
A Meditation on Narnian Snow | Blog & Mablog (

Some hopeful musings to bring us through the Christmas Season, despite the awful headlines.

All Glory to God on high.


“When you ask yourself what kind of world your grandchildren are going to grow up in, the answer is that they are going to grow up in the same kind of world that you did. The world is fallen, and broken, and there are dragons to fight. But every detail of every battle is written by the finger of God.

“You say that Big Tech has algorithms that track every key stroke? But that is an omniscience made out of three feet of brown wrapping paper, after it has been wadded up. God is the omniscient one. God is the one who knows every blink of every eye, the position and velocity of all the atoms in every one of Jupiter’s moons, the flight path of every meadowlark, the number of seconds that Joe Biden has left on this earth, and how many hairs there are on the back of that stray yellow dog.

“What about their aspirations to omnipotence? Our globalists, our pretenders to the throne, our vaunted lords of the earth, are like a child in a plastic car that is part of a ride at the county fair. The steering wheel is there, and the child gets to turn it this way and that way, and can feel very grown up and self-important—but the car still rides on the rails appointed. Hamlet spoke a wisdom that is far beyond these petulant children when he said, “There’s a divinity that shapes our ends, rough-hew them how we will.” God is the Almighty one, and He is the only Almighty one. It does not matter how many impudent sinners puff out their chests and announce their plans to throw snowballs at the sun, or rocks at the moon. The one in Heaven laughs, He holds them in derision. Now if He holds them in derision, and we are His sons and daughters, shouldn’t we laugh also? Dutiful children always laugh when their father laughs.

“But omnipresence is the true comfort. This is because God is everywhere present, but this does not mean that God is stretched out over the cosmos, with a little part of Him everywhere. No, the doctrine of omnipresence means that all of God is in every place. And for the Christian, this ever-present God, this all-in God, is a Father. He is a Father, and He is a good Father. He is not domesticated, and He doesn’t fit in with any of the current globalist plans, and so much the worse for those globalist plans.”

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1 year ago

Amen, amen!

1 year ago

Thank you very much, for sharing!

1 year ago

I briefly read the linked article for context. Thank you for posting, this is just what I needed tonight!