Reading the scriptures literally, without diving into the esoteric and true historical meanings often causes confusion. The Gensis names do not usually refer to individuals, but instead to dynasties. The life of the Methuselah dynasty, not an individual, was 900+ years, which makes for comical literal interpretations by modern people who then have gone searching for evidence in the archeological record that ancient humans use to have longer lives.
The story of Jacob wrestling with God is allegorically a dream where he wrestles with a man he believes to be EL, whom leaves him injured. This story has deeper meanings too long to discuss here but to answer your question:
The Patriarchal clans Descended from Abraham are representative of the clans that entered Egypt as the Hyksos and Semetic Travelers and became rulers of northern Egypt. After the volcanic eruption on the island of Thera, modern day Santorini, the tribes were driven out by the kingdoms of upper Egypt (henceforth why the pyramids fell into ruin.) Moses escaped with the arc of the covenant essential to the operation of the pyramids.
However many of the then Hyksos did not leave with Moses and the Judai over land, but instead choose to sail across the Mediterranean and seed all of the other civilizations at the time with their technology and culture. The people’s of the Mediterranean prior to that diaspora were much less advanced culturally and technologically at that time.
The true Judai are the seed of the dynasty of Judah that were in Egypt, those that carry the Davidic line and their cousins, who were given kingship by Moses, then carrying their line down to Jesus and onto the very few Aryeh Yehudah alive today (I am one and we guard this Truth closely to avoid persecution by the Dragons that seek to exterminate is.) The Hiksos thst became the Jews were the ones that left lower Egypt by land from the tribe of Judah. Most everyone else that departed, except those of a Benjamin, were non related slaves that agreed to come along and convert to YHWH the one true GOD.
The scriptures you read in Genesis were written down some 600-700 years after the exodus, compiled by the ISisRAELis from our sacred texts, the descendants of the slaves under the Hyksos who were under Upper Egypt. They reattributed the name ISis Ra El into the scriptures as a means of claiming legitimate cultural equality to the Aryeh Yehudah.
Beni Isrâîl means the sons of Israel. Israel is the nickname of Yakub Aleyhisselam. His descendants were called “Sons of Israel”, meaning the generation of Israel, instead of the Generation of Jacob or the Sons of Jacob, and they found fame in that way.
The etymology you say is now correct a according to the modern Hebrew etymological context. However those meanings were adopted much after the initial context of Isis-RA-EL starting in 1300 BCE more or less.
There is much ‘revisionist’ history in modern Hebrew.
As a clarification to my previous response:
1) The Hyksos/Semetic Traveler tribes mentioned in the Old Testament as the “sons” of Jacob that departed Egypt by Sea became (by way of integrating their technology and genetics) the other advanced cultures of the Mediterranean and Near East that flourished in the period of 1500-110 BCE.
2) The tribes of Ruben (Moses was their leader) Judah, and Benjamin departed by land. Moses passed kingship over the people and the covenant of Abraham to the lions of the tribe of Judah, fierce and noble creatures of GOD. This is where the names Ye Hudah (of Judah) and Judai/Jews comes from.
3) The slaves that departed by land with Moses, The Judai, and the Benjamin were the ones worshipping the golden calf. Over the next centuries they became the “northern 10 tribes,” having taken the names of the 10 Sons of Jacob for themselves, and then compiled the ancient scriptures of the Hyksos, passed down orally and in very guarded written scriptures, by the Aryeh Yehudah for 600 years (1600-1000 BCE), and incorporated many of their own suppositions, such as the name ISis RA EL in order to create a revisionist history that placed them as equally Jewish.
There are now huge genetic database tests which confirm that the Ashkenazi “Jews” (whom even their name is derived from a non Abrahamic branch of Noah’s sons) are somewhere around 80-90% of GENTILE EUROPEAN descent, and have little blood in common with the True Jews of Yehudah, from whom remains from around 1000 BCE have been tested to confirm they are not our genetic brethren.
That’s cool and all. Most believers lack the historical and esoteric prowess that you seem to have. So is the Bible not 100% reliable since it’s been tampered with by IsRaEl? And if what you say is true, this is huge information that would change a lot. Since you claim to be of the remaining Aryeh Yehudah it leads me to believe that this knowledge you possess probably was passed down by your brethren. Your occult knowledge is on point and you definitely made some strong connections but your view on Scripture seems very gnostic to me and I’m just being truthful. If you can provide sources I’d love to look more into this so that I may discern. God bless
I agree. I just commented above. I highly doubt that our God, who is not a God of chaos or confusion, would allow his word to be corrupted or his saints to be misled. Jesus was clear on this. False gospels will abound in the end times. Lets be careful and test the spirits.
The scriptures are the word of GOD, and 100% reliable. But that does not mean that a cursory reading of them, without deep knowledge, will give a 100% true understanding. Quite the contrary.
The texts are a four dimensional piece of literature, organized into fractal geometries of meaning. Your thoughts themselves are electromagnetic fractals in Space and Time (4D). Here’s an example:
1) you read Genesis
2) you understand that Jacob wrestles with EL, a Babylonian pagan father God, which is not YHWH, which seems odd.
3) you study source archeological evidence (not the oligarchy’s false interpretations they feed you) and see that the names of ISisRAEL were reincorporated by pagan tribes into scriptures in 900 BCE.
4) You understand that this means the “Jews” that wrote Genesis down we’re pulling from guarded texts and traditions and re-editing names to fit their world view in 1000 BCE. Thus you realize that most modern day “Jews” are not bearers of the covenant of Abraham. A covenant of compassion, humility, and honoring YHWH
5) You understand why ISisRAEL is so keen to project the Oligarchy’s destructive power in the near East, and treat “Palestinians” like cattle to be tortured….
