
The End Times are Planned (Thirteen Monkeys Pt I)

This post compiles a fairly extensive list of the research in regards to the planning, execution, and past warnings of what we are currently living and will continue to live until Easter, 2030 (exactly 2000 years after the crucifixion and and rebirth of Jesus).  It is by no means complete, but there are a series of seemingly disparate occurrences that all coalesce around the same conclusion: we are living in the 42 lunar months prescribed by Revelations as the global totalitarian rule of the 1st beast.

I previously wrote a post on the epicenter of Hollywood name change to OVATION, which was the primary sign (In February 2020) that tipped me off to the timing of everything: If you would like to read the full post it is available here:

Elite Change Oscars Mall to OVATIΘΝ

In a nutshell: The center of commerce in Hollywood (the Elite’s global propaganda wing) was sold from Americans to Chinese in February 2020, old masonic symbols from 1920s were removed, and construction began on New World Order illuminati symbolism to replace it. The name OVATION and its Gematrias mean in totality: “On the 100th Anniversary of Aleister Crowley claiming the throne of Grand Hyrophant and breaking away from The Masonic Rite of Memphis-Misraim to establish the New World Order, we rebuild our Solomon’s temple as it was in 950 B.C.E to celebrate triumph over the slaves as The EYE hooks/pegs the cattle (beasts of burden) with the mark of the illiterate on the arm/hand and thus the resurrection (death/rebirth) of the Antichrist (The snake as the fish).” 

This 100th Anniversary lands on July 29, 2023 which is exactly equivalent to the 42 lunar months (1216.666 days, 3 1/3 years in solar calendar) of prescribed global totalitarian rule after World Happytalism day (3/20/2020) was declared by the UN. This time frame is found in Revelations 13:5  when absolute authority over the world is given to the 1st beast: the national governments and system of global rule established by European colonial powers in the 15th-20th centuries, then re-established in a new form after their near destruction in WWII (“the mortal wound that was healed” which ended traditional European colonialism)

This brings us to sign 1: Astroworld and the Twelve Monkeys

If you haven’t seen the film with Bruce Willis and Brad Pitt, called 12 Monkeys, you should watch it. It was released on 1/5/1996, which contains three 6s (two 9s plus final 6) and a fourth in the 1+5=6 of the day/month. It was made exactly 25 years, or 1/4 century before COVID,  and released 24 years before (12 monkeys+12+12 years before the planned end: 360 is a full circle), it predicts exactly what has occurred with COVID since 2020: a virologist leaks an airborne virus that creates a worldwide pandemic, resulting in the onset of “the end times.” Bruce Willis is a time traveler sent back from 2035 (5 years after the end of the great reset) to 1996 to collect samples of the virus, supposedly. This rabbit hole is deep, full of Egyptian Book of the Dead allegories and a host of Illuminati symbolism. This film’s full depths are beyond the scope of this post.

However, there are many apparent links with today planted throughout the film. These clues lead to the conclusion that the Elites had COVID fully planned by 1995. 

Take a look at where Bruce Willis is kept in the post pandemic world:

Looks a lot like China’s COVID boxes in 2022:

The connection to Astroworld, the deadly concert by Travis Scott where the “rapper” chanted HELL!! over 8 dead bodies in a satanic ritual sacrifice, to this film is undeniable. Here is a screen shot from 12 Monkeys, taken from a scene where Bruce Willis tries to escape from a mental asylum:

Here is the poster advertising Travis Scott’s deadly Satanic Ritual in 2021:

Yes it could be a total coincidence: Travis Scott could have been aware of this newspaper appearing in 12 Monkeys in 1995 for less than 3-seconds that you have to freeze frame to see, thought it was funny we were living through the exact same scenario 25 years on, and then held a concert on a stage shaped like an upside down black cross, advertised “see you on the other side,” and then chanted HELLLL!! over the dead bodies of eight children… Look at the newspaper again:

