
Beta-kitten Ariana Grande: a compilation

Ariana Grande is a former Nickelodeon child star who could have had a stellar career on Broadway but ended up in the hands of no other than Dan Schneider. Used to extreme sexualization early on, this girl of Italian descent seemed to be a perfect candidate for a beta kitten. Fast forward to now, this woman is mentally unstable, unrecognizable and unpredictable — sadly, like all child stars and beta girls we’ve seen on VC. Let us analyze some pictures to see whether we can find familiar patterns.

This is Ariana Grande before:
And this is her recent picture for her cosmetics company.

The difference is staggering to say the least, but we’ll tackle plastic surgery later. Here, I’d rather pay attention to the eyes. VC has a great article on Amanda Bynes and how kind and intelligent she used to look. Ariana’s transgressions are giving me the same vibe.

Let us start from the beginning: Nickelodeon. This is what a Dan Schneider show looks like.

Once Ariana was done with Nick, she launched a solo career. This is what the adults came up with to promote her first album. The cover was later changed due to massive fan outcry.

One could argue she could not shake off the Cat Valentine persona she had on Nick, but the reality is that this was the persona her managers wanted to sell. A doe-eyed child doing pin-up. 
Was she a consenting adult when these pictures were taken? Yes. Did people try to make it look like she was? I doubt that.

To close off her failed pin-up era, here’s a picture of Ari as Dorothy. The Wizard of Oz is one of the most important work of programming for MK slaves, and for Grande it meant more trauma and dissociation to come in the future.

Once the pin-up era was over, blatant sexualization began. It all started with checkered/black-and-white Masonic dresses. Initially I thought the dress she wore to promote her single Problem was the only she had, but take a look at this.

These are clearly different dresses.

By the way, this is the Problem music video that I mentioned.

Aaaaand enter cat ears.

You clearly cannot beta without cat ears.

As a woman, I personally find this picture particularly upsetting.

You can’t spell sexualization without latex (apparently). This is the cover of her Dangerous Woman album. At the moment of the release, the woman in question was 23 years old.

She even starred in Zoolander 2 like this.

What else do we know about betas? Leopard print, of course. You got it.

These two are recent.

One can argue that wearing leopard print doesn’t necessarily make you a slave — hell no, of course it doesn’t, and I’m not accusing anybody. All I am doing is simply paying attention and putting two and two together.

What about butterflies, you ask? Not much. She has Monarch butterfly tattoes that she’s been getting rid of ever since she’s gotten married, a filter she used extensively during quarantine and a picture from a Victoria’s Secret show.

I’d say Ariana doesn’t like to show off Monarch butterflies to avoid association with Mariah Carey, but that is just my guess.

Do I have examples for trauma, dissociation and humiliation? Yes I do.

In 2017, a bomb attack was carried out at her concert, leaving 23 people killed and a thousand injured. For the victims’ sake, please let me refrain from commenting on the event itself. Ever since, Ariana struggled with PTSD, depression and dissociation.

Her identities presented in the No Tears Left to Cry MV.

Dissociation represented in the Breathing MV.

The album she released following the attack (by the way, her manager made her continue the tour despite the PTSD right away) featured an upside-down picture of Ariana with?

You got it. Bleached hair.

Her former fiance Pete Davidson, now associated with the Kardashian crowd, followed suit. 

As if the Manchester bombing, failed engagement and the death of her ex Mac Miller from a fentanyl overdose wasn’t enough, Ariana was very publicly grabbed at the Aretha Franklin funeral.

All in all, what do we have today? A woman that is completely unrecognizable. Trauma and neurosis left Ariana irrelevant, unrelatable and unable to take control of her life, so she takes it all out on her face and her body. Rumors say, her husband, who is in real estate, is controlling and is yet to show his true face. I personally sense a handler who’s encouraging her self-deprecation.

The question is, should we be surprised?

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3 years ago

The husband is probably the new handler.

Great compilation. I like these.

2 years ago
Reply to  WillieJonesJr

Gosh I didn’t thought about it that way I find it all so sad..

3 years ago


3 years ago

This was a very well written piece! I actually had to check and see if it was by VC himself, well done! I would love to see more analysis from you in the future.

3 years ago

Good collection. It is not a woman, though.

3 years ago
Reply to  freetoday

A tiny tiny little boy

Now the brother, he’s a piece of work. Hes a failed child actor, a drug addict.

2 years ago

yep, that’s a dude. The ultimate deception.

2 years ago

She is a dude?

2 years ago
Reply to  Darfer

No, she’s a born female it’s very obvious, from childhood pics to now etc.. some people believe that every women ever is now a trans… Not the case with every single female out there, she’s clearly a woman, there’s pictures you can see her female pelvis and you can tell she’s a woman… The whole trans thing happens but not everybody is a trans people need to remember that lol

2 years ago

Nice job, well done.

She was extremely under dressed to perform at that funeral, and the way that old perv Clinton was leering at her was sickening.

2 years ago
Reply to  Turitelle

The only thing Clinton seems to have in his mind is sex and harrassing women

2 years ago

Guys, Ariana happens to be a female, it’s just very obvious, don’t fall for the hoaxes.. this article is nice. I just disagree with the irrelevant part… Considering she’s huge and her fan following is huge too, last time I checked she was the most followed woman on Instagram. I think her pact is doing what is supposed to do…. Idk what pact she made but hers must be like Taylor Swift’s, they’re more successful than other mind controlled pop artists.
No tears left to cry scene made it so clear… There’s so much out there it’s hard to say, I just feel sorry when I see her as a kid and to see that she became and enslaved soul … It’s sad. I hope she finds God one day

1 month ago

We all should have compassion for the fact that there’s serious evidence that Ariana is an MK ULTRA sex slave. God only knows what she has gone through