6) You study more history and realize Hitler chose 60,000 “Jews” that were simply Persian Aryan converts thst represented the Knights Templar/Fr33 Ma$0ns (Ha’avarra agreement) to seed modern ISis-RA-El with demonic pagan rulers, as part of the LuciferIan Oligarchy’s plan to create a dumping grounds to attract all of the unsuspecting a Judai into returning to our ancestral homeland for easy, silent extermination
7) You understand why the government made a deal with Pfizer and has required 4-5 Death Jabs “vaccines” to participate in society in ISis-RA-El
8) You realize that John prescribed by divine revelation (and DEEP familiarity with esoteric knowledge and the Luciferian’s plans) that the next time the Dragons allowed a Jewish state in Palestine after its destruction in 66 AD, it would signal the beginning of Revelations
9) You return to The Scriptures and see that GOD forbids obelisks, wagging fingers, secret hand shakes, and Oaths expressly in the Bible, and realize that this is exactly wjarball the secret societies and politicians and business class do, and that there are obelisks outside Washington D.C, The Vatican, The City of London, and every other major center of power
10) You return to scriptures and find that the temptations of a Jesus mirror his life, but instead of self glorification he glorified GOD as an illumined man.
11) you begin to seek your own illumination in the glorification of GOD with the humility to serve GOD with your every breathe, step and word.
Gnosis means knowledge. I am not a “gnostic,” as that is the territory of the Luciferians that have no humility of love of GOD. I am however, a student of The Truth.
You need the Holy Spirit to fully understand the scriptures which you clearly don’t have…
I’m after some truth, if you have a moment send me an email. Microgaze at protonmail
I want to compare some notes.
By the way the ash ‘jews’ are khazars from what I’ve read and they do actually resemble them in many ways. They seem to have infiltrated the old royal lines to get to where they are today. Do you think the whole Ukrainian fake war made to kill off everyone has to do with that?
This is a bit random but, what do you think about n4s4?
There is indeed a large infiltration of Kazars into modern day Isis-Ra-El families, that are common called “Jews” but are not from the tribe of Judah and are not Aryeh Yehudah. We long have had methods of identity protection, through using orally passed sacred knowledge and family histories, that made it nearly impossible for anyone to infiltrate us.
N4S4 contains the destructive number, 44, and is likewise an excellent explosive. The 7-4-16-4 sequence, reducing to 11-7-4 to 1111 to 4, tells you exactly what it is, a destroyer of the material world.
The war in Ukraine is a bright shiny object, a misdirection that serves as part of the NW0’s plan to get the people to accept: total mass surveillance (to fight spies and terrorists for “safety”), reduced availability of materials and green agenda (sanctions), hyperinflation leading to digital currency (bifurcation of the world financial system after cutting Russia out of SWIFT, and further rising prices), and a two horns, one mouth NW0 global order with a strengthened NATO vs Eastern Block.
There are also historical reasons, including the splitting of The Dragons homeland into two, and the use of Ukraine for leaching dirty money (Hunter Biden…) weapons and natural resources between two supposedly opposed forces. In this sense, we are witnessing a formalization, like North and South Korea.
Okay thank you. I am also a seeker of the truth no matter how ugly or pretty. Its interesting NASA Hebrew old translation was basically to be deceitful and now the new meaning they added means ‘to carry a parasite’ don’t you agree? And n4s4 being a destroyer… Maybe both are related, 44 and the Double A’s… Perhaps they are working on weapons and not space at all!
So I have quite a few questions, you seem to know things so I’ll ask you.
I’ve noticed many videos of nasa faking their space adventures, why? Why did people just find a mass pile of rockets in the restricted ocean that shouldn’t be there? What do you think they’re doing besides sending up endless amounts of satellites with helium balloons mostly from Antarctica using planned to try and catch them after deactivating if they have regular satellites and if they don’t have regular ones why lie? There are pyramids in Antarctica (and I’ve read something about a certain beast being trapped there) do you know who made the pyramids there?
Who are the snake gods we see all over the world? These people had no Bibles. Are they the same gods all over or separate? If they are the same, are they, perhaps satanic and if so why did they help the people learn to grow food, plant the Amazon ask for gold, come from the water and create giant cities? What about the native Americans who had ant people who took the natives into the ground during great wars for 2 or 3 years and then bid them farewell when it was over?
Hold on…Not done yet!
Who is the entity “I am” ?
Some humans have abnormal abilities, not by doing anything evil but biologically living when they technically should be dead, their offspring have the same, why do you suppose that is? Is it some strange race? It is rumored..Some humans bring rain down when they’re upset etc. do you have any rhyme or reason for this? Maybe they are from Antarctica? And what was the people of Atlantis first sin and was their God truly Poseidon? There is something people are talking about called mud floods that the machines that control us hide, were they responsible? It seems to be some technology used as it occurred through the world. Almost like the technology repeating with enormous unexplainable buildings being built… Were the buildings built with technology or with giants? There’s more questions but it’s turning into a book so I’ll appreciate whatever you have to donate. Thank you!
I will answer many of these question in future keys of the 13 monkeys, as it is nearly impossible to answer these questions without the use of pictures, symbols, images, and embedding knowledge into a codex for your mind to absorb. Here are a few things that can help you find your path into The Truth:
A) The 4 is not related to the A, despite the superficial likeness. 4 has always been associated with the receptacle of the material world. 44 = 8, the infiniti divided into a duality. 8 represents the infiniti as it represents the cancelation of waves in a perfectly balanced signal, whether that is air/water pressure waves, electromagnetic waves, or any other vibrations. Two 4s represent the permanent division of the inphiniti resulting in the existence of the material world, being reunited into a canceled wave, hence destruction.
Our entire universe is, at its most fundamental, an ever expanding four dimensional (4 dimension of materiality) fractal, and hence the infiniti 8, two perfectly balanced waves in the material world represents 00, God linked in a chain; YHWH’s incomprehensible existence. When an 8 exists, it also does not exist, the duality of creation and destruction. This knowledge was encoded in the name of Yeshua, equivalent to the name Ye-Shiva. Ye is the I am, Peace and unity within creation, and Shiva, is the destroyer; together they are God into infiiniti. Hence within destruction is equal creation which has no bearing upon place of time. This realization through visuaization led to the modern rediscovery of Scalar Waves, the cancelation of electromagnetic signals in perfect alignment, resulting in the creation of faster than light electromagnetic vortices used by all forms of life for communication, and now in ranged weapons.