It says “Happy people across the world made extra cash quickly with THE MAGIC PYRAMID.” This sounds an awful lot like the UN’s Happytalism, which celebrated COVID lockdowns (they’ve deleted the page but archived versions are still available) on 3/20/2020. Revelations 13:18 Mark of the Beast is not just 666. It is 600, three 20s, and 6…


World Happytalism day was celebrated on 3/20/2020 (as the three 20s in the mark of the beast), and marks the official beginning of “The Great Reset,” the start of the 42 lunar months in Revelations and the official world lockdown (which is house arrest by government order) that marks total global authoritarian rule by The Beast (The Elites).

March 20th, every year, forever… Happytalism is supposed to be a “New World Order” (taken directly from the UN website that has now been removed) that focuses on a new economic paradigm that makes people ‘happy.’ There motto is: “A New Economic System, Socio-Political Philosophy, and Human Development Paradigm which places the Primacy of Happiness, Well-Being, and Freedom at the Center of Human Development and All Life.”

Happy 666…. Happytalism contains two words: Happy (English) and Talism (from the greek Telesma). The meanings are:

Put it together: “The fortunate in advantageous circumstances (elites) have events turn out well, reaching completion of a religious rite to the end.” For a deeper dive on Happytalism’s horrible plans for the world Click Here

Bill Gates Patent WO-2020-060606 for Body Activity To Generate Digital Currency

On 3/26/2020 Billionaire Microsoft Founder, Vaccine Enthusiast, Media Investor and Jeffrey Epstein consort Bill Gates filed patent number WO-2020-060606  titled “Cryptocurrency system using body activity data” Cryptocurrency is a buzzword for digital currency, the digital dollar the Elites are pushing. The patent is summarized as: “The human body activity associated with the task provided to a user can be used in the mining process of a cryptocurrency system.” More Here

950 BCE: Solomon’s Temple and freemasonry founded (Same as OVATION)

Nanosensors in the Vaccines

Here are microscopy pictures of samples from sealed vials of vaccines, and from blood samples of vaccinated individuals, taken by Pablo Campras, PhD doctorate from University of Almeria in Spain in chemical sciences (same results produced by US, Japanese, & German labs):

What you are seeing is reduced graphene oxide envelopes wrapping around hematite/magnetite nanowires that are sensitive to electromagnetic radiation in the 5-33 Ghz frequencies, which is 5G. If you are vaccinated, there are read/write nanosensors and controllers in your tissues. This will be required for digital currency

Early tests were Havana Syndrome

Eerily similar to government documents on remote mind control

Ozone Therapy will destroy the graphene oxide/Perbunan composite and allow you to break these nanosensors down. It’s also effective against viral infection.

More to come

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2 years ago

The plan of the future belongs to God. The plans of satanists are within the plan of God and can’t go beyond it.

2 years ago

Of course. But knowing the leviathan and their plans is key to remaining vigilant. Dwelling in heaven does not call for ignorance of the Earth.

2 years ago
Reply to  444gem

When the title is read together with the content, it’s completed as “-by satanist”. These are not real visions of end times. Only God knows it.

2 years ago
Reply to  444gem

It’s just about the way of expression. “End times” is a sacred word. No one but God can plan it. Satanists can’t decide when it will happen and how long it will last.

2 years ago
Reply to  444gem

You are so very correct Thursdayafternoon. Only god knows his plans.

My implication is exactly as you state here: these are the plans of satanists, mere men whom consider themselves servants of Satan, not God. As per this website being centered around vigilant citizens, the point of the article is to inform upon the plans of these servants of Lucifer.

God’s will reigns over all

2 years ago

My big takeaway is that the vaccine may be a way for 5G attacks. I’ve never seen those pictures or heard of nano sensors being put in the vaccine but if those are real that’s definitely something to be concerned about and exposed.

2 years ago
Reply to  Dan

Click the in article link for Pablo Campras and you can find all the source studies. They are extensive and peer reviewed. Campras is a PhD in chemical sciences and university researcher. 95% of his published material is not COVID related.

