
A Salute To The Unvaccinated

A news anchor named Brad Wylder provides a very powerful message about the importance of standing your ground in life, especially when the masses begin doing things that go against your beliefs or values.

Speaking about citizens worldwide who refused to bow down to the massive Covid-19 vaccination program, the reporter said, “They did what others could not. They were the tree that stood the hurricane of insults, discrimination and social exclusion. They did it because they thought they were alone and they believed they were the only ones.”

He continued, “Banned from their family’s tables at Christmas, they never saw anything so cruel. They lost their jobs, let their careers sink, had no more money, but they didn’t care. They suffered immeasurable discrimination, denunciation, betrayal and humiliation, but they kept on going.”

“Now, we all know who are the best on the planet Earth,” the anchor told viewers. “Men, women, young, old, rich, poor of all races or religions, the unvaccinated, the chosen of the invisible Ark, the only ones who managed to resist when everything collapsed.”

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2 years ago

I am glad we stood our ground and went through the greatest pressure test ever. It was not easy being judged for my decision, but praise the Lord, I wasn’t alone otherwise I would have been easily sucuumb to taking this. Almost everyone I know who took this have gotten covid and a few even got vaccine injured. Thankfully most of them have come to realize this is not safe and effective after all. Meanwhile, there are a few who continues to be willfully blind. Anyways I hope the truth will come out soon!

Last edited 2 years ago by sesamegreene
2 years ago

Interesting. My partner read something similar to me the other day and this is almost word for word – from a french general. He supposedly said it in a speech to a crowd but I couldn’t find it. Then I couldn’t find any reference to him.

Yeah stand your ground – this is not over yet.

2 years ago
Reply to  Rosey

Odd that it is word for word don’t you think? Always suspicious of such things. It’s a flattering message that implies this is over. It is far from it.

2 years ago
Reply to  Rosey

I agree and think that they will get the essential ingredients into us by any means they must. We may resist but it will just be delivered by some other method. They congratulate and inflate our egos and make us think it is done while they prepare to continue to taint our food, air and water. Stupid bovines.

2 years ago

There is going to be bedlam when the general public figures out they have duped.
Yet they are still vaccinating 6 months olds. Pure evil

2 years ago

? got halfway through the video, cant tell if its a joke, why the mass sudden change in narrative, no way this isn’t part of the plan

i dont want or need to have any ‘news anchor’ or anyone else raise me up on a pedestal for not getting the shot, this just seems too over the top

2 years ago
Reply to  matt

It does feel that way a little bit.

2 years ago

Wait, what?
That’s clearly satire lol

2 years ago

Yes yes, please keep stroking my ego. We still have a lot more things to say NO to. Taxes are a huge one. I’ve been really struggling with that one. Every purchase you make, remember that money is being stolen from you. Every time you update permits and get “permission” to drive a vehicle, your dignity and time are being stolen from you. You’re being told YOU ARE A SLAVE, KISS THE RING.

2 years ago
Reply to  stevencasteel

Lay off the crack pipe, Steven.

2 years ago
Reply to  Serendipitous

I agree with Steven on this.

2 years ago

Um, thanks I guess?

2 years ago

He’s addressing – and talking about – the self-selected control group, that the profiteers have done their best to eliminate. The UNcontaminated-donated-blood supply is much diminished for us now… banked blood is not being separated by Vx status… so this is yet another good reason for our community to sync-up & band together outside of the mainstream ConMedpHARMafia system.

2 years ago
Reply to  amaragrace

so true… I’m pretty sure they’ve been doing more with our blood than we can imagine. Do y’all realize how much blood is actually needed for any of these blood tests we get?! Far less than even ONE of those vials they take! Don’t even get me started on donating…

Unfortunately, we’ve ALL been doing what they wanted us to, for the most part…

2 years ago

I lost my job for not taking the shot and I will never take it. I put my Faith in the Lord! That shot or the Doctor can’t save me if it is my time to go home!!!

2 years ago

Thank God the truth is finally coming out. Study after study has now proven the COVID Vaccine does NOT prevent transmission of COVID. Pheizer recently admitted they never even tested for its ability to prevent transmission of COVID, only for its effect on the disease should one contract it. Dr Birx of the CDC even publicly admitted they KNEW the Vaccine would not prevent transmission of COVID before it was ever released.

Yet we were LIED TO and told we must take it to “prevent the spread”. We endured Draconian Vaccine mandates, shaming and threats for our “non-compliance”, loss of jobs and military careers, and loss of our Rights, including Freedom of speech to talk about it.

This is Tyrannical control by a radicalized Extreme Leftist Government with a very nefarious agenda, obviously in league with the Globalist Elite’s Great Reset (“Build Back Better” sound familiar?).
Those who complied and took this dangerous jab, if they survived it, are destined to suffer life-long ill effects, from sterility to a damaged immune system, to neurological damage and heart problems, to a shortened life span. Obviously that meets the Globalist Elite’s’ goal of decreasing the world population-preferably of those who don’t share their Communist ideological beliefs.

These are perilous times and we must be vigilant in dodging the bullets coming from the Radical Leftist Regime in Washington. Refusing the COVID Vaccine was a start. Hopefully those with intelligence, courage, integrity, power, and influence who are on the Right Side of Humanity will rise up and defeat this dangerous regime. Liberty is but a heartbeat away.