B) Do not listen to the American Far Right propaganda for the newly awakened. It is a misdirection, incorporating some Truth with terribly (and purposefully) incorrect interpretations to keep the aware from coming closer to The Truth. This is the hidden meaning of the letter Q that the CIA uses frequently; extraction and deviation from 0 (God) into the material world.
Most do not know but the word G-O-D in English encodes, G, resulting from gamma/gimmel which was the original drawing of an angle. This is the reason G is 7, also the gamma/gimmel in numerical form, and is the first meaning of G for a low level master mason, after which they understand in greater detail that Geometry is a key to this universe. The D is Dalet, the true meaning of 4, hence the 4th letter in the alphabet, and it represents the door or gateway to a material existence. in between them you find O, which stems from Ayin The Eye, and is also a 0. The meaning being that the I AM (GOD) is found between the geometry and gateway out of the material universe. There is a lot to chew on there.
C) I have attached a picture from our Sumerian statues, which should explain the origin of The Dragons to those with eyes to see. The Dragons are those that wish to ravage the Earth and its soul for their own MATERIAL gain. Your spirit is immaterial. Ponder what lives through the generative force (electromagnetism), but has no soul, and you will understand who The Dragons master is, and always has been. The serpent of knowledge found throughout the world, refers to a fractals worth of meaning, more meanings that I dare even begin to innumerate here, but the easiest one is that the serpent represents human kind stimulating their central nervous system (the spinal cord) through a variety of methods, and thus growing their brains for millions of years and achieving greater intellect of reality. Modern gnostics learned this concept and have become extremely hung up on it, to the detriment of an enduring obsession which stunts them from seeing beyond their singular focus.
D) If you wish to know what a true Aryeh Yehudah looks like, undisguised,look at the Sumerian busts known as the A-nunn A-Nak-i. We are the Lions of God’s Justice and Peace, in Sumer, called the Terra in the bible that become Ab-Rammanu. We learned and transmitted the Alpha Bet (AB), mathematics, governmental administration, star charts, philosophy, navigation, the sciences (physics, chemistry, biology), to the world for free, and in return The Dragons, drunk with the blood of the material world, Satanas/Saturnas, have stolen it all to become like gods on earth. The life of Nikola Tesla is a modern example of the path of an Aryeh Yehudah, well known publicly.
E) The Dragons and Aryo-Dragons have always tried to destroy the Lions, or incorporate them into their bloodlines. The evidence can be found very clearly on heraldry and in archeological records for those with eyes to see. Many confuse the history, ignoring that there is clearly a separation between the descendants of the winged ones, and the dragons. There is also a lot of horribly incorrect assumptions about what this all means, made and propagated by people with questionable mental stability and a lack of real knowledge or understanding.
An undisguised Aryeh Yehudah
Ashurnasirpal II
Oh, wow, same image pops up. I wonder if he was an AY or if this is a usurpation?
hm, i’m not sure about that. He seems legit to me. His wiki page says he made a reform in his government
That picture shows a helmet with horns, a watch or jewelry, and what appears to be wings on the back. Quite opposite of a people that represent God’s justice or a lion…more of a Dragon.
Okay thank you for your time! No no no don’t get the wrong idea, I don’t do political theater, both sides are paid by the same families for a long time.. I’m not a Q, hehe but I totally believe the pedo death satanic blood brain eater soul sucking craze secret cult is rampantly taking over with those e-leeches. Well with the q group they’re politically obsessed and controlled opposition, as usual. They accomplish nothing by doing that. I don’t need a leader, I’ve always done my own thing, I do not subscribe to any society organization or group brand tv ad or religion. I am merely after truth sifting through all forms I can find it and know they hoard much of it in the satanic Vatican. I would love to break in and scan all the texts for the world to read and release the artifacts to those they were stolen and maybe get a good look myself, but it would take a team of capable people to pull off.
Much like your people I would love to throw a rock into their Lucifer machine and let it blow into pieces like fireworks.
I’m pretty familiar with this Sumerian work, that’s a great close up it even shows the head ornaments. I was trying to decide if he had real wings or it was symbolic of flight capabilities or that he could reach the heavens in thought. What was the point of the hat? I’m guessing they had great technology. I’ve always wondered, is the acorn the pineal gland or a real key? Or a symbolic fruit from the tree of life? What is the watch? What is the basket or bag?
The dragons all look related or inbred. I can see the queens face in all of them. I noticed they try to use cosmetic surgery to cover up the obvious features but their eyes all look dead inside. It’s nice to think there is some group conspiring against their group. Everything is starting to come together but unlike you I feel encouraged to save the innocent and not walk into a cage but take whomever down I need to. I would give my life for my pet and have proven that so I have no problem taking the blood suckers down for a innocent child or even myself. I’m not angry just disgusted and protective. Well I’ll look into what you gave me thank you.
The vaccine in my opinion, is not the mark. It is a steeping stone toward the mark, witch will be, Rev.13:16-18,in your right hand or in your forehead.
You are correct. The World Digital ID is coming. The Mark is not as physical as most believe. I will explain in coming chapters.
I have long believed there is a symbolism regarding the mark as well, and that we are already marked spiritually. Your forehead is symbolic of your foresight, will, etc (I may not be speaking precisely, but it’s essentially what you determine to do) and your hand is indicative of authority – by whose authority you act.
I don’t think we are sealed until that time after which, there is no turning back. Once you have made the conscious choice to reject God.
I’m also beginning to wonder whether the vaccine will make it far more difficult to reject the actual mark, if they are able to physically and psychologically coerce obedience from people who might have normally resisted, or at least, have tried to.