The nanosensors at present are being used to quietly mine bio data (big tech always wants more data) and to track the populace at every turn, hence the exclusion of all the unvaccinated from society in Europe, China and tech dominated US states… 5G was necessary to have sufficient bandwidth to track this massive influx of data from every human on the planet.

The multiple dosing (shots every 6 months) is 3 fold: 1) It is a form of mandatory government compliance 2) because graphene oxide is quite toxic in our system, but can be tolerated if injected at periodic lower dosis, they are gradually raising the level of nanosensors in people to lessen incidence of adverse events 3) your bodies white blood cells slowly break down graphene oxide and thus they have to periodically re-dose to ensure their is sufficient concentration of nanosensors.

The next post will include definitive proof that the plan has been 6 injections every 6 months since the start.

10 months ago
Reply to  444gem

You used to make a bit of sense 1 year go. what happened?

2 years ago
Reply to  Dan

The first test of the 5G to nanosensor control system of the vaccinated was Astroworld. If you review the video clips and stage photos from people in the crowd, there were clearly 5G towers hidden among all of the sound gear and electrical equipment. This is how they were certain they would induce ritual sacrifice, just flip the switch

Balthazar Asquith
Balthazar Asquith
2 years ago

Yeah the mark of the beast was actually 646, it was translated wrong like most the bible was when changed from its original language. So your entire post is well for want of another word dumb. Keep trying though 😁

2 years ago

I’m sorry you abhor truth. I read the Bible and Ancient texts in Hebrew, Greek, and Latin. I quote English passages as that is the language of most readers here.

Willful ignorance does not make the truth disappear.

Furthermore your chosen name Balthazar Asquith suggests you see yourself as “protector of the King Asquith.” Layer 1 is you protect the bloodline of former UK prime minister HH Asquith, the man whom led the UK to WWI, and the slaughter of millions of innocents in the trenches.

Layer 2 is from the etymology of Asquith as a derivative of old Norse Askr “the ash tree.” This is the tree in i do European mythologies which represents the tree of life in the garden of Eden, from which man was seperated by the serpent, Lucifer the bringer of unholy knowledge that allows man to become “like god.” Is of course the protector of this tree from man in his own eyes.

Layer 3, Asquith is of the bloodline of Elites that is the dragon referred to be waiting to devour the child in revelations.

Your petty words designed to mis direct the troubadours of the lord are useless.

Balthazar Asquith
Balthazar Asquith
2 years ago
Reply to  444gem

Mate give your arse a rest and your mouth a chance. Actually Balthazar is a size of champagne bottle and one of the wise men that gave Jesus a gift. Get a life, please 😁

Balthazar Asquith
Balthazar Asquith
2 years ago
Reply to  444gem

And using English when referring e to the bible is as stupid as your post, it’s been very baldy mistranslated so all your points are like you redundant, repugnant and useless

2 years ago
Reply to  444gem

The wise men were never named in The Bible nor does it say how many there were.

2 years ago
Reply to  444gem

I read the texts in Hebrew, Greek,
and Latin. I only quote in English here and then explain underlying meanings apparent from source texts, as the vast majority of readers here do not speak any of those three ancient languages.

There are many meanings of words, yes. The etymological root, and not references to other modern uses of a word, most often explains a names true meaning. Balthazar is indeed “One who protects the king”

And you make no mention of why you choose Asquith? I assure my understanding of the name Asquith as written above is factual.

As per usual, those seduced by the beast lie, deflect, and insult…

Balthazar Asquith
Balthazar Asquith
2 years ago
Reply to  444gem

It’s my f*****g name you c**t lol that’s why. What a cretin, go back to the hole in the ground you live with your mother still. Child

Stephen Roney
Stephen Roney
2 years ago
Reply to  444gem

I’m wondering if the 666 could have come about by the Romans throwing dice and the 1st to get 3 6s in a row or by getting 3 6s on 3 separate dice simoltanously was the one that won Christ’s cloak, and was cursed from the cross of by God? Just thinking out loud.