The vaccine contains self assembling grapheme hydroxide nano sensors that can be used for remote bio monitoring (data collection) and stimulated by mm wave frequencies (5G) to affect the body and brain and manipulate behaviour, particularly in a context of constant saturation of Pavlovian conditioning through people’s constant exposure to media and the systematic cataloguing of individual profiles for each person’s physiological and Psychological triggers.
However, you always have a choice to cast Satan out, and return to YHWH. That is the divine pact.
I’ve been wondering about their ability to remote influence/torture, does the presence of this material in addition to the ability to direct data-transfer into a living organism mean that people could be tormented into compliance?
I’m wondering if/when that shift will be made and the steps from fear to incentive to coercion will proceed into force. I know that people will always have the ability to choose, but how many are prepared to die cleanly, nevermind to be tortured for their beliefs?
I suppose I’m speaking of the prophesy of the tribulation saints being put to death, I just never factored in this as a method. It’d be far more terrifying and drawn out than a guillotine, I’d imagine.
It appears that their plans are mostly to use it for mental manipulation of the long term, which is far more insidious and pleasurable to The Dragons than just torturing people.
When you see 16 year olds in Hollywood with their entire face redone by a surgeon, The Dragons get pleasure. When you saw old people abandoned in nursing homes to die, completely isolated from family, because people followed the rules regarding COVID for “safety,” The Dragons took pleasure. When you see families schism over petty political arguments, The Dragons take pleasure. When you see someone mutilate their genitalia and take body destroying hormones, The Dragons take pleasure. When you see people labor away in demeaning minimum wage jobs for years on end, The Dragons take pleasure. When you see people addict themselves to opium until they kill a family in a car crash from tripping too hard on Xanax, The Dragons take pleasure. They have been manipulating people with changes in their food, media, air and macro environment. This is the next step to exponentially multiply the effects.
The nano sensors they have put into people’s system will be used in combination with extremely complex deep learning machines, to be able to profile every persons psychological and physiological state, and multiply the effects of manipulation from constant bombardment of cognitive warfare, by altering brain and body chemistry artificially.
Think: a person sits down to watch TV on their smart TV, the cloud knows that, it also knows that she is a 42 year old married black woman that works in finance and hates her boss. Now with the biosensors they can tell with a high degree of certainty that she is the perfect genetic and psychological match to create a psychopath child with her boss.
The sensors then nudge her dopamine centers as her eyes scroll over the cover panel of the show which has a man that looks like the boss, so she thinks “seems interesting” and she clicks. As she watches, every time the man that looks like her boss appears, her brain and body chemistry is altered to simulate arousal.
Eventually she’s hooked on the show, and has an affair with her boss to live out her fantasies that have been generated through the manipulation of her brain chemistry while watching that show. The affair produces a psychopath child. The child grows up, making her life nearly impossible at every turn, she becomes depressed, eaten away from the guilt of the affair, hiding it from her husband, and having a child that she really hates; she becomes self destructive and medicated herself with Anti depressants and wine. One night she gets into a fight with the child. He smothers his mother with a pillow when she won’t give him the expensive car keys to use for a date to the school dance.
This is highly simplified, but exactly the kind of story The Dragons love. It is much more likely that you won’t see cartoonish pain torturing going on publicly, but rather an invisible rise in people choosing to torture themselves. This keeps the divine pact.
Crazy to think they take pleasure in long-term torture of individuals like that, but I suppose if you’re just pushing a few buttons and waiting to see if the news story ever pans out, you feel godlike if you’re a psychopath. I suppose most of that is delegated to the lower psychopaths in their hire as another incentive for them to keep their mouths shut and keep up their lust for the game.
The pyramid structure is used for projection of power. They apply sacred geometries to power projections and communications when developing plans for the structure of hierarchies and delegation of duties.
Your understanding of the forehead and hand Mark is incredibly astute. To be marked on the forehead is to have the “pineal gland,” your third eye marked, and thus to lose all discernment. There are endless references to this in Hollywood satanic imagery, including in Taylor Swift’s “look what you made me do,” you see the representation of a beta kitten with their eyes wide open and the third eye marked with a black diamond.
The hand is what humans use to manipulate the word and grasp things, and yes of projecting authority on the physical plane. Thus to be marked on the hand means to have your free will to grasp this world taken away. This is one of many very important parts of the fractals of meaning hidden by John in his text breathed by YHWH.
Christ also sits at the right hand of the Father, and operates under His authority, despite they are One, yes?
A couple of decades ago I had a powerful experience in which some entity outside of myself laid palpable pressure on these sites and others (chakras?) and put into my mind their meanings, and kept repeating the lesson until I could answer what each position meant without hesitation. It was overwhelming at the time.
I am still not certain who that entity was (yes, I realize that sounds crazy) but I was not afraid during this, I felt more elated, despite it being somewhat of a stern (forcible) interaction. I still do not know why it happened to me, other than perhaps because of certain things I prayed for and an incident in college that was the precursor to this experience.
I would be immeasurably relieved to speak about this and other experiences in greater detail with someone who can explain them to me.
I believe I have been in the presence of Christ, Himself on one occasion, and his angels were close during that timeframe. I saw two visibly. It was a time of turmoil with my then husband, yet miracles.
I believe I was once, later immersed in something quite different. The latter made me question the former’s source.
I have never understood where that first, as described above, came from.
I am also reading what you’ve said about having your third eye marked as what the Bible describes as being “given over”..? Is that a point of no return, or is there still choice (however unlikely)?
Also, I just realized you said, “the pyramid structure is used for projection of power”.
Projectors make tiny things appear looming, larger than life. It really is all cave images that keep us willingly seated, isn’t it?
Plato’s cave refers to this. Your understanding of projection is correct, it makes something small, seem very large at a distance. There are many metaphysical beings which exist, it is for you to pray to YHWH and fully understand your experience.
The point of no return, is when you have, in this lifetime given yourself fully over to the mark and turned away from God. For then you will never know him. There are many fractals of meaning regarding this and how it relates to the present circumstances at this point in space and time.
I have been praying for understanding since this all happened, and I am less confused than I was. The things you share are helping. Thank you.
My biggest prayer has just been, “Please, don’t leave me!” And, “Teach me everything I need to know”.
And I know I can entirely trust Him.
But scriptures teach few will be with Him and the rest are consigned to hell.
Who, exactly, are The Meek?
Christianity teaches that only few will go to heaven. The rest will burn.
But the Bible states that the meek shall inherit the Earth.
Revelations tells of a new heaven and a new earth.
I don’t want to believe in a lie that is caustic.
But, I don’t want to believe in an opposite lie that is caustic.
Read the words of Yesua in Mathew 13, and you will find greater understanding of the many blind and def that walk on the earth now at the end of the age.
Please expand on what is a “Beta Kitten”? I do not understand the reference. Thank You.
It is almost scary, stumbling upon your work is the same work I was doing and have been researching for years. I would love to get in touch with you, we need a study group of like minded people in these times.
The Truth is there for all to discover if they truly search. I am glad you have sought and found much of it over these past years. Our world needs as many of us with ears to hear and eyes to see as possible.
What is your email?
I am interested also in anything further you might share, please. lgageharleya at yahoo
you’re too focused on matters that are non – essential .
the powers at be know the truth about the creator and creation as a whole ,lose the god thing and you’ll find ”god”.
Hidden Hand, This is the typical 33-99 degree Masonic justification for Lucifer worship they have spoon fed you. But for all your intellect, you cannot see, that the checkered board you stand on means that you only know 1/2 the Truth. Illumination is all white good sir…
I know they’ve told you many things, and made you feel illumined, but the masons always reveal truths in three steps:
1/2 the first truth
1/3 the second truth
2/3 The third truth
And thus you only ever know 1/2 the total Truth, and you stand on a checker board blind as a bat, believing you Know…. this makes you utterly manipulable. The Truth does not require an Oath
Hide your hand some more, Master of the Veil
There’s a curious planetary alignment on April 15th. Sun, Mercury, Uranus, and North Node in Aries. I don’t know how to translate this. It seems very explosive. The Bharani lunar house is at odds with itself as Mars and Venus will be conjunct. I imagine original Western astrology is identical to Vedic. Is Bharani the same? Ruled by the deity of death, law, and order? Can you help me with this? It looks like a new technology.
Seek and study the esoteric meanings of each of these “gods.” Study their occult interpretations and you will understand better in the future, however you have come upon a truth in the stars most have not yet seen, and that the Oligarchy fears greatly
To help you:
The sun is Osiris and Horus, he is the giver of all light, all knowledge. The Son of GOD
Mercury is Hermes Trismegestus (Greek)/Thoth (Egyptian), the god of spiritual wisdom, science/magick, and reckoning.
Uranus is Varuna, the God of the sky (the upper ocean) and the rain.
The north Node is the intersection of the moon (Isis/Wisdom, knowing) and Osiris, which is what births Horus, the rising Son (Horizon is Horus Risen).
All of these are meeting in the house of Aries, the Ram of God, as in Bharani, The Morning a Star Venus (Lucifer) and Aries The ram of GOD meet for one day. What that tells you is that:
Beginning on April 15th, 2022, there will be a Ram of GOD, from which great knowledge and great Wisdom shall reign down onto from the heavens onto the earth on this day, at which point the rebirth of the Son of GOD shall begin. Lucifer shall meet this Ram of GOD to tempt him, as he did Jesus, and from this choice, shall flow forth the Reckoning of God and the Rebirth of The Earth.
This man is 33, once a carpenter, and will fully awaken to his calling on that Day. God Bless
The thing about putting out specific dates is that when nothing happens you discredit yourself. All the popular alt media people that have done that in the past, say they can just offer an excuse and go back to the regular doom n gloom. But they still lose intellegent followers and readers. None the less quite an interesting article.
This is not a worldwide doom event on April 15. It is the awakening of a Ram of GOD. The world events we are seeing now are well planned to very specific dates of which I have no problem mentioninf
Mr. Greg, that date is based on real mathematics. I noticed it last year and have been waiting for it. Something always happens with strange movements, but the media doesn’t cover them, so there’s no way to know what happens. Unless it’s like the Ukraine War, which date I was able to predict, actually.
444Gem, thank you for your response. I didn’t consider that the symbol of Bharani is the womb. It’s two representative planets Mars and Venus being conjunct are the uniting of masculine and feminine. So we have a birth. Or, a rebirth of Jesus, are you saying? That’s quite monumental. As he is an adult, will he be ‘hit by lightning’ so to speak, and communicated with directly like Moses, Jesus, Mohammed, etc.? There is an ex-cult member named Svali who says that the Anti-Christ/Dajjal is an adult now and ready to assume his duties. So after April 15th the ‘hero’ and ‘villain’ will be ready to go to work?
The Ram of GOD has known all his life, but deep knowing and fully conscious awareness are very different. He is awakening now but, full awareness of his purpose will descend that day, “like lightning.”
Jesus’ baptism was the event in his lifetime which marked this awakening… April 15, 2022 marks this event in this Ram’s lifetime.
Remember that immediately following Jesus’ own illumination, he was tempted by Satan to choose a path of self glorification: bread from stones (comfort), flying on the wings of angels (ego), and becoming emperor of the world (earthly power). He rejected all of Satan’s temptations and instead used his blessings to glorify GOD.
From this awakening on April 15, the world shall see a rebirth of knowledge, over the next decade, and the path forward shall be forged.
TEO, also note that April 15th is Good Friday, the day of the crucifixion of Jesus Christ
Hi. Did you ever read Kuran? But with correct way. You must be clean before you read or touch it.