10 months ago
Reply to  444gem

 I read the Bible and Ancient texts in Hebrew, Greek, and Latin

Interesting, you are not the genius type so maybe you got the help of familiar spirits to translate it. I have read they can help the one the possess to understand many languages.

2 years ago

Some have suggested that 616 is the real number. However, the majority of almost 300 Greek manuscripts, including the oldest and most valued, along with the evidence of early church writings and translations, all stand together as a great witness to the authenticity of 666 against a rather small set of four manuscripts and one early writer that make their claim for 616. Not to mention there is currently one vacant seat out of 679 in the European Union. Seat #666. They’re waiting for somebody to fill it.

Balthazar Asquith
Balthazar Asquith
2 years ago
Reply to  Dan

Yeah but the bible wasn’t written in Greek originally so your point is as valid as the whole post, as in its not

Balthazar Asquith
Balthazar Asquith
2 years ago
Reply to  Dan

I never said there were three wise men I know the number of three is wrong, but at least three of them were named. If you are going to correct someone do it properly if not you come across like the cretin who posted this s**t to start with. Do your f*****g research

2 years ago
Reply to  Dan

I can tell you’re living a deviant lifestyle devoid of any reverence for the God of the Bible. The alcohol reference to your name supposedly and the endless profanity. You’re mad at God and only here to be the loudest guy in the room. Money is most likely your god but you can always turn it around.

2 years ago
Reply to  Dan

Give me the verse in which they were named instead of cursing. Maybe that would make you more credible. Sorry the Catholic Church made those names up. But you’re not going to see me dropping f bombs over a disagreement. Best of luck.

2 years ago

Thank you 444gem. This is all very enlightening. Your onservation of the newspaper from 12 monkeys is quite incredible. The layers of predictive programming are terrifying. The ‘woo’ is deep as Clif would say. Awaiting the next instalent with anticipation.

2 years ago
Reply to  TimTom

There are some more very obvious surface level nuggets in 12 Monkeys That are specifically written with foreknowledge of COVID-19:

1) At Dr. Railly’s (the psychiatrist and eventual lover of Bruce Willis) Book signing, the very first scene is a man holding her book called “the apocalypse syndrome” in close up of his face and the book. The man, whom never again appears in the film, says “you better get vaccinated” grins into the camera creepily, and walks off. Vaccinations are never mentioned again in the film either.

2. In the movie theater scene where Willis and Railly are disguising themselves at a rundown theater playing a Hitchcock about fake deaths, Willis states: “I’ve seen this movie before and it seemed different. But it’s not the movie that changes, it’s our perspective because of what we know now.” It is out of context, stands alone, and he is clearly talking to the audience.

3. Right before Brice Willis is to die trying to futilely stop the pandemic (which he himself has said is a futile mission since the start) one of his companions from 2035 appears and shoves a gun into his hand. The companion leaves hurridely. Willis then looks at the gun and says “I get it now. All this has nothing to do with the virus, it’s about following the rules”

3. I did not mention it in the article, but obviously this newspaper in the film that is connected to Astroworld foretells two exact things about COVID:

1) that Covid would originate supposedly with a mutated bat. Even in the film the origin of the virus is an animal testing virology lab.

2) the newspaper photo is of bat boy, an obscure tabloid hoax from 1990 about a mutated bat/human chimera found underground. It was of course the brunt of jokes at the time, but it’s placement in 12 monkeys implies that the elites had already planned (in 1995) to use a lab mutated bat Coronavirus, and then to falsely claim it came from a natural mutation of bat to human chimera virus.

J ah weh
J ah weh
2 years ago

2 years ago
Reply to  J ah weh

JW are a cult.

Jay J
Jay J
10 months ago

What happens Easter 2030?
Thank you.

8 months ago

Nimrod is the beast