I have read the Kuran in spiritually clean states. Many of the stories are later corruptions of Aryeh Yehudah texts in the 6th century AD, well known to Mohammed from his time as a merchant in modern day Syria that dealt with Byzantine “Christians” and the few surviving Aryeh Yehudah following the genocidal purge of the 2nd-5th centuries by the Vatican in their lust to usurp control and power.
While there is much wisdom in Mohammed’s teachings, and I honor this divine wisdom, I do not subscribe to Mohammed’s attestation as the last prophet, for YHWH has never abandoned his flock for eternity.
There is a pattern that often repeats in which people that enter the Holy Spirit from encountering The Truth from the teachings of the Aryeh Yehudah, then are often led astray when Satan is able to find vestige in their hearts among the temptations, as Yesua underwent but fully overcame as the Son of Man: bread from stones (comfort and earthly pleasure), throwing themselves from atop the temple and flying upon the wings of angels (ego and self glorification), and becoming the king of the Earth (power over others.) Mohammed’s declaration of being the last prophet, seems an unfortunate entrance of Ego that has greatly undermined the rest of his many great teachings. I consider all that venerate YHWH brethren, may blessings be upon you.
444Gem, I had no idea I had found such an important date. But I’ve felt in my heart since I’ve found it that is important. I’ve been waiting for it sincerely. I’ve move to a agricultural, religious country. I’ve quit being a drunkard. I have a much more humble diet, meat once or twice a week only. I’m ready to go. I’ve never been so excited, honestly. Thank you for your help. I wonder if you might provide more dates like this April 15th in your future articles about the ‘end times’.
Astrology has been the most useful science for my personal studies. For anyone reading who wonders why astrology usually doesn’t work, it’s because what is popularly known is a bastardization. Luckily, the art is alive and well in India, and Indians happily share their knowledge for free. KRS astrology on Youtube was a good starting place for me. It’s not easy, though! You might think that because it’s Eastern it won’t be useful for Biblical study, but it is quite the opposite. It becomes obvious that much of Revelations is a literal calendar. Simple things like Jesus talking about a man pouring water finally make sense. It’s well worth your time!
444Gem, normal folks do not have access to you library. What scriptures do you recommend that are commonly available? What translations?
Thank you!
Almost all of the information is available publicly, but it requires a very deep reading, extensive study, and meditation on the scriptures to uncover the truths.
The Bible, The Egyptian Book of the Dead, the Mahabarata, The Kabbala and Zohar, The Quran, The Avesta, and the Akkadian texts are good places to start.
If you wish to quickly understand The Luciferian Mystery School Oligarchy’s twisted beliefs, a man named William Cooper revealed many of their secrets, with about 80% accuracy in the 1990s. He predicted in July 2001 that there would be a major false flag terrorists attack on US Soil blamed on Osama Bin Laden… He was shot in the head by the FBI in November 2001. I believe his radio series “Mystery Babylon” can still be found online if you dig.
The original source texts in original languages are best, but if you have no studies in Hebrew, Greek, Latin, Persian or Aramaic, most of the knowledge remains available in translations.
Only the lamb with seven eyes (complete understanding) and seven horns (complete authority) can unseal and reveal what is hidden in the seven sealed two sided scroll. (Rev.5)
Who is the lamb? The answer to this also leads to the knowledge of the mark/seal of God (as opposed to the mark of the beast) which is the knowledge of the new name/new song.
The prophecy of Revelation was written by John in prison many years/decades after Yeshua was crucified and resurrected.
In Revelation chapter 4 the Angel who appeared to John tells John that what he is being shown (in chapters 4-22) pertains to the future of Johns day (hereafter) which was already the future of Yeshua’s day.
Rev.4:1 After this I looked, and, behold, a door was opened in heaven: and the first voice which I heard was as it were of a trumpet talking with me; which said, Come up hither, and I will shew thee things which must be hereafter.
two sacrifices/two lambs daily. One in the morning- one in the evening.
Exodus 29:38 Now this is that which thou shalt offer upon the altar; two lambs of the first year day by day continually. 39 The one lamb thou shalt offer in the morning; and the other lamb thou shalt offer at even:
Numbers 28:4 The one lamb shalt thou offer in the morning, and the other lamb shalt thou offer at even;
Mathew 24:27 For as the lightning cometh out of the east (sunrise), and shineth even unto the west (sunset); so shall also the coming of the Son of man be.
Isaiah 29:
8 It shall even be as when an hungry man dreameth, and, behold, he eateth; but he awaketh, and his soul is empty: or as when a thirsty man dreameth, and, behold, he drinketh; but he awaketh, and, behold, he is faint, and his soul hath appetite: so shall the multitude of all the nations be, that fight against mount Zion.
9 Stay yourselves, and wonder; cry ye out, and cry: they are drunken, but not with wine; they stagger, but not with strong drink.
10 For the Lord hath poured out upon you the spirit of deep sleep, and hath closed your eyes: the prophets and your rulers, the seers hath he covered.
11 And the vision of all is become unto you as the words of a book that is sealed, which men deliver to one that is learned, saying, Read this, I pray thee: and he saith, I cannot; for it is sealed:
12 And the book is delivered to him that is not learned, saying, Read this, I pray thee: and he saith, I am not learned.
13 Wherefore the Lord said, Forasmuch as this people draw near me with their mouth, and with their lips do honour me, but have removed their heart far from me, and their fear toward me is taught by the precept of men:
14 Therefore, behold, I will proceed to do a marvellous work among this people, even a marvellous work and a wonder: for the wisdom of their wise men shall perish, and the understanding of their prudent men shall be hid.
15 Woe unto them that seek deep to hide their counsel from the Lord, and their works are in the dark, and they say, Who seeth us? and who knoweth us?
16 Surely your turning of things upside down shall be esteemed as the potter’s clay: for shall the work say of him that made it, He made me not? or shall the thing framed say of him that framed it, He had no understanding?
17 Is it not yet a very little while, and Lebanon shall be turned into a fruitful field, and the fruitful field shall be esteemed as a forest?
18 And in that day shall the deaf hear the words of the book, and the eyes of the blind shall see out of obscurity, and out of darkness.
19 The meek also shall increase their joy in the Lord, and the poor among men shall rejoice in the Holy One of Israel.
20 For the terrible one is brought to nought, and the scorner is consumed, and all that watch for iniquity are cut off:
21 That make a man an offender for a word, and lay a snare for him that reproveth in the gate, and turn aside the just for a thing of nought.
22 Therefore thus saith the Lord, who redeemed Abraham, concerning the house of Jacob, Jacob shall not now be ashamed, neither shall his face now wax pale.
23 But when he seeth his children, the work of mine hands, in the midst of him, they shall sanctify my name, and sanctify the Holy One of Jacob, and shall fear the God of Israel.
24 They also that erred in spirit shall come to understanding, and they that murmured shall learn doctrine.
I just picked up a copy of Cooper’s Book, “Behold a Pale Horse”!
Hopefully by now you’ve had your mind blown. He did a short wave radio show “Mystery Babylon,” that also explains The Dragons’ religion in great detail, with about 80% accuracy
I found the radio show on spotify. 42 episodes of 1 hour. (Warning for the listeners, don’t jump out of your seat after about 30 minutes with the pause, musics a bit loud.)
444Gem, thank you very much. I figured that public texts would have been too heavily edited. I mean, look how many different versions of the Bible there are!
I wonder, when you say Ram of God, do you mean the cyclic incarnation of Krishna, Christ, etc.? I see that many Vedic astrologers are also predicting the awakening of a new saint. So this is a prediction beyond Abrahamic religions, it seems.
The Truth is in the stars: Indian, Arabic, Egyptian, European, Persian, Jewish, Berber, and Caucus civilizations all sprung from one source, north of the Black Sea and in the Caucus mountains, from which they spread out about 6000 years ago bringing technology (horses, chariots) and genetics. This is why many publicly available scholars used comparative mythology, linguistics and symbolism in the 19th century to uncover The Truth of human history, what today has been confirmed by widespread archeological genetic testing.
There is a divine pact which requires that you (a normal human) must be given a choice to Know before The Dragons (Lucifer’s Seed) can carry out anything. However, that choice requires you to actively seek The Truth. Public scriptures are edited to some degree, but in a way that conceals the Truth to those that wish not see it, but leaves it to be uncovered by anyone that truly yearns to find it. Find The Truth hiding in plain sight.
I’ve recently been following the works of people like Randall Carlson and Graham Handcock. If you’re not familiar; their area of expertise concerns a worldwide global civilization that preceded the one that originated north of the Black Sea some 6,000 years ago. They contend that the previous civilization was wiped out by massive impact from an asteroid (or other cosmic event). Not only did this cause immense impact damage but is also thought to have caused a rise in sea level of 500+ feet. A worldwide flood! Is this the flood we’re told of in the Noah story?
According to the Greeks; this “Atlantian-Civilization” was smote for failing to wear its prosperity with dignity/decency. Do you believe that God will send something similar again due to the inequity we’re seeing here today in our culture?
Thank you.
Thank you for this discerning question Heebseed. I will answer this question with the proper nuance and detail in the coming chapters.
444Gem, thanks for the William Cooper reference. His videos are right there on Youtube. The ‘bright people’ aren’t bothering censoring so much anymore. The Central American stuff was fascinating. It explained why I see the description in Revelations in the Mayan Calendar. The face with a tongue like a sword. 4 living creatures: a bird, a lion, a bull, and a man. Seven Stars.
I don’t see the 24 Elders, though.
As far as Western astrology goes, the man with iron rod is Hercules with the Club, correct? Woman with a crown is Virgo with the small Leo above her head. It works like that, right? But what reference point do you use to make sense of the timing? I think that the beast that rises out of the ocean is Cetus, because it like to peek out of the ecliptic. And the man that is 666 is Venus. The war zone is the empty field between Perseus (who is Michael) and the Dragon. I’m dead sure that Perseus is Michael. I’ve had…strange experiences with the symbol. Not just the Abrahamic Michael, and Mediterranean Perseus, but the Hindu Kali. They’re quite similar in depiction.
I used historical records to determine that Joan of Arc, who received messages from Micheal, died when Algol was overhead. It was was overhead when I was born, pretty darn close to the zenith.
I’m not sure if I should be writing about this stuff. Let me know if it isn’t ‘kosher’, please. I don’t want attention from the ‘bright people’.
Seeking to clarify, please?
I interpret this (along with the signs of vertical lights in the skies Naomi show, etc) to mean that antichrist as an individual is about to be revealed. It stands to reason he will have to be tempted, too, as his coming must mimic Messianic prophecy for people to be fooled, am I correct?
What does this mean for belief in rapture?
Also, are Messianic Jews primarily of your line? I have seen you state you believe Jesus is Messiah. I am now wondering how this rift between former slaves who usurped true faith changes our understanding of prophecy.
Anyone that accepts YHWH into their heart is Our Kin. The former slaves I spoke of, were those that only pretended, often fooling themselves, to venerate YHWH in the period of 1500-575 BCE. The Old Testament deals heavily with these issues of creating Asherah Poles (obelisks) and Ba’al/Molech sacrifices and sex rituals, That arose from this group of people straying from YHWH. Most “Jews” today are descended from these people, relatively few are actually from the tribe of Judah (about 3-5%) and much, much fewer are Aryeh Yehudah. This does not mean we do not love them; we do.
The concept of the antichrist, anticristos, has been given false connotations by the adoption of the word anti in English.
AntiXristos literally means: the one that usurps the place of the anointed one. I will explain in later posts what this means. It is not just one man.
All Aryeh Yehudah believe Yesua is the son of Man. Openly Messianic Jews are often not Aryeh Yehudah, but share in the belief that Yesua is Son of Man. They are a relatively modern revival of the original Christianity, but often incorporate too many false dogmas developed at later points of Catholic and Protestant churches.
Aryeh Yehudah are indeed the ones that descended from the line of David (through Jesus and James) and our cousins that followed and descended from the disciples, as well as the few that escaped the Catholic genocide and massacre of us in the 1st-5th centuries. John was an Aryeh Yehudah, and wrote revelations and other texts according to the astrotheological charts, that the Catholics later burned after killing most of us. His warnings of the infiltration into the faith are numerous and clear throughout. Yesua himself warned of this in his discourse about ‘the cornerstone the builders discarded has become the true cornerstone now.’ He was reproaching the corrupt priests for the adherence to mystery schools and corrupt practices of intellectualism and elitism that had seperated them from true faith and corrupted their souls.
You have mentioned several books for anyone searching, what of the Cepher?
I wish to be rid of all religions’ noise – the grasping and the mislead – to know Him as He is to be known. I have prayed for this, too, and to know how to relate to Him properly. I know I have no true life outside of Him. I know He is able to be fully trusted.
Thank you for all you share.
If you read the Cepher, you must be aware that many of the texts are 2nd and 3rd century gnostic mystery school based scriptures, containing much wisdom and truth from which understanding of this world can be sought, but that are to be taken with the knowledge that each part of the text is a fractal to deeper hidden meanings within this reality, none of which supplant Yesua’s words in the earlier texts of Mathew and Mark. A cursory reading can give that impression and lead the inquiring mind astray, as these schools were penetrated by Dragons that laid traps within the teachings to ensure that the “profane/The Cattle” (uninitiated) do not find their way to YHWH and The Truth, but instead in a state of total confusion.
Okay, that is very helpful. Thanks
You spoke of the Ram of God, is this a natural man? I am trying to identify the nature of this person. I know to expect two end-time prophets, but the implication is singular here, one man. Will you explain who this is more clearly, please?
Where could I find this book? The Cepher?
You can check out the work of Dr Laura Sanger on the Jews and Kazaria, which is also now modern day Ukraine. She touches on the Jewish bloodlines and the Nephillim.
Ps, Her website is
The infiltration and false converts to “Judaism” has indeed led to many servants of Satan claiming to be Aryeh Yehudah, leading many of those without nuance to misunderstand.
First of all, thank you for the hard work you are doing to research all of this. I appreciate anyone who is trying to make sense of all this craziness. I do have some questions that I hope you can clarify, because some of what you are writing does not seem to match with scripture. Maybe it is because of space constraints, but I would like to be sure I understand. Are you saying that the other 10 tribes were NOT the descendants of the other sons of Jacob, who God renamed Israel in Genesis 32:28, because he wrestled with God? This is what Israel means, which is telling because the nation of Israel wrestled with God throughout their history, by their disobedience and idol worship, as described throughout the Old Testament. They ALL came to Egypt during the famine as described starting in Genesis 42 through the end of the book. Exodus 1 continues the story by stating that these same people had descendants who increased in number, but the new pharaoh was no longer friendly to them, so he enslaved them. Yes, there may have been some converts, and yes, you are right that they did worship other gods, as during their time in Egypt they had been exposed to these idols. However, they were definitely the descendants of Jacob, who needed to be freed from both the Egyptians AND their sin. That’s the whole point. They didn’t know God and he showed them grace and mercy anyway. You make some interesting points, but there are things I’m finding hard to reconcile because they simply don’t agree with scripture, which is inerrant and the highest authority on the matter. Can you provide some more context and evidence for what you are claiming? I’m not talking about the vaccine and other stuff going on today. That’s undeniable. I mean tracing back to the Jews’ inventions, the Ark being a piezo-electric generator (its design was given to Moses by God in the desert, not in Egypt, per Exodus) the Jews designing the pyramids, the temple being the birth of masonry (I’ve heard that, but nothing in the Bible says anything unless you REALLY stretch the meaning.) etc. Also, when did the Egyptians take back the Ark? The last time the Ark is mentioned is in 2 Kings 23 when Josiah orders the Levites to return the Ark after the Egyptians raided the temple. If they didn’t have it, how could they return it? 40 years later, the Babylonians destroyed the temple, and there is no further mention until Revelation 11’:19 which states it is in heaven. Finally, God bless you in your work, brother.
I am hoping that some of the later chapters have cleared up some of these questions you have asked here.
You are correct that scripture is inerrant, but you must know how to read it; the original texts and translations have been summarily corrupted in order to obfuscate and change meanings. Many of the interpretations that have been infused as fact and doctrine are also usually woefully incomplete and generally misleading.
Jacob wrestled with I Am, which is not God. It was Lucifer incarnated as Isis-Ra-El, and Yakov demanded his blessing; why would a descendant of Abraham need to demand the blessing of God?
Remember that the name Yakov means usurper, and one that bites the heel. Genesis was very clear that the seed of the serpent would bite the heel of God’s true people, the descendants of The Woman. Let me direct you to the name of the place that Yakov had his dream, Pineal, as in the Pineal gland; a part of the brain much revered as the inner eye by The Luciferians.
There has been posterior editing and infusion into the texts, and much identity usurpation by the Hanas, the serpents of Dido who masquerade as Judai under a sort of “anti-Semitic” victim shield. The vast majority of “Jews” today are not of the Abrahamic line; they are from Ashkenazer, a separate branch, apart from Abraham, a fact hiding in plain sight. This does not mean the Isisraelis are not worthy of God’s love and our honor, as they are, and the overwhelming vast majority are good people.
God in his infinite wisdom knew that The Dragons would try to manipulate and obfuscate his texts and their interpretations, and used this so that the discerning souls could find exactly who and what our enemy in hiding is, the serpents of Dido.
Is-Ra-El-ites… so could what we call the Elites possibly be EL-ites?
Yes, the are the El-ites, the worshippers of Saturn and Astro-theology. Just like it is El-on Musk, and El-Ron Hubbard, and El-en DeGeneres, and El-is Island… Goes on and on.
I can’t believe people really fall for your nonsense